Here is an excellent sermon titled: “Friends Defend Their Friends” by Pastor Korter of Bellingham, Washington Seventh-Day Adventist Church on 30. October 2010. Pastor Korter and his family are serving the Bellingham district which includes one other church in Lynden, Washington. The sermon is centered around Ephesians 6:10-12.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

As we near the coming of Jesus, we will experience a spiritual battle going on between the powers of good versus evil. The devil hates followers of Jesus. The devil wants the sinful nature to win and he targets the mind and the will of people. The battlefield is the mind. The devil wants to gain control over our lives. Who has control over our minds?

As God’s people, we have an insight into the Great Controversy. The devil uses drugs, alcohol, pride, gambling, and sex to ensnare us. The devil wants to destroy us. Does God have a solution for us? Claim Ephesians 6:10 and be strong in the Lord and din the power of His might.

The battle has been raging since the Garden of Eden. The disciples came to Jesus and Jesus told them: “Do not be deceived”. The devil is cunning and treacherous. What is Temptation? Total effort that the devil puts forth to induce us into sin. Temptation itself is not a sin. If temptation flashes through your mind, don not be burdened with guilt. The devil manipulates us with guilt. You cannot prevent birds from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building a nest there.

Sin begins in the mind. We struggle against a highly intelligent being. The devil knows our weak points, but he cannot change our will unless we let him. Read Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen White about how Satan attacks our weak points. In God’s strength, we can conquer our sinful nature.

The difference between sin and temptation:

Temptation is a telephone that is ringing. Sin would be to answer the phone. Let the phone ring but don’t answer. What can I do to resist temptation?

1. Think about something else.

2. Claim a Bible promise.

3. Law in Physics that one object can occupy space at one time. Seek the Lord in prayer when temptation comes.

4. Sing to resist temptation. Powers of darkness cannot stand to listen to praise to the Lord Jesus. They flee.

5. Get out your Bible and read aloud. The devil cannot stand the Word of God read to him.

Pastor Korter promises that if you run to the Lord in prayer, read the Bible and sing praises to God, temptation will leave. It works. No one was tempted more than Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane.

God’s people are not doing what works. Ephesians 6:17-18 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

The helmet of salvation-praying always-be in a spirit of prayer. Don’t give up. Direct commission from God of Heaven. Pray for each other. Love each other. VERY IMPORTANT.

Paul is giving an insight into the Roman soldier putting armor on. Put on the whole armor of God. Temptation comes-it should bound off you. Only one piece of armor is offensive-sword of the spirit-word of God. Never turn your back on the enemy. The moment we turn our back on the enemy-we are in trouble. The moment temptation is over-you grow stronger. Depend on Jesus. If we look to ourselves and our power, we are lost.

We live in a culture that says you are weak if you need God. Jesus is our friends and defender. He is pleading with us to help. The bully of the universe is out to get us. Jesus wants to be our friend and keep us with Him.

There was a 16 year old boy at school bullying other younger children for money. One 7 year old boy had a $1 per day to use for a snack. The 16 year old bully twisted the arm of the 7 year old boy and threatened to cut the young boy’s arm off if not given the $1. Every day the 7 year old boy had to give up the $1. One day the children were playing in the school yard and the 16 year old boy was bullying younger children and then ran into another boy the same size as he was. The 7 year old child ran up to the other larger boy and asked him if he wanted to make 50 cents a day. The boy agreed and then the 7 year old boy walked up to the 16 year old bully and said: “Never again am I going to give you money. The 7 year old’s new friend came running and defeated the bully. We are the 7 year old boy and the devil is the 16 year old bully.

The devil is trying to steal our lives. We need to ask our Friend ( Jesus ) to come and stop the bully. We don’t have to pay our friend as He has already paid on the Cross. When Jesus died, the devil thought he had won. If we don’t chose life with Jesus, we chose death with Satan. Every thing about Halloween is about honoring the bully and death. Verse 10 tells us to “Be Strong in the Lord and His Might”. We can make a choice. Satan trembles before Christ majesty. Satan falls back. Cry unto the Lord. Claim Jesus. He will hear you. He will help you in your temptation.

