Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs
Welcome to my Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs post that has resources to help you become smoke free. You will feel much better, your clothes will smell better, and you will live longer.
Do you get out and exercise often?
If you live in Southern California like me, there are over 300 days a year that the sun is shining and people are out jogging, riding bicycles, and walking. I live in a city and there are many vehicles moving about. People that smoke cigarettes are also out on sidewalks smoking because it is against the law to smoke in apartment buildings.

I am thankful that I never gave up trying to quit smoking. I finally quit smoking in 1998. I smoked about 20 cigarettes a day for around 20 years give or take some periods that I did not smoke. When I smoked, I never realized how harmful second hand smoke was. Today I had to walk around a man that was out on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette as he was using his mobile device. I go out of my way now to keep my lungs from being exposed to smoke.
Here are some resources if you are still smoking in California. Many other state and provincial governments have similar resources if you live outside of California.
California Tobacco Quitline. 1-800-No-Butts (or 1-800-662-8887)
Washington State Quitline Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
After many years of daily walking, exercises, and getting my heart rate up, my lungs have recovered to the point that I am super sensitive to pollutants. I just pray that I did not scar or blacken my lungs too badly when I was addicted to the toxins in cigarette smoke. I read that there are over 400 toxins in cigarette smoke. Some people that are exposed to second hand smoke end up with serious health problems even though these people were non-smokers that did not smoke. I remember as a child my mother would smoke Kool cigarettes in the car with me and my three brothers and sisters.
Another problem all together is vehicle exhaust from older vehicles, work trucks, and commercial trucks as you are out exercising in the city. It is rather difficult to walk around or avoid these vehicles. Every time my lungs come across the toxic air that these vehicles put out, I remind myself that I will drink some of the VelociTea later in the day to help my body eliminate these toxins.
I wish I lived in a mountain valley with fresh clean mountain air but my reality is that right now I live in a city. If you are concerned like I am about the amount of toxins that your body is taking in each day, consider doing a cleanse.
VelociTea : Safe Medicinal Tonic

Dr. James Chappell has an excellent video about the VelociTea.
The gentle blend of herbs that the VelociTea consists of have been used for over 4,000 years. Here are the ingredients:
1 Blessed Thistle
2. Malva Leaves
3. Marshmallow Leaves
4. Milk Thistle
5. Persimmon Leaves
A very informative recorded call that describes how important cleansing of the body is can be found by dialing 559-726-1259 and enter box 3. This call is done by Dr. James Chappell and is available anytime of the day or night. You can also listen by going to the website below:
We are so confident that you will benefit from the medicinal herbal tonic that we will let you try a sample on us. Nine out of ten people experience a significant result after just one day of using VelociTea! Here are some of the testimonies that people have sent me:
Jean in Washington

When I first started using VelociTea, I did not know that I had been constipated all my life. I had hemorrhoids as a child and did not know what caused them.
My neighbor went to the hospital just to be told that she was constipated. When I talked with her, I told her that VelociTea will help her with that problem and she has been drinking the tea ever since.
I have used the medicinal tonic since 2007. I drank more in the beginning and now just have a daily glass to continue to experience the cleansing results the tea brings.
I enjoy being active again and every summer I am canning fruit at harvest time!
Barbara in Pennsylvania

For many years, I suffered from constipation, irritable bowel or migraine headaches that got so severe I would be in bed for days.
I tried VelociTea after a friend introduced the detox tea to me and many of my health challenges no longer affect me.
I still drink the tea now to keep the toxins cleansed from my body.
Many members of my family also are using the tea as they experienced the improvement in their health as well. Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs so you will be your best.
I enjoy being active and taking my animals out on walks.
Myron in Washington

VelociTea has had a significant effect on me. My first experience after using the product was going to the bathroom and it felt like shotgun pellets were coming out of me.
I have been interested in natural health and wellness for many years and knew that parasites were coming out of me.
My other major experience was experiencing the night sweats. I called in to ask Dr. Chappell about this result on his Wednesday evening Ask Dr. Jim health call.
By the process of elimination, I determined that the night sweats signified that my liver and other organs were being cleansed of toxins.
I still drink a maintenance dose of the medicinal tonic to keep the toxins from building up inside my body! I suggest you Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs also so you will feel better.
To get a free one week sample of the Medicinal Tonic, go to my website below. You will be asked for your name and address. You must provide valid information otherwise the shipping department will not be able to send your free sample to you. We ship to most of the countries around the world. Your information is safe with our company and is never sold or shared. We respect your privacy!