Who Serves Whom

Welcome to my post titled Who Serves Whom? This post is the notes that I took from Pastor Merrill Caviness’s Sermon that he preached in April 2018 at the Riverside Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church in Washougal, Washington.

Luke 4:8

Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

Jesus knew who He was.

John 13:3-20

Who Serves WhomJesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, 4 rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. 5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?”
7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”
8 Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!”
Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”
9 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!”
10 Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” 11 For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, “You are not all clean.”
12 So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? 13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. 16 Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.
Jesus Identifies His Betrayer
18 “I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.’ 19 Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He. 20 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”

Do you know who Jesus is?

It is impossible to out give or out serve God who gives Life and Love to all. God created us to serve. We find joy in serving one another. It is the greatest joy you will experience in your life.

Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Jesus says: Keep My Commands. Abide in Me. Jesus says He wants us to be Joyful.

Who Serves WhomThe first 4 Commandments we serve God.
The last 6 Commandments we serve others.
Jesus said: Be Perfect, like your Father.

Last Parable in Matthew 25 is the Sheep and the Goats. The difference between the two groups is serving others. One served ( sheep ) and the other ( goats ) did not.
It takes skill to win at any endeavor.
It takes caring to be a winner.

Joshua 24:15

And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Who Serves Whom is a powerful reminder of just who Jesus is. We had the Ordinance of Humility which is the Foot Washing service and Holy Communion on the Sabbath day that this message was preached by Pastor Merrill. I always will remember this Who Serves Whom message and decided to put it up on my blog. Let me know if I can help you with Spiritual Matters. I recommend this free Ebook that details why there is Evil in the world today.

Sharing Hope

What Do Seventh Day Adventist Christians Believe

What do Seventh Day Adventist Christians Believe is a summary post to help people understand the main principles of the Bible based movement. I am not employed by the church. I am a baptized member in good standing meaning that I attend church on a regular basis and am active in ministry where possible. For the full 28 fundamental doctrines of the church, please visit the church website: Seventh Day Adventist Christian Church

What Do Seventh Day Adventist Christians BelieveHere are four bullet points that I found while visiting the New Life SDA Church in Berlin, Germany. I am in complete agreement with these four points.

It is in my humble opinion that this is fundamental Christian doctrine. I will never go in the wrong direction as long as I keep my eyes centered on Jesus Christ and His teachings. He is an excellent role model for us all.

  • As a people, we hold the Bible in supreme regard as the revealers of God’s truth to guide us in salvation. Our love and devotion focuses on Jesus Christ, whom we worship as our Saviour, Creator, Lord and King.
  • We believe that forgiveness, healing, and eternal life are offered freely to all on the basis of what Jesus has already accomplished for us at the cross and continues to do as He ministers on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary above. God’s mercy and grace are infinite, and are received by faith to prepare for Jesus’ second coming.
  • The “new covenant” provides not only forgiveness for sin, but also God’s promise to write His law on our hearts so that our greatest joy will be to do His will. We keep His commandments, not in order to be saved, but because He has already encircled us in His saving arms. His law includes also the fourth commandment, Sabbath, which invites us to spend a special time of fellowship with Him on the seventh day of the week.
  • We feel compelled as a people to share with a perishing world these messages of God’s love in the context of the final judgment hour message of Revelation 14. Because of our devotion to Jesus, we look forward to His soon return in the clouds of heaven wen we shall see our Savior face to face.

What Do Seventh day Adventist Christians BelieveIf you are ready for a New Life In Jesus Christ, contact me on my Contact Page on the menu header at the top of all pages and posts on my website.

I welcome your comments and posts about your own personal experience with a relationship with Jesus Christ.

My own personal experience is that I found a new life in Jesus Christ by following these principles:

  1. Daily Prayer Time
  2. Talking to God Throughout the Day As You Would a Friend
  3. Daily Bible Study
  4. Weekly Worship In Church
  5. Ministry Flows from the Heart of a Born Again Christian

Dive Into Jesus Christ

Dive Into Jesus Christ is an article that came to my email inbox on Monday, 21 May 2018 while I am on business in Berlin, Germany. I have attributed the article to the person that wrote it.

Dive Into Jesus ChristBungee diving is a craze for those seeking adventure and excitement. Some think you have to be crazy to do it.

While vacationing with my family on Vancouver Island, I saw advertisements for the local Bungee diving hot spot. We drove over to watch. Upon arrival we observed, with fascination, the special platform that was constructed high up over the Nanaimo River gorge.

With feet fastened tightly together and hooked to a long elasticized cord, people dive 140 feet downwards for their thrill of a lifetime. After the drop, which takes only seconds, their upside-down bodies enter the river to about chest level and then are sprung 70 feet back up for another few bounces in the air. A boat on the river retrieves the “remains.”

I first heard of bungee diving from a friend who had done it. He loved the thrill and urged me to try it. When I saw people actually taking the plunge, my thoughts and emotions were mixed. Part of me desired the thrill, but another part wanted to stay in control and avoid the unknown.

Dive Into Jesus ChristThe process was similar to the internal struggle I had years ago over whether or not to trust Jesus Christ with my life. Many people who had done so were urging me to try Him. They spoke of the abundant life He gave them, the thrill of knowing Him, and the joy of having their sins forgiven. I obviously wanted to experience what they had, but the big issue for me was letting go. Being in control of my life was a cherished right I did not want to give up, even if it did leave me shortchanged.