Why I listen to Robert Kiyosaki

#1  Corporate insiders are selling off stock at a blinding pace and are looking for the exits.  RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

#2  Analysts at both Bank of America and Goldman Sachs believe the U.S. Federal Reserve is going to initiate a new round of quantitative easing in November.  It does not take a genius to figure out that this is very likely to push up inflation and have very serious consequences for the U.S. dollar.

#3  In the United States today, there are 5057 janitors with Ph.D.’s, other doctorates, or professional degrees.

#4  Investors have very little faith in the U.S. dollar (and in paper currencies in general) at this point.  Precious metals are soaring to obscene heights.  The price of gold has increased more than 20% in 2010.  The price of silver has skyrocketed about 40 percent this year.  These are not signs that indicate that the U.S. financial system is stable.

#5  In the United States today, 317,000 waiters/waitresses have college degrees.

#6  U.S. lending institutions repossessed an all-time record total of 102,134 homes  in the month of September.  That was the first time that home repossessions in the U.S. had ever exceeded the 100,000 mark during a single month.

#7  In the United States today, 18,000 parking lot attendants have college degrees.

#8  Wheat, corn and other staples prices are soaring on world markets.  These higher food prices are going to hit U.S. consumers hard.

#9  Median household income in the U.S. declined from $51,726 in 2008 $50,221 in 2009.  That was the second yearly decline in a row.

#10  One out of every six Americans are enrolled in a gov’t anti-poverty help programs and signing up for food stamps/social programs just continues to set new all-time records month after month after month.

#11  The number of Americans working part-time jobs “for economic reasons” is now the highest it has been in at least 5 decades.
Robert Kiyosaki recommends Network Marketing as the vehicle to earn a living. You can have a business up and running for just $40. Join Whole Wellness Club now and have a business that impacts the health of your network of connections.

Join Whole Wellness Club

Pastor Korter stated that Sabbath School is just as important as the sermon each week. We grow in Jesus by spending time in His Word. Share with your class and learn each week. Here are some notes taken on 16. October 2010 from Pastor Korter’s sermon on Romans 7:18-22.

Living with a Wolf. We need the experience of conversion to be ready for Jesus second coming. Some churches preach a message that does not offend the church membership. Pastors must focus on the Bible and our Sin. Then we as sinners realize our need for Jesus. What do we do with conflict? There is a battle raging. Great controversy between good and evil. The Pharisees were attacking Jesus all the time. We all have a free will. There are two natures wrestling inside all of us.

Romans 7:18-22

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man.

Even though I want to serve the Lord, I want to do what is wrong. This issue is the same for any age. A man comes to his pastor and says: “I don’t feel like I am converted.” Why do Christians have more conflict in their lives than non-Christians? God wants us to understand this right away. There is help for us. People assume that God removes our sinful nature when we are converted. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we desired to sin no more? Human nature doesn’t work that way until Jesus comes back.

God doesn’t suddenly destroy our old nature. God places within a converted person a new heart or new nature. This new nature is Christ. What happens to the old nature ( wolf )? It stays there mortally wounded. We have two natures. This is what makes Christians different. The first time the old nature receives food and nourishment, it starts getting well and starts to fight the new nature to get rid of it. Don’t feed the old nature.

New converts encounter more conflict than non Christians. When you accept Jesus, expect more conflict. Sometimes you may be plunged into despondency and despair. The devil is a master deceiver and does not want us to know what is going on. Some new converts become miserable. We can be happy Christians. We are to be the happiest people on the earth. A person without Jesus only has one nature, the sinful nature. There is no conflict. When you surrender to Jesus, you now have a new nature that is in conflict with the old nature.

Romans 7:15-17

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.

