Whole Wellness Club is bringing a new product to its members that will help the body’s glutathione level. The company has hired a Pediatric Oncologist in Maine to determine the efficacy of the product. Preliminary studies are positive as several children that have been treated have been relieved of asthma. Other benefits of this new product will be stronger immune cells. More details will be released in the future by company owners.

Whole Wellness Club is a business that allows consumers to purchase high quality health products and durable goods at wholesale prices. The company believes in traditional medical practices dating back to Hippocrates. The company has conference calls on a regular basis with product formulators.

Contact Me right away to learn more and find out how you can achieve wellness.

Whole Wellness Club is implementing some pay plan enhancements. The company is bringing a bio feedback electric stimulator durable good into the business.  Company owner Chuck Dhuey said this new machine is “Chinese energy medicine acupuncture on steroids”.

Members can buy the unit for $550 and refer others to the machine and earn referral income. The pay plan enhancements will include a perpetual leverage pay out of $50 on five levels for all active matrix members and the total commission paid will be $250.

All new members that join Whole Wellness Club will be assigned to the sponsor and coded in the new perpetual leverage infinity bonus system. More details about percentages will be released by company owners on upcoming conference calls.

The Club also will have three different levels in the pay plan.

1) Supervisor is any member that has 3 active personally sponsored members and has a 2 x 4 matrix filled out.
2) Manager is a member that is in a 3 x 8 matrix and has 3 Supervisors active. The manager will lead and train people to duplicate.
3) President is a member that is in a 4 x 8 matrix and has 3 Managers active.

Today’s thoughts come from something that is bothering me. I watch very little television and only positive television programs are turned on in my home. The 3 channels I do watch are:

Three Angels Broadcasting


CNBC Business

I was exercising yesterday and I had seen the programs on the spiritual channel 3ABN so I tuned in to see what was happening in the business world. Something really disturbs me about the advertising of Nutrisystem and the claims they make. The claims are that you can lose weight and lower your blood sugar. My question is for how long with their system and approach. Is it a permanent change? My beliefs and education tend to think the Nutrisystem plan is a temporary solution. Do you want a permanent solution?

Whole Wellness Club offers a permanent solution. Dr. Chappell is our spokesperson and is a 39 year veteran Naturopathic Doctor. He recommends going to your local grocery store or farmers market and buying organic fruits and vegetables. If you cannot buy organic, buy regular produce and thoroughly wash the plants.

The permanent solution is that the plants are living with nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins. Your body will get the nutrition you need from the fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes. You cannot get fat on a vegetarian diet if you eat the right amount of food. Your body will signal that you are full when it has the nutrients from the living food from plants.

Nutrisystem is teaching you a temporary fix with the same kind of unhealthy foods that the overweight person has been consuming. You cannot  make a permanent change buying cookies, muffins, brownies, pasta, and cakes. The same amount of money you spend on one month of Nutrisystem will supply you with the best organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes for 2 months.

Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet lowers blood sugar, reverses heart disease, and will help you lose weight when incorporated with an exercise program that includes a 30 minute daily walk. Drinking one half  your ideal body weight in ounces of pure water each day will also help you lose weight.

Here is a capture page that I made today. Video is quickly taking over the internet as people respond better to video than reading detailed instructions. Global Virtual Opportunities allows a subscriber to make as many autoresponders, videos, capture or splash pages all for one reasonable monthly price. Here is the Inbound Marketing splash page: Traffic

How can I best share a healthy diet with people that need to eat healthy? Over 60 percent of our nation is now overweight. Our nation has a serious problem with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Yesterday I was shopping and noticed many people that were overweight were buying frozen pizzas, tv dinners, and processed foods. People had many packages of unhealthy soda drinks loaded with harmful phosphoric acid in their shopping carts.

I buy fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes and have learned much about eating a nutritious diet to stay healthy. Each morning I turn on a distilled water machine and make a gallon of water to use during my day. I drink one half my ideal body weight in ounces each day and also give my cat distilled water.

When you want to help people, how do you approach people? Do you have a blog? Do you share knowledge? Should I just accept that is the way most of America wants to be and not say anything?