I’m not sure what all went on inside my head that day at the gorge, but I purchased my ticket, climbed the platform, stared the 140 foot drop in the face and took the plunge. It definitely was the thrill of a lifetime!

But it was nothing like plunging into Christ. Twenty-two years ago I stepped off the platform of my self-sufficiency and jumped, by faith, into the arms of Jesus. My drop into his grace instantly cleansed me from all my sin, and I bounced back up a brand new person. I know an ever-present joy because the once mysterious eternal God is now my personal Friend.

If you want an incredible thrill for two minutes, try bungee diving.

If you want abundant life for eternity, plunge into the grace of Jesus.

— Dave Petrescue in Pastor Dave’s Reflections
© Brenda Petrescue, 2008. davepetrescue.com Used By Permission.

Bible Verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-36

Copyright © 2018 Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

I hope you have enjoyed this inspirational post about Dive Into Jesus Christ. You can find more messages, inspirations and sermons in my General posts category.

Find the Right Home Business

Welcome to my Find the Right Home Business post. Are you looking for a way to earn income from home? Are you under employed? Are you tired of not having job security?

Are you ready to fire your boss? Have you been outsourced?

Find the Right Home BusinessOpportunity Knocks! Are you going to take action or just keep getting disappointed?

Our Company recommends you do your due diligence and investigate the business models that are currently available. Compare them to our system.


There is a powerful global opportunity with a business established in 2007. Whole Wellness Club has been endorsed by the Better Business Bureau as having met all the standards of that organization.

Make sure you investigate all opportunities that are presented to you. The act of due diligence will help you find the right opportunity and you will be able to share the business model with other people. Being able to go to sleep every night realizing I have shared a reputable and respected company is the only way to live. In the late fall of 2012, Whole Wellness Club introduced a new one product focused marketing system known as Detox Cash.

Find the Right Home BusinessDetox Cash allows everyone, not just the founding members to earn money sharing a detox product that everyone on the planet needs. You can get the details on my site here:

Detox Cash


Our company is global and has seen incredible growth overseas in Africa, Europe, and Russia. People in Africa that have been living off of $400 a month have created another income stream that is changing their lives. Some of the largest distributors in the company live in Russia. North America is a huge market that allows for people from all different backgrounds to grow an income with the Club.

Here are some of the keys to Find the Right Home Business to work from a home office:

Find the Right Home Business1) Does the company charge to join as a Member or have an annual fee for being a distributor? Is there a yearly website fee? Whole Wellness Club charges no hidden fees and you can join the company for free and begin earning commissions within 15 minutes of establishing your member account.

2) Does the company have products or services that are in demand? Will people order the products and services over and over again thereby setting up residual income similar to income earned by cable companies, insurance agents, and telephone companies? Yes, people in my organization have ordered products since joining my team in 2007. I still earn residual income from the very first sales I made back in 2007. Our products give people remarkable and noticeable results.

3) Is there a barrier to earning income with the opportunity? Whole Wellness Club has set up a simple unilevel. You only need to sponsor 2 active members to earn income. The unilevel keeps expanding as you sponsor new members..

Find the Right Home BusinessPeople that have never earned money in network marketing are earning anywhere from $100 to over $5,000 in the Club. Many people are just happy to earn enough to get their products for free. Many companies cannot make the claim that their distributors or affiliates are getting their products for free.

You can also build a large customer base of Preferred Customers and never work the Network Marketing side of the business in the Whole Wellness Club. Go out and over time establish 50 and then 100 customers and earn 30 percent commissions on the customers business volume.

Once you have a customer base of 500 customers, you will have a large monthly commission payment coming into your account. You have a natural health foods product business and you have the advantage of not having to pay for warehousing products or leasing a storefront. The company will drop ship products for you.

4) Does the company ask for your Social Security number or federal EIN number before you have earned any income? NO. The owners of the Club are only required to submit W9 or 1099 Independent Contractor forms to the IRS if you have over $600 in earnings.

5) Is the opportunity a here today and gone tomorrow program? NO. We started in 2007 with a detox tea. The company added a complete minerals product in 2008 and then a product to bring down blood sugar levels came in 2009. In October 2009, the highest quality enzymes were introduced and the Peak Digestive and Systemic Enzymes are the best available enzymes on the market today.


Improve Your Health and Earn CashAt the company convention in Santa Barbara, California in October 2010, the company launched Caldera Greens. The organic greens are grown in Utah in soil that is rich in fulvic acid and minerals. Hear Testimonials about our Caldera Greens product by clicking the link below. You will hear how effective the products are in improving people’s health and well being. Caldera Greens Testimonials

Avazzia bio feedback electric stimulation devices were introduced in 2010. Space age technology is now available to help people manage pain. Two of the Avazzia devices have been FDA approved for pain relief. The other devices are excellent tools to manage discomfort in our aging society.

6) Does the company pay commissions on time? Yes, members are given notice of their monthly earnings by the 3rd day of the month and members that have the Global Cash Card debit card are paid by the 10th day of the month. The company treats distributors in the field very well. The company owner answers questions on weekly conference calls. The sponsors in the company are actively working with their teams to help them as they are able.

