Third President of America

Thomas Jefferson made statements 200 years ago that have much wisdom for us to use today if our society will study history.

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time.. He made this statement:" This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe , we shall become as corrupt as Europe .
Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away, from those who are willing to work, and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes, a principle which if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be deprived the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property – until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Bad News

Turn on the radio or television and you will be overwhelmed by the horrible events going on in the world today. The media sensationalizes these news reports to draw the listeners in. The more listeners a radio or television station has, the higher ad revenue the advertisers are willing to pay to the media outlets. If you listen to news reports before bed about murders, robberies, and rapes, your sub-conscious mind processes those bad messages all through the night as you sleep.

Do you think as many people would tune in if you heard nothing but kind acts like the little girl in the Seattle area did before she died of a tragic car accident?

Rachel Beckwith wanted to raise $300 so people in developing nations could have clean water. After she died, the media did the right thing and brought the cause out to the public. To date, the charity has raised over $1 million. All funds go to the cause which is very noble of the parents. There is hope like this everyday.

The hope can be found in God's Word: The Holy Bible. If you are like me and want to put more positive messages into your conscious and sub-conscious mind each day, there are many resources for you. I will share three that I use as much as possible.

Hope Channel

It Is Written

Radio of Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting

Just as the food we eat becomes a part of us, the mental food we take in everyday becomes a part of us.

Years of listening to negative media has hindered my health. I disconnected from the bad news a few years ago and then had a relapse in the past few months as I subscribed to the basic television service my local cable provider offers. I am going to have them turn the service off soon as I am moving from my residence.

God's word shares that one day the Great Controversy will be over. God wins and evil will be eliminated. Jesus will return to save all mankind as God loves all mankind. God does not want anyone to perish. It is up to each person to accept Salvation.

Food for Life

This salad is a colorful, healthy addition to any meal. With a combination of
bell pepper, quinoa, lentils, and celery – it’s a filling salad with a
refreshing crunch.


Makes about 6 servings

1 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup rinsed uncooked
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 15-ounce cans lentils, drained and
rinsed, or cooked from scratch
1 small red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup
chopped celery or red onion
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup chopped
fresh parsley
1 tomato, chopped, or 1/2 cup halved cherry

1/4 cup lemon juice
1–2 teaspoon minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1–2 teaspoons maple syrup, agave nectar, or
other sweetener
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste


Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan and stir in quinoa and cumin.
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork, and allow to cool. Gently
fold salad ingredients into the quinoa.

Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a separate, small bowl. Fold the
dressing into the salad. Chill for several hours.

Add salt and pepper and additional lemon juice. Serve over fresh salad
greens, if desired.

Nutrition Information | Per
serving (1/6 recipe):

calories: 224; fat: 2 g; saturated fat: 0.2 g;
calories from fat: 7.9%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 12.3 g; carbohydrates: 41.1
g; sugar: 7.4 g; fiber: 8.3 g; sodium: 279 mg; calcium: 50 mg; iron: 5 mg;
vitamin C: 26 mg; beta-carotene: 453 mcg; vitamin E: 1.1 mg

Recipe from Food for Life instructor Tracy

Live Life Prescription Free

Do you have health challenges that prevent you from living life to the fullest? Are you lacking energy? Do you want to feel more stamina? Are you tired of being tired? Is your medicine cabinet full of prescription medications? Are you tired of the side effects of prescription medications?

There is a time and place for certain medications. By all means if your doctor told you to use something to stay alive, it is best you follow those directions.

Many years ago I found a better way to get healthy and be well. There are options for us today. Our creator made powerful substances with our health in mind. Product formulators have created products that help keep the body strong and build up the immune system. Our body knows how to heal itself. Our body needs good nutrition, pure water, exercise and fresh air on a daily basis. Learn more about how you can help improve your body’s wellness by getting my free newsletter below:

Create Jobs

Welcome to my create jobs post. Did you know that the USA exports only 7-8 percent of its Gross Domestic Product overseas? Germany exports over 50 percent of its Gross Domestic Product. Germany is a worldwide leader in manufacturing of high tech goods and services. German automobiles, machinery and trains are a large part of the manufacturing base of the German economy. America needs to improve on the amount of goods it creates and exports overseas in order to keep pace with the global economic powers like Germany.

America was built on local stores serving their local communities. In 1990, a major shift began that has seriously hurt the employment future of many people. People began consuming more and they shop till they find the lowest price. Big Box stores like Home Depot, Kmart, Lowes, and Target have grown very large. Mom and Pop stores that were in every town across America had no chance of staying open because of the big chain stores.

Family wage jobs that provided for people were shipped overseas because large corporations could earn more money outsourcing manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico and Vietnam. Instead of having an economy that created, America now has an economy that consumes. If you don’t have a service sector business or a specialized skill, you are now unemployed. How can the American public turn the economy around and not wait on government action to stimulate job growth?

