Whole Wellness Club is helping many people from all over the world improve their health and also earn some income. I have been a member of the Whole Wellness Club since the company opened its doors in September 2007. Here are a couple of the resources we have available to people.

Today is the 5th of January 2010 and Whole Wellness Club has already sent my commissions payment for December 2009 to my Global Cash Card. The Global Cash Card only charges me $1.50 to wire my commissions into my bank account in 1-2 business days. It is a good feeling to know that every month I can expect a healthy payroll check sent securely and quickly to my bank. There is no company like the Whole Wellness Club when it comes to taking care of its members.

Here are some great verses to start the New Year off with. I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2010.

Psalm 133:

When Brothers Dwell in Unity

A Song of Ascents. Of David.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
life forevermore.

John 17:20:

I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.

Romans 15:5:

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 4:1:

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

Colossians 3:12:

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.

Do you want to empower your sub conscious mind for happiness and success? Read the following scriptures in front of a mirror before going to bed each night. You will end your day with empowering messages and the results will show up in your life.

God’s Five Minute Plan



I Am Accepted

John 10:29     I cannot be taken out of God’s hand.

John 1:12       I am God’s child.

John 15:15     I am Christ’s friend.

Rom. 5:1        I have been justified.

1 Cor. 6:17     I am united with the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him.

1 Cor. 6:19,20           I have been bought with a price. I belong to God.

1 Cor. 12:27              I am a member of Christ’s body.

Eph. 1:1          I am a saint.

Eph. 1:5          I have been adopted as God’s child.

Eph. 2:18       I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.

Col. 1:14        I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.

Col. 2:10        I am complete in Christ.

John 5:24       I stand uncondemned.


I Am Secure

Jude 1:24       I am faultless before God.

Rom. 8:1-2     I am free forever from condemnation.

Rom. 8:28      I am assured that all things work together for good.

Rom. 8:31-34            I am free from any condemning charges against me.

Rom. 8:35-39            I cannot be separated from the love of God.

2 Cor. 1:21,22           I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.

Col. 3:3           I am hidden with Christ in God.

Phil. 1:6  I am confident that the good work that God has begun in me will be perfected.

Phil. 3:20        I am a citizen of heaven.

2 Tim. 1:7  I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Heb. 4:16       I can find grace and mercy to help in time of need.

1 John 5:18    I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.

1 Cor. 15:57  I have victory in Christ now.


I Am Significant

Matt. 5:13,14             I am the salt and light of the earth.

John 15:1,5                I am a branch of the true Vine, a channel of His life.

John 15:16                 I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.

Acts 1:8          I am a personal witness of Christ.

1 Cor. 3:16     I am God’s temple.

2 Cor. 5:17-21           I am a minister of reconciliation for God.

2 Cor. 6:1       I am God’s coworker ( 1 Cor. 3:9 )

Eph. 2:6          I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm.

Eph. 2:10       I am God’s workmanship.

Eph. 3:12       I may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Phil. 4:13        I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


Here is a list of scriptures from the New King James Version of the Bible that reflect being made new in Christ and become prosperous. You can look scripture up for yourself on this site: New King James Version

Jeremiah 31:31 “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah”.

Lamentations 3:22 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. 

Luke 22:19 And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 

John 13:33 Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come,’ so now I say to you.

Romans 6:3-5 3 Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.

Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Ephesians 4:22  that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts.

Hebrews 9:14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Hebrews 10:19-25 19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

1 Peter 1:2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.

Revelation 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.

Here we are again at the end of another year. Was 2009 a good year for you in business? Did you reach your goals? Do you have written short and long term goals? By writing goals down and reviewing several times per day, you create an awareness in your sub conscious mind about what you want to achieve. Many experts believe this taking action and writing goals on paper moves you on the journey to reach your goals.

