Adds Years to Your Life

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee

Are you Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee? Just heard that Starbucks is raising the price of coffee in many of its stores on a business program. Do you spend $2 or more on a coffee at a shop or espresso drive through? Did you know that caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in the world? Do you want a healthier alternative?

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks CoffeeCaldera Greens is a powerful organic greens product that gives your body dense nutrition with an abundance of enzymes, folic acid, minerals, and vitamins. There is a natural energy boost without the stimulants from the caffeine in coffee. You can have steady energy throughout the day with 2 teaspoons of Caldera Greens. The cost to get a canister shipping included is about $1.77 per day.

Caldera Greens provides pure juice and whole powder concentrate from fresh young, certified organic, alfalfa, barley, oat, and wheat grass greens grown on volcanic soil rich in minerals and fulvic acid. This fresh juiced grass formulation provides one of the most balanced nutrient profiles of all greens products available on the market. It is naturally rich in active food enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, glycosylisovitexin, minerals, phytonutrients, plant proteins and vitamins.

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks CoffeeOur organic ingredients are abundant in chlorophyll, naturally alkaline, juiced and dried within five hours of harvest at an average temperature of 88 degrees farenheit. Our amazing proprietary drying process concentrates live whole foods and fresh, raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting juice powders for the ultimate in all natural convenient nutrition.

You can spend less money each day and get plenty of natural energy from nutrient dense whole food plants. Your body will notice the difference and you will also sleep better by getting off caffeine which is a drug.

Hope you have enjoyed reading my Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee post. Find out more about how these organic greens are harvested with all the enzymes and nutrients in tact from a farm in Utah on my website here:

Organic Greens

Make a Weight Loss Smoothie

Welcome to my make a weight loss smoothie post. This video shows how to make a Caldera Greens weight loss smoothie from scratch. You can make this in the morning and there is plenty for your breakfast and lunch and you do what is called a Juice fast. Then eat a sensible supper and watch the weight come off.

Our Caldera Greens provide the body a full spectrum of minerals.

Make a Weight Loss SmoothieHere is a list of the main ingredients of Caldera Greens Plain Powders:
25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder
25 percent Barley grass juice powder
25 percent Wheat grass juice powder
10 percent Oat grass juice powder
15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation
Our blue green algae ( Spirulina ) and Sea Vegetation increases the amount of nutrients in the product.

Our greens are grown in the United States on volcanic soil that is loaded with fulvic acid and minerals. People experience the power of using these greens and share that they have more energy all through the day.

Make a Weight Loss SmoothieBecause your body is getting the nutrients straight from the young alfalfa, barley, oat and wheat grass greens, your body is being nourished straight from the earth. Many people eat red meat and that is getting nutrients from an animal that has eaten greens. Skip the animal foods and you will be healthier, never worry about weight, and have more energy and lower your risk of disease.

Caldera Greens are available exclusively from the Whole Wellness Club. You can join the club for free and there are a few options to order the Organic Caldera Greens. The best price is to order the 6 pack. The 3 pack gives you a reduced shipping price over just ordering one canister. Let me know if you want to find out how to get these top quality products for free.

Caldera Greens
Product Code





Hope you have enjoyed reading my Make a Weight Loss Smoothie post. Join the Whole Wellness Club Today and Order Caldera Greens.

Contact Me if you have any questions! Just Click Below!

Create My Own Health Food Store for Free

Weight Loss Tips

Welcome to my Weight Loss Tips post. Read on to learn how I used simple activities and ideas to lose over 70 pounds in 2000. I have not struggled with my weight since I began putting these activities into my life.

1. Weight Loss is easy when you make behavior changes. Wake up 45 minutes earlier than you normally do. You can always cut out a television program at night or tape it for the next day if you are addicted. You can get to bed 45 minutes to an hour earlier the same day with this simple adjustment.

Weight Loss Tips2. Pour two 16-20 ounce glasses of water. Drink the water first thing in the morning.

3. If you pray, spend 15 minutes with prayer & positive messages to get your day off to a great start.

4. Put on your hiking boots or athletic shoes and head out the door for a brisk walk.

If you live where there is inclement weather, you can adjust your schedule to be at the local mall when it opens and walk there.

We were designed by God to be active. Weight gain happened as people began working sedentary jobs that required little physical activity.

Start moving more by parking far away from the entrance of stores.

Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. This is one of many simple weight loss tips.

Find a pedometer that measures how many steps you take in a day and set goals to get to 10,000 or more steps.

Weight Loss Tips5. Engage in at least a 30 minute brisk walk on a daily basis. Try to get your heart rate up so you are getting some cardiovascular benefits. A little sweat is good for you.

6. If you can afford an inversion table, hang upside down for 10 minutes and read some positive motivational material while inverted. Inversion helps line up your spine. Your spine has all of the nerve endings & having full nerve conductivity is important for your health.

7. Do sit-ups, push-ups, and an exercise ball routine for another 30 minutes. Finish with some great pilates stretches for your hamstrings. I enjoy doing pilates scissors, pilates overhead, the pretzel, child’s pose, cat’s stretch, and down dog as my yoga exercises.

