27. May 2009

Growing an organic garden takes work. You have to remove weeds without chemicals. It is also a good idea to turn the soil twice a year. I am throwing all of my compost waste into the garden bed.

It is nice to look at the yard and garden and be almost weed free. Pulling weeds by hand is a good form of exercise. I have some cultivating tools that help in areas where you don’t need to worry about hurting either seed germination or beautiful flower roots.

One thing is certain though. With the long summer days now here (daylight here from 04:00 until 22:00 right now), everything grows quickly including weeds. I will be back in the garden on Sunday pulling any new weeds that appear. When we go into our dry season, the weeds also slow down their growth.

25. May 2009

Just finished the sixth day of working outside on the small farm here in Northwest Washington. Funny thing is when I think I am almost caught up, I start seeing new weeds in the vegetable garden that will need to be pulled. It is so important in the spring to make sure my crops get a good healthy head start and stay away from those pesky little weeds.

After a long winter of sitting at my desk and working on websites and internet marketing, I am feeling the past six days of long hours out on the farm. It is a good thing that I have been faithful with my walking, stretching, and yoga every morning except for the Sabbath Day! It makes the transition to the summer season of work outside easier.

Fresh air and sunshine are great for our health. We need to get more of both in today’s stressful world.

Just got in from a wet evening of planting bush beans. I have learned over time that getting seeds sown in loose soil is really important. A few years ago I was so excited to have some land and go back to gardening. It takes many hours of work to keep your soil free of weeds. The great thing about planting time is once you have your soil ready, you just have to sow the seed and God does the rest. I will have to do some weeding and watering when we go into our dry season but God provides the sun and some rain.

Still eating organic green beans that were harvested last summer. I have something to take to all the potlucks I go to at church or other meetings.

Recipe makes either Pancakes or Waffles

1 cup Coconut Flakes
1 cup Triticale Flakes – Flour
1 cup Rolled Oats
1 cup Multigrain Pancake Mix
1 cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1/2 cup Flax Seed
1/2 cup Applesauce
1/2 cup Olive Oil – optional
1/4 cup Honey or Pure Maple Syrup
1 Banana mashed – Optional – ripe is best

Mix all ingredients with water or soy milk until a lightly stiff consistency and then put in your waffle iron or skillet. Enjoy with pure maple syrup and either blueberries or strawberries.

Our company spokesperson Dr. James Chappell made a comment on a recent conference call. Dr. Jim has 38 years of experience in the naturopathic field. He said that America has a disease and illness care system. It is called a health care system. Doctors treat symptoms and patients end up in a squirrel cage. If the underlying reasons for the person’s sickness is not addressed, the patient will never get well. If you really want to take care of your health, you need to follow a simple regimen:

1) Detoxify the body
2) Hydrate the body with alkaline water with a negative ionic charge
3) Eat a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains and stay away from fast and processed foods
4) Get exercise and sunshine daily
5) Get proper amount of rest daily

Here is a great way to serve raw broccoli that tastes good.

4 cups small broccoli florets
3 cups diced organic apples, unpeeled
2/3 cup organic raisins
1/2 cup broken walnuts
2 Tablespoons Vegenaise

Mix the ingredients well and serve in a pretty bowl. If you don’t have Vegenaise you can make a sauce out of honey and lemon.

Lemon Marinade

2 cups Lemon juice
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp salt
1 Cup Honey

Blend all in blender. Refrigerate for 10-14 days.

Citrus Salad Dressing

1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp salad herbs
1/4 tsp dill weed
1/2 tsp garlic salt
2 1/2 tsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp frozen orange juice concentrate, undiluted

Makes 4 Tablespoons (24 calories per tablespoon)

We had another great conference tonight with Dr. Chappell. He covered an interesting topic with all of the headlines geared towards the Swine Flu outbreak. Sick people get Sick. So how can you keep from getting sick?