I am searching for Four serious people that want to have an abundant, fulfilled, and prosperous life. Because God wants His children to prosper and be in good health, God makes it possible for us to live the life of abundance. All anyone needs is the desire. My desire is to be debt free, have no mortgage, and save for retirement. I have the vehicle to help anyone reach their dreams. One of my business opportunities is a service business that all people need today. This business is called Global Virtual Opportunities (GVO). You can find out more about having unlimited hosting along with every Marketing tool you need to build your business here: Global Virtual Opportunities

The other business is a passion of mine – Health. Whole Wellness Club is a way for people to get high quality health products from their own virtual health food store. Products are priced similar to what you would walk in to your local health products store and pay there. Whole Wellness Club has an advantage. Because we have over 50,000 members, our company only finds the best quality products. The focus of these products is to meet broadly held needs of most people today. Find out more at my health food store: Whole Wellness Club

Peak Performance 12/21/2009
Written by
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Ice axes and enzyme capsules helped along the way.

The Jeep revved its engine, then jerked to a stop. Men with guns were outside, guarding a checkpoint at a gold mine in Indonesia’s Maoke Mountains. There were muffled shouts. A pause. Then the Jeep was moving again.

Troy Aupperle, an American mountain climber, was hidden in back. He crouched on top of his pack, concealed under a tarp. He waited for the truck to gain speed. He exhaled in relief.

It was January 2007, and Aupperle, a small-business owner from Alexandria, Minn., had hired a travel company to get him to the wilderness near Carstensz Pyramid. The summit — a 16,023-foot fin of rock, the highest point in all of Oceania — was on Aupperle’s checklist as a must-climb mountain peak.

“Clandestine human smuggling was not initially part of the plan,” he said during a recent presentation at an REI store in Roseville, where he recounted his attempt at setting a time record for climbing the highest mountain on each continent.

Aupperle, 44, did not make his hoped-for time, overshooting the deadline by more than a year. But in May, on a desolate perch at 29,029 feet, the veteran climber pulled off his oxygen mask and posed for a victory photo atop Mount Everest, the final peak on a continent-hopping quest that had consumed his life.

As mountaineering feats go, climbing the Seven Summits — peaks in Alaska, Argentina, Russia, Nepal/China, Antarctica, Tanzania and Indonesia — is an ultimate accomplishment.

Conceived almost 25 years ago by Dick Bass, the owner of Utah’s Snowbird Ski Resort, the Seven Summits concept continues to fascinate. Each year a few more adventurous — and mostly affluent — climbers tick off the continental circuit.

Aupperle said he spent more than $150,000 in travel expenses, permits and guide fees. The challenge of climbing high peaks and the adventure of international travel — Jeep smuggling episodes and all — were primary draws.

But Aupperle, who is pursuing a master’s degree in nutrition, had other motives with his high peaks spree. As the founder of Enzymology Research Center, a manufacturer of mixes used in supplemental nutrition products, Aupperle said accomplishing the Seven Summits would demonstrate the effectiveness of a certain underappreciated amino acid group.

“Completing these peaks was my first step in the ultimate goal of introducing enzymes to the world,” he said.

Indeed, Aupperle expresses not a hint of irony in this statement.

The full disclosure is that his company sells enzyme-based products to resellers. The fine print is that, as an athlete, Aupperle has long believed in the effectiveness of enzymes, the proteins found in many foods that catalyze chemical reactions at a cellular level.

He takes about 10 capsules of enzymes and other supplements each day. He credits this regimen with increasing his energy levels and aiding in digestion.

“Your body is more efficient and effective with enzyme supplements,” he said.

His company, which employs 11 people, offers plant and fermented microbial enzymes such as glucose oxidase, fungal lipase and serratiopeptidase. Traveling around the planet, Aupperle packed bottles of the stuff alongside his mountaineering boots and ice axes.

“The digestion process consumes ridiculous amounts of energy, so if you can relieve the body from those duties, you will have more energy to put towards your climb,” he explained.

Health experts disagree on the effectiveness of enzyme supplements, which are sold over the counter in dozens of types. Promised effects range from easing upset stomach to increasing a person’s life span. The supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but most do not require administration approval.

Aupperle also is a proponent of other unorthodox supplements, including antioxidant products, probiotic bacteria, medicinal silver and a liquid solution that contains digestible oxygen. Smoked salmon and a meal-replacement product called the ProBar are other favorites for high-altitude adventures.

“I have a system down,” Aupperle said, noting that he suffered almost no illnesses or altitude sickness during his quest.

Take or leave Aupperle’s nutritional advice, but his efficiency on expeditions on peaks from Russia’s Mount Elbrus to Vinson Massif in Antarctica is a case study in how to do the Seven Summits right.