8. Eat a healthy breakfast. I like a warm bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a half of a grapefruit along with a banana for breakfast on weekdays. On weekends, I make the healthy waffles (recipe under my healthy living section on my blog).

9. Drink one half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Avoid soda and caffeine.

weight loss tips10. Eat a healthy lunch with a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes. Steam your vegetables to get as many of the nutrients as possible. Avoid animal products because they have fat in them. Avoid snacks and junk food. Eat a light supper as early as possible to help your digestive system process your dinner 3 hours before bed.

11. Weight loss happens as you give your body all the necessary nutrients it needs for good health. This will satisfy your body and you will never feel hungry. Gradual weight loss is the permanent solution. A plant based diet is lower in calories and fat. The exercise will help your body burn off the extra weight.

12. This is the end of my free suggestions for you. The above behavior changes worked for me to shed 70 pounds. I am always happy to help where I can as my passion is medical missionary work which includes introducing people to lifestyle changes that work. I hope you have enjoyed reading my Weight Loss Tips post.

Weight Loss TipsOptional Recommendation: Supplement with Caldera Greens which provides many nutrients and helps keep your appetite down. It is sometimes difficult to find good organic greens. I have been affiliated with a company since 2007 and we offer a powerful product that has many of the essential nutrients the body needs for good health. Find out more about the Greens at my site below:

Caldera Greens

Daniel Parsons

Improved Alli-C

Welcome to my Improved Alli-C post. Help your body’s immune system and fight off viruses and bugs as well as lowering your bad cholesterol with this powerful natural health product.

Improved Alli-CDr. Josling has added an additional 30 mg of Stabilized Allicin to the incredible Alli-C product. Each veggie capsule now has 300 mg of the allicin powder. Alli-C yields 100 percent allicin whereas the typical garlic product in a health food store only yields 4 percent allicin. You get much more value for your money with Alli-C and the testimonials are powerful.

I have used Alli-C since 2005 and I rarely get sick. There have only been 2 days that I can remember when I was not able to do my normal healthy lifestyle routine due to having a bad cold. When I did get sick, I took 3 or 4 of the capsules and felt better the very next day.

A Significant Advancement in the Use of Garlic for Health and Wellness

British Chemist Peter Josling developed a way to stabilize the Allicin molecule derived from Garlic, affecting a quantum leap in garlic’s ability to assist the body in maintaining wellness. Stabilized Allicin helps in the body’s efforts in supporting an abundance of friendly bacteria, and keeping the amount of bad bacteria in check.

Each batch of Alli-C is tested against the staph called MRSA which is so difficult for the medical world to eradicate or treat. If it does not kill the MRSA in the test tube, we don’t sell it.

Improved Alli-CStabilized Allicin also offers the many health benefits of eating fresh garlic multiplied many times over. Peter Josling’s #1 Stabilized Allicin formulation called Alli-C imparts the health benefits of eating 36 cloves of fresh Garlic in a single veggie capsule. It does it all safely without the side effects or odor.

Alli-C contains 300 mg of Stabilized Allicin in each capsule with the addition of 60 mg of food based Vitamin C and 40 mg Citrus Bioflavonoids to synergistically enhance the wellness enhancing power of the Allicin.

Alli-C may be taken for preventive maintenance or to aid the body in healing when out of balance. Among its many areas of healthful benefits are the balancing of blood pressure and cholesterol. It is especially valuable during cold and flu season and has proven in a double-blind study to significantly lessen the onset, intensity, and duration of common colds.

Alli-C is affordable for the masses, with a bottle of 30 capsules retailing for $40. The normal maintenance dosage is one capsule per day, and much higher doses can be administered for therapeutic purposes. It serves both humans and animals equally well.

Alli-C outperforms other Garlic supplements. The only persons who should not use it are children under 3 years of age and those allergic to Garlic. No chemicals are used in the growing of the Garlic or the extraction of the Allicin from fresh Garlic. Alli-C is made and packaged to GMP standards with pharmaceutical grade materials.

Find out more on my Alli-C page. Hope that my Improved Alli-C post has helped you.

Contact Me if you have any questions!


Do you want to eat right all the time?

Many people say they want to maintain a healthy lifestyle but do not plan ahead for business trips or vacations. You can eat right when traveling by making healthy meals with the food you normally eat at home the night before you travel.

eat rightWhen I know I have to go on the road and be away from my kitchen, I make my healthy fruit smoothie the night before. There is enough time when you are walking through the TSA security lines at the airport to drink an organic fruit smoothie for your breakfast.

I use Organic Caldera Greens and add some fruits that are in season like: apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, kiwi, mango, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, oranges, and raspberries.

over weight maleIt only takes me a total of one hour from start to finish including the clean up afterwards to prepare all the food I will eat for one day. Most all of the food I eat has no nutrition label. You can also eat this way when you buy foods as grown.

Lifestyle medicine teaches principles about how to live a long healthy life and thereby eliminate the need to diet. When you learn these principles, your life changes and you will never again be on a diet roller coaster that never works.

Ever since I came home from serving in the US Air Force in Germany, I have had either a job or a business that required travel. For many years I ate what is known as the Standard American Diet. I was 75 pounds or 35 kilograms heavier back in 2000.