Paul is showing this conflict in Romans 7. An unconverted person sins as easy as water going down a hill. It’s not that God has turned His back, left you, or given up on you. If we only have one nature, we are in serious trouble.

Galatians 5:16-17

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

Pastor, do you mean my whole life is going to be a conflict? Not necessarily. There are two wild animals fighting in a cage. The trainers pull the animals apart and separate them. The trainers care for one of the animals and make sure it is given plenty of food and water. The other animal is not well cared for and is only given enough food and water to keep it alive. The two animals are put in the same cage and fight again. Which one wins? The one that has been well cared for.

How do we feed the two natures? We feed our nature by the five senses given to us by God. The natures of See, Hear and Taste are the most important as these natures feed either the old or new nature.

Against our wishes, we will encounter things that feed our old nature. Victory in our lives depends on which nature we are going to feed. We can starve the wolf. It is your choice. Jesus won’t force that decision. Read the book: Desire of Ages page 173.

When the human soul surrenders to God, His power which no human eye can see creates a new nature.

Galatians 5:24

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

If you want to be miserable, feed your old nature. Do you want to be happy and joyful? Feed the new nature. When Paul wrote these words, the Roman government declared the crucified were dead. Sometimes relatives would go and take a family member down and the crucified person was still alive. The person would go right back to their sinful life. We need to leave the old nature on the Cross of Calvary. You will no longer be a miserable, unhappy, weak Christian.

Are you willing to feed the new nature? The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will live happily in your life. God’s house will be an awesome place to be. Jesus guaranteed our victory. With Jesus, you are not a failure. He Loves You. Paul learned this secret. He wants you to learn this secret today. You will have a growing, Christian life by allowing Jesus in your heart.

Caldera Greens are a living mineral rich whole food product now being offered exclusively with the Whole Wellness Club. You can also order the greens in veggie capsules. You can join our club as a free member and access the finest natural health products available in the market today. Call me with any questions. Sign up today and experience what the club has to offer:



Here is my two week testimonial on the Caldera Greens Plain juice powders. I have been taking one half of a teaspoon with breakfast and another one half of a teaspoon with my lunch. The energy boost I am getting is very much needed. We are in our winter season now and the days are short and it is cloudy, cold, wet and dark for about 16 hours per day. It would be very easy to get sleepy with the sun not being around.

I am still at my computer working now at 19:25 hours in the evening and I have not yawned once today. I do have to wake up very early tomorrow for a trip to Seattle and will make sure I use the Caldera Greens in the morning. Stay tuned for more updates.

One of the keys to success is very anchored in our personal belief system.  As Henry Ford once said:  “If you believe you can or you believe you can’t, either way, you’re right!”

For some, enrolling 3 people who have the desire to share this wonderful message with others and potentially build an amazing business happens faster than others.  Their belief drives their enthusiasm which drives their daily actions towards the goal.

Many of us have gone to empowerment lectures, read the books, listened to the audio tapes from famous lecturers and so we don’t necessarily need to hear those words but we do need to internalize them and live them.

Our belief has limits.  Some refer to them as walls.  We speak the words of what our limits are.  “I believe I can enroll 1 per month but 3 in a week…I don’t think I can do that…”  ..and so we don’t try due to our belief limits which are just walls inside much like the chain used to tie the baby elephant to the poll.  The baby elephant learns he can not break that chain and develops a belief limited by those beliefs of trying and trying till he gives up.  Eventually he can be held with a thin rope which he could easily break but his beliefs will not allow
him to even try.

I like to back down the goal to even smaller challenges.  What if each of us personally enrolled just 1 person into our new opportunity and it took a full 30 days to achieve that.  Next month we set out to achieve the same goal.  By the end of 12 months we have personally enrolled 12 people.