As with any opportunity, your success depends on your efforts. If you follow the simple process of inviting people to the 4 business calls held each week, you can build a solid business without marketing on the internet. If you prefer internet marketing, there are sponsors like me that are more than happy to show you how I work the business online and offline. Come to our Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday calls at 14:00 ( 2pm ) Eastern Time to learn more. There is also a Thursday night business call at 22:00 ( 10pm ) Eastern time. Dial 775-335-3180 and enter 530312 # when prompted. You can dial this number 24 hours a day to hear the 24 day challenge call: 760-569-6898 or listen online below:

24 Days to a Solid Business Income

After you have listened to the above recorded calls and decided that you want to build a profitable income earning asset in the Whole Wellness Club, go to my website and research the opportunity page.

Tell Me More About the Club

Contact Me with any questions you may have! Hope my Find the Right Home Business post has helped you.

Daniel Parsons

Founding Member

Welcome to my Bible Truth Restored post where I share an overview of the Protestant Reformation. I am editing the post today to update some new history that I have learned through attending seminars at church.

Sola Scriptura means that Scripture alone is the primary and absolute source for all doctrine and practice (faith and morals).

Bible Truth Restored

Bible Truth RestoredThe Protestant Reformation began in earnest during the fifth century when St. Patrick evangelized Ireland. This was after the Roman Empire had fallen. God used Barbarians to overthrow Rome and some of these Barbarians ended up in Ireland.

Ireland is an Island Nation. It was far enough away from the Catholic Church in Rome to not be influenced by the Papal System that teaches  doctrines that are not in the Bible. You can learn more about this period of Christianity from the Pale Horse Rides Documentary from the Voice of Prophecy.

The Adventist movement, ( every person that believes Jesus Christ is going to return to take His believers to heaven is an Adventist ) is a culmination of Biblical Truth being restored that began in 1175 when Peter Waldo uncovered many deceptions that the Catholic Church used. Due to its length, I made a detailed description of Peter Waldo and the Waldensian movement in the last section of this blog post.*

Bible Truth RestoredIn the 1300’s, John Wycliff translated the Bible into the language of the common people.

Jan Hus ( John Hus ) lived from 1369-1415 in Europe. He protested the Catholic Eucharist tradition. He was burned at the stake for heresy by the Catholic hierarchy.

The Bible does clearly say that Jesus Christ died on the Cross once for mankind’s sins.  1 Peter 3:18 in the Amplified Bible says:

For indeed Christ died for sins once for all, the Just and Righteous for the unjust and unrighteous [the Innocent for the guilty] so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit;

Bible Truth RestoredUlrich Zwingli was a Catholic priest serving in Zurich, Switzerland during the 1500’s. Zwingli spoke against the medieval doctrines of the Catholic church and frequently pointed people to base their beliefs on what the Bible says. He was in disagreement with Luther on issues about the Eucharist.

Then in 1517 Martin Luther published his 95 Theses and posted them at the Castle Church on the campus of the University of Wittenburg in Germany.

In the 1500’s, John Calvin ( Presbyterian ) restored the truth that Christ is the mediator between man and God and not a priest.

Then John Smythe ( Baptist ) restored the truth of Baptism by Immersion in the 1600’s.

In the 1700’s, John Wesley ( Methodist ) restored the importance of witnessing.

Everyone of these truths being restored is very important but further truths kept being discovered so just using one of these truths to base a religious doctrine on is not good enough when it comes to following God’s word in the Bible.

Pride can affect very well educated people and closes the mind of some people to the point that they are not willing to accept further truth. More truth came out in 1844.

In 1844, Rise of the Adventist Movement ( 19 years later Seventh-day Adventist ) restores message of Law of God and the Heavenly Sanctuary ministry found in Hebrews 8.

So when someone makes a comment about not believing what the Seventh-day Adventist believe, they are indirectly saying they do not believe in the whole Bible Truth Restoration movement of the Protestant faiths.

If you want to learn more, seek out some Bible studies around Daniel 8:14. This is the 2300 Day Prophecy between 457 BC when the Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem in Ezra 7 was proclaimed until 1844 which is the Start of Judgment after the Great Disappointment. The Seventh-day Baptist led by William Miller were deeply saddened that Jesus did not return in October of 1844.

My resource for the above material is the Gospel Path of Salvation ( GPS ) by Ivor Myers.

Mr. Ivor Myers has an incredible story about being saved and how he overcame a difficult youth. He was involved with the Rap Music Industry in California. Someone shared the Gospel Message with Ivor which dramatically changed his life. You can find some of his videos online.

Here is the detailed synopsis about Peter Waldo that I mentioned above. He lived over 300 years before Martin Luther and began the Bible Truth Restored movement.

*Peter Waldo was a wealthy clothier and merchant living in Lyons, France. Mr. Waldo was well educated, knew how to read Latin which meant he was able to read the Bible . He heard a sermon in 1160 that set in motion a series of events that is probably the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Waldo drew people to him like a ‘magnet’ because he lived what the Bible teaches.

The following information is from Wikipedia: “The Waldensian movement was characterized from the beginning by lay preaching, voluntary poverty and strict adherence to the Bible. Between 1175-1185 Peter Waldo either commissioned a cleric from Lyons to translate the New Testament into the vernacular, the Arpitan (Franco-Provençal) language or was himself involved in this translation work.

Regardless of the source of translation, he is credited with providing to Europe the first translation of the Bible in a ‘modern tongue’ outside of Latin. In 1179, Waldo and one of his disciples went to Rome where they were welcomed by Pope Alexander III, and the Roman Curia. They had to explain their faith before a panel of three clergymen, including issues which were then debated within the Church, as the universal priesthood, the gospel in the vulgar tongue, and the issue of self-imposed poverty.