Carstensz Pyramid, where smuggling climbers in trucks was once a common practice, might be another story. Aupperle said the Indonesian travel company he hired had promised helicopter transport to the base of the remote mountain peak. He said he confirmed several times before leaving the United States.

“There was no helicopter when I arrived,” he said.

He took it in stride. He got in the Jeep, pulled the tarp over his head, and they bumped along.

In a few hours, he was in the jungle, hiking toward Carstensz Pyramid for a solo ascent. He set up camp in the Indonesian outback, rock walls towering above.

Early the next morning, he shouldered his pack. The sun was rising as he neared a final ridge. He popped some enzyme capsules, and then climbed on, not stopping until he reached the top.

Stephen Regenold
Minneapolis Star Tribune

North America: Mount McKinley (Denali), Alaska, 20,320 feet

South America: Aconcagua, Argentina, 22,841 feet

Africa: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, 19,340 feet

Australia/Oceania: Carstensz Pyramid, Indonesia, 16,024 feet

Europe: Mount Elbrus, Russia, 18,510 feet

Antarctica: Vinson Massif, 16,050 feet

Asia: Mount Everest, Nepal/China, 29,029 feet

Consumers are looking for the best value in today’s economy. It is just smart to research your best deal. Troy Aupperle shared with us on our Tuesday night conference call how consumers can get a better systemic and digestive enzyme with his Peak Enzymes formulations. Here is that call if you want to listen: Peak Enzymes

Here is a chart showing Transformation Digestzyme and Peak Enzymes ‘With’ a Meal product.

 Transformation  Digestive Enzyme Amount Enzymes per Capsule  Cost per Capsule
 11 % enzymes by weight  Digestzyme  1 Protease 33,250 activity units  32 cents
 89 % other ingredients  1 Amylase  6,100 activity units
 5 Lipase      145 LU   14 FIP


 Peak Enzymes  Digestive Enzyme  Amount Enzymes per Capsule Cost per Capsule
 98 % enzymes by weight  ‘With’ a Meal  6 Protease 45,000 activity units  31 cents
 12 Amylase  10,000 activity units
 2 Lipase          1,400 FIP


If you are shopping for the best value, you get 98 percent enzymes by weight with Peak Enzymes ‘With’ and your cost per capsule is 1 cent less. Peak Enzymes are pure Japanese sourced plant based enzymes. You can order Peak Enzymes here: Peak Enzymes

Consumers are looking for the best value in today’s economy. It is just smart to research your best deal. Troy Aupperle shared with us on our Tuesday night conference call how consumers can get a better systemic and digestive enzyme with his Peak Enzymes formulations. Here is that call: Peak Enzymes

Generation Plus Systemic Enzyme  Amount Enzymes per Capsule  Price per Capsule
 36 % enzymes by weight  Naticor  Nattokinase 720 FU 36 mg  56 cents
 64 % minerals & additives  Serrapeptase 15 mg
 Protease (3 forms) 25 mg
  66 % enzymes by weight   Zymitol   3,120 Serrapeptase
1,200 Protease
  40 cents


Peak Enzymes Systemic Enzyme  Amount Enzymes per Capsule  Price per Capsule
 97 % enzymes by weight  ‘Without’ a Meal  Nattokinase 627 FU  64 cents
 Serrapeptase 26,666
 Protease 130,000

Comparing the amount of enzymes in Peak Enzymes shows more than 10 times the amount compared to Generation Plus Naticor product and Peak Enzymes are 97 percent enzymes. The value is worth the additional 8 cents per capsule. Here is another table showing a comparison with Generation Plus Digestive Enzymes and the Peak Enzymes ‘With’ a Meal.


 Generation Plus  Digestive Enzyme  Amount Enzymes per Capsule  Price per Capsule
 no transparency  Digesticol  16 enzymes  38 cents


Peak Enzymes Digestive Enzyme  Amount Enzymes per Capsule  Price per Capsule
 ‘With’ a Meal  20 enzymes  31 cents

You can view the Peak Enzymes labels of the ‘Without’ a Meal and ‘With’ a Meal at the following website: Peak Enzymes

Systemic Enzymes like Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ will naturally thin human blood without any side effects like prescription drugs do. Coumadin is a blood thinner that has side effects. Many people are moving to natural healing to accomplish what the pure Japanese sourced plant based Peak Enzymes can do for your health.

