Twenty years ago, one out of ten people would get cancer. Now the ratio is one out of two people will get cancer in their lifetime. What is causing the cancer explosion? Glucose is the food source of cancer. Visit this website for more information about how cancer thrives in a glucose rich environment: Dr. Simoncini
Many people in North America have a high glucose diet consisting of animal products and breads, pastas, potatoes, and other high glycemic index foods. What can people do to lower their blood glucose levels?
Cinnamon Six is an adaptogenic product consisting of cinnamon and six other herbs. The product is not a blood thinner. Cinnamon Six helps the body have a normal blood glucose level. You can get Cinnamon Six on my website:
Parsons Marketing
Have you ever touched someone and received a little shock? I have shocked my Siamese Cat and he jumped from the action of my transmitting static electricity. Did you know that some people lose sleep over carrying static electricity? How can you remove static electricity? Go outside and in your bare feet shuffle your feet on the grass for a couple of minutes before bed. If you live in an area where snow is covering the ground, find a tree that has a smooth enough surface and discharge your static electricity there.
Just a short note to round out the week. Spring is slow to come this year and we are all waiting for warmer weather. Everyone is anxious to be outside working in their gardens. Gardening helps keep our mood in good shape. Anything that will help me forget about life problems is good therapy!
It has been a long winter. There has been a steady stream of bad news all over the media. If you listen to the negative events all day long, your mood will get bad. I am only viewing a 30 minute business report each night (Nightly Business Report on PBS) so as to not be subjected to all of the negative talk.
In just a couple of weeks, I will be outside working in the garden every morning after exercises. My mood will improve and the fresh air is great. Staying active with a daily exercise program will get you through winter and you will be in good shape for spring planting. I always am a little sore the first few days of spring but will be fine because of my stretching. If you are not walking or exercising in some way, give it a shot. You have your overall health and wellness at stake by simply walking every day.
Whole Wellness Club is dedicated to improving the health of its members. There is no fee or cost to be a member. You can join for free here at my site: Whole Wellness Club. You will notice a big difference and then you can start sharing with others how you are getting well. People will notice the change in you. Refer them to Whole Wellness Club and soon your products will be paid for as those people start referring people. We are a referral marketing business that has a mission to help people both physically and financially.
We challenge people to compare their current state of health now and then in one month time periods after using our products. Start a journal and record how you feel each morning when you wake up. You will feel better if you incorporate the principles that are outlined in this blog.
When someone has a disease, allopathic medicine prescribes acidic drugs that will only treat the symptoms. The underlying problems are not addressed. Ask people that are on several prescription drugs if they feel any better after a month. The problem lies in the fact that once you start on one acidic drug, you will end up needing more acidic drugs in the future. Your health will only get worse over time.
Following Dr. Chappell’s recommended program will help the body heal itself and get to the root cause of illness and certain diseases. We have a whole library of recorded calls available for people to listen to at your own computer. Just go to the Conference Call page after signing up for free in the club. Here is a short outline of the program:
Whole Wellness Club had another great call with Dr. Chappell last night. You can listen to several of these calls at anytime from my website: Whole Wellness Club Just click on Conference Calls and select what you want to hear about from the library or recorded calls. Here are some highlights of the 12. March 2009 call.
Someone takes medication because of knee pain that is commonly known as arthritis. Basic problem is too much sugar from a poor diet. One hundred years ago, we consumed around 4 pounds of sugar per year. Today, we are consuming that amount of sugar per week! Sugar is found in many fast food products people are consuming. Refined carbohydrates are bad for your health. The result is out of control sugar which causes the pH in your body to be very acidic. How are people ending up with too much sugar?
Pies, cakes, and cookies all have sugar. So does processed foods and starch foods like pasta, potatoes, and rice. These starchy foods turn into glucose in your body. The result is the synovial fluid becomes crystallized. The synovial fluid helps to nourish the cartilage and keep it slippery. If synovial fluid is crystallized, the result is arthritis or joint pain.
Dr. James Chappell has never seen a cancer patient that was not acidic. He shared this tip with us last night: On a piece of paper, right down how you feel each morning. Start checking your pH first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. You can test your pH with some testing strips. Call me for details on how to obtain the strips. Follow the 4 steps outlined below and watch your overall health improve each week.