My blood pressure was much higher then than it is now. My diet slowly shifted from eating mostly animal products to a diet that is almost all plant based now. The weight dropped off in just a few months with some moderate exercise and I only drink pure water. Not only did my physical health get better but all other areas of my life improved. Since 2000, I have weighed the same as I did when I was a senior in high school by gradually learning how to eat right.

eat right breakfastTo maintain my weight at what is known as your ideal weight, I just prepare meals ahead of time when I have to travel. The picture is a photo I took while flying on the early plane to Los Angeles. Because you cannot take fluids in your carry on bag, I drink the tropical fruit smoothie early.

Once the airplane reaches cruising altitude and we are allowed to get up, I grab my carry on bag and get my healthy breakfast out. I always carry a half cup of organic steel cut oats in my carry on in a plastic container. Just add the oats and same amount of pure water in a container, stir and they will be just the right consistency the next morning. You do not have to cook them and you get all of the nutrients by eating these oats raw. Don’t forget your spoon. I also enjoy having decaf green tea with ginger.

waterIn my small checked bag, I put 2 quarts of pure water that I make with my distilled water machine. I live in an area where there is good quality water but I still prefer removing the chemicals that the city puts in and just add a half teaspoon of himalayan pink sea salt to my gallon container and that gives my water the electrolytes that my body will need.

We all need to drink one half of our ideal body weight in fluid ounces of pure water every day. Coffee, sodas and tea do not count as they are diuretics.

healthy dinnerFor my evening meal, I had prepared and sliced up some raw organic vegetables for the flight home or if I need to stay overnight in a city. That way I can keep eating the food that I trust even while on the road.

If you are traveling for a long period of time, ask someone where is a good reliable source of organic fruits and vegetables. You can also put a small chopping board with a kitchen knife in your checked luggage and that way you can continue eating healthy while on vacation or an extended business trip. I even have a small blender machine that I take with me to the east coast so I do not have to take the main food processor I have for day to day use at home to eat right.

Will publish more Lifestyle Medicine posts in the near future that help us eat right. Once these principles become a part of you, you will be in charge of what you put in your mouth. Your health will improve.

Let me know your ideas on how you eat right while traveling for business or vacation! I enjoy interacting with all of you!

3 John 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

John 10:10

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Daniel Parsons

Skype: missionarydanielparsons




Healthy Dinner Meal

Healthy Dinner Meal is a post about getting nutrition from vegetables. Eating healthy salads with many different varieties of vegetables is an excellent way to give your body the phytonutrients that will help keep your body nourished.

healthy dinner mealTry to eat a variety of vegetables so your body recognizes and receives the different nutrients that these plants have. Some vegetables are seasonal so I enjoy the summer squash and zucchini when they are in season. Eggplant is another favorite. For the most part, I leave the skins on the vegetables unless I am making a specific recipe that calls for just the mashed potatoes out of a sweet potato. One week I will have my Vegan Southwestern Shepherd’s Pie which calls for me to peel the sweet potato skin and then the next week I will buy a large sweet potato and leave the skin on and just steam a couple of slices of that sweet potato.

There are many powerful nutrients located in the skins of the plants. The whole principle of eating for nutrition is to get as much of the healthful properties out of the food as you can. Ever notice how you are never hungry between meals when you eat the foods I have been sharing with you? I never have snacks. If I do, it would be because I bought a bag of grapes and I need to move the grapes into a container and one or two fell off the vine.

healthy dinner mealEating raw vegetables in your salads is an excellent way to get the most enzymes, minerals, nutrients and vitamins from your food. If you need to soften the vegetables, you can lightly steam them. Many stores have the metal steamer baskets that you can place in a pot on your stove top. Add a small amount of water to the bottom and then put your metal steamer basket in to the pot. Turn your burner on a little less than medium and lightly steam. It is best to not get the temperature too hot because the nutrients will be reduced.

There is such a wide variety of vegetables to choose from every day. Grow your own garden if you can. For many years, I had the advantage of walking out into my back yard and picking fresh beans, broccoli, carrots, corn, peas, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes for about 2 months of the year. Fresh from the garden is delicious and you can tell the difference compared to what you buy at your local store.

black beans

Check your local area and find out if there is a local farmers market. There are several each week where I live right now. The produce that the organic farmers have for sale also tastes better than the commercial grown produce found in your store.

I have a blog that has many healthy recipes using beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and vegetables. You can go bookmark my site below as I am updating with new recipes each week.

Healthy Recipes

You really can eat very well and have plenty of variety in your dinner meals by trying some of the above suggestions. Your body will never miss the fat and cholesterol from the animal products.


Hydrating the body first thing in the morning is very important. I start the day by drinking a quart of pure water. I have my last large glass of water of the day in the late afternoon about 4:30 pm. Just before bed I drink about 6 ounces of water when I take a Peak Systemic Enzyme

waterWater is so vital to our overall health. Many people are dehydrated. Our body needs 1/2 of our ideal body weight in fluid ounces of pure water each day. Coffee, tea and sodas do not count. If the weather is hot, your body will need more than the recommendation above. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to drink at least 75 ounces of pure water each day.

