You need to have a copy of all of your account numbers, drivers license, and passport in case you ever lose them. Sign your credit or debit card line ‘photo identification required’ to protect your credit if you lose your wallet. Here are four important phone numbers to protect your credit if you lose your wallet:
1.) Social Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271
2.) Equifax: P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374 1-800-685-1111
3.) Experian (formerly TRW): P.O. Box 2002, Allen, TX 75013
4.) Trans Union: P.O. Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022 1-800-888-4213
Ordered another 2 bottles of systemic and 2 bottles of digestive enzymes today on autoship. The Peak Enzymes are incredible. This morning I was up at 04:40 and I have accomplished many farm chores, sorted three wheel barrow loads of potatoes to decide which will be for soups and eating for this winter and was involved for almost four hours in a volunteer organization. It is past my bed time but I am not sleepy. I never doze off now. This Wednesday will be the28 th day I have used the enzymes. Know anyone that lacks energy?
Tomorrow I am going to make a list of people that may be interested in what thePeak Enzymes do for your health and well being. It is great when someone thanks you for helping them have more energy and feel 20 years younger.
Attended a neat web training this morning about Blogging. Learned many new tips. Here are a few other tips for building your List and getting visitors. Make sure you Subscribe to my blog so you won’t miss out on updates that come every day or so. Just click the orange Subscribe button at top or bottom of my blog page.
Getting Visitors:
1. Social Networks
2. Online Marketing Lists
3. Forums
4. Friends & Relatives
Did you know you can install WordPress on your blog? Better yet, you can get a whole tool box of internet marketing tools and training to go with it for only $1 for a 14 day trial. Find out more by watching this short video about GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities).
Listening to Troy Aupperle on our conference call about Peak Enzymes. The reason people feel so much better when supplementing with quality enzymes like the Peak Enzymes available at Whole Wellness Club is their body is not having to use 70 percent of its energy to digest food. People notice a big difference in their bodies ability to break down the food in the digestive system. The systemic enzymes go into your blood and clean out any foreign substance up to and including blood clots. The circulatory system starts working much better which enables the person to feel up to 20 years younger. The other issue to consider is that Peak Enzymes are plant derived and start working right away in the digestive tract all the way through your intestinal system. If you are ready to order Peak Enzymes, just click on the Buy Now button.
Invite Everyone! Whole Wellness Club now has a testimonial line for members to dial in and share what the Peak Enzymes products are doing for you. You can also share about the Holy Tea, Cinnamon 6, and Coral Complex 3 complete minerals products. The number to dial is 866-619-9111. Wait for the beep and then just start talking as the service will record your testimonial. You can hang up when you are finished. Here is my two week update after using Peak Enzymes from the Whole Wellness Club. My normal sleep pattern was allowing 8 hours in bed. Sometimes I slept well but many nights I would lie awake for short periods of time if I woke up. This past week my business demanded more time than normal and I worked late into the evening writing and putting new websites up on the internet. I never yawned or felt tired. The energy the digestive and systemic enzymes gives you is a balanced energy that is real. I went to bed late and got around 7 hours of sleep each night. I slept through the night without tossing and turning. When the alarm rang at 04:40 Pacific time, I was up and out of bed and felt very refreshed. I rise early so that I can do around 80-90 minutes of exercises 6 mornings per week. The digestive enzymes are keeping my bowel movements healthy and frequent. I have one stool first thing in the morning and then one after each meal. If you are not having a bowel movement after each meal, try the digestive enzymes and you will be amazed. You can also try a sample of VelociTea to help clean your colon. You can order the package of Peak Enzymes which includes the digestive and systemic enzymes for $80. This saves you $6 from the individual prices of $28 for digestive enzymes and $58 for systemic enzymes. Each bottle contains 90 veggie capsules. Directions call for taking one digestive enzyme capsule 5 minutes before a meal with a 6 ounce glass of water. Take 3 of the systemic enzymes together at bedtime when your stomach is empty with a 6 ounce glass of water. Here is the secure website to order the Enzymes: This past Sunday