Quit shopping at the low price store and start trading with your local businesses if there are any left in your town. Buy local is so important. If you want to keep small businesses open in your community, start shopping locally.

The other way Americans can take the bull by the horns is create a job for yourself. What is your passion? What do you really like to do? I lost my career job with Alaska Airlines in 2005 when the management outsourced our jobs to a non union sub contractor. I began searching what kind of profession I could make a living in and realized that catering to the health and wellness needs of the baby boom generation would be an excellent alternative for me to pursue. Find out more about how to take control of your future and create a Plan A for yourself by requesting the newsletter on the right hand side of this site. I hate spam more than you and won’t ever sell or giveaway your information.

Sustainable Living

Here is a great video my good friend shared with me. I lived off the fruits and vegetables from my small farm for six years. I am moving south for business purposes and will have to pursue some community gardening in the future. Share this video with others. Americans need to be creative again. Creativity is what made this such a great nation to live in.

Living Off the Land

Here is a great video my good friend shared with me. I lived off the fruits and vegetables from my small farm for six years. I am moving south for business purposes and will have to pursue some community gardening in the future. Share this video with others. Americans need to be creative again. Creativity is what made this such a great nation to live in.

Honor Roll Remembering Fallen Military Members

There is a story of a woman surviving some awful horrible killings between the Tutsis and Hutus clans in Rwanda back in the 1990’s. A young Hutu male ran in front of this woman and killed her husband. She would have been dead also but something else caught the young man’s attention and he moved on away from her. That young man’s face was burned into this Rwandan woman’s mind.

The woman was a Christian and she began praying for the young man that had just killed her husband.

Exodus 32:30-33
Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses said to the people, “You have committed a great sin. So now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.” 31 Then Moses returned to the LORD and said, “Oh, these people have committed a great sin, and have made for themselves a god of gold! 32 Yet now, if You will forgive their sin—but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written.”
33 And the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.

This story is one of the most powerful stories of prayer in the Bible. God of heaven is moving powerfully. Moses is implying that the people had been so bad, that Moses is so overwhelmed at the debauchery that had been taking place, and Moses says that perhaps God will forgive them and take them back. Moses is at his wits end. He begins praying and pleading with God. He pours out his heart to God.

Both of these stories are incredible examples of what happens when we pray for other people. This is the most powerful demonstration of God and his mercy for man. Here you have Moses who was a proud man humbling himself and interceding for the people of Israel before the Lord.

Moses was told to speak to the rock but he struck the rock instead. Moses asked God to blot him out instead of the people of Israel. Moses was passionate about the people. He loved them because he sought God for them and prayed for them. Moses is willing to be lost so that the people might be saved.

There are many people today lost in sin and wickedness. God is calling us to reach out to the lost. Jesus is pleading with us to have the kind of heart Moses had. Moses was a sinner, and he had faults and weaknesses. We serve the same God that Moses served.

God is the same today as back in the time of Moses. Jesus went to the cross knowing that there was a possibility of not being raised from the tomb. Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to permanently die so that you and I can be saved. We can be people that have a chance and accept the offer of salvation in our lives. Jesus was very passionate about all of mankind. Jesus wants to save all men.

Moses interceded for people that were unloving, unlikeable, unholy, unthankful people, people that were demanding, rebellious and unworthy. Jesus is in the business of interceding for us today. If Jesus can change Moses, Jesus can change us as well.

Moses was so filled of himself, he was arrogant, proud and puffed up. Moses lived in luxury and was next in line to the Pharoah of Egypt. He was like the Vice President of Egypt. It took God 40 years of Moses herding sheep to humble Moses before the Lord. If God can change Moses, he can change us today. God can move upon us mightily.

If we will let Jesus change us, that is the issue. Maybe you are in trouble, have a rebellious child, problems at work or have relationship issues, pray to God and something mighty will come into your life. We can bring our puny little prayers before God and He will hear them.

The best way to deal with people that cause you problems is to pray for them. Notice that the kind of pleading Moses did for the lost people, changed the lives of the people. That is what the Gospel is about. It is about looking back-this is what I used to be like and this is the way I am now. It is a mystery.

Prevailing prayers are fragranced with the smoke of God’s incense. Jesus Christ mingles His perfect prayers with our unclean thoughts and prayers and then our prayers are acceptable before the Lord God.

Desire of Ages page 667
As yet the disciples were unacquainted with the Saviour’s unlimited resources and power. He said to them, “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name.” John 16:24. He explained that the secret of their success would be in asking for strength and grace in His name. He would be present before the Father to make request for them. The prayer of the humble suppliant He presents as His own desire in that soul’s behalf. Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection.