One other tip about water is drink about 12 ounces of water at least 30 minutes before your meals. Do not drink anything while you are eating and wait another hour before you drink anything else. The reason behind this hydration principle is that drinking fluids while eating will hinder the digestion process. We want the gastric juices to break down our food and this is best done by drinking the water 30 minutes before eating.

If you need to reach me, visit my Contact Page and I will be happy to help in any way I can!

Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss


Welcome to my Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss post where I teach how you can lose weight by eating nutrient dense foods. Before you skip another breakfast because you just don’t have time in the morning, I strongly encourage you to go to my previous post titled: “Why Most People Never Lose Weight”. Breakfast means we are ‘breaking our fast’. Many nutritional experts agree that eating breakfast like a King, dinner like a Queen and supper like a Pauper is the healthiest dietary habits you can have.

Little Tips for Weight LossI did not grow up eating the healthy diet that I now have. For many years I ate meats like bacon, ham and sausage with eggs and biscuits. When I learned that animal products are high in fat and cholesterol, I gradually started eliminating animal products from my diet. Ever since I got serious about what I put in my body in 2001, I have not struggled with a weight problem. Here are the foods that I have enjoyed for breakfast since 2001.


waterHydrating the body first thing in the morning is very important. I start the day by drinking a quart of pure water. I have my last large glass of water of the day in the late afternoon about 4:30 pm. Just before bed I drink about 6 ounces of water when I take a Peak Systemic Enzyme

Water is so vital to our overall health. Many people are dehydrated. Our body needs 1/2 of our ideal body weight in fluid ounces of pure water each day. Coffee, tea and sodas do not count. If the weather is hot, your body will need more than the recommendation above. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to drink at least 75 ounces of pure water each day.

One other tip about water is drink about 12 ounces of water at least 30 minutes before your meals. Do not drink anything while you are eating and wait another hour before you drink anything else. The reason behind this hydration principle is that drinking fluids while eating will hinder the digestion process. We want the gastric juices to break down our food and this is best done by drinking the water 30 minutes before eating.


Fruit is loaded with nutrients and enzymes that give the body energy. I prefer to eat the bulk of my fruit in the morning so I can get all of the nutrients and energy to help me through the day. I like to rotate the fruit that I eat. My favorites are:

Healthy Breakfast for Weight LossApples













Whole Grains

Healthy Breakfast for Weight LossWhole grains are cereal grains that contain cereal germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm.

Organic Oatmeal is usually in my diet every single day. Oatmeal is a great source of soluble fiber. The fiber helps reduce the bad cholesterol in the body. I also like other whole grains like:

Barley – Hulled and Dehulled (not Pearl), Brown Rice, Buckwheat, Kamut, Millet, Oat, Quinoa, Rye, Sprouted Grains, Teff, Triticale, and Whole Wheat.

I like to add a little honey to my Oatmeal and also top with a quarter cup or so of frozen blueberries.

Caldera Greens Smoothie

Ever since I learned about some powerful Organic Alfalfa, Barley, Oat and Wheat grass greens back in 2010, I have made a frozen smoothie every single morning. The greens are grown in volcanic soil in Utah, USA and give the body incredible energy and nutrients. You can watch a video I made specific about the Greens on the webpage below:

Caldera Greens

The link to my blog with many different recipes including healthy french toast, healthy oatmeal waffles and maple walnut granola is below:

Healthy Recipes

You really can eat very well and have plenty of variety in your breakfast meals by trying some of the above suggestions. Your body will never miss the fat and cholesterol from the animal products. I am amazed that even though I woke up at 05:30 this morning, I am still alert and typing this latest blog post so I would not leave my readers stranded after bringing up the problem with Obesity in the last blog post. The next post will cover a healthy dinner meal.

If you need to reach me, visit my Contact Page and I will be happy to help in any way I can!

What Is In Your Food?

Did you know that only 10 percent of the dollar you spend on processed foods actually goes towards real food? Most of the money people spend on packaged foods ( commonly found in the frozen foods section of the market ) goes into processing, adding chemicals ( do you know what some of those ingredients are ) and marketing the food.

Our best value and best option for leading a healthy lifestyle is to buy foods in their natural state. Walk in your produce section and select apples, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, kale, melons, peaches, pineapple, spinach, strawberries, and other seasonal produce items.

The best option we all have is to grow our own organic gardens where we live. If you cannot work the garden or have a garden due to your circumstances, check your local area for an organic farmers market. There are farmers markets here where I live in California two times each week. You can taste how good the fresh fruits and vegetables are as they have just been picked recently.

By eating foods as grown, you will detox all of those chemicals out of your body and add in all the phytonutrients from the above real foods and feel great!

Most disease begins as a result of the body not having the right nutrition for keeping the immune system strong. Think of your immune system as the protective shield around your body. When you provide the right nutrients, the shield remains strong. Eat junk foods with chemicals and the shield breaks down and your immunity gets weak and the next thing you know you are sick. The time to seek wellness is NOW, not when you get sick. You are your own best Doctor. Doctor means ‘teacher’.

I can offer you a couple of excellent wellness resources. Get our free book that lists how to seek Optimum Health & Longevity. There is a short form to fill out in the upper right of my website.

