I.    I Open My Mind to Prosperity

  1. I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. I bless persons and conditions as channels of my prosperity, but God is the Source of my supply. God provides His own amazing channels of supply to me now.

  2. I am the rich child of a loving Father so I dare to prosper now.

II.    I Cleanse My Mind for Prosperity

  1. I dissolve in my own mind, and in the minds of all others, any idea that my own can be withheld from me. No person, thing or event can keep that from me which the universe has for me now.

  2. My financial income cannot be limited now. The rich substance of the universe now frees me from all financial limitation.

  3. I know that release is magnetic. Through the act of release, I draw to myself my own. I now fully and freely release. I loose and let go. I let go and grow. I let go and trust.

  4. I now let go worn-out things, worn-out conditions, worn-out relationships. Divine order is now established and maintained in me and in my world.

  5. All that has offended me, I forgive. Within and without, I forgive. Things past, things present, things future, I forgive. I forgive everything and every body who can possibly need forgiveness of the past or present. I forgive positively everyone. I am free and they are free, also. All things are cleared up between us now and forever.

III. Get Definite about Prosperity So That Prosperity Can Get Definite About Me

  1. Vast improvement comes quickly in every phase of my life now. Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better for me now.

  2. I invite the wealth of the universe to manifest riches in my financial income now. I am rich in mind and manifestation now.

  3. I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed, and transported with the rich substance of the universe now.

  4. I have a large, steady, dependable, permanent financial income now. Every day in every way I am growing more and more financially prosperous now.

  5. Large sums of money, big happy financial surprises, and rich appropriate gifts now come to me under grace in perfect ways for my personal use, and I use them wisely.

  6. I give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income now.

  7. I use the positive power of the Christ Mind with wisdom, love and good judgment in handling all my financial affairs now.

  8. I am rich, well and happy and every phase of my life is in divine order now.

  9. I praise my world now. My world is full of charming people who now lovingly help me in every way.

 10. I praise my financial income now. All the wealth of the universe that has not come to me in the past is manifesting riches for me now.

 11. The enormous sums of money that are mine by divine right now manifest for me quickly, easily and in peace.

 12. Divine love, working through substance, prospers my financial affairs making me free, rich and financially independent now. I am financially independent now.
I AM !   I AM  !  I AM  !

 13. I give thanks for the immediate complete payment of all financial obligations now, quickly, easily and in peace.

 14. I am receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has for me now.

 15. All the wealth that the universe has for me now comes to me speedily, richly, freely. My own true wealth now comes to me quickly, easily and in peace.

IV. I Invoke “Ten, The Magic Number of Increase”

  1. Since giving is the first step in receiving, my giving makes me rich.

  2. I bless all that I have and all that I hope to have now. I bless all that I have and look with wonder at its increase now.

  3. Voluntary, faithful tithing of my whole income now activates the law of ever-increasing prosperity for me. I now tithe my way to prosperity.

  4. I freely give my tenth to God and I reap a hundredfold increase. (Mark 4:8 & 20)

  5. I now tithe to the spiritual organizations (or individuals in spiritual work) from which I am receiving help and inspiration.

  6. I now move forward into my expanded good divinely directed and lavishly prospered. All things conform to the right thing for me now, quickly, easily and in peace.

  7. I am now guided into my true place with the true people and with the true prosperity quickly, easily and in peace. I am now come into an innumerable company of angels.

List Your Desires Below:

Cross off as they manifest and add new ones. This is the way to get results.

1. List what you want to eliminate from your life:

2. List what you want to manifest in your life:

3. List what you now have to be thankful for:

(c) Copyrighted 1971 by Catherine Ponder


Dr. Edward Howell in 1920 was licensed in Illinois to practice medicine. Dr. Howell studied how enzymes from fresh fruits and vegetables healed sick patients he was attending. He advocated Serrapeptase and Nattokinase which are enzymes that have healing properties. Many people today are suffering from Leukocytosis, which is a raised white blood cell count above the normal range.