The path of sincerity and integrity is not a path free from obstruction, but in every difficulty we are to see a call to prayer. There is no one living who has any power that he has not received from God, and the source whence it comes is open to the weakest human being. “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name,” said Jesus, “that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

“In My name,” Christ bade His disciples pray.

Jesus went to the cross for you my friend. He experienced the second death. His name was blotted out of the book so that your name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. He is asking us to be real Christians-to be Special Agents for Jesus.

Nothing can fill the God shaped void that is in your life like Jesus can.

Acts 7:59-60
And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Stephen is being stoned to death because he is preaching the Gospel of Christ. The very people ( Scribes and Pharisees ) that were meant to be serving others and ministering to other people for God killed Stephen by stoning him.

Jesus said on the cross: My God, My God, why have thou forsaken thee. Who crucified Jesus? We are the ones responsible for His death. He was praying for you my friend. He is passionately in love with you. Even today He is still praying for you today.

The Rwandan woman whose husband had been killed knew that praying for others really works. One day there was some prophecy meetings being conducted in her city. She prayed to God for forgiveness. The man that had killed her husband came to the evangelism series of prophecy meetings. The man was moved by what he heard and he was convicted and accepted Christ.

God’s power broke through and the Rwandan woman had forgiveness in her heart. The woman confronted her husband’s killer and when he found out who she was, he was overwhelmed with passion for Christ. The young man was an orphan and the widow adopted him into her family.

Will we be real special agents for God? Are you ready for God to convict you? God will you give you this kind of power in your life today.

On 22 August 2011, we are going to begin doing special prayer for the next 40 days. We will pray for the evangelism meetings that begin on 30 September 2011. We will have daily conference calls for the next 40 days for God to do something mighty in Bellingham. Inside the book that you will get, there will be a place to write down 5 names and pray for them everyday. Jesus is coming soon. Be in prayer like the Rwandan woman and Moses.

This was Pastor Korter’s sermon at Bellingham Seventh-day Adventist church on 30 July 2011.

Jesus says to come as you are. What does that really mean? It is something that has to do with an incredible relationship with Jesus.

Pastor Korter shares about his trip to Niagara Falls. The falls are an incredible power and magnificent power of God and nature is God’s second great Book!

Jesus wants us to have a powerful experience also. We can have that through Prayer. He wants us to have that mighty relationship with Him.

Jesus prayed constantly to His Father when He was here on earth. He often went and prayed all night while the disciples slept.

Our prayers are like little drops of water and Jesus prayer was like Niagara Falls in comparison.

Revelation 8:3-4
Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand.

Get this picture this morning from Pastor. Pastor has felt weak, puny, nothing, and empty. Jesus came and offered prayers with the Saints. There is nothing wrong with admitting how weak we feel. Jesus directs us to not look at ourselves. Look to the Savior.

There are key words in the Bible like censer, altar, incense, throne, and smoke. We are to come to Him just as we are and admit we are completely helpless, weak and in need of Him.

In the most holy place, Jesus stood by the ark, and offered up to God the Saints prayers with the incense. The little droplets of Pastor’s prayers are mixed with the flood of Niagara Falls which is Jesus prayers. This is Christ intercession for us. We can come to Jesus and experience this power.

Jesus wants a partnership with us. God tells us that we can have the perfect righteousness of Jesus and pray to the Father through Him. Our prayers can be radically different with Jesus partnering with us. Our sin and little prayer is woven into the firm fabric of Jesus.

Do you realize the value Jesus is placing on you? Our odorous and smelly prayers tainted with sin and we can go boldly to the throne of grace and be caught up with Jesus perfect intercession for us. Picture the Mercy Seat with God there and accepting our prayer through Jesus.

While God’s people were outside of the sanctuary, the incense was burning and rising up to God. This is why Jesus is the perfect prayer partner. Jesus is asking us to come to Him and be our prayer partner. We need to bring our sin, struggles, and weakness to Him. Come Just as You Are.

Think of how awesome and powerful this is. It is about partnering with Jesus. Having Him be our closest ally, our defender, our friend, partner.

We are promised that answers will come. What is our motive for having a relationship with God? What is our motive for praying to Him? Is it because of what we can get, what will happen, or is it because we want a partnership with Him?

Exodus 30:7-8
Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning; when he tends the lamps, he shall burn incense on it. 8 And when Aaron lights the lamps at twilight, he shall burn incense on it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations.

God is saying the ‘type’ is meeting the ‘anti-type’. The perfect righteousness of Jesus goes on and on. The mediation is taking place in the Most Holy Place right now. He is pleading with you right now. He is asking you to partner with Him. Recognize how sinful, puny, and helpless your life is and partner with Jesus.