How to Heal Pain
The human body will heal itself if you:
- Hydrate with water
- Detoxify
- Remineralize
- Balance Sugar
Never underestimate the power of natural healing. People in remote places have used natural healing for centuries. Hippocrates was an herbalist and a naturopath.
I subscribe to Mac Anderson’s Simple Truths newsletters. He produces videos and has books and cds with motivational materials. Today’s article was all about how to inspire your team. Are you struggling with getting your team members on the same page? This applies to all business owners in any business. Instead of paraphrasing the article and diluting the message, I am giving him the proper credit by copying an excerpt and directing you to his business. You can subscribe to his materials by going to his site here: Simple Truths The rest of this post is all from his current newsletter and is not my material:
As a leader, deciding to make changes is the easy part. Getting your people on board is much more difficult. Why is that? Quite simply, change is an emotional process. We are all creatures of habit who usually resist it, and welcome routine. Unchartered waters are scary!
In the long run, however, sameness is the fast tract to mediocrity. And, mediocre companies won’t survive. Tuli Kupferberg said it best… “When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” And, that is your challenge…to convince your team that the new world you are trying to create is better than the one you’re in. Is it easy? Of course not. It takes planning, commitment, patience and courage.
The truth, of course, is that change can be a wonderful gift. In fact, it is the key that unlocks the doors to growth and excitement in any organization. And, most importantly, without it…your competition will pass you by. A big part of success, as a leader, will be your ability to inspire your team to get out of their comfort zones; to assure them that even though they are on a new path, it’s the right path, for the right reasons.
That’s what this book is all about….ideas, to inspire, to motivate, and to encourage your team to move forward and to embrace change.
I’d like to share one of the chapters titled: Inspire Personal Accountability. Enjoy!
Inspire Personal Accountability:
Something magical happens when we accept personal responsibility for our behavior and our results. But, it’s not easy, because it’s human nature to “pass the buck”. I (Mac) know there have been times in my life when my business was struggling where I found myself blaming others, blaming the economy, blaming this, blaming that! But as I’ve gotten older (and a little wiser) when things go wrong in my business, or my life, I can always find the culprit…in the mirror. In every instance, it always comes back to choices I’ve made in my life that put me exactly where I am today. I have to say, that this one “tweak” in my attitude may sound like a little thing, but it has made a big difference in my life.
Excerpt from Change is Good…You Go First
By Mac Anderson and Tom Feltenstein
What does all this have to do with change? Plenty! As a manager, one of the most important things you can do in times of change is to get your people to understand how taking personal responsibility and recognizing problems as opportunities, will not only help the company, but will help them as individuals. In other words, sell the idea of…what’s in it for them?
Authors B.J. Gallagher and Steve Ventura wrote a great little book about achieving success through personal accountability titled: Who Are “They” Anyway? I like their list showing how each individual in the company can benefit by adopting a “personal accountability attitude”:
- You have more control over your destiny
- You become an active contributor rather than a passive observer
- Others look to you for leadership
- You gain the reputation as a problem solver
- You enhance your career opportunities
- You enjoy the satisfaction that comes from getting things done…the power of positive doing
- You experience less anger, frustration and helplessness – all leading to better physical health
- You realize a positive spillover effect into your personal life at home
According to Gallagher and Ventura, the most important words of personal responsibility are as follows:
The 10 most important words:
I won’t wait for others to take the first step.
The 9 most important words:
If it is to be, it’s up to me.
The 8 most important words:
If not me, who? If not now, when?
The 7 most important words:
Let me take a shot at it.
The 6 most important words:
I will not pass the buck.
The 5 most important words:
You can count on me.
The 4 most important words:
It IS my job!
The 3 most important words:
Just do it!
The 2 most important words:
I will.
The most important word:
Frank Tyger said it best…”Your future depends on many things, but mostly yourself.”
Here are some basic principles that I have learned while taking care of my health. In 1990, one out of ten people were diagnosed with cancer. In 2009, one out of two people will end up with cancer. Why is cancer becoming an epidemic now?