If each person you enrolled duplicated your efforts and enrolled 1 per month the math might look something like this:


1        1

1        1        1

1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1

1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1

12      11      10      9        8        7        6        5        4        3        2        1 = 78


With this simple example anyone can take a very laid back approach to a 12 month plan.  At the end of 12 months we would have 78 people in our organization receiving a monthly deposit into our bank.  Money that could be used to fill our tank, pay our phone bill, buy food, save for a college fund, the choices are yours.  And should we continue on this slow, but steady journey, at the end of our 2nd year we’d have over 300 in our team.  Three years from today over 1,000.

The question then comes down to:  Maybe we don’t believe we can find 3 in a week or even in a month but can we find 1?  Could we use an extra stream of cash flow?  Where might we be in our 2nd or 3rd year if we, and our new network continued on the same simple process?

The power of expanding our belief system tied with the power of networking tied with the power of helping other good people achieve their goals and dreams tied with what could very well be one of the most wonderful opportunities ever in the networking community and we, together, can take a stand to truly make this world a better place!

Each of us is an important part of the bigger picture!  Anyone can achieve most any goal if we are willing to take the first step which brings us closer to the goal.

Daniel Parsons

One year ago today I started using Peak Enzymes from the Whole Wellness Club. I had never used enzymes outside of what is in a multi vitamin and mineral supplement. It only took 2 days for me to see the benefit of using the best quality enzymes on the market. The second afternoon I could tell my energy level was much higher. I was able to work on the computer without feeling tired after lunch or supper.

Peak Digestive Enzymes come in a bottle with 90 veggie capsules. I take one capsule 5 minutes before eating each meal. I notice that my digestion is much better and the nutrition from my food is broken down more efficiently and I have much more energy. I especially enjoy eating fresh pineapple from the pineapple plants I buy at the market for breakfast. The energy from that fruit carries me straight through until lunch time.

I also rotate oatmeal or whole grains for a cereal along with blueberries. Eating your largest meal in the morning for breakfast is the healthiest approach because your body needs the fuel to make it through the day.

My lunch is a potpourri of vegetables and the same principle is working with the digestive enzyme breaking down all of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes out of those plants. We are what we eat and giving your cells good nutrition is paramount to staying healthy. It is also vital for you to drink plenty of pure water each day to help the digestion process and stay hydrated. A general rule of thumb is to drink one half of your ideal body weight in fluid ounces each day. If you weight 100 pounds, you need to drink 50 ounces of pure water each day.

Peak Enzymes are vegan and the manufacturer Troy Aupperle uses pure Japanese sourced plant based enzymes in the formulation. You can listen to a recorded call from Troy and read more about Peak Enzymes by visiting this website here: Peak Enzymes for Health

The Peak Systemic Enzymes have 90 veggie capsules per bottle. I take 2 at 21:00 hours each evening just before going to bed with about 6 ounces of water. I then take the remaining capsule at 05:00 with a large glass of water before my walk. This approach to taking 2 at night and one early in the morning allows me to have the systemic enzymes in my blood working almost 24 hours a day.

The health benefits of the Peak Systemic ‘Without’ a Meal are incredible. I did not have the best diet between the ages of 1-40. I started changing my eating habits around age 40. I grew up in the south and it was common to eat many greasy animal products. I am concerned about plaque build up in my arteries and heart disease.

The systemic enzymes go into your blood stream and remove plaque and this process helps you prevent a stroke or being a candidate for heart disease. One other incredible benefit is the relief from inflammation. I notice that the arthritis that bothered me for many years is now not as noticeable.

Troy consulted with Dr. Ralph Halsworth in the formulation of Peak Systemic enzymes. Dr. Halsworth is a leading researcher in the enzyme nattokinase and was interviewed by a health research publication. Here is a question posed to Dr. Halsworth:

What is your background and involvement with NSK-SD ™ nattokinase?