Jesus says our prayers join with the prayers of Him and He intercedes on our behalf before God. The Devil trembles at the sound of our weak and puny prayers. You want to talk about power. Our weakness is mingled with the perfection and power of Jesus. And the Devil and his demons have no power over us. The righteousness of Jesus is covering us.

Now you understand why it is easier to be saved than it is to be lost. If that is not true, God is weak and the Devil is powerful. Jesus runs after people through His mediation. He stands in the gap. Do you think the devil will do that for us? The devil wants us to stay in the dark and cold and be lost.

This is how we can have awesome power in our lives. The human beings weak and puny prayers mixed with Jesus perfection becomes powerful and the incense burns up to God and Jesus is praying with us and for us. Our little prayer drops mixed with Niagara Falls power of Jesus prayers goes up to God and Jesus continually intercedes for us.

Jesus is painting this picture in the Book of Revelation. You want to talk about Good News! Incredible hope for a future is centered in prayer. Do we really want a future with Jesus? Jesus said the world will go on until the time of the end.

When we pray, there is an incredible thing that happens. We can receive power from Jesus. How can we cherish sin when we have the opportunity to receive Jesus power?

Revelation 20:9
They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.

Who is they? They were supposed to be the saints, they were not intended to be destroyed. God did not want to destroy anyone. He did not want to destroy one single human being. The saints made a choice. The refused to partner with Jesus. They gave in to the power of the devil.

When you partner with Jesus, the devil has to leave. The devil cannot stand the brightness of Jesus.

Back in 2003, a year after Pastor was married, they went to visit some relatives in Boston, Massachusetts. They arrived on Thursday in Gloucester. Friday night was coming and the Korters walked out on the beach to read God’s word by flashlight, praying and welcoming the Sabbath.

The sun had set and it was dark now and they were still sitting on the beach. Pastor has a very bright flashlight and they are facing the waves. The pastor has his arms around his wife and he felt something touching on his ear. Pastor thought it was a bug. He swatted it 2 times and after the 3rd time, he turned around and shined his flashlight and there was a coyote’s face. The coyote was stunned and then ran off.

That is the same thing that happens when we pray. We are putting the bright spotlight of Jesus on the devil. The devil will turn and run.

Today Jesus is asking you to make a choice. You can either be deceived or partner with Jesus. You can come just as you are. Come with your weakness, puniness, helplessness, and just ask Jesus for His peace and love.

Come and surrender and talk to God in prayer today. Jesus wants to be your partner in this life.

This message was preached by Pastor Korter at Bellingham, Washington on 16 July 2011.

How to Avoid a Scam Online

Welcome to my How to Avoid a Scam Online post. What should a person look for when searching for a home based business?

The world has changed rapidly since the internet became a part of every household. As of 2005, there were over 35 million people working from home. The number of people working from home keeps growing as more and more jobs are lost in the old economy.

How can someone find a real business that will let them also provide for their families? Here are some important issues to consider when someone shares an opportunity with you.

1. A real product or service is behind the business. When money exchanges hands, there must be some value received. This first principle eliminates the gifting programs from being a real business model. I would probably not send my relatives cash money in an overnight envelope so you can be certain that I will not send one to a stranger. I suggest hanging up on someone that calls you for one of these deals.

2. Promises of fast money within a short time period. This is a common problem in people’s email accounts. There are dishonest people online and they usually don’t last for long however be aware that they do prey on new people that come on the internet. Of the almost 7 billion people on the planet, close to 2 billion are now using the internet. An online business is similar to a local brick and mortar business. It takes some time to develop your customer base and earn income. Growth in an online business is unlimited because of the huge number of users.

3. High Yield Investment Programs or HYIP should be viewed with skepticism. Promises of making 50 percent or more returns on your money very quickly are illegal.

4. Ponzi schemes. This is a program that takes in new money every day and pays out large rewards to the people that started in the beginning. Ponzi schemes always break down when no more new ‘investors’ come in. Ponzi schemes are illegal. Just ask Bernie Madoff and Sean Mueller who are now sitting in prison if Ponzi schemes are a legal business.

How can you find a real business? There are many excellent opportunities that a person can start building from home. I have been with a products company that is global since 2007. We have the Better Business Bureau Seal on our website as the company meets that organization’s requirements.

I also earn referral income with my web host. Click the Links to find out more:

Products Business

Services Business

Today as we live near the coming of Jesus, and realize what a privilege it is to know God, there is one thing that God wants us to experience.

We live in a time of turmoil, uncertainty, and trouble. Have you ever thought about the amount of spiritual knowledge that God has given us?

There are many Christians that do not have real genuine power in their lives. People talk about change and what that means. There are few people that do experience that change. It is due to a lack of power in their lives.

Pastor realizes this is not a popular topic. However, as we grow closer to the time of Jesus soon return, we need to carry out the mandate Jesus has given us. We need to carry out the mandate he has given us.

