Was on a conference call recently with Troy Aupperle and learned how you can get up to 70 percent of your energy back by using Peak Enzymes. Imagine how much better you would feel by getting back the energy your body is currently using to digest your food. Just think about how much better your body will break down the nutrients from the fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes from your diet.
One other important point Troy made was it is essential for your body that you drink plenty of water ever day so the body can expel toxins. Many people feel sick and ill due to toxic build up in their cells. You can listen to the latest recorded call with Troy here:
Peak Enzymes
Whole Wellness Club is all about becoming healthy, feeling well, and sharing a good thing with those you love and have a relationship with now. Find out more about how our company can help you achieve health and wellness and some extra income for simply sharing a good thing: Whole Wellness Club
Whole Wellness Club is now sharing the world’s best enzymes to improve your health and help you feel 20 years younger. You can try a 3 day sample package of both the Digestive and Systemic Enzymes for just $10 shipped to your door.
Peak Enzymes are formulated by Troy Aupperle. He mentioned that a leading company’s digestive enzymes product has half the amount of digestive enzymes as the Peak Enzymes ‘With’ product. Whole Wellness Club’s product is priced the same. As a club member, you also get referral commissions on any people you share the product with whereas the other company does not pay for referrals. If you would like to purchase a money saving package of Digestive and Systemic Enzymes and be eligible for referral income, go to my site here: Whole Wellness Club
Whole Wellness Club is giving its distributors the ability to better manage their team in the company matrix. Beginning December 1, a distributor will be able to replace inactive members and place a new distributor. Distributors will be able to see how much volume is in your matrix at midnight on each night of the month. Join Chuck Dhuey and John Rosanbalm on the call on Tuesday night at 8 pm Eastern time. Dial in number is 775-335-3180 and enter bridge number 530312# sign when prompted. Details can be found online and you can listen to the call via the webcast at this site: Whole Wellness Club
Peak Enzymes
Peak Enzymes recorded calls with Troy Aupperle are available to listen to below this post. Troy is the CEO of Enzymology Research Labs, Inc.
Peak Enzymes are the best value systemic & digestive enzymes on the market. Troy has consulted with several doctors who have done extensive research on enzymes. Dr. Howell was the pioneer in enzyme studies. Dr. Norman Walker also advocated enzyme supplementation. Dr. Ralph Halsworth has written several journals about enzymes recently.
Here are our recent conference calls with Peak Enzymes formulator.
Extend Your Lifespan
Impact of Peak Enzymes
Introducing Peak Enzymes
Troy Aupperle-Peak Enzymes Formulator
Ultimate Immune Booster
You can find out more on my website here: Peak Enzymes
Daniel Parsons
Here is my update after using Whole Wellness Club’s Peak Enzymes for around 50 days now. I notice my appetite is not as much as before. I have learned that when you eat nutritious foods, your body signals when it is full.
By taking one digestive enzyme before my meal with 6 ounces of water about 5 minutes before a meal, my digestion is much better. The body is not having to work as hard to break down the food.
My bowel movements are very regular. I have at least three per day and usually right before or shortly after having eaten a meal. There is no struggle with the bowel either.
The nutrients from my diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes is getting into the blood stream more efficiently and this is getting nutrition to the cellular level.
I drink a gallon of distilled water daily to help this whole process work more efficiently. Every person that I talk to about the enzymes is getting a similar result. I like the fact that my body is being nourished as I age. My diet was not the best from the 1970’s until around 1994 when I started to take better care of myself.
My energy level during the day is steady. I worked out in the garden yesterday pulling up all of the corn stalks and did not get tired. I have made a slight adjustment in how I take the systemic enzymes. Instead of taking all three at night, I take 2 at bedtime with 6 ounces of water.
I wake up at 04:40 to get the day started and exercise so that is a perfect time to take my remaining systemic enzymes. It has about 2 hours to go to work before I eat my breakfast. This way the systemic enzymes are working in my blood almost 24 hours a day.
One thing I have noticed recently is that I needed a little more sleep than normal. I raised money on Veteran’s Day for Disabled American Veterans local Chapter 19 in Bellingham, Washington. I picked up a cold and had minor runny nose but no severe cold symptoms. I believe the combination of the enzymes cleaning my blood and the Alligin product that boosts the immune system kept me from getting very sick.
It could also be a case of my immune system needing a little more rest. I am on track to get back into being in the office ready to go at 08:00 for the remainder of the week. Find out more about Peak Enzymes here: Peak Enzymes
Whole Wellness Club (WWC) now has Global Cash Cards available for members. There is a one time $10 fee for the card. There is a $3.95 monthly fee for overseas members. There is no charge for members in North America. Having the Global Cash Card debit card will mean our members can receive their commissions by the 5th of the month.