Diet and lack of exercise are the major reasons cancer is so prevalent now. I listen to Dr. James Chappell two times a week on conference calls. He has been studying naturopathic health for 38 years. He gave us an excellent statement last night on a call and his comments are a combination of what he has learned from all of the doctors he has studied under in the past.
When someone you know has a serious illness the person is TOXIC and has a Suppressed Immune System. Allopathic medicine will treat people with serious illnesses with chemotherapy and prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are necessary in certain conditions but they are toxic for your health in the long run because prescription drugs are very acidic. So what practical steps can someone that is very ill do for their health via naturopathic health?
A. Detoxify Body
1. Stop doing unhealthy things like:
- eating an acidic diet
- no exercise
- poor sleep habits
- drinking acidic beverages like coffee and sodas
2. Start living healthier by:
- eating a diet of fruits, legumes, nuts, veggies
- get daily exercise even if it is 3 ten minute walks
- get outside and get fresh air and sunshine
- sleep 8 hours or a little more if needed
- drink half of your ideal body weight in water each day
You can alkalize that water and help your aquaporins get the toxins out of your cells by drinking alkalized Real Water. This product gets chlorine out of your water and makes your own water a negative charge with a pH level of 9.4. Please go to my website for more information: Real Water Concentrate
B. Modulate the Immune System
Dr. Chappell commented that building up your Immune System is critical for anyone with a serious illness.
Part of my development has been reading and listening to positive input every day. Have you noticed that the ‘idiot box’ has mostly doom and gloom in their programs? I am not saying there are not good programs available. I am saying be careful what your mind sees because it affects your mental and emotional life.
Here are two key principles I have learned for being successful in a home based business:
1. Dream – What would you like to happen in your life? Here are some common dreams:
- Pay off mortgages.
- Pay for children’s education.
- Take vacations.
- Retire from working.
- Help family members.
2. Focus – To make your dream happen, it is imperative that you get focused and remain focused on your dream and written goals. Did you know that there are thousands of people that have completed the course work requirements for their Ph. D. but have not completed their dissertation? Why?
The reason is that a dissertation requires the candidate to create a major project on their own outside of a structured class room. The candidate likely has been sitting in a class room for 18 years and has had structure. Their professor has assigned reading and projects for all of these years. Now the candidate must produce a major project on their own.
Many people come into the Network Marketing industry and realize the potential. The reason some people succeed while others don’t is the same principle of a Doctoral Candidate. Focus is something that must come from within. Here are some excerpts from Dr. Tom Barrett’s book Success Happens.
- Successful people say “Yes” to their Dreams and No to Distractions
- Successful people are guided by their focus and not by their feelings
- Successful people remember their vision for life and ignore day-to-day vicissitudes
- Successful people know the price of success is discipline….on a daily basis
Just got in from an excellent prayer meeting at my local church. We covered the Topic of Alcohol. There are many passages in the Bible that say drinking is not good. Study Proverbs and Isaiah and some of the other prophets and you will see how people 3,000 years ago had similar problems that our society has today. In our local area, a young man was drunk today and murdered his wife and young child. Sad but a reality in our world and the liquor industry just keeps on going because of the money in the liquor business.
One thing that I have learned in the past couple of years is our general health and well being is very much impacted by our Spiritual Health. When I have a close relationship with my Higher Power (Jesus), I want to take care of my Temple. That means waking up early each morning to give myself the time to go for a walk and do some strengthening exercises.
As a result, my mood is better which affects my emotional and mental well being. Chances of me being depressed are greatly reduced if I am taking care of my Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical health. Praise the Lord!
Each meal we eat, we can either strengthen our immune system or not. The food we eat determines whether we boost the immune system. The best diet is getting three daily meals with a nice assortment of beans, fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are whole foods that have not been processed.
There are many benefits to eating vegetables raw. One of the biggest benefits is that you are increasing your metabolism with a fresh source of enzymes. You also get the benefits of not losing any of the vitamins and minerals contained in those vegetables.
Take a trip to your local shopping mall. You will be able to see in just a few minutes who is eating a healthy diet and who is eating mostly processed foods. I eat all of my meals at home so I know what it is I am putting into my body.