According to Wikipedia: “Leukocytosis is very common in acutely ill patients. It occurs in response to a wide variety of conditions, including viral, bacterial,fungal, or parasitic infection, cancer, hemorrhage, and exposure to certain medications or chemicals including steroids. Leukocytosis can also be the first indication of neoplastic growth of leukocytes.”

What can we do to make sure we do not have a raised white blood cell count? Introducing Peak Enzymes which are formulated by Troy Auppele. Troy is an athlete that has scaled the 7 highest peaks on all 7 continents. He also won the Rim to Rim Competition in Arizona at age 40.

Whole Wellness Club now has the best available enzymes on the market. You will notice the improvement in your health within a few days. Enzymes are the key to long life. The ingredients are from Japan and are the highest quality on the market. The digestive enzymes are taken with a meal. These enzymes will aid with gastrointestinal health which is also known as your digestive system. The price of one bottle of digestive enzymes is $28.

The systemic enzymes are taken at night before bed and will help the body clean your blood, strengthen your immune system, fight viruses, and slows fibrosis. The health benefits of both of these enzymes will take some stress off your pancreas. Many people today that have a poor diet that includes too much sugar have a large pancreas. The price of one bottle of systemic enzymes is $58. You can order the digestive and systemic enzymes now. Go to my website and call me if you have any questions. Whole Wellness Club Enzymes

Life is good. We had our last really warm day even though it is officially fall. I put the fans away tonight and don’t think I will need them again this year as we are nearing October 1. We had an incredible summer here and I see the results when I go pick fresh apples and pears off the trees in the back yard.

God is so good to us. I just got in from Wednesday night prayer meeting. It is such a nice break during the stress of the work week to spend an hour in prayer and Bible Study with fellow believers. God knows every need there is and we are so blessed in our country here. Praise the Lord. We have an evangelist coming to town this Friday and he will put on a 3 day spiritual revival. I hope some people come that I have invited. We have a soul that needs to be nourished just like our body needs physical food.

I had one of those moments today when you know you are doing what you love to do. I get paid to help others improve their health. Now I can help others build an income that is much more predictable than the stock market or bond investments. All of the years of motivational tapes and conference calls listening to the gurus has paid off for me. It is all about having a product that you are passionate about and will share with others. Our attitude and actions are what brings the results. If I get up everyday with gratitude and a positive outlook, I will attract people that want the freedom we have being our own boss.

Mandura paid me 5 out of the 20 bonus pools available and I just started about 23 days ago. The weekly pay checks into the bank are great. How many people out there are on fixed incomes and need extra money every month? Mandura is the opportunity for people as it only cost $30 for one bottle to secure a spot. The income starts coming in to the new person’s bank account in just over 2 weeks. Mandura is the opportunity for people to help themselves in our current economy.

In my opinion, I live in one of the world’s nicest areas. It is cooling down now and breaking out the light sweaters is nice. We have the 2010 Winter Olympics coming right across the border in Vancouver, British Columbia in just a few months. This whole region is just buzzing with excitement. I cannot wait for Mandura to open across the border.

You may have to go through many prospects to find one solid worker but that is all you need to grow a great business here. If I get 5 negative answers today it will not cause me to stop looking for a prospect. I will move on to search out the next person I can begin a dialogue with and break the news to them about a straight down matrix that pays everyone for the entire company volume.

Please read Dr. Tom Barrett’s books:

Dare to Dream and Work to Win

Success Happens

and Michael Oliver’s Natural Selling

The record heat we had this summer has created a bumper crop of broccoli, chard, corn, green beans, peppers, and yukon gold potatoes. It takes all I have physically to keep up with harvest. I can post articles on my blog more frequently after the harvest is over.

