
Caldera Greens

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $46.00.

caldera greensGet dense nutrition in this product grown in Utah on soil rich in fulvic acid.

Here is a list of the main ingredients of Caldera Greens Plain Powders:

25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder

25 percent Barley grass juice powder

25 percent Wheat grass juice powder

10 percent Oat grass juice powder

15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation


Caldera Greens is a powerful organic greens product that has an incredible story. Do you know anyone that needs more energy? Do you know anyone that needs to get better nutrition?

Caldera Greens will give you abundant energy and help your body fight cancer. You can also lose weight on this product as your body is getting dense nutrients and you will feel satisfied and not hungry.

caldera greensMany people use Caldera Greens in a fruit smoothie with tropical fruits. You can do a juice fast with a fruit smoothie and Caldera Greens.

Some people just add the Greens to a glass of pure water. A great value in whole food nutrition: Only 1 level teaspoon—to get the full nutritional value, but our serving size is more than twice that much at 2½ teaspoons per day!

I personally use 1 heaping Tablespoon of the Greens in a fruit smoothie each morning. There is enough in my blender to have a tall glass for breakfast and another glass for lunch.

The product is full of fulvic acid and essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The supplier has been in business for over 30 years and the way he juices the powders ensures you get living mineral rich whole food powders.

Here is a list of the main ingredients of Caldera Greens Plain Powders:

25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder

25 percent Barley grass juice powder

25 percent Wheat grass juice powder

10 percent Oat grass juice powder

15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation

Our blue green algae ( Spirulina ) and Sea Vegetation increases the amount of nutrients in the product. Much care is taken in finding the best available sources for all of our products in the Whole Wellness Club.

The crops are grown on a caldera which is a convex volcanic crater in Utah. The land is rich in fulvic acid. Within 5 hours of harvest these crops are juiced (removing all the fiber) into a nutrient dense concentrate and then dropped into proprietary 100 foot tall dryers where within 30 seconds at an average temperature of only 88 degrees Fahrenheit it becomes a powder.  This non-invasive, low temperature process shortly after harvest ensures that the food is alive with all the food enzymes intact.

Caldera Greens is an unsurpassed source of nutrient rich food.  You will feel the energy coursing through your veins! Our bodies require electrical energy and using Caldera Greens will give you an abundant level of megahertz which will energize you!

Keeping the temperature under 88 degrees ensures that the live food enzymes present are in tact. Within 30 seconds, the water is removed and then powder is created.

Additional information

Weight 12.5 oz
Dimensions 2 × 3 × 5 in

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