Acts 4:31-35
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
Sharing in All Things
32 Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. 33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.

Do we honestly believe that we can have the same experience today? Does God want us to have this kind of earth shattering experience today? We talk about prayer the most but practice prayer the least.

When they had prayed, the place was shaken. What would it be like to be the disciples. To experience what they went through. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. The place was shaken.

Jesus wants that same experience in His people today. In order for this to happen, the disciples could not have some sin standing in their way. There is a difference in the Christian life between willful sin and unintentional sin. Is Jesus going to take people to heaven that are engaged in willful deliberate sin? NO!

When Jesus went to heaven, He said: “I will send the Holy Spirit”. That was a promise. The disciples had not experienced it yet. But they did and they were looking for it. They said we don’t want anything to stand in between us and Jesus. They received the real evidence-the fruit of the Holy Spirit. They experienced revival. Real genuine revival in their lives. It took place in their lives and spread corporately.

There is one thing that God’s Seventh-day Adventist church needs today and it is real revival. The church that Jesus raised up experienced revival. Earnest, heartfelt intercession before God is needed now.

The sparks of revival begin by going to the altar of prayer. It takes place in prayer. We need to be in prayer. Revival and prayer are totally connected together. We as Christians must have earnest and deep fervent prayer.

Some of you may be saying did I come here today to hear something I already know about? Is that a fair assumption or should we ask ourselves, do I know what revival is like? Have I experienced revival? Do we as a church need to experience revival?

The early Christians united together in world changing prayer. Their prayer is why we are here today. We would not be here today if it wasn’t for the early Christian church. The disciples made such a difference that we are here today because of their prayers.

God worked through the early church. Because they prayed, they experienced revival. We are here today because of their revival. Jesus is coming for a people that have been revived. Listen powerfully this morning. If we don’t make this a big deal, we will come up short.

We live in a culture that doesn’t want to hear this message. God is the same today and we need His Holy Spirit.

Prayer was at the core of the Advent movement. Advent founders spent the entire night in fervent prayer in the nineteenth century. What would be the result if we were great men and women of prayer?

Do you think that God would leave things the way they are? The Book Gospel Workers page 259 says: “The greatest victories gained for the cause of God are not the result of labored argument, ample facilities, wide influence, or abundance of means. They are gained in the audience chamber of God when in earnest agonizing faith, men lay hold of the mighty arm of power.”

Pastor began thinking about the other Advent churches here in the county, the Adventist school we have and the members. What if we all were willing to be vulnerable with the Lord Jesus? What if we were all serious and came to God in humility?

In order for us to be ready for the coming of Jesus, we have to change. God says occupy until I come. But there has got to be a difference. The second coming of Jesus is going to happen. On that day when it happens, if we interceded now before Jesus came and shared Christ with our neighbors, our acquaintances, our friends, there will be a revival that the powers of hell can not stop us from experiencing. Do you want that kind of experience? Do you want revival?

Do you know who is serious about revival? Jesus Christ ! He wants to save all mankind.

What has prayer done in your life? What is it you can dream of that prayer can do in your life? One of the most dramatic events that took place in the world recently was the fall of the Berlin wall.

Few people realize that the event that happened on 9 November 1989 was a result of prayer. Christian Führer, a Protestant Pastor of a church in Leipzig, East Germany, because of the spirit of God, opened the doors of his church for prayers and discussions about freedom on Monday evenings. These prayer sessions grew on Monday nights until October 1989 there were over 8,000 people standing outside the church. A nation wide movement began with fervent prayer.

On that Monday night in October, over one million people were praying for freedom. Those prayers caused President Ronald Reagan to fly to Berlin and say those infamous words: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”.

A political movement did not cause the freedom. It was because of fervent prayer. A former Communist government official said that we were ready for anything except for candles and prayer. The Berlin Wall could not stand after the power of prayer.

The powers of darkness that have a deep stronghold in this community are ready for anything except for the power of fervent prayer.

Looking back at the verses in Acts, revival happened because of deep prayer. Power and Grace was upon them all.

What would happen if we really did this and prayed like the disciples. They had a deep experience with Jesus. The walls that keep us from a deep experience with Jesus will fall if we have earnest prayer. Walls of pride and prejudice, anger, bitterness, lust, complacency, and materialism. Walls that separate children from their parents.

If you have a lost child or a lost spouse, begin deep prayer to Jesus. If you want to grow close to your spouse, begin praying out loud on your knees together. God will do something for you that is unexplainable. He will put love in your heart like you have never experienced. This will give way to the moving of the Holy Spirit. We should allow the Holy Spirit to X-ray our souls.

Are you willing to be that vulnerable? We open ourselves up to God and He can change anything. If God can change Berlin, He can change, you, your spouse, your children. He can change this church, this school, this city and county for the Lord Jesus.

