Whole Wellness Club will soon offer the membership a new product called Caldera Greens. This product is a living mineral rich food that is grown in volcanic soil. The greens will be rich in folic acid and many other nutrients your body needs. The greens are processed within 5 hours of harvest. The greens are juiced and then dried at 65-80 degrees farenheit which means all the enzymes are kept in tact. The food is alive with enzymes. Chuck Dhuey who is an owner of the Whole Wellness Club stated he could feel the energy coursing through his veins when using the greens product.

The product will be available in several flavors and there will also be a capsule form for anyone not wanting to mix a greens powder into some pure cold water. The ORAC value will be between 4,000 and 5,000 making this a powerful antioxidant for your health.

You can register for free in the Whole Wellness Club by going to my website here:

Join Whole Wellness Club

Call me if you need any help.

Daniel Parsons

Enzymes are needed for every single reaction in your body. Enzymes are the most important supplement you can take. Did you know your body has the ability to produce a certain amount of enzymes in your lifetime? When you supplement with digestive and systemic enzymes, you free up energy that your body normally uses to breakdown your food and keep your immune system strong.

Troy Aupperle is our Peak Enzymes formulator. Troy owns Enzymology Research Center Inc. in Minnesota. He has scaled all seven of the highest summits on all seven continents. Whole Wellness Club hosted Troy on a recent conference call and he shared a comparison between our Systemic Enzymes ‘Without’ a Meal product and Doctor’s Best Proteolytic Enzymes. You can listen to that call by clicking here: Troy Aupperle Call

Whole Wellness Club has searched and found the best enzymes package available to offer people. Enzymes are powerful and help keep your immune system strong, remove plaque from your arteries, and help your digestion. People notice a difference right away when supplementing with Peak Enzymes.

On the call Troy mentions his formula has 4 times the protease activity versus the Doctor’s Best enzymes. Peak Enzymes also has Platinum Nattokinase and the Doctor’s Best does not have nattokinase in their formula. Our new formula will have 25 IU of Platinum Nattokinase or 2,000 FU.


Doctor’s  Best Proteolytic Enzymes Peak Enzymes ‘Without a Meal’
Serving Size 3 Servings per Container 30 Serving Size 3 Servings per Container 30
Veggie Capsule no fillers Veggie Capsule no fillers 97 % enzymes by weight
Bromelain 576 GDU Bromelain 500 GDU
Papain 10,077,000 PU Papain 6,000 TU
Neutral Protease 738 NU Protease 390,000 HUT
Fungal Protease 4.0   34,800 HUT
Bacterial Protease   62,250 HUT
Rutin 30 mg Troxerutin 30 mg
Serratiopeptidase 120,000 SPU Serrapeptase 80,000 U
Platinum Nattokinase (PN20K) 2,000 FU

Our enzymes are sourced from pure Japanese plant based enzymes. Contact me to learn more about how Peak Enzymes offers the best value.

Here is a great recipe from Curtis & Paula Eakins. The Eakins are a fine Christian couple that feature health principles and cooking classes on 3ABN television from time to time.

1 16-oz. can pumpkin pie filling
1 box Mori-Nu firm tofu
3/4 c. honey
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 prepared unbaked whole wheat pie crust

Process pumpkin and tofu in food processor until smooth. Add honey, vanilla, salt, coriander and ginger and process until well mixed. Pour into prepared pie crust and bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then at 325 degrees for about an hour – until set.

It is a myth that meat eaters have more food choices than vegetarians. You mention vegetarian diet to a meat eater and the meat eater thinks that a vegetarian eats nothing but lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. This is not true. When a person moves from eating meat to a vegetarian diet, a whole world of healthy and great tasting recipes open up. There is more variety in a vegetarian diet than a meat eating diet. Here is the logic and reason why:

1) There are hundreds of different varieties of fruits and vegetables
2) You can add these foods to whole grains, nuts, and legumes to create thousands of different dishes that taste great
3) Whole grain pasta and breads make excellent tasty and healthy dishes also
4) You can eat vegetables raw, steamed or cooked
5) It is easy to create spreads, dressings, coconut butter, and other flavorings to make your dishes taste great

Just click on my Healthy Living category in my menu at the top of my page to see some of the recipes I have on this site. Subscribe to my blog to get the latest updates. Contact me if you have a favorite recipe you want to share.

Daniel Parsons

Hope everyone is enjoying summer. I had a very negative event happen to me on Thursday and am at a loss as to how our court system rewards criminals. No need to hash out any details as I have blown off my disgust and taken the appropriate action that I can up to this point. On to better things.