I am a board-certified family medicine osteopathic physician who has clinically researched enzymes for the last 10 years. I was the first U.S. physician to use nattokinase (specifically NSK-SD™) in a hospital and clinical setting and introduced it to the U.S. medical community in 2001. I have met the discoverer of nattokinase, Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi, on two occasions in order to collaborate and expand on the clinical and laboratory research. Based on my findings,
I submitted nattokinase (NSK-SD™) to the FDA in 2002 as a medical food. My clinical research has focused on the value of nattokinase in maintaining healthy whole blood viscosity and blood perfusion for cardiovascular health.

I am in my early 50’s and harvested organic gold yukon potatoes yesterday from my small farm and then went to play volleyball with the young adults from church. Praise God! These enzymes will change your life!

When sending out marketing emails to your lists, it is imperative to tell what’s inside with your subject line. Using questions is a way to get your emails opened. Use call to action statements at the end of your messages and advertising. These are common call to action terms:

While supplies last
For next 24 hours only
Limited time
Act now before supplies are exhausted

There are three types of traffic to your website on the internet:
1. Direct is someone clicking your url
2. Indirect is your url on another website
3. Organic search is search engine traffic that lands on your site

One tip is when you do a Google or any search engine search, make sure you are not signed in to your account otherwise the results will be slanted towards you. You can also disable instant search in the Google search settings.

Google analytics shows you how much organic traffic is coming to your site.
Using these tools will help you find keywords that are getting much traffic. Then built some blog posts about those keywords and make sure you have SEO plugins on your blogs to get crawled by Google and the other search engines.

Here is a moving sermon that Pastor Brandon Korter gave at Bellingham Seventh-day Adventist Christian church today 2. October 2010. I write notes as he preaches so this content in no way is meant to depict the exact message as he gave it. I do believe I have highlighted the major points he wishes Christians to be aware of in our daily walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are living in the last days. People are fearful of the time of the end. Is there a need to be fearful? Did you know there are people that are filled with incredible joy knowing that Jesus is coming back soon? Which group do you want to be in?

Many people are miserable in their Christian walk. Why? These Christians are not in harmony with the will of God. Everyone goes through trials. We can still have joy according to what is written in the Bible. Here is a story the pastor gave us about a Christian being miserable.

A young man went into the pastor’s office and sat down across the desk from the pastor. The young man says: “I am lost.” I just did something terribly bad that I have done several times already in my past. Everyone thought that the young man lived an outstanding Christian life. Is it possible to be lost in the Christian Church?

Mark 10:17-23

The Rich Man
 17As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.

 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”

 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

 22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!”

The rich young ruler belonged to a congregation and was raised under strict obedience to obey church rules and do as he was taught. He was not happy. He felt lost. He heard the church leaders asking Jesus some questions. Jesus did not answer their questions. Jesus noticed the mothers that had brought young children with them to church. Jesus picked up one of the children. Jesus wants His people to come to Him like little children.

The rich  young ruler was standing off to the side watching Jesus with the children. Young man ran up to Jesus v17. Jesus wanted the young ruler to learn the one thing he had not yet learned. Young man and the jailer of Paul both are asking what must I do to be saved? Jesus in v19 replies that “You know the commandments”. Jesus is saying keep the commandments. Young man looks frustrated and confused. In v20, he answered: “ALL THESE THINGS I HAVE DONE SINCE MY YOUTH”. Young man was not getting what Jesus meant. The young ruler sense of being lost increased. He is now more frustrated with Jesus.

v21 Then Jesus looked at him and loved him. The young man was touched by Jesus love. Jesus does this to everyone of us. How can you resist the love of Jesus? Jesus loves you, He is passionate about you. Doesn’t matter if you are rich-poor-black-white. You are the most important person. Jesus loves you with your character problems and sin problems. Jesus accepts you just the way you are. Your life has denied you opportunities. You don’t even like or accept yourself. At this very moment, Jesus loves you.