  1. It is imperative to get proper hydration every day with water. Recommended consumption is one half your ideal body weight in ounces. You can also monitor the color of your urine. If your urine is dark, you are dehydrated. If your urine is almost clear, you are hydrated.
  2. Detox the colon and digestive system on a regular basis. Whole Wellness Club has a gentle cleansing herbal tea that is safe to drink on a daily basis. The tea cleans your colon and all soft tissues in your body including liver, lungs, and kidneys. When your colon is clean, your blood is healthier.
  3. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D3 to prevent Virus Replication. Our Coral Complex 3 is a complete whole food mineral supplement that will provide your body all of the essential minerals your body needs including 1,200 IU of organic Vitamin D3.


4. Watch the foods you eat that lead to glucose. Cut down on starchy foods like pasta, corn, potatoes, and bread. These foods are quickly converted to glucose and causes your body to work overtime to break down all of the sugar. Whole Wellness Club has an  excellent way to regulate your glucose – Cinnamon Six.

Just had another informative conference call with Dr. Chappell. He shares with us each week about the benefits of alkaline water. Water that is out of the tap or from your well is most likely acidic. On a scale of 0-14, acid is from 0-7 and alkaline is from 7-14. You can get some pH testing strips or a meter to test your water and see where it falls on the pH scale. What is the benefit of drinking an alkaline water?

  1. Disease thrives in an acidic environment.
  2. Alkaline water will give your body oxygen saturation which gives you more energy and keeps you healthy.
  3. Acidic water doesn’t hydrate all the cells in your body and will cause you to feel tired

For more information, simply go to my website:  Whole Wellness Club


1 onion chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup frozen corn
1 can black beans
1 pkg. Morning Star Meal Starter – Griller Crumbles (look in meat alternatives frozen food section at grocery)
1 tsp basil
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
salt to taste
1 large can enchilada sauce
1 large can of vegetarian refried beans
1 pkg of soft corn tortillas – 24

Saute-onion, celery, and mushrooms together in a little oil or water. When tender add corn, black beans, griller crumbles and spices. Mix well and turn to lower heat. Add 1/2 can of enchilada sauce and simmer for a few minutes. Use 8 x 12 inch pan and pour a little of sauce in can over bottom. Start assembling enchiladas. Spread a little of refried beans on tortilla then put spoonful of mixture into tortilla and fold in half and layer in your pan. Continue to do this until all of the mixture and tortillas are done. Pour raw cheese spread over tortillas then pour the rest of enchilada sauce over the cheese mixture. Bake 375 degrees for 90 minutes, until bubbly. Serve with guacamole and sour cream.

Avacado Guacamole

1 ripe avacado
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp garlic powder
salt to taste

Raw Cheese Spread

1 cup raw cashews or sunflower seeds or almonds
1/2 large red bell pepper
1/4 cup water
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
1 Tbsp tahini
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 clove garlice
2 tsp onion powder

Blend all ingredients until creamy. Add more water if too thick.

Really liked an anonymous writer submission that I read over the weekend. He practices meditation by saying the 3rd & 7th step prayers from the Twelve Step program. He then repeats simple phrases like “Thy Will Be Done” and “God is Love” and “Truth”. It helps to be still for twenty minutes a couple of times per day and some people like to incorporate deep breathing to bring them peace. I have experienced the healing power of deep breathing and meditation and need to start setting aside the time to do it each day.

I learned something new this past Sabbath. There is a healing ministry located in Shelby, North Carolina called Hallelujah Acres. The focus is eating a Biblically based diet for healing many health problems. If you know anyone that wants to lose weight or work on any health condition by way of changing their diet, go to their website here: http://hacres.com/home/home.asp

I watched one of their videos over the Sabbath and learned that our bodies digestive system has to work very hard to digest animal products. Here is the simple principle that illustrates the process. Leave some meat, cheese, dairy or other animal product on the counter in a house that is 98 degrees hot. Walk out of the house and lock the door for 4 days. On the fifth day, walk back into the house. You will be overwhelmed with a rancid odor. That is the exact same way your digestive system has to deal with processing animal products. This is also the reason we need to apply deodorant to our body every day after a bath or shower. The animal products cause our body to have body odor as it is working overtime to process those foods.