This weekend was a real blessing. The new pastor and his family came to church. A spiritual group I have been involved in for almost 17 years had a very large picnic out at Intalco. This is a recreation area of the Alcoa plant. The property sits up on a bluff overlooking the Straight of Georgia which leads out to the Pacific Ocean once you get around Vancouver Island. There are stunning views of the San Juan Islands from the property.

About 30 of us played softball for about 3 hours. We had good food, fellowship and a couple of speakers to wrap up the day. Sunday was a good day also for me as I knocked out a 5 mile bike ride through berry country. I am amazed at my energy level and stamina. I know it is the Peak Enzymes products I have been using for over 9 months now. My body is able to handle physical activity that it could not this time last year. The extra energy is awesome. Ask me if you want to learn more about unlocking more energy for your body.

Our new pastor, Brandon Korter and his family have arrived from Michigan. Brandon and his wife Rosalba have a daughter Iriana. The Korters enjoy the outdoors, hiking, camping, and horses. Here is the first sermon Pastor Korter preached at Bellingham Seventh-day Adventist church this past Sabbath.

The Highest Calling

What does it mean to receive the Highest Calling or Purpose in Life? People are filled with worry, fear, and sadness. Jesus is coming soon. Christ has given us the Highest Calling. The Devil does not want people to receive the Highest Calling. We can accomplish great things for Jesus. Look at what two older men did thousands of years ago.

Daniel was a prophet and wrote the Book of Daniel in the Bible when he was 75 years old. John was 80 when he wrote the Book of Revelation on Patmos while in exile. We all should give ourselves to Jesus fully and ask how can He use us to reach the lost and fearful.

Read Isaiah 42:6-7
I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness,
      And will hold Your hand;
      I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people,
      As a light to the Gentiles,
       7 To open blind eyes,
      To bring out prisoners from the prison,
      Those who sit in darkness from the prison house.

Incredible Grace that God has given us. God is asking us to Shine Our Light for His Church. We are the Church (all of us people, not the building). Jesus is saying: “I will hold your hand”.

General McArthur declared in the Philippines during WWII: “I will return”. Jesus also will.

Ships follow Light from the Lighthouse. People in our local community pass by and thousands are looking for the light. The Devil has light all be it only temporary. God’s light never goes out. The Devil’s light will go out on Judgement Day. The Devil will try to attack people who are in the Lighthouse (Church). We have to spend time everyday in prayer with Jesus to keep the Light. When we spend time with Jesus, we will be concerned for the lost. The Devil hates the Church.

God wants us to be on guard. We can be a problem or the solution. The Church has problems. Always has and always will until Christ returns. The Church is a theatre of God’s Grace. We as Christians have the Highest Calling to reach lost people for Christ. Your heart will experience incredible love and grace when you help introduce someone to Jesus.

Read the Acts of the Apostles pages 11 and 12.

Found a great tasting recipe from Linda Johnson of the Micheff Sisters that is healthy. There is very little cholesterol if any in this recipe with the ingredients I used. There is some sodium in the meatless sausages so monitor the amount if need be. Here are the ingredients:

1/2 cup onions, chopped
1 cup fresh green onion, sliced
1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups sausage -style gluten burger (or meatless sausage)
1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp McKay’s beef-style seasoning
1 tsp McKay’s chicken style seasoning
4 cups plain soy milk
1/4 cup soy margarine, melted **
1/2 cup unbleached white flour
4 cups cooked soy noodles

In a medium skillet, saute onions in olive oil until almost done. Add the mushrooms, green onions and burger and saute. Put 3 1/2 cups of the soy milk into a medium saucepan. Take the remaining 1/2 cup of cold soymilk and mix with the 1/2 cup of flour and soy margarine. Whip together until smooth and stir into the cold soymilk in the saucepan. Cook over medium heat until it bubbles and thickens slightly. Add the sausage mixture and soy noodles and gently stir until mixed. Serve with your favorite vegetables and whole wheat bread.

** Butter alternative
3/4 cup coconut milk*
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons yellow cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt

*May use 1/4 cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut or raw cashew nuts
instead of coconut milk, and increase water to 1 1/4 cups. If you have
only sweetened coconut, the sugar can be rinsed out with hot water,
using a sieve.

1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes.

It should begin to thicken, about the consistency of thin porridge. I’ve
learned that this can vary with the cornmeal used, so if it isn’t
getting thick, add another teaspoon of cornmeal and cook a few more
minutes until it is like thin pancake batter or porridge.