Jesus saw the young man lost in the church. v21 Jesus tells rich young ruler the one thing he lacks is go and sell his possessions and come follow me. Jesus is telling the young man: “You do not love me”. Your only concern is your money and wealth. You will continue in that terrible vacuum in your heart. Let’s fix this now. Take your love of things of this world and get rid of them, put me in the center of your heart and come back and follow me.

v22 The rich young ruler was sad and walked away grieved. Even if it was making him miserable, he was more willing to keep the commandments than to love Jesus. It is easier to look good on the outside than to surrender your heart to Jesus. It is possible to obey the letter of the law without loving Jesus. Loving Jesus should be our first concern. So many Christians have the cart before the horse. These Christians look good on the outside but are miserable on the inside. People become dead. Churches become dead.

Why do people leave the church? They do not love Jesus. When you love someone, you will never leave that person. Pastor gives an example of a woman who was married to a man for 60 years. She went to her pastor and said: “I do not love my husband”. Pastor asks: “Why did you marry the man?” Woman replies that her parents chose the man and that she obeyed for 60 years but was miserable.

People will leave one church and then go to another church. Problem is they do not love Jesus. Impossible to be happy when we are not in love with Jesus. That is the message to the rich young ruler and to us today. Young man chose to turn away. It wasn’t about the riches or obey the commandments. It was all about loving Jesus. When we love Jesus, we support the church, we witness to others, we participate in evangelism to share the good news about Jesus with others. Jesus, I cannot live without you. You will be able to forgive yourself. What is your choice? Young man or Love Jesus? Will you turn away grieved or sad? Or surrender your heart to Jesus?

THE YELLOW CORVETTE July 21, 2010 By Ernie Knoll

In my dream, I find myself standing outside in a parking lot. I see a man dressed in white attending to a yellow car in front of me. I know that he is a mechanic that is trained in the repair of only the Corvette ZR1. The Herald is also there and asks me, “What do you see in front of you?” I tell him it is a yellow Corvette ZR1. He asks, “How do you know?” I answer, “Because it has Corvette ZR1 emblems all over the car and also has a distinctive ZR1 design.”

I open the driver door and start the engine. It has a distinctive ZR1 engine sound and exhaust system. The Herald now asks, “So you know it is a ZR1 by the emblems, the sound of the engine and exhaust, and by its design?” I answer, “Yes.” The Herald now walks over to the car, lifts the hood and runs his hand over the engine area where the Corvette ZR1 emblem is and it disappears. He then proceeds to run his hand over the rest of the emblems and they all disappear. He then walks over to me and asks, “What type of car is this?” I tell him it is still a Corvette ZR1. He asks, “How do you know?” I answer, “Because of how it looks.” I walk over to the car and start the engine. I tell him that the engine and the exhaust system still sound like a ZR1. I turn off the motor and step out of the car. The Herald asks, “So with this car’s emblems removed, it is still a Corvette ZR1?”
I stand back as I now notice several men dressed in white come over to attend to the car. I know these to be trained mechanics specializing in repair of only the Corvette ZR1. The men are either working under the hood, on different parts of the car body, or on the interior. They work as if it is the only and most important car in the world, as if it is up to them to make sure this car is once again able to display proudly the Corvette ZR1 emblems.

The Herald explains, “That is how it is in God’s chosen Church. His people walk in the way that He has laid out. They look like a Seventh-day Adventist. They talk like a Seventh-day Adventist. They live each day as a Seventh-day Adventist. However if someone comes along and removes their ‘emblem,’ are they not still a Seventh-day Adventist?

Your heavenly Father is aware of a continually growing problem of His people who live the life of a true Seventh-day Adventist being censured or disfellowshipped, because elders and pastors place themselves higher than the heavenly Father who is there to guide in the area of spiritual counseling. They do not look to Him on how to work with an individual that may need guidance in their daily walk. They see true Seventh-day Adventists as not living up to their own non-biblical standards. Because they often fail to follow the instruction and counsel the heavenly Father has given them, they remove God’s chosen believers from fellowship, especially those who will not stand with the ones who have accepted the path of the Church’s widespread apostasy and spiritualism.

