Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies are delicious as well as easy and quick to make. Patricia came up with this vegan recipe. Hope you enjoy the cookies as we think they taste great.

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients

2 Cups Organic Almond Flour
1/4 Cup Organic Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Organic Pure Maple Syrup
1/4 Teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips ( We Use Safeway Mini Chocolate Chips )

Mix all the ingredients in the same order and add the chocolate chips in last. Put the cookie dough into the oven set to 350 degrees for 10 – 12 minutes.

This dessert provides the body with many nutrients including vitamins and minerals. It is smart to give your body plant based foods because the body can easily digest and assimilate the nutrition from plants.

One serving of almonds equals one ounce, about 23 almonds or ΒΌ cup. It is a calorie-dense food but also nutrient-dense with the majority of its fat being monounsaturated. One ounce provides about 165 calories, 6 grams protein, 14 grams fat (80% monounsaturated, 15% polyunsaturated, and 5% saturated), 6 grams carbohydrate, and 3 grams fiber.

According to Harvard University, “Almonds have been suggested to reduce heart disease risk by lowering total and LDL cholesterol, and exerting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Plant sterols as found in almonds may interfere with the absorption of cholesterol and bile acid, and the high amount of unsaturated fat in almonds favors an improved lipid profile, especially when this food replaces other foods high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrate.

Almonds also contain phytonutrients that support the growth of beneficial gut microbes. Controlled trials have shown that general nut intake can decrease inflammation, promote healthy blood vessels, and reduce insulin resistance.”

People that are trying to lose weight would benefit from a plant based diet that includes fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

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