You can also come on our weekly Ask Dr. James Chappell conference call and ask the doctor directly your health concern. The calls are held every Wednesday evening at 10 pm Eastern time.

Phone # to Dial: 206-402-0100 Use Conf ID: 530312#
Backup #: (615) 209-7999

Contact me if I can help you in any way! My details are on the Contact page!

Get Your Protein from Plant Based Foods

Did you know that Olympic track and field super star Carl Lewis quit eating animal products when he was training for the Olympics? He says that he is still a vegetarian to this day. Watch Carl in this short interview video:

If you like to eat animal products, you are not alone. I grew up in a Southern home in the United States and it was part of our culture to eat animal products at just about every meal. My family was just going along with the mainstream concept that you needed to eat meat to be strong. Fortunately, there is plenty of protein available in plant based foods and vegetarians have known this fact for years.

The way I moved away from eating animal products was a gradual process. I cut out red meat first. I had read too many articles on the internet about mad cow disease and dead animals being ground up and given as feed to other animals.

The next thing I did was cut out eating dark chicken and turkey meat. I ate white chicken breast or turkey breast only for about 3 months. In the meantime, I began learning how to eat vegetarian and vegan foods that looked similar to what the animal dishes looked like. I have an extensive blog with a Healthy Living section that is full of such recipes. Please share these recipes with people you know.

Great Tasting Meals without the Animal Fat

By 2006, I decided to no longer put any animal products in my mouth. I have not had to worry about or deal with excess weight since then. My weight has been steady for many years now even though I am almost 10 years older when I started gradually eliminating animal products from my diet.

A couple of other motivations for me included watching some videos of how animals are slaughtered and learning that pigs have such thick skin that there is only one gland that excretes waste. Scientifically speaking, pigs can carry many harmful organisms on them which can transmit to humans, diseases like trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are found to be having many parasitic worms in their digestive tract which can be transferred to the humans either by air or by pork. Hence, pigs are said to be unclean. Here is a video that should make you leave pork alone for the rest of your life.

Did you know that Dr. Colin Campbell did an exhaustive study that followed the rapid increase in the diseases of cancer, diabetes, and obesity in China when the people began eating more animal products? You can access much information from this website and there is a book available.

China Study

With the growth of the world’s population exceeding 7 billion people recently, the ability for the world to feed and sustain all of the people is becoming a large issue. It takes much more land to ranch cattle than it takes to grow vegetables. When we eat vegetables and plant based foods, we get the protein directly and not through the animal. I know I would rather have the nutrients straight from the source.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine published an article recently about how the huge surge in demand for animal products cannot be sustained.

Western Diet Unsustainable for Planet”

“The more animal products people consume, the less likely we are to feed future generations, according to a new study from the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Globally, meat and dairy consumption is expected to increase by 68 and 57 percent, respectively, by 2030. Increased demand for animal products stems not only from population growth, but from increasing affluence among the world’s population, which has shifted from grain-based diets to animal-based diets (meat, dairy products, and eggs).

Production of animal products requires more land and resources than plant-based foods, and now 75 percent of all agricultural land is used for animal production. The negative consequences of consuming more animal products affect the environment and future food availability, as well as world health. Greater animal product consumption is associated with increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.”

Cassidy ES, West PC, Gerber JS, Foley JA. Redefining agricultural yields: from tonnes to people nourished per hectare.Environ Res Lett. 2013;8:1-8.

Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs


Welcome to my Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs post that has resources to help you become smoke free. You will feel much better, your clothes will smell better, and you will live longer.

Do you get out and exercise often?

If you live in Southern California like me, there are over 300 days a year that the sun is shining and people are out jogging, riding bicycles, and walking. I live in a city and there are many vehicles moving about. People that smoke cigarettes are also out on sidewalks smoking because it is against the law to smoke in apartment buildings.

Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs


I am thankful that I never gave up trying to quit smoking. I finally quit smoking  in 1998. I smoked about 20 cigarettes a day for around 20 years give or take some periods that I did not smoke. When I smoked, I never realized how harmful second hand smoke was. Today I had to walk around a man that was out on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette as he was using his mobile device. I go out of my way now to keep my lungs from being exposed to smoke.

Here are some resources if you are still smoking in California. Many other state and provincial governments have similar resources if you live outside of California.

California Tobacco Quitline. 1-800-No-Butts (or 1-800-662-8887)

Washington State Quitline Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)


Clean Toxins Out of Your LungsAfter many years of daily walking, exercises, and getting my heart rate up, my lungs have recovered to the point that I am super sensitive to pollutants. I just pray that I did not scar or blacken my lungs too badly when I was addicted to the toxins in cigarette smoke. I read that there are over 400 toxins in cigarette smoke. Some people that are exposed to second hand smoke end up with serious health problems even though these people were non-smokers that did not smoke. I remember as a child my mother would smoke Kool cigarettes in the car with me and my three brothers and sisters.

Another problem all together is vehicle exhaust from older vehicles, work trucks, and commercial trucks as you are out exercising in the city. It is rather difficult to walk around or avoid these vehicles. Every time my lungs come across the toxic air that these vehicles put out, I remind myself that I will drink some of the VelociTea later in the day to help my body eliminate these toxins.