Whole Wellness Club is a real business that empowers members to have their own online health food store at your fingertips. Find out more about how our products are priced at similar pricing for similar quality products you can find locally. Our advantage is paying commissions for referrals. Click here for more details: Whole Wellness Club
Coming soon to WWC will be the Payoneer debit card. This card is free to members. There will be minor monthly fees associated with Payoneer cards. In the future, a third option will be available. Towah Cards will be a debit card that will have a bank account attached. Subscribe to my blog for updates as they are released from the owners of WWC.
Another really good day today as God provides and all that is required of me is suit up and show up. Was up at 04:30 and took care of business and drove down to Everett to get on commuter rail into Seattle. You can actually travel faster on public transit than you can driving yourself.
I took care of business and started to come back up to the Canadian border where I live. Wal Mart built a huge new store about 40 miles south of my farm in Mt. Vernon. I needed some supplies so I stopped in. Found some really good bargains and decided to get myself a new cd player since my older one no longer is working properly. I actually found a cd player that also is am/fm stereo and has a cassette tape player. I still have many good tapes so this unit is really handy. Listening to some Asian meditation right now and my siamese cat is beside himself listening to all of the bird chirp noises from the music.
Got home and had a couple of voice mails and an email box slam full of messages. I received word that I passed the Hubspot Inbound Marketing Professional Certification. I have a neat pdf file now to give out to clients when they ask about credentials. Also posted the certification on my sites and blogs. Time you spend online learning how to do marketing is well worth the effort when you can pass that simple exam. Click the IMU link if you want to learn more about Inbound Marketing University.
Are you drinking coffee and soda every day? Did you know that your body is craving water. Our body is 70 percent water. All your cells need water to work properly. The immune system needs water. If you are not drinking enough water, your immune system weakens and you will be prone to illness.
Sugar is another issue in regard to your health. Sugar weakens the immune system as well. Ever notice how some people never get sick and others are getting the next cold or flu bug going around? More than likely, that person is drinking sodas loaded with sugar and caffeine. Caffeine also weakens your immune system.
A tip if you want to make that change and move towards a healthier body. Slowly decrease your intake of caffeine. I did when I quit coffee and soda in 2000. I was doing a pot of coffee at home and then had some when I was out in social settings. I cut my consumption down by one fourth and in four weeks, I was caffeine free. Same principle applies with sugar. I eat a pear for my dessert at supper every night and it satisfies because of the natural sugar.
Found a good article from Dr. Ralph Wilson’s ezine. You should check your website from time to time and see if it is loading properly in all the popular browsers. You can do this for free at Browser Shots
Just checked my domain and out of 53 browsers tested, 44 uploaded, 3 failed, and 6 expired. The most popular browsers are Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Firefox from Google.
Here is a great tasting recipe I found from Hope for Health. There are no animal products in this vegan roast.
2 cups Grape-Nuts cereal
3 cups Vanilla Soy Milk
2 Cups Finely chopped celery
1/2 Cup Chopped nuts
1/2 Cup Chopped onion
2 Eggs made from Ener-G-Egg Replacer
1-1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sage
Combine all ingredients, mix well. Let stand 20 minutes. Put in sprayed large loaf pan or casserole dish (9×13). Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour until lightly browned. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Here is a great side dish to compliment your vegan roast:
Marinated Tomatoes
2 Tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 1/2 Tbls. lemon juice
1 Tbls. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp. sea salt
Mix oil, lemon juice, salt and spices in bowl. Layer tomatoes in bowl to marinate. Stir gently occasionally and marinate for a few hours.
Just want to share all that I have learned in GVO Academy. I have had good traffic to my website in the past few years. I have not done well with converting traffic into leads. I joined GVO in October 2009 and the company has training sessions. I am now taking steps to convert the website traffic into leads. Want to learn more about GVO? Just click here: GVO
Do you get tired of oatmeal for breakfast? I did and found a recipe for a vegetarian loaf that has Grape Nuts as its main ingredient. I decided to try a bowl of warm Grape Nuts for breakfast to break up the weekday cycle of oatmeal for breakfast. Instead of regular milk I buy Soy Milk. Just cover one cup of Post Grape Nuts with enough soy milk that your consistency is almost like a soup. Turn your pot on medium and let it warm for about 8 minutes. I like to put blueberries on all of my morning cereals as well. Enjoy! Read the labels as the store brand of Grape Nuts was from just ‘wheat’ and not whole wheat like the Post Grape Nuts are.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks! Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle.