A business associate sent me a message this week that made me smile. I began walking in 2000 to help me keep fit and stay in shape. I had been using the nice machines at a local gym for a year. I decided to save money and develop my own exercise program at home. The program has included a 40 minute walk six days per week. I rest from all exercise on Saturday which is my Sabbath. I am a baptized member of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
The article my friend sent is from Martie Whittekin and she is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and radio host. I will quote her remarks:
“You have probably heard 1000 times that you should get regular exercise. We know but somehow…
The following facts should provide additional urgency and I add a few tips for making exercise a habit.
1.Your medical bills by over $3,000 a year (based on a normal weight retiree)
2. Depression symptoms by 47%
3. Your weight by 1.3 pounds a month—15.6 lbs a year. (MW comment: 1000mg of the amino acid L-Carnitine on an empty stomach before you head out delivers fat to the cells to be burned for energy. Speeds results and spares muscle. I use the liquid by Jarrow available at health food stores.)
4. Bone loss (loss actually halted)
1. Type 2 diabetes by 71%
2. Alzheimer’s Disease by 40%
3. Arthritis by 46%
4. Heart disease by 32%
5. Stroke by 33%
6. Colon cancer by 31%
7. Breast cancer by 18%
1. Increase your HDL (good cholesterol)
2. Increase your energy
3. Get that youthful glow back in your skin
4. Think more clearly
5. Reduce cravings for chocolate (even 15 minutes does that)
Okay, walking isn’t entirely free—you do have to replace your walking shoes periodically—but the savings in medical bills will buy a lot of shoes! Bye for now, I’m going for a walk.”
1. Start where you are and build. If you can only make it to the mailbox today, fine. Soon it will be the end of the block. (Check with your doctor if there is any question and don’t make too big a change at once because you might get sick. Adding 10% a week is a conservative goal.)
2. If you can’t find 30 minutes at one time, 3 bursts of 10 minutes still help a lot. (10 before work, 10 at lunch, 10 after work?)
3. Put yourself on the to-do list. How can you help others if you are sick?
4. Team up with a friend so you can support each other and provide some accountability on lazy days.
5. Be sure to walk with good posture (be tall) and it is a good time to think about how deeply you breathe.
If you are trying to improve your health, do your best to get into a daily habit of walking. Your body will thank you. I am in better shape now than I was 10 years ago. I am eating a very healthy diet, do not have but 5 extra pounds from my target weight, and sleep like a baby. Healthy habits will stay with you.