I wish I lived in a mountain valley with fresh clean mountain air but my reality is that right now I live in a city. If you are concerned like I am about the amount of toxins that your body is taking in each day, consider doing a cleanse.

VelociTea : Safe Medicinal Tonic



Dr. James Chappell has an excellent video about the VelociTea.

The gentle blend of herbs that the VelociTea consists of have been used for over 4,000 years. Here are the ingredients:

1 Blessed Thistle

2. Malva Leaves

3. Marshmallow Leaves

4. Milk Thistle

5. Persimmon Leaves

A very informative recorded call that describes how important cleansing of the body is can be found by dialing 559-726-1259 and enter box 3. This call is done by Dr. James Chappell and is available anytime of the day or night. You can also listen by going to the website below:

VelociTea MP3 Recording

We are so confident that you will benefit from the medicinal herbal tonic that we will let you try a sample on us. Nine out of ten people experience a significant result after just one day of using VelociTea! Here are some of the testimonies that people have sent me:

Jean in Washington



When I first started using VelociTea, I did not know that I had been constipated all my life. I had hemorrhoids as a child and did not know what caused them.

My neighbor went to the hospital just to be told that she was constipated. When I talked with her, I told her that VelociTea will help her with that problem and she has been drinking the tea ever since.

I have used the medicinal tonic since 2007. I drank more in the beginning and now just have a daily glass to continue to experience the cleansing results the tea brings.

I enjoy being active again and every summer I am canning fruit at harvest time!

Barbara in Pennsylvania

Barbara Arbster working


For many years, I suffered from constipation, irritable bowel or migraine headaches that got so severe I would be in bed for days.

I tried VelociTea after a friend introduced the detox tea to me and many of my health challenges no longer affect me.

I still drink the tea now to keep the toxins cleansed from my body.

Many members of my family also are using the tea as they experienced the improvement in their health as well. Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs so you will be your best.

I enjoy being active and taking my animals out on walks.

Myron in Washington



VelociTea has had a significant effect on me. My first experience after using the product was going to the bathroom and it felt like shotgun pellets were coming out of me.

I have been interested in natural health and wellness for many years and knew that parasites were coming out of me.

My other major experience was experiencing the night sweats. I called in to ask Dr. Chappell about this result on his Wednesday evening Ask Dr. Jim health call.

By the process of elimination, I determined that the night sweats signified that my liver and other organs were being cleansed of toxins.

I still drink a maintenance dose of the medicinal tonic to keep the toxins from building up inside my body! I suggest you Clean Toxins Out of Your Lungs also so you will feel better.

To get a free one week sample of the Medicinal Tonic, go to my website below. You will be asked for your name and address. You must provide valid information otherwise the shipping department will not be able to send your free sample to you. We ship to most of the countries around the world. Your information is safe with our company and is never sold or shared. We respect your privacy!

Rush Me a Sample of the Detox Product

Life of Wellness


Welcome to my How to Live a Life of Wellness post. Have you noticed that there are many people living well into their 90’s now?

Jack LaLanne is well known for still being very active until he passed away at 96 years of age.

Wellness is a Lifestyle. This morning when I woke up, I was able to do a lower body work out, some yoga stretching, and hang upside down on my inversion table for 10 minutes. I then rode my bicycle down to South Beach here in Santa Barbara and watched the Amgen Tour of California bike race get started for the day. Stage 5 covers 116 miles from Santa Barbara to Avila Beach, California.

Life of WellnessWatching the pro cycling athletes ride by this morning was inspirational! These young men have no body fat on them. They are tone and muscular as cycling keeps them in top physical shape!

If you are interested in seeing some of the pictures from the support staff like the vehicles that have the spare bike parts, you can add me on Social Media on the top right of my website!

I noticed there were many of my fellow Santa Barbara residents down at the start of the course this morning. I was not the only ‘grey’ haired bicycle rider out this morning to watch the event. There were people of all ages down at South Beach today!

Everyone must have realized that the easiest way to get access was to ride their own bicycles to the race. The city of Santa Barbara has many dedicated bike lanes so traveling on bicycle is very popular here. I am out riding my bicycle often as I can ship orders at the post office for products that customers by either through Amazon or from my website. It is more difficult to find a parking place for my small truck so I just take my bicycle lock and chain downtown when I have to ship from the post office!

One of my goals in life is to keep myself fit by doing some weight bearing exercises, some yoga stretching and either 30 minute brisk walks everyday or ride my bicycle for an hour or so. I have been achieving this goal since I made it in 2000.

Our bodies need the exercise to remain strong and vibrant. Our bodies also need some excellent nutrition. My heart and soul want to Live a Life of Wellness.

Life of WellnessI learned about a source that provides my body with dense nutrients and plenty of energy every single day. I am talking about some Organic Caldera Greens that I add into my fruit smoothie every morning.

I don’t take any energy drinks, caffeine or sodas into my body. Why play around with something like Monster or Five Hour Energy when you can get the real deal with dense nutrition from Organic Alfalfa, Barley, Oat and Wheat Grass Greens?

