
Never Give Up

This is a fascinating video about how a Chinese farmer spent 5 years watering bamboo shoots. He did not see any reward for his efforts until one day the growth started. People thought he was crazy for spending time tending to an empty field that never showed any signs of growth. He could have used the land to grow some more food for his family. There is quite a message of resilience in this video. Enjoy!

29 comments… add one
  • Stories like this one really touches hearts. I don’t care what other people might say but I salute this man for dedicating his time and effort for taking care of his bamboo shoots. Not all people can such a wonderful passion for doing something they love.

    • I agree Charlotte! I was really tired last night and it was late for me. I wanted to go to bed but decided that this story was something that had to go on my blog. We can learn much from this Chinese farmer.

  • Syeda Mehwish

    Hi Daniel,
    It’s a motivational video and yes we should never give up and patience is bitter but it’s fruit is sweet. Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.

  • Really great story you share with us. This story inspirational for me and others.Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story.

  • Serenity K.

    This made me teary-eyed now. I just want to give up but when I visited this blog, I am overwhelmed by the message for me not to give up. How should you keep yourself motivated all the time? Thanks for the encouragement here.


    • Just trust in God-God says in His word ( the Bible ) that you pray and ask for Jesus to come into your heart. I trust in God and not man. That is how I keep motivated. Thanks for coming to my site Serenity!

  • Trung Nguyen

    I love this short quote: “Never Give Up”, that’s the key to being successful in doing every thing, not just weight loss.

    • Trung, winners never quit! Everyone that is successful has gone through trials and struggles. The winners pick themselves up, brush off the dust and keep going.

  • Becca

    Very touchy! Anyone can watch the video as it will inspire and people can relate because of
    our experience in life. Thanks for the post.

    • Becca, we all inspire each other in the new way of conducting business on a global scale.

  • win

    Hi Daniel,
    We can learn a lot from this video. Every human being will inevitably face a trial and challenge in life. Every trial certainly no solution out or solution. You and I do not ever give up on trying to find the way out.

    • Win, winners never quit! Everyone that is successful has gone through trials and struggles. The winners pick themselves up, brush off the dust and keep going.

      • win

        Hi Daniel,

        I enjoyed reading this post and watching the video. Thanks for the advice!

        • The Chinese farmer had set a goal that he was going to grow bamboo and his vision came true Win!

  • lucioemarci

    I also think that stories like this really touch the heart. I’ll post on facebook.

  • Pete Goumas

    Hi Daniel,
    Thank you so much to share this inspirational video of a Chinese farmer. I also believe that once we make the unequivocal internal commitment to do something, when we absolutely know this is the time and the place to act, the world around us will shift in all sorts of apparently miraculous ways to make it happen and I think resilience and belief in our work both are equally important.

  • Wow this is incredible, and inspiring! Makes me want to plant an apple tree, or just about anything! Unfortunately the weather won’t allow it just yet.

    • Spring will be there for you soon Banta! Sometimes it takes years to reap the harvest from what we sow now!

  • Asma Khan

    Try your best, never give up and do avoid what negative people say.

  • Shelon

    Thanks for sharing an inspiring post, Daniel 🙂 Somehow, I can relate this to my blogging journey. At this point, I’m still struggling to earn from my blog and even though I still have a long way to go, I will carry on because I know everything will pay off. Positive outlook always to invite positive results.

    • Shelon, you are headed to success right now! Enjoy the journey. Going to check out your post.

      • Shelon

        I am very hopeful, Daniel 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Steven Papas

    That is really awesome and so true. Life is about the long term not the short term turn around. I really enjoyed this post.

  • Such a touching story! Thanks for sharing, it is really very inspiring!

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