It is sad to see church elders and pastors failing to follow the counsel in which they have been instructed. Elders and pastors become partakers of others’ sins, because they do not repent of their own sins. Jesus the Great Writer commanded these words: ‘If one neglects the duty Christ has enjoined, of trying to restore those who are in error and sin, he becomes a partaker in the sin. . . . While we seek to correct the errors of a brother, the Spirit of Christ will lead us to shield him, as far as possible, from the criticism of even his own brethren, and how much more from the censure of the unbelieving world.

We ourselves are erring, and need Christ’s pity and forgiveness, and just as we wish Him to deal with us, He bids us deal with one another. “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” You are acting as the ambassadors of heaven, and the issues of your work are for eternity.’ ” [The Desire of Ages, pp. 441-442]

The Herald looks at me and explains that the heavenly Father’s Church has dealt wrongly with many who have made a stand for truth, that those who count themselves as a high authority have condemned and disfellowshipped God’s chosen. He states that there have been those who have sinned, but the Church was too eager to dismiss them rather than have their eternal salvation at heart. The Great Judge also notices those that continue to live in open sin but are not removed because the leaders promote and assist them to flourish in church positions.

The Herald now inquires, “Do you remember when we first arrived here how many mechanics were attending to this vehicle?” I answer that there was only one, and the Herald asks, “And now how many do you see?” I tell him there are several mechanics working on this one car. He continues to explain that with the emblems removed, this car is still a most precious machine to the mechanics, and that each is most precious and valuable in its own way.

The Herald now asks, “How many elders and pastors have visited or written to those who have been censured or disfellowshipped? How many have called to pray and to ask ‘How is your walk with God?’ How many who have been trained in the finest granite-built schools of learning truly have concern for souls? How many have invited them to come to their former church? How many elders have called upon that individual to ask if their courage is strong, to encourage them, and pray with them? Many act as if disfellowshipping is nothing more than terminating an employee?

Jesus, your Savior, died for those souls, hoping that they would not be lost. There are many who claim to be a Christian but do not walk, talk or act as a Christian. If they do not follow Christ, then they follow Satan. One cannot follow both. Those who look to their pastor should privately review as to whether that pastor is truly serving as a pastor or simply working to receive a pay check. Are they earning souls or are they earning points with their leader? Is that pastor building strong members or just statistics? Is it a member they will disfellowship, provided they are not a large tithe payer?

Our heavenly Father is fully aware of the pastors that are supposed to be leading His sheep, but many of these should find another field to work in.” The Herald continues to explain, “There has been specific instruction to those who sit in leadership. It is written that after one has been censured or disfellowshipped, that they should be cared for as if the only soul in the world. The elders and pastors have been found wanting and fall far short of the finish line. Let each member ask when the last time was that a pastor called or visited and prayed with them in their home? Where are all the pastors who have a true concern for souls?

When a person goes to church, are they being fed spiritually or just being entertained?” The Herald ends by stating, “The Corvette is an example of how a true Seventh-day Adventist does not need to have an outward emblem. A true Seventh-day Adventist needs to be nurtured, but often that true Seventh-day Adventist is not the one needing nurturing. Remember that without the emblems, the Corvette ZR1 was indeed a Corvette ZR1. So it is with a true Seventh-day Adventist. God looks at the heart, at the thoughts, words, and actions.”

The Herald smiles and explains that God’s true Church is not a building. It is those people who live each day the true life of Christ and every moment as a true Seventh-day Adventist. God’s true Church will stand firm. Manuscript Releases, Vol. 17, p. 81

God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments. “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Where Christ is, even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, for the presence of the High an
d Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church.

Think it is time to have a blog post about our Peak Enzymes and the benefits you are getting from the Peak Digestive and Systemic Enzymes. I had a phone call last week from a man that has used Wobenzym for his health in the past. He has reviewed our Systemic enzymes, saw how much better our formulation is, and is now a Peak Enzymes customer.