The results of the meeting were inconclusive, and Waldo’s ideas, but not the movement itself, were condemned at the Third Lateran Council in the same year, though the leaders of the movement had not been yet excommunicated.

Driven away from Lyons, Waldo and his followers settled in the high valleys of Piedmont, and in France, in the Luberon, as they continued in their pursuit of Christianity based on the New Testament. Finally, Waldo was excommunicated by Pope Lucius III during the synod held at Verona in 1184, and the doctrine of the Poor of Lyons was again condemned by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 where they are mentioned by name for the first time, and regarded as heresy.

Bible Truth RestoredThe Roman Catholic Church began to persecute the Waldensians, and many were tried and sentenced to death in various European countries during the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries. These Christians persisted by fleeing to the Alps and hiding there. Centuries after Waldo’s death, this Christian movement connected with the Genevan or Reformed branch of the Protestant Reformation.” The Waldensians were Seventh-day Sabbath keepers.

Did you know that there are Ethiopian Christians that have always kept the Seventh-day Sabbath? It very well could be that they were just far enough away from the Roman Catholic Church that the Sunday worship doctrine never reached the Ethiopians. I have seen a building in Seattle, Washington where a congregation of these Sabbath keepers meets every Saturday for worship.

A denomination known as the Anabaptists rose up during the 16th century. Anabaptists rejected the Catholic practice of infant baptism.

Seventh Day Baptists have presented the Sabbath as a sign of obedience in a covenant relationship with God and not as a condition of salvation. They have not condemned those who do not accept the Sabbath but are curious at the apparent inconsistency of those who claim to accept the Bible as their source of faith and practice, yet have followed traditions of the church instead.

Seventh Day Baptists date their origin with the mid-17th century separatist movement in England. The first separate church of record was the Mill Yard church founded about 1650 in London. A group of these believers established the first Seventh Day Baptist Church in America in December, 1671.

A group of young Bible believing Christians from the Methodist, Seventh-day Baptist & Seventh-day Presbyterian churches stayed up all night reading their Bibles and formed the Seventh-day Adventist church in 1863. The early church leaders were in their 20’s and the movement has grown into the fastest growing Protestant church in the world.

The Seventh-day Adventists have the largest Protestant school system in the world with many hospitals & clinics around the world as well. There are Seventh-day Adventist fellowships in over 220 nations of the world. God has a Bible Truth Restored movement.

JesusI am not a trained Theologian. I did attend private high schools in Virginia and had Theology classes. My college degree is in Business & Economics and I am a born again Baptized by Immersion Seventh-day Adventist Protestant Christian. I am in my Bible doing some daily study ever since Jesus came into my heart in 2007.

I hope you have enjoyed my Bible Truth Restored post. If another Bible based church can show me new truth, I will be open to searching the Scriptures to see if it is sound teaching. As for now, I am confident in the doctrines taught by the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Detox Cash Earnings

Welcome to my Detox Cash Earnings post. Detox Cash Cycler opened on 19 January 2012. The program is a 2 x 2 cycler that offers a tangible product that gives 9 out of 10 people a significant result within 1 day.

Detox Cash Earnings is still an active program years later. For a one time purchase of $79.95, you get 8 sealed pass it on packages of VelociTea shipped to your door. The shipping cost is included in your purchase price.

Detox Cash EarningsThe tea is a gentle blend of herbs that cleans the colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The tea is safe to drink everyday and gives the inside of your body a bath.

Share the tea with other people. You get paid $10 for each referral you make in your 2 x 2 cycler. You are also paid $20 for each person that lands on your second level which has 4 positions. So you earn at least $80 each time you cycle and can earn up to $140 if you sponsor each person in your 2 x 2 cycler.

Detox Cash EarningsOnce your cycler fills, the company takes $79.95 and places you back into the next available position in your sponsor’s cycler. You are also shipped another 8 weeks of VelociTea at no charge.

When you receive that package, search out prospects that are motivated to create some income. Share the tea with them and your Detox Cash website. Share the opportunity on social media sites as a way to help people remove toxins from their bodies.

There are six regularly scheduled business calls each week by the company owners. For the call details, please visit my page here:

Whole Wellness Club Calls


Detox Cash EarningsHere are my earnings from our Pre Launch:

Thursday, 19-January-12 02:23:04 AM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Thursday, 19-January-12 02:12:03 PM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Thursday, 19-January-12 02:27:25 PM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 23-January-12 10:11:16 AM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Monday, 23-January-12 10:11:17 AM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 23-January-12 10:11:17 AM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 23-January-12 10:11:17 AM     Cycler Commission     + $79.95

Monday, 23-January-12 10:11:20 AM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Monday, 23-January-12 11:26:05 AM     Product Purchase     – $79.95

Monday, 23-January-12 12:09:45 PM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Monday, 23-January-12 05:51:35 PM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 23-January-12 05:51:35 PM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Tuesday, 24-January-12 08:08:22 AM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Tuesday, 24-January-12 08:08:22 AM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Thursday, 26-January-12 05:22:46 AM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Thursday, 26-January-12 05:22:46 AM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Saturday, 28-January-12 08:37:55 AM     Fast Start Bonus(FSB)     + $20.00

Monday, 30-January-12 12:39:47 PM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 30-January-12 12:39:47 PM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

Monday, 30-January-12 12:42:01 PM     Cycler Commission     + $79.95

Monday, 30-January-12 12:42:01 PM     Cycler Commission     + $20.00

Monday, 30-January-12 12:42:01 PM     Cycler Commission     + $10.00

View Details     Sub Total     $369.95

Monday, 30-January-12 12:42:02 PM     Product Purchase     – $79.95

View Details     Sub Total     $290.00

So you can see the cycler has produced some income and after my first purchase of $79.95, I have already received 16 weeks of the VelociTea now for no charge. I have my initial buy in of $80 back and have a profit so far of $210.