Now here is the real interesting thing I learned:

The body eliminates toxins from underneath our arms. This is the main area that the lymph system removes toxins from our body. According to Dictionary.com: “Lymph acts to remove bacteria and certain proteins from the tissues, transport fat from the small intestine, and supply mature lymphocytes to the blood.”

Deodorant (the brand I used to put on my body) has aluminum chlorohydrate. Check out this article about how this salt is a neurotoxin and can cause Alzheimers and cancer. http://planetgreen.discovery.com/fashion-beauty/aluminum-chlorohydrate.html

I am no longer using deodorant as I gave up animal products for good. Our body does not need to work as hard to digest fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes. If you leave those items on the counter in a similar 98 degree environment for 4 days, they will be wilted (except the nuts) when you come back on the 5th day. There won’t be a rancid odor.

Update 1. May 2009

My friend in Eastern Washington sent me this newsletter about Diabetes and the enormous problem it has become. Dr. McDougall shows how a plant based diet can help diabetics. Read more in his newsletter: Dr. McDougall

Learned about a really cool service that will let you update your Twitter account along with many other social networking sites with just one quick post. You can only type in 140 characters but it is a great way to keep all of your connections familiar with you. Just go to Ping and sign up for free.

Will have some major announcements on Sunday. I am shutting down for the Sabbath and hope everyone has a blessed week end.

Our Whole Wellness Club team is made up of members from around the world. We meet and share about the products and income plan on a Skype forum. This forum is a great place for members to bring prospects. The new prospect will see us working and interacting as a team. This is a fundamental principle that helps build a networking business-team work-duplication of effort. You can join our forum by first joining Skype by going here:

Join Skype

Add me in as a contact. Search for missionarydanielparsons and you will find me. Our team looks forward to working with you!

Just got off another excellent conference call with our spokesperson Dr. James Chappell in the Whole Wellness Club. He pointed out some interesting facts about water. Water is a universal solvent. It is critical to optimum health.

What is rain water? When the sun hits a body of water, the energy causes water molecules to evaporate into the air and form clouds. When the clouds get heavy enough, the clouds release rain. Hundreds of years ago the rain was pure. It is not anymore because of our dirty atmosphere.

Drinking distilled water over time can leach out minerals from your body. The better way to hydrate your body if you drink distilled water is to add a pinch of sea salt to an 8 ounce glass of water. That way your water will not remove minerals from your body. To learn more about the Whole Wellness Club, just click on my website here and listen to the videos and recorded calls in the Conference Call section:

Whole Wellness Club

You can check your digestive health first thing in the morning by doing the ‘spit test’. Before you eat or drink anything, fill a juice glass 3/4 full with water. Spit into the glass and check for contents. If you see any floating debris that looks like a hair or the water turns cloudy, you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and probably candida. Candida is a yeast that feeds on sugar.

How can you get rid of digestive problems like fibromyalgia and candida? Dr. Miller’s Holy Tea is a gentle cleansing herbal formulation that targets removing toxins and parasites from your digestive system. The tea is a blend of five herbs that will clean your colon and all the soft tissues of your body. You can find out more on my website here:
Dr. Miller’s Holy Tea

Read an interesting article online this week. Jobs are quickly becoming the old way to make a living. Entrepreneurship is on the rise. Is there a business that someone can depend on in these tough economic times? YES!

Health, Fitness, and Nutrition will keep growing year over year. The reason is the Baby Boom generation is retiring in record numbers. Many of us are turning 50 and older every year. What do boomers want?

We want to be healthy to live out our golden years. Ever notice how most of the advertising on the networks nightly news programs is targeted to the older generation? It is because the big pharmaceutical companies know that most people watching the news are retired people. They are the ‘target’ market for big pharma.

Many people are now turning to naturopathic healing so that is why our wellness business is growing. Naturopathic healing has no side effects and the products offer an important vitamin-Vitamin Green-Cash! Join me in this growing industry and you will be thanking me one year from now!

Contact Me to get started now.