Caldera Greens also have Sea Vegetation, Dulse, Kelp and Dunaliella Salina. There are no fillers, additives, excipients, animal products, gluten, dairy or GMO foods and the Greens are certified Organic from a farm in Utah, USA.

Find out more about Caldera Greens and having abundant natural energy from a whole food product on my page below:

Caldera Greens

Call Me If I Can Help You Live a Life of Wellness!

Daniel Parsons

Santa Barbara, CA


Improve Your Health and Earn Cash


Welcome to my Improve Your Health and Earn Cash post where I show you four simple steps to a secure income. Normally not getting sleep at night is not a nice thing to experience. I am sure we all go through our difficult times in life. But what about when you cannot sleep because you realized how powerful the marketing plan is now at the Whole Wellness Club? That may qualify as a good Sleepless in……. story.

Improve Your Health and Earn Cash

Caldera Greens

Here are some highlights that you should consider:

1. Preferred customers now earn 30 percent commission for every referral made to the company. This is a customer rewards program that is instant! Imagine how many people will get excited because they can easily have enough rewards in their account for a free Canister of Caldera Greens every month. I know that excites me.

2. Just share a week of the Detox Tea with everyone you can and then share the Detox Cash Marketing System that pays out 50 % as wide and deep as you can build. The free tea giveaway system is just $14.95 a month. If you give out 100 packages of the tea each month, your business will explode. Only one sample is able to be shipped to each household.

3. You can earn on the first four levels of the Simplicity Pay Plan by just having $100 of volume each month. You will need to sponsor either a new distributor at that same $100 of volume or sign up as many customers as you can. Some of the customers will convert over to being a distributor because of how powerful the pay plan is. Improve Your Health and Earn Cash will naturally result with the following success steps:

Four Steps to Success in the Whole Wellness Club:

1. Believe In the Power of You-Set Your Mind to Succeed
2. Give Away Samples of VelociTea
3. Show the Detox Cash Marketing System – No Autoship 2 x 2 Cycler
4. Introduce Simplicity Pay Plan to Detox Cash Members You Attracted

Improve Your Health and Earn Cash

Whole Wellness Club

Must do steps in order to have best results. You would not approach someone with Step 4 if they have not used the detox tea first.

The free tea giveaway system is a subscription that you can access in your back office. It is $14.95 a month and you can give away as much tea as possible. Only one package to each address is allowed. Here is my Free Tea Giveaway Site:

Rush Me a Free Sample of VelociTea


Here Is My Whole Wellness Club Site:

All Natural Whole Food Products That Pays Cash


Contact Me If I Can Help You Improve Your Health and Earn Cash!

Daniel Parsons

Santa Barbara, CA


Whole Wellness Club Products

In 2007, a new company began shipping natural health products worldwide.

The company was started because two men were tired of health companies that would either change formulations of existing products or compromise on ingredients so the company would make more money.  A research team was formed to find the highest quality ingredients and researched the marketplace to only introduce products that were the best solutions for common health challenges that people face today.

By sticking to this philosophy, Whole Wellness Club is the leader in the whole food supplement industry. No other company has a better product in each category of natural health solutions available today!

Read the testimonies of the following people to get an idea of the quality of the products that the company offers.


Dr. Dennis R from the USA shared:
“As a member of the medical community, I was quite familiar with the causes, symptoms and treatments available for Crohn’s disease. I became much more knowledgeable in this regard as I became the victim of this so-called incurable disorder. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind the tea. I have experienced personally the pain and discomfort that results from Crohn’s and I have also done exhaustive research into the possible treatments and cures. The tea is the only viable solution I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease.”

Anita from the USA shared:
“Not only did this tea burn fat, it curbed my appetite and added muscle tone to my body. It also helped make my skin smooth on all parts of my body and I have lost over 80 pounds!”

Daniel from the USA shared:
The VelociTea helped me with digestive health issues. I no longer struggle to be regular with my bowel movements. I also can feel the benefits of the tea as it helps remove toxins from my body. Sometimes I am out walking and breath in some exhaust from a truck or automobile. I go home and drink some tea and my lungs are cleansing out the effects of air pollution.

Ricky from the USA shared:

“This herbal tea suppressed my appetite and helped me to be more focused and alert. My concentration was increased, my glucose level stayed regulated, and the tea even corrected my thyroid.”

Caldera Greens

Testimonials come in daily about how the product has impacted people and their health and energy level. There are several recorded calls from people all across North America sharing how the product has helped them with energy, stamina and many other benefits.

Diane in Canada shared that she can now get out and walk for a longer time with her dog since she started using the Caldera Greens. She had been injured in a car wreck and had suffered some pain. Diane is enjoying being more active and working in her garden.

Judy in Wisconsin remarked that are digestive system is working much better. A close friend remarked about her complexion being so clear. Judy is very happy with the healthy glow her skin has now!

Luz in USA works with her hands as a hair dresser. She was having sharp pain to the point where doing her job was difficult. She is able to move her hands without having the pain symptoms and noticed an improvement right away after taking the Greens.

Chuck in USA remarked that he is able to stay alert all day. Before he got tired in the early afternoon.