Thanks for your input!

Learned something interesting on a recent Whole Wellness Club call. A member shared that their mother in Germany would soak oats overnight and that way in the morning, the oats are soft and edible without needing to be cooked. You don’t lose any nutrition or enzymes due to the oats being cooked. I found that an equal measure of oats and water then stir is all you have to do. I have tried steel cut oats the past 2 mornings that way and add in some blueberries and a teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of honey. Stir well and enjoy!

Congratulations to Canadian Women’s ice hockey team for beating Team USA for Olympic gold medal in Vancouver. Team USA goes home with the Silver medal. Finland takes the bronze medal.

Marie-Philip Poulin scored 2 goals for the Canadian women in the first period of play. Team USA had two different 5 on 3 power plays but failed to convert for a goal. There were several penalties against both teams in the first and second periods but there were no penalties in the final period.

Just finished reading John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. This is a must read book if you are leading or want to lead an organization, business, church or any professional enterprise. Being that I am a professional and work in the home based business industry, I find reading these kinds of books that motivate are a better use of my time than sitting on a couch watching some television program. By putting in positive messages into my sub-conscious mind, I will experience positive behavior, results and actions in my life. Here are the Laws:

1.  Law of the Lid
2.  Law of Influence
3.  Law of Process
4.  Law of Navigation
5.  Law of Addition
6.  Law of Solid Ground
7.  Law of Respect
8.  Law of Intuition
9.  Law of Magnetism
10. Law of Connection
11. Law of Inner Circle
12. Law of Empowerment
13. Law of Picture
14. Law of Buy-In
15. Law of Victory
16. Law of the Big Mo
17. Law of Priorities
18. Law of Sacrifice
19. Law of Timing
20. Law of Explosive Growth
21. Law of Legacy

Found a good article that everyone should be aware of and with this information, you may just be able to save someone’s life. Heart attacks kill many people every year. Some people live and can recover from a heart attack. The following are common symptoms of a heart attack:

1) Mild pain or discomfort that starts slowly.
2) Chest discomfort that comes and goes or lasts for a few minutes.
3) Discomfort or pain in either one or both arms or the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
4) Nausea, cold sweat, and lightheadedness.
5) Shortness of breath, either with or without chest discomfort.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, you need to call 911 right away. Aspirin may be recommended by the emergency medical personnel. You should also be knowledgeable of CPR. Many local community colleges may have a first aid training course available to instruct people in how to revive someone that does not have a pulse.

Preventive measures that everyone can take is using the Peak Enzymes package of Digestive and Systemic Enzymes available in the Whole Wellness Club. There is no charge to be a member of Whole Wellness Club and a package of the Peak Enzymes is affordable. Your cardiovascular health will improve as the arteries and blood will be cleaner from following a daily dose of the world’s best Japanese pure plant based enzymes. You will have more energy with the plaque being cleaned out from your arteries.

Find out more on my website here: Peak Enzymes

God’s Holy Word is located in the Holy Bible. The Bible is the best selling book of all time. More Bibles sold last year than any other book. How important is it for a Christian to read their Bible? We are either growing towards God or away so having a daily prayer life and Bible Study is the most important thing for Christians to do each day.

Read John 15 about being part of the vine.

1 John 5: 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

II Chronicles 15:2 And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shallmeditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according toall that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous,and then you will have good success.

Join us on our Tuesday night conference call with Peak Enzymes formulator Troy Aupperle. Troy owns Enzymology Research Inc. located in Minnesota.

Troy has climbed all 7 of the world’s highest mountains on all 7 continents. He credits the health benefits of Peak Enzymes with his athletic accomplishments.

Peak Enzymes contain a very effective digestive enzymes product and a systemic enzymes product that have many health benefits. The enzymes package is affordable and the source of ingredients is pure Japanese plant based enzymes.

Learn more about Peak Enzymes by coming to our call. The phone number is 1-775-335-3180 and enter bridge 530312 # when prompted at 7:00 pm Pacific time each Tuesday evening.

Call me if you have questions or want to order a month supply package of the enzymes. A 3 day sample package is only $10.