The only hope we have here is fervent prayer that will change the status quo that we have grown comfortable with for so long. It is possible to live a Godly live. We must pray. When our connection with God is cut off, we are not praying.

1. Would you like to experience a spiritual revival in your life? You
may think you don’t need one. That is a good indication you do need one.
2. Do you desire a new spiritual experience?
3. Are you tired of complacency?
4. Do you long for a spiritual revival in our church?

Pastor can stand up and preach a thousand sermons but nothing will happen without a congregation praying. If you want to see a change happen, take God at His word and get on your knees and seek Him. It is the only thing that will make the difference.

Jesus says if my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

Sermon preached at Bellingham, Washington Seventh-day Adventist Church on Sabbath, 2 July 2011.

No matter how long the relay race is, there is one thing that stays the same: the Baton. In a track meet, the relay races are a competition between teams of 4 runners each. The baton must be passed between the 4 runners to complete the race. The baton has been passed all the way down from Adam to us today. The baton is the good news of Jesus Christ. From century to century the baton has been passed.

The Protestant Reformation brought truth back into our society. The reformation exposed a church that sold out to lies. Truth was brought into the forefront. Did truth stop from the time of Christ until Martin Luther started the reformation?

In 538 AD, God’s true followers entered a tunnel of persecution. The persecution lasted until 1798. God still had his followers all over the world. God moved upon people in Europe and America. The enemy was and is still very angry today.

Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

God wants us to understand today that the devil is very angry. The devil is angry about the church that preaches the truth about Jesus Christ.

The great Advent movement swept across America rapidly. The movement started with a humble farmer named William Miller. He answered a call to preach when the regular pastor was not available. Were the disciples qualified to do ministry for Jesus?

God uses humble people. God is looking today in 2011 for humility in His Church.  He is seeking dedicated and consecrated people to do ministry.

William Miller was a Deist. A deist believes God sets everything in motion and then pulls back and lets things just happen.

William Miller’s uncle was a pastor. People made fun of his uncle. William Miller was full of doubt. One day he was asked to read some texts in church. He did not believe what he was reading however, the sermons had a profound impact on his life until he finally gave his life to Jesus.

William Miller began studying the Bible in Genesis 1 and let the Bible explain itself. He went through the Bible. He let truth unfold. He was very interested in the 1260 year prophecy.

Revelation 10:8-12
Then the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, “Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth.”
9 So I went to the angel and said to him, “Give me the little book.”
And he said to me, “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.”
10 Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. 11 And he said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”

The book of Daniel and particularly chapters 8 and 9 made sense to Mr. Miller and he believed that Jesus was due to return in October 1844. Then came the great disappointment when Christ did not return in 1844. People left the church. What happened is similar to a road map giving wrong directions. A mistake was made and the truth is in Revelation 10.

The truth must go forward. All the truth that is taught by Jesus. The enemy says that God cannot be trusted, that God lies, God is judgmental, God is vengeful. This is why many people are in so many different churches.

Many people are afraid of God. The devil wants people to think that it is impossible to keep God’s Law. That is an incredible deception.

We should not be afraid of God but love God like He loves us. For every truth that God has, Satan has created a deception that most people accept as truth. God has raised up a remnant today to expose the truth.

Jesus said: “He who has seen me has seen the Father”. God has always looked for Champions of Truth. He still looks for champions today. He wants us to make a decision today to follow Jesus.

Back in Revelation 12, the Devil is wroth with the woman. After the disappointment, the remnant began its mission of exposing the truth. The mission is the same. God gave us directions in His Word. If you will just follow God’s word, He will bless you. The mission is to share and champion the truth of Jesus Christ.

The baton was passed on to the final runner. The baton is in the hands of the remnant church that has recovered truths of the Bible like the Sabbath and the nature of life after death.

We are to give this message with conviction and witness to others. How privileged we are to be part of this last generation.

Revelation 14:6-9
The Proclamations of Three Angels
6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— 7 saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”
8 And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

First angel to preach everlasting gospel of Christ dying for sinner.

Second angel to come out of Babylon and the confused churches and counterfeit religions.

Third angel is a warning that to linger to long with Bible truth is dangerous and do not receive the Mark of the Beast.

Devil went to make war with the remnant of her seed, those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is not always going to be popular in 2011 to be a part of the remnant.

We need to guard against two great mistakes.

Since other churches don’t teach these truths, we should just teach about Jesus and salvation.

All doctrines begin with Jesus. Salvation for the human race.

Every single teaching of the Bible says something about Jesus and what He was about. Not all of God’s true followers are yet part of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Does this mean that some people won’t ever make it to the remnant church? No!

God wants us to realize we are no better than anyone. He is speaking to us in humility. He has given us an incredible responsibility to go to the end of the earth and share the everlasting gospel with every tribe, tongue, and people.