If you are ready to order Peak Enzymes, you can go to my website below:

Peak Enzymes

Daniel Parsons

Here is a neat list of scripture about the birth of Jesus Christ and how God sent His only Son down from heaven to restore man by taking away our sins at Calvary. Merry Christmas Everyone! We have joy to share with those that don’t know Our Savior Jesus Christ!

Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 2:1-14
Revelation 19:11-16

Here is a great resource to look up scripture online. I recommend the New King James Version:
Holy Bible

Nattokinase is an enzyme that helps prevent blood clots. British Airways sought a way to keep their passengers that suffer from deep vein thrombosis on long transcontinental flights from suffering strokes shortly after landing. Research uncovered the enzyme Nattokinase. Dr. Ralph Halsworth has researched Nattokinase and writes on the effectiveness of Nattokinase in journals.

Peak Enzymes has platinum nattokinase in its systemic enzyme. Peak Enzymes are totally transparent. Our supplier is Troy Aupperle. He lists the amount of enzymes available per serving on our products. The testimonials are flooding in now:

Byron in Tennessee has a brother that has had scarring heal in 3 weeks of using Peak Enzymes.

Judy in Wisconsin has seen scars from a bite on her arm heal. She told me the extra energy helped her dig out from the latest snow that fell recently.

Maxine in Washington is noticing her energy level is much improved.

Patrick in Ohio called me and told me to make sure his order of Peak Enzymes will arrive on autoship every month.

Paul in Florida also notices more energy.

You can order a month supply of the world’s best plant based enzymes by going to this site: Peak Enzymes

Daniel Parsons

Consumers like to compare products when they shop so they can find the best value. Peak Enzymes are pure Japanese plant based enzymes products. Wobenzym also carries enzymes products. The following comparison is Wobenzym’s tablet and Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ Systemic Enzyme veggie capsule.

Wobenzym has 5 separate proteolytic enzymes. There are 2 plant based enzymes and 3 animal derived enzymes in the Wobenzym tablet. Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ Systemic Enzymes has 7 different proteolytic enzymes and they are pure Japanese plant based enzymes.

Wobenzym has 20,000 units of protease activity per tablet. Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ has 160,000 units of protease activity per veggie capsule.

Wobenzym is 13 cents per tablet. You will need 8 Wobenzym tablets to match 1 Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ Enzyme. So 8 x .13 = $1.04 to get the same amount of protease activity as Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ has. The cost of one Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ is .64 cents. Wobenzym is .40 cents more expensive.

There are no other ingredients in Peak Enzymes ‘Without’. There are no animal by products. Peak Enzymes is 100 % clean. Here are the other ingredients in Wobenzym:

1. Di-calcium Phosphate
2. Corn Polysaccharides
3. Micro Crystalline Cellulose
4. Cross Probidone
5. Macro Gal
6. Vegetable Stearate
7. Silica
8. Magnesium Silicate also known as Talc
9. pH Resistant Enterra Coating
10. Tri-ethyl Citrate
11. Vanillin
12. Purified Water

Whole Wellness Club shares this information on our recorded conference call here: The Amazing Efficiency of Enzymes

Click here if you are ready to find out more about Peak Enzymes

Did you know you can use a tele conference service and meet with your team members and also show prospects your business opportunity? Once you have set up your conference, you will need to attract people to your call. Here is a list of websites where you can promote your Seminar and Tele Conference. By bringing people to your calls, you will grow your list and also grow your business. Many people are searching for a business opportunity and having a virtual web office open during business hours also will help your business.

All Conferences

Conference Call University


Find Free Seminars

Seminar Announcer

Today was a tough day. I had to make a quick gratitude list because some major financial problems came my way today. I decided not to let a major truck repair and getting locked out of my own house destroy my day. I did the next best thing and will go from there. Tomorrow is another day. Every human being will have tough days. How we deal with problems is part of our learning process. If I dwell on the bad, my attitude will be bad. If I accept that things will happen and it is expensive to live, the situation doesn’t overwhelm me anymore and I can get back to business. Think I will shoot a video about our Peak Enzymes sample packages.