I was thinking about a statement our Naturopathic Doctor James Chappell recently stated. He leads us on a weekly health series called “Know Your Options”. He said that ONLY SICK PEOPLE GET SICK. Here are the main points to stay healthy so you won’t get sick:

1. Be careful about what  you eat. Your body needs nutrients from plant based foods.
2. Make sure you are drinking one half your ideal body weight in water each day.
3. Get daily exercise and sunshine. The fresh air and movement helps the blood circulate through the body.
4. Get proper sleep
5. Avoid alcohol and tobacco

I have not been sick in years. I follow the above principles to the best of my ability. In the summer, I am outside most of the time. In the winter, I like to go ice skating. I put on my hiking boots all year and go for a 40 minute walk to the river early in the morning to stimulate the blood and keep the weight off.

Had a great summer Sunday on 16. August 2009 and went to a picnic on Lake Padden in Whatcom County, Washington. I decided to do some observing and will share some thoughts about a serious problem we all face in the world today.

People like to grill meat outside in the summer. They also like to eat potato chips and other food items that are loaded with sugar like cake, pies, chocolate and candy. I noticed that people that were overweight were eating hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips. They also went back for seconds. Why are they needing to eat so much?

The reason is nutrition. Our body tells us we are hungry when in fact we are starving for nutrients. You cannot get nutrition from eating dead animal products that are loaded with nitrates. The body needs nutrients that fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains have. This group of overweight people also were drinking sodas all day. Soda has acid in it. Just read the label. This acid causes disease over time. So the overweight group of people are eating dead food with no nutrition and then they drink a beverage loaded with acid. This is inviting serious illness into the body. Time will tell.

There was another group of people that chose the vegetable platters and salads. The people eating these foods were proper weight. They also were drinking water. I did not see any of these people continually going back for seconds and thirds. This tells me that their bodies were getting nutrients from the food they ate.

Most of the people that ate the unhealthy food sat on the ground or in their chairs and enjoyed being outside on such a nice summer day. The lake is very scenic and we worship the outdoors here in Washington in the summer. I asked if anyone wanted to play softball and not one of the overweight crowd came along. We managed to get a softball game going with the younger people and several folks in their 50’s who have taken care of themselves. I fall into that later category and do exercises each morning to stay in shape and to be able to run on short notice. Hamstring stretches are wise to do all year as well as sit-ups and push ups.

How can we get the word out to the group that is overweight that eating dead animals that have nitrates in the food is unhealthy? How can we tell them that drinking several cans of acidic soda each day will ruin their health?


Here is a great detox and fast that will help you cleanse your body. I found this recipe on Danny Viera’s Elijah Prophecy newsletter that I subscribe to each week. His website is Modern Manna

In a large container ( at least one gallon) add:

Quarter Cup of Fresh Lemon Juice
Quarter Cup of Pure, Raw Honey
Add small amount of cayenne
One gallon of Pure Water

Shake Well. Drink eight ounces per hour throughout the day until empty. Repeat for total of 3 days. Drink one gallon per day. You will experience an incredible cleansing and be able to focus better.

Just had a recent check up at Seattle VA last week and am pleased to share how a healthy lifestyle can keep you in great shape. The triage nurse measured my blood pressure at 117 over 63. My pulse was 68. I had just walked close to a half mile from the Metro bus stop by Jefferson Park golf course through the back side of the hospital, up a flight of steep stairs and proceeded to the clinic.

My results are a combination of the following:

1) Daily exercise that includes a 40 minute walk, exercise ball, yoga, and inversion table
2) Vegetarian diet of fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains
3) Plenty of alkaline water

Have been blessed to be affiliated with Mandura for 7 months now and am so thankful for a new way the company is showing others how to help those less fortunate. Mandura participates in a program called Kids Against Hunger. You can raise money for your church by being involved in the program. An adult has to manage the account. Every single product that is purchased from Mandura actually helps the overall project since the company donates one meal to the program for each product that is purchased by the members. You can learn more at my website here: Kids Against Hunger

Just finished a great week of vacation right here at the beautiful small farm God has loaned me while I am walking on this earth. There are three areas where I raise organic vegetables and 9 fruit trees. My vacation was spent watering and weeding all of the 2,000 square feet of the garden. I dropped a few pounds so if anyone wants to come and eat healthy and lose weight, give me a call. Your body will love the fresh country air and sunshine of the Pacific Northwest in July.