If God says: “Come out of Babylon”, He will also say: “Come into the remnant”. The remnant is a place for God’s loyal followers to gather and become champions of sharing truth with others. Are we champions of truth? Will we stand for truth? Are we embarrassed because of who called us?

God has called us. Are we being arrogant or proud to say: “Come into the remnant”. The remnant must exist so the gospel can go to the world. Jesus is asking us to think of our personal walk with Him.

Are you living as an example of the remnant? Do you have some area of compromise in your life? The devil is enraged with the church. If compromise is taking place in our personal lives?

If we simply start with Jesus and end with Jesus, everything that is in our lives that should not be there will come out and we will find peace and harmony with Jesus and with each other.

This is what life is about. Being at peace with God and in harmony with each other. Jesus is pleading with us. Look at your life. Does your life exemplify what being part of the remnant should be? God cannot pour out His heart on us if we aren’t humble and surrendered.
We need to stand up and not be scared or afraid to share the truth. It is not an accident that you are a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. You have been called out. God has invited you to take your place. Pick up the baton and run the final leg of the race. Be a Champion of truth.

Be available for God today. Let His voice flow through you to the lost. Look for those divine appointments He has created for you. I want to be a champion for truth.

Sermon preached at Bellingham, Washington Seventh-day Adventist Church on Sabbath, 4 June 2011.

Eat Foods As Grown

This afternoon I needed to run to the local grocery store to buy some beans and onions to fix a vegan recipe that I like. When I picked up one of those little mini carts I noticed a woman standing at the check out line. She was obese. Her food purchase laid out on the belt for the cashier was 2 canisters of Pringles potato chips and some sodas. She is not getting any nutrition from processed foods. This is a large problem in North America today.

Do you want to know why you are hungry 2 hours after eating a Big Hamburger, a Big Order of French Fries, and a Big Soda Drink? The reason you are hungry is the body is not getting the nutrition it needs to function properly. Our body needs the enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins that are found in a plant based diet. If your food has a nutrition label, more than likely that food is not all that nourishing for your body. Do you see a nutrition label on a sweet potato or a mango?

Many years ago I ate those same foods. I also weighed 75 pounds more than I do now. When I quit smoking in 1998, I began a series of actions that have helped my overall health. If you want to also achieve the best health you can, may I suggest that you make gradual removals and adjustments so as to ensure your success? That is how I did it. I didn’t give up all unhealthy habits at once. Some people say that if you make radical changes your chances of long term success to move towards healthy habits goes down dramatically.

After stopping smoking, I remember I had a long talk with my oldest sister. I had gained some weight as I rewarded myself with ice cream for a few years. People gain 1 pound of weight when they consume 3,500 calories that is not used up in daily living or exercise. Years of eating sweets put about 75 pounds on me. So the process of removing those 75 pounds required some changes. Here is how I began the process:

1. Eliminated white sugar and white flour

2. Cut down on amount of food I ate

3. Stopped eating red meat

4. Quit eating sweets and began having a piece of fruit for dessert instead

5. Started eating more vegetables

6. Ate oatmeal for breakfast with a grapefruit on the side

7. Ate a salad with fresh greens everyday

8. Walked in the county park at least 30 minutes every day even if it was inclement weather

9. Eat like a King at breakfast, a Queen at lunch, and a pauper at supper

10. Drink 1/2 of your ideal body weight in ounces of pure water every day

( If you weigh 150 pounds, you need at least 75 ounces )

White flour has very little nutrition for our body. Sugar is dense calories that has no nutritional value. By simply removing those two foods from my diet, I started dropping weight. Grapefruit is an excellent choice for all people trying to lose weight. Citrus fruit naturally contains the flavonoid Naringenin that signals the liver to burn fat. If you are on statin medications or metformin, you need to check with your doctor about possible issues with those drugs interacting with Grapefruit.

Many people that get their weight down to their bodies natural weight should be able to reduce many drugs. Check with your medical provider and see my disclaimer at the bottom of this website.

I then continued on and was losing between 5-8 pounds a week without any pills or potions. Here is my other set of actions that have moved me from having some white meat to being a vegan:

1. Eliminated dark chicken and turkey meat

2. Quit eating processed foods and boxed dinners

3. Eliminated caffeine from my body by gradual weaning

4. Increased consumption of fresh fruits

5. Eat more whole grains like brown rice, quinoa

6. Eat 100 % whole wheat bread

7. Eliminated dairy and eggs from diet

8. Use soy milk, soy cheese, butter alternative

9. Use almond milk

I remember experiencing quite a detox when I got off the dairy products. Dairy causes mucus build up inside our bodies. Many dairy products have growth hormones that were given to the cows to make them grow faster. Dairy products also have casein which is a protein. You can research the problems that dairy products cause to the human body at your leisure. Cow’s milk is meant by our Creator to be consumed by baby cows. Once the young cows are weaned, they graze on grass and leave the cow’s milk alone.