2.Place in blender, cover, can turn on low, then increase to high. Blend for
about 1 minute until as smooth as possible. (If using shredded coconut
or cashews nuts, blend for 2 minutes.)

3. Pour into a container; cover and chill. It will be runny, but sets up when cold.

This will keep for about 10 days in the refrigerator, but after a few days
it gets stiffer. If this happens, just add a bit of water and stir
briskly until soft. I like to make a new batch every week. If there is
any of the old still remaining, I stir it into a frozen vegetable dish,
such as frozen corn.

Makes One Cup

A good dark German bread would go great with this recipe. I cut up some freshly picked squash and sliced a few pieces and ate the squash raw as a side dish with some dark bread.

I used Ronzoni Healthy Harvest cholesterol free-yolk free extra wide noodle style whole wheat blend pasta in a 12 oz. package. I also found Tofurky Kielbasa vegan Polish-Style meatless sausage. I used whole wheat pastry flour because I don’t keep white flour in the house.

The recipe was very good and you can modify the pasta or meatless product to your choice. Make sure you stir the soymilk as you heat it so the flour doesn’t start to clump up.

We had a visiting Pastor recently that retired from the Seventh-day Adventist church. Pastor Ellis served in churches in England, Australia and Canada. He makes his home in the Vancouver, British Columbia area.

If All Christians opened their Bibles at the same time, the result would create the greatest dust storm ever.
Read John 17 and Psalms 90

Isaiah 57:15 For thus says the One who is high and lifted up,
who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
“I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly,
and to revive the heart of the contrite.”

God is much more than our minds can comprehend. There are more stars than sand on this earth. Miracles are all around us. God said it, I believe it, That finishes it.

Read Jeremiah 10 God is beyond the universe. Outside of the circle, God created us. He spoke and earth was formed.

Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Read Isaiah 46 and Daniel 9 which reveals prophecy of what is to come on the earth. You cannot outrun or out think God. He wants us to have everlasting life.

John 20:31 But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Ultimate Truth is Jesus. You and I come into this world to live. Jesus came to this world to die.

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.

Ultimate truth is resurrection.

John 14:15-21

15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21 Who ever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

Read Ephesians 3 which reveals the Fullness of God

Read Revelation 22 and learn about the River of Life and about Jesus Soon Return

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Northwestern Mutual Life insurance company created an Entrepreneur Quotient to gauge a person’s ability to be a successful business owner. Go answer the 22 questions now. I scored a 38 which is indicating much success in the business world. Click here for the test:
Entrepreneur Quotient

If you want to listen to some of the meetings from the 2010 International Convention in San Antonio, Texas, just go to this website:
Sound Images

MP3 recordings are $3 and you also get to chose a selection from the 2005 Convention that was in Toronto, Canada. Audio CD’s are $4.

I listened to the Pioneers meeting from 2005 and heard a man speak that I had met in New York about 13 years ago. The Courage to Change meeting was full at San Antonio so I paid the $3 and listened today. You will have access to the recordings after paying on the Sound Images website.

You can also phone or fax an order to:

Sound Images
2010 E. 17th Avenue
Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 888-649-1118
Fax: 303-790-4230

Our recent conference call with Troy Aupperle, CEO of Enzymology Research Inc. shared some important information for people that are using natural products to improve their health. Our Peak Enzymes ‘Without’ a meal will soon have the new Profusionase and the amount per capsule will be measured in activity units. The new disclosure will allow Peak Enzymes to prove the amount of nattiokinase in the systemic enzymes. Troy consults with Dr. Halsworth to formulate the Peak Enzymes. Dr. Halsworth has written many healthy journals about the benefits of nattokinase and the cardiovascular system. Whole Wellness Club will host Dr. Halsworth with Troy on a conference call in the near future.

In other news, Troy did a comparison between Now Optimal Digestive System and our Peak Enzymes ‘With’ a Meal. Both products are digestive enzymes. You can listen to that recorded call by clicking here: Digestive Enzymes

Now Optimal Digestive System Peak Enzymes ‘With’ a Meal
90 Veggie Capsules 90 Veggie Capsules
Serving Size 2 capsules per meal Serving Size 1 capsule per meal
2 Protease with 21,000 units 6 Protease with 45,000 units
5 Amylase (carb) with 3,500 units 12 Amylase with 10,000 units
1 Lipase 500 FIP 2 Lipase with 1,400 FIP
8 total enzymes at 10 cents per capsule 20 total enzymes at 31 cents per capsule
Rice Bran, Maltodextrin, and Silica 98 percent enzymes by weight, no fillers


You would have take 4 of the Now capsules to get close to what Peak Enzymes offers in our Digestive Enzymes product. Call me for more details and save $6 on a package of enzymes. This website also has more details: Peak Enzymes

Antioxidants work to keep your body healthy. If you are not getting enough antioxidants, free radicals destroy cells in your body faster. Antioxidants are critical for a longer and healthier life and are the primary defense mechanism to combat oxidative stress and premature aging. Whole Wellness Club has products that also help keep the body’s immune system strong. There is no charge to become a member and you can access many important health resources by being a member so sign up here now:

Whole Wellness Club

Found a great resource where you can grade yourself as to your eating and lifestyle habits.