I also learned that drinking alkalized water in the amount of one half of my ideal body weight in ounces per day is what my body needs for hydration. Find out more about how to alkalize your own water from this website: Real Water Concentrate
We lose water from:
- Defecation
- Perspiration
- Urination
Today was a great start to the week as I had a great conversation with Myriam Callegarin. Myriam is a Management Consultant and Career Coach. She introduced me to the principle of Mind Mapping. She had me set a goal and write the goal in a circle in the middle of a page on landscape format.
The next step was to branch a line vertically and list My Expectations for achieving the goal. I listed four reasons for wanting to achieve my goal and then went to the next step. Draw another line horizontally to the left and write: My Challenges/Obstacles. I listed those and then drew one last horizontal line to the right. This line is labeled: What I Can Do.
The coaching session was very effective as I found ways to better focus on what will help me with reaching my goal. Myriam helped me discover ways to improve my efficiency as well as attract new customers for business. My website is also going to be updated due to some good constructive feedback.
I highly recommend Myriam Callegarin.
Learned something new last night (14. May 2009) on our weekly wellness club call. Cancer thrives in a glucose environment. Having blood sugar problems leads to many health problems. There is a solution.
Whole Wellness Club just had another amazing call with our spokesperson Dr. James Chappell. Our new product Cinnamon six is now available to Club members. Each bottle contains 243 veggie capsules and cost $46. It is recommended to drink 12 ounces of water with the 3 capsules per serving. Dr. Chappell mentioned that if you drink the water and capsules a few minutes before your meal, the product will help keep your blood glucose level in balance.
We are sharing this information only as a resource as we are not able to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. Dr. Chappell has had patients that used Cinnamon Six along with their insulin medication. The patients were able to decrease their medication down as the Cinnamon Six did its job of regulating blood glucose and insulin levels. Some patients were able to completely get off their insulin medications.
How can you get a bottle of Cinnamon Six? Join Whole Wellness Club for free today at this site: Whole Wellness Club
The phone keeps ringing with good news. My friend Joan in Birch Bay told me her arthritis is not as noticeable and she is sleeping better. I slept all the way through the night last night and that has not happened in years. I am really impressed with Coral Complex 3. The Coral Calcium and trace minerals are helping my body stay healthy and the deep sleep is incredible. Thank you Dr. Chappell for an excellent product!
Just finished listening to a presentation on PBS by Dr. Daniel Amen and feel it is well worth the time to share with others. He has produced a program only on PBS that is titled “Magnificient Mind at Any Age”. I wrote down twelve prescriptions that he brought out in his program. I will share his website at the end of this list.
- Love Your Brain – watch what you eat and make sure you get the proper amount of sleep for you. In the early 1900’s, people slept for 9-10 hours per night.
- Protect Your Brain – always use safety devices like bicycle helmets and seat belts
- Stop Poisoning Your Brain – avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and cleaning agents without proper ventilation
- Protect Your Memory – early detection yearly after age 50 is critical to catch Alzheimers
- Sleep is Essential to Brain Health – exercise helps cognitive function. use natural substance like melatonin or kava kava before sleep aids that have side effects
- Learn Brain Healthy Ways to Deal with Pain – alternatives for pain relieve such as fish oil, acupuncture, music therapy, and hypnosis
- Brain Healthy Diet – lean protein, low glycemic, high fiber carbohydrates, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and leafy vegetables
- Physical Exercise – 30 minutes per day boosts blood flow to brain, produces new brain cells.
- Mental Exercise – learn something new like a musical instrument, new language, crossword puzzles, avoid alcohol, tobacco. Studies show that these activities add 14 years to your life.
- Notice What You Love About Your Life not What You Hate – write down five things you are grateful for each day
- Notice What You Love About Other People More Than What You Don’t – be careful what you focus on and you will be happier
- Develop Resilience – Resilience in psychology is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and catastrophe. It is also used to indicate a characteristic of resistance to future negative events. In this sense “resilience” corresponds to cumulative “protective factors” and is used in opposition to cumulative “risk factors”.
Helped pioneer the use of brain SPECT imaging in psychiatry
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior UC, Irvine , School of Medicine
Trained at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington , DC
Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
Award Winning Researcher, Writer and Teacher