In just six months, I had lost the 75 pounds and now am almost at my ideal weight. I am in my 50’s now and staying active with my exercise and healthy diet is more important now than ever. One thing that I learned recently is that if you have a tone body from doing some weight bearing exercises, your body will burn more calories every day even if you are just sitting at the computer or at your office working from a chair. You can see more information about getting a solid work out by spending 10 minutes a day doing some exercises to the point of positive momentary muscular failure on my page here:

How I Exercise


Rest on the Sabbath. Heed Old Testament dietary codes. And be ready for Jesus to return at any moment.

If these practices sound quaint or antiquated, think again. They’re hallmarks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the fastest-growing Christian denomination in North America.

Newly released data show Seventh-day Adventism growing by 2.5% in North America, a rapid clip for this part of the world, where Southern Baptists and mainline denominations, as well as other church groups are declining. Adventists are even growing 75% faster than Mormons (1.4 percent), who prioritize numeric growth.

For observers outside the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the growth rate in North America is perplexing.

“You’ve got a denomination that is basically going back to basics … saying, ‘What did God mean by all these rules and regulations and how can we fit in to be what God wants us to be?’,” said Daniel Shaw, an expert on Christian missionary outreach at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. “That’s just totally contrary to anything that’s happening in American culture. So I’m saying, ‘Whoa! That’s very interesting.’ And I can’t answer it.”

Seventh-day Adventists are asking a different question: Why isn’t the church growing much faster on these shores, which is home to just 1.1 million of the world’s 16 million Adventists? Despite its North American roots, the church is growing more than twice as fast overseas.

“We don’t feel that we’re growing very much, and that is a source of concern, especially for North America,” said Ron Clouzet, director of the North American Division Evangelism Institute at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich. Hispanic Adventists are “the one group that is growing very well,” he added. “If we didn’t have that group, we would look even more dismal.”

With Saturday worship services and vegetarian lifestyles, Seventh-day Adventism owns a distinctive niche outside the Christian mainstream. But being different is turning out to be more of an asset than a liability.

Since the mid-19th century when the movement sprang up in New Hampshire, Seventh-day Adventism has had an urgent mission to bring the gospel — with a distinctive emphasis on Christ’s imminent second coming — to the ends of the earth. Adventists find the essence of their mission in Revelation 14:12, where the end of the age “calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.”

The church’s traditional, global focus is now bearing fruit in new ways. Newly arrived immigrants in the United States often come from parts of Latin America or Africa where Seventh-day Adventism has long-established churches, schools and hospitals.

Those who migrate from Brazil to Massachusetts, or from Mexico to Texas, are apt to find familiarity in a local Adventist church led by a pastor who knows their culture and speaks their native language, said Edwin Hernandez, a research fellow at the Center for the Study of Latino Religion at the University of Notre Dame.

Immigrants aren’t the only ones embracing Seventh-day Adventism. Many in the general public have noticed Adventists tend to be superstars of good health and longevity; research shows they tend to live 10 years longer than the average American. With strong track records for success in health and education, Adventists find they get a hearing among skeptics who share those priorities.

Publicized research on Adventists’ health “has helped bring some objective evaluation of Adventism… particularly all up and down the West Coast,” said G. Alexander Bryant, executive secretary for the denomination’s North American division. “So we talk to people about our lifestyle.”

Some newcomers to Adventism also appreciate the church’s clarity about what’s expected of Christ’s followers. Diana Syth of Kent, Wash. attended many types of Protestant churches for years. But she said she “never got the information I needed to know about what it meant to be a Christian” until she and her husband learned of Seventh-day Adventism from a sibling six years ago.

“My (adult) son has seen a change in us,” Syth said. “He sees a new calmness in us. There’s hope where there wasn’t hope before.”

Adventists are also reaping the rewards of their extra efforts in evangelism. Responding to a national initiative, more than 80% of the 6,000 Adventist churches in North America staged weeks-long outreach events in hotels and other settings in 2009.

Bryant said in an ordinary year, one-third to one-half of Adventist congregations put on such events, and North American church growth rates would hover around 1.7% — still high enough to top the rates of other large denominations in North America.

Creativity seems to be paying dividends, too. The church has seen some of its strongest gains come in non-religious regions such as the Pacific Northwest. In Washington, for instance, the denomination has established “Christian cafes,” where people can relax and ask questions without feeling the pressures of church.

“You’re not necessarily inviting them to church,” Bryant said. “You’re just sitting around, talking with people, building relationships — and slowly talking to them about Christ.”

This article was published in the USA Today on 18 March 2011