Learned some more simple ideas for people that are either current or former cancer patients. Try Natural Healing before doing Chemotherapy because your cancer could be reduced if you eliminate the cause. Chemotherapy can destroy your bodies immune system. Natural Healing is safer and works towards eliminating the conditions in which the cancer thrives. If you are dehydrated and not having a bowel movement shortly after each meal you eat each day, you are toxic. If you are eating a typical American diet of animal products loaded with fat, your blood glucose levels are too high and cancer thrives in sugar. You also are probably minerally deficient on that typical American diet.

1) Detoxify the body with colon and soft tissue cleansing tea

2) Hydrate the body with alkaline water that has a negative ionic charge

3) Remineralize the body with alkaline balance complete whole foods minerals

4) Moderate your blood glucose levels with Cinnamon Six

You can learn more at my Naturopathic Health Products website.

More and more people are asking what is the advantage of drinking alkaline water that has a negative ionic charge? Real Water Concentrate is a product that will make your own water a negative charge and bring the alkalinity up to at least 8.5 on a pH scale. I found some of the most common responses that Dr. Chappell has mentioned and will share them here:

1) Penetrates cell membranes and removes toxins while hydrating your cells
2) Neutralizes Chlorine and negative ions neutralize free radicals so there is an anti-oxidant property
3) Assists body in detoxification process
4) Makes your water taste better
5) Helps deliver nutrients to your cells
6) Helps increase Alkalinity level in your body
7) Your own water becomes premium water by using the Concentrate
8) Treat over 7.5 gallons with one four ounce bottle of the Concentrate
9) Portable as you can take the little bottle anywhere you go
10) You do not have to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive machine that may not hold its negative charge for more than a day

I have been using the Real Water Concentrate for almost one year. Every evening, I treat some twice filtered well water in containers that I refrigerate with an eye dropper full of the concentrate.

How can you get a bottle of Real Water? Contact Me

Do you have a Twitter account but need to learn how to find and attract people to your business? I have learned a few things about using Twitter and will share what has helped me with my Internet Marketing.

1) Post interesting articles about how to get benefits or improve a situation. I am in the alternative health field. I post articles like this one:

Do you know anyone that loses Energy During the Day? Feel 20 Years Younger with Peak Enzymes

Then place a link to your Linkbee Account. If you don’t have a Linkbee account, you need one because it is a referral income stream and shortens your urls.  You can get one here for free: Linkbee

DO NOT blast ads to your Twitter followers. They will unsubscribe from you. Share how you can help them save money or improve something in their lives.

2) Create a Twellow account for free. Twellow is a directory, search and yellow pages of Twitter users. You can do a targeted search for people in many categories. Find people in your category and add them to your following on Twitter. Being proactive pays in building your following.

3) Tweetdeck is an application that updates every minute or so. There is a slight owl sound every minute or so. If I am doing several posts on Twitter, Tweetdeck is very handy. You can also group your contacts into a special group. That has many implications for working with team members and other management functions.

4) Tweetlater is another application for managing Twitter posts. You can also earn referral income by sharing your affiliate link to the public.

Found a neat way to put your website to work for you and earn you some money. Become a publisher by hosting Chitika Ads on your website. Find out more at this website: Chitika Ads

We had another excellent call last night with the Whole Wellness Club’s spokesperson Dr. Chappell. He covered a broad range of interesting topics including Microwave ovens. Microwave ovens radiate your food and cause a shift in the polarity of cells in your food. This process destroys the water soluble nutrients. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are altered into cancerous free radicals. The end result is a rapid increase in colon cancer in America.

You can do a blood analysis and you will see that your blood has carcinogenic and toxic cells after your blood has processed foods that have been microwaved. I am selling my microwave and eating raw or steamed vegetables and fruits.