The program is now in full speed ahead and I look forward to helping many people improve their health with the tea and earn some income to help their financial well being. Detox Cash Earnings is proof that you can earn an income from a home business. You are helping people improve their health as well.


I have cycled many times and have made a few thousand dollars just from this 2 x 2 Cycler. There are people all around you that need to detox and many also need some extra cash. Contact me directly if you need help during business hours on weekdays.

Learn more on my Detox Cash Cycler website:

Show Me How Detox Cash Works

Gluten Roast with Optional Mushrooms, Zucchini, and Carrots

about 12-14 servings

Preheat oven to 375

In a large bowl put:

3 cups vital wheat gluten flour

1 cup quick oats  (dry-not cooked) I use Old Fashioned, they work fine!

1 cup pecans or walnuts finely chopped but not ground

Stir together well, and set aside

gluten roast

In a large bowl, mix the following:

2 cups diced onions-sautéed

Optional, but very good- Add: and sautee with the onions:

2 med. Zucchini-grated

1/2 -1 # fairly finely chopped mushrooms- I do them in the food processor with the chopping blade

2 carrots grated.

In a medium to large pan, put the following ingredients:

1/4 cup vegetable oil*(I use Extra Virgin Olive)

1/2 cup soy sauce OR 1/4 cup Braggs

3 cups water

1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes

1 Tablespoon chicken style seasoning or substitute

1 TBS Italian seasoning

1 TBS garlic powder

1 TBS Montreal Steak Seasoning-optional

gluten roast
Bring broth to almost a boil, add the sautéed onions and vegetables if using.

Add the broth and vegetable mix to the gluten flour mix, wait 5 seconds before stirring until fairly well mixed. It does not need to be perfectly smooth, a few larger chunks are good, but all the gluten flour should be mixed in.

Place this mixture into an oiled casserole dish 9″X13″ and let sit for 5 minutes. Pat and make smooth

Pour 2 1/2** cups hot water evenly over the top. Do not stir. Place in preheated oven on middle rack and bake uncovered @ 375 for approximately 1 hour or till all water is absorbed into the roast. While this is baking, mix up the glaze you will put on top next.

Glaze: In a 2 cup measuring cup put 1 and 1/2 cups water*****

1 T brown sugar

1 and 1/2 cups ketchup

1 TBS Balsamic, Pomegranate or Apple Cider Vinegar (optional, but


Gluten RoastMix well and set aside until roast has baked long enough to absorb all the water. Then pour the glaze over the roast and bake for another 30 minutes or until the glaze is set. If making

  • Can be made oil-free by omitting the oil, but it does change the texture, and after doing it both ways several times, I prefer the oil. It is a small amount per serving, as this recipe will makes 12-14 servings.

**If the sautéed vegetables have liquid from the mushrooms in them, reduce the amount of water to be poured over the loaf by 1/2 cup or a little more.

If preparing loaf ahead of time, don’t put the glaze on, instead, bake and refrigerate. When ready to heat and serve, pour the sauce over the top, and bake gently at 300 for about an hour, uncovered, until hot clear through and glaze is beginning to set.

**** If making for Sabbath, Bake the loaf until all water is absorbed, surface is lightly brown and contents are beginning to pull away from the sides of the dish. Cool and refrigerate. On Sabbath morning, take loaf and topping glaze in a jar to potluck venue, pour glaze evenly over the top and place in the oven at 275 before Sabbath School. It should be perfect by lunch time. Do not cover.

Left overs may be cut in serving size pieces, placed on a cookie sheet not touching, and frozen, then stored in the freezer for a quick meal anytime!

From Eileen’s kitchen, Jan 2016

Original recipe from Don Maddy

Welcome to my Live Healthy While Traveling On Business post. It is easy to continue your healthy habits that you created when you are at your home while you travel the world for business or pleasure.

Live Healthy While Traveling On Business

Here is a 15 Video Playlist from my You Tube account that features different forms of exercise you can do. The 15-45 minutes you spend will help you live longer, feel better and avoid injuries.

In February 2018, I left on a month journey to help grow my home based business in the rapidly growing wellness industry. I took time to plan out how to keep up my food and exercise protocols while on the road. You can check your large piece of luggage and include your whole food supplements and other food that may be hard to find while on the road.

Live Healthy While Traveling On BusinessSo Grateful that my host picked me up at the Bahnhof in Lengwil, Switzerland so I did not have to roll my luggage the mile or so from the station. Every little village in Europe is close to public transportation like regional trains and buses that connect to the larger towns.

Olga also was going to the market on the day that I arrived so I was able to pick up an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables for my stay here. I also like to eat lentils, oats, rice and beans so I have a nice variety of food here where the rental property is near Lake Constance, Switzerland.

