Cauliflower Tots

Cauliflower Tots is a way to turn a vegetable into a delicious meal. It is so important to eat foods as grown and avoid eating fast food and junk food. Our health depends on eating nutritious food.

Cauliflower Tots Ingredients

2½ cups raw cauliflower florets (about 2 cups when cooked)
1 large egg (*see note below)
1 large egg white
½ cup onion, diced
1 tsp garlic, minced
2 tbsp fresh parsley, minced
½ cup Vegan cheese, grated (plant based cheeses that melt are best)
½ cup seasoned Panko breadcrumbs
salt and pepper, to taste

First, cook the cauliflower florets by pouring ¼ inch of water into a large pan over medium heat. Once the water is simmering, reduce the heat to low and add the cauliflower. Cover with a lid and let simmer for about 5 minutes. The cauliflower should be tender, but not mushy when done.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chop the Cauliflower into fine pieces and place 2 cups of the cauliflower pieces into a medium bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.

Shape about 1½ tablespoon of cauliflower mix into an egg-shape and place on a prepared baking sheet. Be careful not to overcrowd the baking sheet.

Bake for 25 minutes, flipping the tots occasionally to brown each side.
Serve immediately.

*These cauliflower tots will firm up in the oven. If you are unable to shape the tots at all, then you may add an extra egg. Just keep in mind that the nutritional value will change slightly.

Nutrition Information
Serving size: 6 tots Calories: 153 Fat: 7.7 g

Raw cauliflower is 92% water, 5% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and contains negligible fat (see table).

A 100-gram (3+1⁄2-ounce) reference amount of raw cauliflower provides 104 kilojoules (25 kilocalories) of food energy, and has a high content (20% or more of the Daily Value, DV) of vitamin C (58% DV) and moderate levels of several B vitamins and vitamin K (13–15% DV; table).

Contents of dietary minerals are low (7% DV or less).

Adapted From: Skinnytaste

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