Take the survey here:

What Causes Aging?

Did you know that Mineral deficiencies have been linked to over 150 diseases? Or that you and everyone you know is most likely mineral deprived?

The Whole Wellness Club is pleased to offer a simple solution, re-mineralize with Coral Complex 3, a coral mineral dietary supplement with Vitamin D3. We are thrilled with the positive results that are being reported by many of our members and encourage you to view them on our Coral Complex 3 product page.


What an amazing product! I started on the Coral Complex 3 just 5 days ago and since then dramatic changes have taken place. At first, I noticed the pain in my hands left. That was enough to make me extremely happy because they really hurt all the time. Usually, it was hard to concentrate because the pain just shot across the tops of my hands in waves that were really quite painful. I know how damaging drugs are so I just lived with it (most of the time), but now the pain is gone!

Then yesterday, I noticed two things that really shocked me. First, I needed something from the basement and trotted downstairs. I stopped, did a double take, and said “Whoa! What just happened?” You see, before taking the minerals, I could barely cripple down the stairs. Whenever repairmen came to the house I made sure they went down the steps before me because I didn’t want anyone to see how difficult it was for me to go down those steps. I had to put most of my weight on both handrails and still it felt like my legs & feet were going to just give out and send me flying down face first. It was both weakness and pain that made me so crippled. But yesterday I just trotted down the steps!! I trotted back up to see if I could do that. I could! Before, I had to pull myself up slowly by clinging to the handrails. I went up and down several times because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!

Later, I went outside to try to soak up a little more vitamin D from the sun so I lay down on a blanket in the yard and said “Whoa!” again. I actually got up and tried it again. Getting up has always been extremely difficult when I got down on my knees and getting up from lying on the ground was a circus. I used to think, “If I am like this at 57,what will I be like at 60, or 65?” So I did the same thing. I lay down. I got up. I still have a little struggle but I don’t look crippled anymore. I have a feeling that will continue to improve too as it’s only been 5 days so far.

Also, the pain in my elbows is gone. The pain in my left foot is 90% gone. That was a biggie. I have had quite a problem with that foot for years and now there is just a twinge or 2 left in a day. This kind of improvement is just incredible.

Lastly, I have suffered from adrenal fatigue for about 10 years. Tests showed that I made enough cortisol but not enough Aldosterone, the hormone that regulates hydration. For years I have had to get up every one or two hours with an extremely full bladder. Yes, I was taking a1/2 teaspoon of salt twice a day but still could not keep liquids in me. Let me tell you, by morning I was so dehydrated that my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and I felt terrible. Nothing I have done has helped with this situation. I have tried all manner of adrenal help in the form of herbs,desiccated glands, homeopathy, and acupuncture.  I tried it all but actually felt worse when I did. This week, since I started on the Coral Complex 3 I went for 3 hours (at night) without getting up. This happened just a few times in the beginning. For the last 2 nights I have gone 3 and 4 hours and my bladder, though full, was not full to the point of pain like before. Dr. Joel Walldoch says hormone problems are caused by a Boron deficiency so I checked the bottle and sure enough CC3 has Boron so I have to think it’s got something to do with this improvement. It’s only been 5 days so far. I expect I will see yet more improvement.

– Kathy in Wisconsin

Hope everyone made it home safely from San Antonio, Texas. What a powerful 3 days of meetings, fellowship, and sharing. I did not even notice I was tired from lack of sleep. Minneapolis was the same as I remember I went out to the motel for about 7 hours each night. Now I have to decide which of the meetings I want to get on CD so I can listen to the speakers again. Here are my top 3 highlights of the weekend:

1) Flag Ceremony (that was easy as seeing 90 plus nations flags was a neat event in itself) Afghanistan, China, Iran…….
2) Hearing Mel from Ohio with 60 years of recovery share about Ebby
3) Seeing thousands of young people having a ball at the international convention

We were rocking the Alamodome on Friday and Saturday nights. Sunday morning’s meeting was also a blessing. See you all in Atlanta, Georgia in 5 years!