Live Healthy While Traveling On BusinessI do Pilates three times a week and found a workout video on You Tube that is a very good exercise routine to follow. I have been able to stay in shape while traveling around Europe on business. Getting outside for at least a 30-45 minute walk every day is also something that helps me.

In Munich, Germany, there is an outdoor ice skating rink that has a very large outer rink and then a regular sized inner ice rink that is large enough for figure skating or an ice hockey game.

The day that I went was a warm day at about 12 Celsius and the sun was shining. It was really fun to participate in a hobby that I have enjoyed since my youth. You also help your body stay in shape as you age when you do different forms of exercise.

Live Healthy While Traveling On BusinessI have also kept up my healthy eating habits while living in Europe for a month. It only takes about 20 minutes to make a very healthy and great tasting soup for a hearty middle of the day meal.

Just take some rice, lentils, beans and add some bouillon for some spices to your water and let the ingredients cook for about 20 minutes. You can cut up some fresh vegetables. I found red cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and eggplant and those vegetables soaked up the seasoning. The soup has made a great tasting meal several times in the past week.

To access more healthy recipes, please visit my Category that has many delicious vegan and vegetarian recipes.

Healthy Living

Never forget to drink your water to Live Healthy While Traveling On Business. I am drinking one half my ideal body weight in fluid ounces each day. This is around 3 quarts or liters. I also have some Chamomile tea in the evening to help me rest.  Getting plenty of rest everyday also is conducive to good health.

Hope the blog post Live Healthy While Traveling On Business has helped you. You are your best health advocate.

Are You a Disciple

I have a quick question – are you a Disciple? Now, let me ask you another question. Are you a Christian?

Are You a DiscipleOK, so that was a bit of a trick question, wasn’t it? The truth is that I just asked you the same question in two different ways. If you identified yourself as a Christian, then you are a disciple of Jesus. And if you identified yourself as a disciple, well, Christian is just a nickname for a disciple of Jesus. The disciples were first called Christians in a city called Antioch, a couple thousand years ago, and the name has stuck.

But some of you may have been hesitant to call yourself a disciple, because somehow, over the years, we have begun to use the word “disciple” for a special class of Christian. We have begun to think of a disciple as someone who has been “discipled.” Has someone ever asked you “Who discipled you?” Or “Who have you discipled?” Or, “Are you discipling anyone?” Actually, that is kind of odd isn’t it? We don’t call you a driver, because you have been driven, or a baseball player because you have been played. You are not a mother because you have been mothered or a brother because you have been brothered. Why is it that we have begun to suggest that the only real disciples are somehow people who have been discipled?

Are You a DiscipleWe all know that the last instruction of Jesus to his disciples was to “make disciples.” However, I think that we have complicated the command so that it refers to formal “discipleship” programs. We think of a couple of people meeting together, one who has been a Christian for a long time and the other person who is a newer Christian. And often, between them is a Bible and some kind of a book that they are talking about. Sound familiar?

Now, please don’t get me wrong. I am in favor of formal plans that lead to the maturing of disciples. However, when we restrict the process of making disciples to formal meetings, I fear that we have lost the power of ordinary disciples like you and me who constantly, in our everyday lives, are both disciples and people who disciple others. After all, is not the last command of Jesus to make disciples simply a restatement of his initial discipleship invitation: “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people.”?

That first discipleship invitation gives us the essence of what it means to be a disciple: A disciple of Jesus is someone who follows Jesus and who helps others to follow Jesus (i.e. is someone who can “fish for people”). Note that the two go hand-in-hand. When Andrew and Simon left their nets in response to the invitation, it was a response to both aspects of that invitation: they were willing to follow Jesus and they were willing to become fishers of men. If that describes you, then you are a disciple.

Bible Verse: “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’” (Matthew 4:19)

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:1-25

— David Freeman, Promise Keepers Canada

Copyright © 2018 Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Here are a couple of great resources for Discipleship. Hope you have enjoyed reading my Are You a Disciple post.

Hope Channel

Amazing Facts Free Bible School


Carrot Cake Overnight Oats

Welcome to my Carrot Cake Overnight Oats blog post. You can make this recipe the night before and enjoy a healthy breakfast the next day. Serve hot or cold depending on season or your preference.


Carrot Cake Overnight Oats½ cup old-fashioned oats, uncooked

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon allspice

1 tablespoon flax seeds, ground

1 tablespoon shredded coconut, unsweetened

2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

¼ cup shredded carrots

½ teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon pure maple syrup (optional)

¾ cup plain, unsweetened plant-based milk (i.e., soy, almond, coconut)


Select a container for your overnight oats, such as a mason jar or glass storage container with tight fighting lid.

Layer as Follows: oats, cinnamon, allspice, flax seeds, coconut, walnuts, and carrots.
Pour over vanilla, maple syrup, and plant-based milk.

Cover and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, stir together with a spoon and enjoy cold or warm.

Oatmeal is a breakfast staple in Loma Linda, California where Seventh-Day Adventist Christians abide by a vegetarian diet. Overnight oats are an easy way to prep breakfast for on-the-go. Fill a couple of mason jars with oats and flavorful toppings, and breakfast is ready to go the next morning.

Oatmeal is a high fiber food. Fiber is very important for your digestive system. Diets high in fiber lower the risk of lifestyle diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Oatmeal fills you up. This will help eliminate cravings for snacks, donuts, or other sweets that may tempt you. I remember how people at work would buy a dozen donuts and then share them with other employees. Oats can be included in oat loafs and other vegan or vegetarian recipes to help you improve your health.