was a different day for me. All my life I have been led to believe that you need to eat 3 meals a day. Our society makes eating a big deal. If you read in the Bible, Moses and Jesus both fasted. After listening to Dr. Chappell’s recorded call about the Importance of Fasting, I decided to do a one day cleanse and experienced some interesting outcomes. I chose the fast that has you add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/4 cup of raw honey, and 1/4 cup of lemon juice with a pinch of cayenne to a gallon of distilled water. You drink 8 ounces starting as soon as you wake up and continue with 8 ounces on the hour until the gallon is finished. I never got hunger pains and I attribute that to being properly hydrated. I also took the Peak Enzymes that include the Digestive Enzymes and Systemic Enzymes. I could feel the enzymes working on an empty stomach. I slept like a baby last night and when the alarm rang at 04:40, I felt refreshed and ready to go today. I sense the Enzymes are even more effective now that I did a one day cleanse. The enzymes also help give people more energy because your body is not having to use energy to break down food which is where 60 percent of your energy goes if you don’t use an enzyme supplement. If you are ready to feel up to 20 years younger: Order Whole Wellness Club Peak Enzymes I had no problems with my 90 minute exercise routine and then cooked a bowl of oatmeal and added some blueberries and cinnamon in along with a little bit of honey on top. I mix those ingredients into the oatmeal and had some fruit and whole wheat toast plain without any butter or jam. The detox on Sunday will become a regular part of my routine now that I know what to expect. Just listen to Dr. Chappell’s message on that recorded link and imagine the health benefits of detoxing, repairing, and removal of harmful substances from your body every Sunday! We need to have an attitude of how can I help everyone that follows me? Are there any introductions I can make after skimming messages? Do I have knowledge or articles to help people? Being a giver will open up people to closely watch what you share. This will naturally drive traffic to your business which is the key to networking. A friend sent me this video earlier today about Water. It is about 80 minutes long but worth the time spent. Water Have been using the Peak Enzymes from Whole Wellness Club for just a week. I am up past my bed time doing projects for my business and am still going strong without that normal sleepy feeling. Some of the benefits of the Digestive and Systemic Enzymes are: 1. Better Circulation Listen to this recorded call with Troy Aupperle. He is the CEO of Enzymology Research Center, Inc. and has established himself as one of the industrys leading enzyme authorities. He has presented his enzyme seminars in six different countries and has been quoted in every major nutrition publication. Enzyme Formulator and World Class Athlete Troy Aupperle on Peak Enzymes You can order Enzymes here: Whole Wellness Peak Enzymes Still harvesting corn from my large garden. It is amazing how much food you can grow in a 1/2 acre area. My fruit trees and vegetable garden have been feeding me for months now. I have plenty put away in quart jars for the winter and next year. God is good. Takes quite a bit of effort which actually keeps you in good shape. Plus you benefit from the fresh air and sunshine. Did you know your body starts the aging process around age 27? Your body only has so many enzymes to make it through life. Around 27 years old, your body starts releasing less enzymes. If the release of enzymes did not slow down, you would die by age 40. Enzymes are therefore of extreme importance to your overall health. You can get some enzymes by eating raw organic vegetables. The bad thing is even organic vegetables don’t have the enzymes like the vegetables did 100 years ago. It is the same principle with minerals in the soils being depleted. Many experts in nutrition advocate supplementation for health. Let me introduce you to Troy Auppele. Troy Auppele is a world class athlete. Troy is also a health products formulator and is introducing Peak Enzymes to the Whole Wellness Club. Troy Aupperle is the founder and CEO of Enzymology Research Center, Inc. and has established himself as one of the industry’s leading enzyme authorities. He has presented his enzyme seminars in six different countries and has been quoted in every major nutrition publication. Here is the label for the Digestive or ‘With a Meal Enzymes’ Serving Size is one capsule so you have a month supply of product. The digestive enzymes are $28 for a month. Systemic Enzymes are best taken at night with 6 ounces of water on an empty stomach. These enzymes will help clean your blood and remove plaque from your arteries. The enzymes also help with inflammation. The systemic enzymes are of highest quality and the source is Japan. A month supply is $58.