Ella Mae in Canada shared that she noticed her day has much more energy, focuses better on her work and being level all day long without needing any caffeine. Ella recommends Caldera Greens to everyone that wants more energy and needs to be able to focus better on mental tasks.

Elizabeth in Canada shared that she is now walking without her cane and feels much better on the 2nd day she has used Caldera Greens. She said that it was not easy to get up but now she can get up and be more active now.

Daniel in USA has plenty of energy to get through the day now. He is up at 05:00 every morning and lives an active lifestyle that includes daily physical activity like cycling, golf, hiking, walking, weight-bearing exercises, and yoga. Before using Caldera Greens, Daniel would get sleepy about an hour after lunch. His day is full and he can work well into the evening on websites and blog articles.

To find out more about the Whole Wellness Club, please visit my website below and contact me if I can help you in any way!

Whole Wellness Club

Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.

Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons


Fast Food Industry

Is the fast food industry killing Americans? As a child growing up in the southern part of the United States, our mother fixed home cooked meals everyday. We sat at the dining room table to eat meals that were prepared. As children we learned that you ate your vegetables and if you did not, you went to bed hungry. There was no junk food to eat.

I remember when the first fast food restaurants started opening in our home town. Watch my short video about how you can eat healthy food all week for less than you can go out to eat.

This article will cause some controversy as there are many people that believe what we eat is our own individual choice. That is true. Due to the budget problems that our nation is in as of January 2013, caring for sick people has become very expensive. Medical care costs have risen so high that walking into a clinic or hospital can be very expensive.

fast food industryA good debate would be discussing at what point should a tax be implemented on foods that are known to cause disease and illness. As Americans, we all realize that some change is coming soon. Our Medicare system is currently overwhelmed with sick people. The medical community is making a fortune treating sickness and does very little to promote wellness. Is the medical establishment’s reason for continuing to treat sickness and symptoms a financial one?

I have been observant of the people that walk into Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell and other fast food industry restaurants. Many of the people that buy fast foods are overweight. Being overweight drastically increases the likelihood of having Diabetes and developing Cancer. The reason someone that eats these kinds of foods is hungry just an hour or so after eating a Super Size Meal of burger, fries and coke is the lack of nutrients in the food.

Processed foods in grocery stores are also a major problem. White flour has had most of the nutrients stripped out of the flour. Food manufacturers capitalize on the large sector of the people that are addicted to foods that have high fructose corn syrup, fat, sugars, and sodium. If you eat some donuts loaded with sugar in the morning, then have a burger meal for lunch and go home to order a large pizza, your body has received very little of the necessary nutrients it needs to be healthy.

To be fair, not all fast food restaurants are serving unhealthy foods. Subway has done a very good job with offering healthier alternatives to the public. You can even create your own healthy fast food by walking into a Whole Foods store and creating a salad from their salad bar. These are just a couple of choices. I have no affiliation with any of these companies as far as being paid to include these companies in my article. I also do not own any stock in those companies. I have eaten from their stores in the past when I was out on the road traveling.

healthy foodMany people spend time commuting to jobs each day. Because I am an entrepreneur and create income streams from my home office, I am able to spend time making healthy meals from scratch with the extra time that I have.

I enjoy creating new healthy vegan meals from scratch. Most of the time I never notice that the food I am eating has no dairy or animal products in it.

Ever tried eating Eggplant? The picture you see is an Eggplant Lasagna recipe that I found in 2012. The meal is delicious and the spinach, mushrooms, onion and eggplant are very healthy for your body. If you want some great recipes, check out my blog here:

Healthy Living Recipes

Hope this article helps you to see how affordable it is to order organic whole grains, flours and oats and fix healthy meals at home. If you want to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs, read my page about our Organic Caldera Greens. The greens are a vegetable juice powder grown on volcanic soil in Utah. The greens are loaded with enzymes, fulvic acid, minerals, and vitamins. Many people have reported feeling much more energy after using our Caldera Greens!

Caldera Greens

Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons

360.383.0265 Pacific Weekdays

Skype: missionarydanielparsons

Quick Salad Recipe

The flavors are deliciously complementary in this minimalist salad. Try using a mixture of lettuces or a commercial salad mix for a variation in flavor.


Makes 6 to 8 servings

1 bunch butter lettuce (Boston or Bibb)

1 large tart green apple

1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

3–4 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar


Wash and dry lettuce and tear into bite-size pieces. Core and dice apple.

In a salad bowl, combine lettuce, apple, and walnuts. Pour vinegar over salad and toss gently.

Per serving (1/6 recipe): 65 calories; 3 g fat; 0.3 g saturated fat; 42% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 1 g protein; 9 g carbohydrates; 7 g sugar; 2 g fiber; 120 mg sodium; 17 mg calcium; 0.5 mg iron; 3 mg vitamin C; 550 mcg beta-carotene; 0.2 mg vitamin E

Recipe from Food for Life by Neal Barnard, M.D.; recipe by Jennifer Raymond, M.S., R.D.

We ship to the USA Monday - Friday at 15:00 or 3 pm Pacific Time except Holidays. Contact to Make Other Arrangements for Canada & Overseas Inquiries.
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