Filled with carrots, walnuts, raisins, coconut, and spices, this overnight oats recipe from Sharon Palmer, RDN, the Plant-Powered Dietitian, tastes just like carrot cake! You can pop your jar of Carrot Cake Oats in the microwave for a few minutes if you like it warm.

Hope you have enjoyed reading my Carrot Cake Overnight Oats post. I have many more healthy recipes on my Healthy Living Category of my blog.

Daniel Parsons

Who Is Your Doctor

Welcome to my Who Is Your Doctor post where I share how to take better care of your body. Health care is a major part of a person’s life and should be a priority for everyone.

Our society has two main viewpoints about who is responsible for your health.  The first ideology is the most common.

1. Fast – Junk – Processed Animal Food Industry
2. Want What I Want Now
3. Big Pharmaceutical Drug Industry ( 100 years )
4. Give Me Pills
5. Disease Care
6. Doctor In Charge of My Health

1. Healthy Plant Based Foods ( grow your own organic if you can )
2. Be Patient & Work Hard to Build Your Dream
3. Natural Healing Remedies Used for 5,000 Years
4. Find Out Root Cause of Health Issue
5. Real Health Care
6. I Am My Own Doctor & Am Responsible for My Health

who is your doctorI lived in the first philosophy for 40 years of my life. My mind started shifting at my last union job. I am not anti-union but it is not for me as I believe in using the skills that God has gifted me with to create my own destiny. God made us to be God Like which is creating things. 🙂

I now understand why I could no longer listen to the media. All you see is advertisements that promote the top list which is a vicious cycle that traps people into a very unhealthy path.

Real Health Care Is Trusting In God, Asking God to Guide Your Path, Making Healthy Choices for Yourself & Learning to Take Care of You as No One Else Will 🙂

who is your doctorI feel better now years later than I did when I was 40 years old and still eating the Standard American Diet which consists of red meat, dairy, fast foods, junk foods and unhealthy foods.

If you need some help making the shift from the first ideology to the one where you take charge of your life, let me know. I hope my Who Is Your Doctor post has helped you.

The picture with me on my hockey skates was made in 2017. I go ice skating once a week for 2 hours. I lost 75 pounds in 1999 and have kept the weight off since.

Contact Daniel Parsons

Conflict Management

Welcome to my post that discusses Conflict Management. Here are some steps to apply for Conflict Management to be successful in relationships.

  1. Come Up with a Sign: When 1 person says: “We Are In Conflict”.
  2. If you are shifted and need a break, ask for a time out. Ask what time do we come back and resolve the conflict.
  3. When you meet, it is best for the male to listen first for 3 to 5 minutes. Then repeat back to the female what you heard.
  4. If forgiveness is needed, process through until resolved.
  5. Remember there are four choices in resolving conflicts:

a. One Person’s Way

b. Other Person’s Way

c. Break Up

d. Win – Win ( Both Talk and Act As Though Decision Was Your Choice )

6. Get a Third Party If Necessary

7. Reaffirm Relationship ( This Is Why I Chose You to Be My Friend or Partner ) Use Words of Affirmation to Strengthen Your Relationship

Conflict ManagementFour Roadblocks to the Conflict Management Process

  1. Self ( Read Philippians 2:3-5 )
  2. Shifting ( Be Christ Like )
  3. Listening
  4. Back Story


Remember that Jesus taught in Matthew 5:9

“Blessed Are the Peacemakers”.

God set up the church for us to grow in Jesus Christ.

In today’s world, we should seek Unity with Diversity. Ellen White recognized this principle during her life and she wrote about growing the church.

How well do you wear your religion?

You will not change people’s personality. Behaviors Can Change.

Communication In Relationship

  1. Seek First to Understand Than to Be Understood
  2. Affirm, Thank, Put Yourself On Their Team
  3. Clarify, Correct and Explain
  4. Admit Mistakes When You Make Them and Ask for Forgiveness

Having healthy relationships is all about communication. When people are not communicating, conflict begins. I am working on applying all of these principles in my own personal relationships as I want my relationships to be healthy.

I do hope that you have benefited from my Conflict Management post. With just a little effort, people can have healthier relationships.

Daniel Parsons


Systemic Enzymes

Systemic Enzymes are more important than vitamins. Every single biological function in the human body depends on enzymes. Dr Hiromi Shinya writes: “The key to a long and healthy life can be summed up in one word: Enzymes. ”

One of the most important health concerns we face as we get older is keeping our cardiovascular system in good shape.

The heart pumps the blood through your body & is critical for us to live.

If you have plaque buildup inside of your cardiovascular system, the blockage in your arteries can cause heart attacks or strokes. Many people do not want to take the prescription medications like Coumadin or Warfarin because of the side effects. What can people do to help keep their cardiovascular system healthy?

systemic enzymesEnzymes help to build and maintain overall health. They may be taken to address specific issues, but just as often are used to promote prevention and provide general body support. Supported processes include the breakdown of excess mucus, fibrin, many toxins, allergens, and clotting factors. Systemic Enzymes also help the immune system response by helping white blood cell efficiency.

Whole Wellness Club has high quality Systemic Enzymes from the premier Enzymes Manufacturer in the world. You can hear our recorded calls with Troy Aupperle who is the CEO of Enzymology Research Labs in Minnesota, USA on the link below:

Enzymes Calls

Troy Aupperle has climbed the seven highest mountain peaks on seven continents. He attributes his climbing success to his use of high quality Enzymes.

Troy is the expert in the field of enzymes and his business is only enzymes.

I started using the Peak Enzymes in October of 2009. A recent imaging report of my cardiovascular system noted that my arteries are totally clear. I am able to do vigorous exercise without getting fatigued. I attribute my endurance to using Peak Enzymes.

You can read more about our affordable high quality Enzymes on our product information website below:

Systemic Enzymes

Give me a call if you want to find out more about the Systemic Enzymes.

Contact Me About Enzymes

VelociTea Call with Dr. Chappell

Welcome to my VelociTea Call with Dr. Chappell post.  He has a PhD in clinical nutrition, is a doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy, and a certified medical herbalist. Here is a great 29 minute recorded call from Dr. James Chappell.

Dr. Chappell on Toxins and Detoxing the Body

You can also dial in to the following phone number 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.


Watch Dr. Chappell in this 2 minute video about VelociTea:

Learn about how people have used the VelociTea ingredients for thousands of years to help people that suffer from many common health challenges.

velocitea call with dr chappellOur world is very toxic. The world has dirty air and water. Our food has unhealthy bacteria. What can we do to stay healthy? You can get a gentle detox tea that will go into your soft tissues and organs and cleanse anything that is foreign to your body. The tea was formulated 30 years ago and has been used successfully by millions of people. The colon, kidneys, liver and lungs are cleaned and you will notice a difference right away the very next day. Nine out of 10 people get a significant result.

velocitea call with dr chappellThe results people get from this tea are phenomenal. Nine out of ten people notice a significant result the very next day after drinking the tea. It is safe to use the tea on a daily basis. Suggested daily usage is 20 ounces of diluted tea. I have been using 8 ounces of undiluted tea since 2007.

velocitea call with dr chappellVelociTea Detox Tea can be used as a successful Weight Loss Program for many and is much more effective than Chinese Green Tea. Just drinking the VelociTea regularly often results in a reduction in the amount of stored fat in the body, and a significant reduction in the size of the abdomen or belly.

For some people, the weight loss has been achieved quickly and rather dramatically, but individual results will vary. When the excess weight is actually from impacted fecal matter stuck to the inside wall of the colon and small intestine, no amount of dieting or fat loss or exercise can reduce the size of the belly, but VelociTea can!

You can learn more on this VelociTea page on my website:

Tell Me More About Toxins and Detox

Contact Me if you have any questions.

Daniel Parsons

Healings from Jesus Reveal His Love for Us

Welcome to my Healings from Jesus Reveal His Love for Us blog post. Miracle from Dirty Hands is a message given by Pastor John Wesslen on Sabbath, 19 March 2016 at Orchards Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church.

Three Simple Stories of God’s Love for Man are found in Luke 7.

Healings from Jesus Reveal His Love for UsLuke 7:1-10
Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant

7 Now when He concluded all His sayings in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum. 2 And a certain centurion’s servant, who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die. 3 So when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant. 4 And when they came to Jesus, they begged Him earnestly, saying that the one for whom He should do this was deserving, 5 “for he loves our nation, and has built us a synagogue.”

6 Then Jesus went with them. And when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, “Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. 7 Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

Healings from Jesus Reveal His Love for Us9 When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” 10 And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well who had been sick.

This is the first time in the Bible that a Gentile recognizes the Divinity of Jesus Christ. The soldier feared ( Respected ) God. His dialogue with Jesus revealed that he understood where Jesus’s authority came from and he believed Jesus could heal his servant. The Greek words dia sosa translates to help get through illness. Jesus took pity on the man and healed him immediately. This reveals that Jesus had power to do healings from a distance.

Luke 7:11-17
Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of Nain

11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd. 12 And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14 Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” 15 So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.

16 Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen up among us”; and, “God has visited His people.” 17 And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.

The People must have thought Jesus was crazy. How could a dead man on the way to be buried be resurrected back to life?

Jesus loved people. He Loves you. God came to the widow woman and healed her son through Jesus Christ.

Healings from Jesus Reveal His Love for UsLuke 7:18-23
John the Baptist Sends Messengers to Jesus

18 Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 19 And John, calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”

20 When the men had come to Him, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, ‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’” 21 And that very hour He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits; and to many blind He gave sight.

22 Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. 23 And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”

Jesus reveals His Divinity to John the Baptist by sharing all of the healings that Jesus did. Here are three important points to never forget about Jesus.

1. Jesus Came to Save Us All ( heathens, lepers, prisoners and refugees )

2. Jesus Goes to Work to Save People Who Do Not Know Him

3. We Can Recognize Jesus by Miraculous Power Displayed in What He Does

We are sinners and Jesus pursues us. As human beings, we will never be able to fully understand Our Infinite God. We will learn more at Jesus’s feet when HE comes in the Second Coming.

Pastor John Wesslen has a friend that did not attend any church for most of his life. The man’s wife began attending church and soon the man started going so he could be with his wife.

The friend that began going to church vowed he would never give up the fine wines that he enjoyed every evening. About a year later after he had accompanied his wife to church, the man realized that he had not had any of the fine wines in a few weeks. The amazing thing is the man did not miss the wine. Jesus had removed the alcohol from the man’s life.