Judy in Wisconsin did a test with the Digestive enzymes. She broke one capsule and put it in a small bowl of oatmeal. She returned and the oats were dissolved.

Many people have digestion problems and supplementing with Digestive enzymes allows your body to use more energy in other areas of the physiological process. Our body normally uses up to 70 percent of its energy breaking down our food. So this is the reason people feel more pep when supplementing with our enzymes.

I started on Peak Enzymes about 5. October 2009 and am approaching one year of use. I take two of the Peak Systemic ‘Without’ a meal at bedtime which is about 3 hours after finishing my supper.

I then take one more when I rise for the morning at 05:00. That way I have the enzymes circulating through my body almost 24 hours a day. I exercise before breakfast and that way the morning systemic enzyme can break down and circulate through the blood.

I feel more energy and have perfect blood pressure. I am very much interested in the ability of the enzymes to keep my body healthy as I get older. I did not know that our pancreas has a limited ability to produce enzymes in our life time.

Judy in Wisconsin told me she was able to get off blood pressure prescription medications this year and she was very happy about that.

Our manufacturer Troy Aupperle consults with Dr. Halsworth who has written many articles about Nattokinase. Dr. Shinya in Japan wrote that the diet of the future will be able to help the body fight off cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Here is a recent note from a gentlemen in California:

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for the phone call the other day.  I am very excited about the calcium complex and both the enzymes. I am working to get people on those products.  I have two on the calcium and working on making it three.  I am feeling great as well,very energized.
Jason in California

You can read more about Peak Enzymes on my website here:

Peak Enzymes

Daniel Parsons

Pastor Korter gave a short sermon to the Bellingham Seventh-day Adventist church this past Sabbath. Communion service with a foot washing was also part of our service. His message was centered around Galatians 2:20:
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

The devil tells us we are not worthy. The devil hates Christians that are devoted to Christ. The devil wants to separate us from Christ, he knows the time is short. Good news-Jesus died for sins of all mankind. Jesus wants us all to come together and take communion. Remembrance of Last Supper and is also a mini baptism service reminding us of His sacrifice on the cross.

Were the disciples perfect people? NO, they were filled with Sin. Peter partook of the Last Supper and then said: “Do not wash my feet Jesus, wash my face”. Peter was filled with doubt. Hours later, Peter took out his sword and cut off ear of the Roman soldier that was arresting Jesus.

If it wasn’t for Jesus, none of us would be worthy. Jesus calls us to recognize our sin, then go to the cross and claim victory. Popular teaching in many Christian churches is dangerous-As long as I ask Jesus to forgive my sins, I can keep on sinning. Remember the verse where Christ stated in the Gospels that many will claim that they know Christ and the Lord said that many will proclaim my name but few will enter in to the Kingdom.

Christ death on the cross gives us victory over our sin. Good news is the Gospel. We are transformed and changed. This is the way I used to be, do, what I watched and now I am a different person. Jesus says come to me just as you are. By God’s power, He changes how we think, talk, act. Gospel is all about transformation.

Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, I AM. This means Paul has already made his choice. Paul is telling others and us to chose. Jesus chose to die. He didn’t have to but gave in to give up himself for us. Paul says he gives up himself for Jesus. I give up self to let Jesus live in me. If it is what we want, can Christ live in us? Examine ourselves when we come to the Lord’s Supper. The devil inflicts fear to keep us in self. God is calling us to be honest with Jesus. Paul says: Christ lives in me.

Come to Jesus in sincerity and He will live in your heart.

Listened to a Dr. Neil Nedley recorded presentation that was done in 2005 at the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventist annual camp meeting. The topic was the frontal lobe of the brain. The frontal lobe is just on the other side of our forehead. It is the largest section of the brain and is the conscious and also makes the decision between right and wrong. You can learn more about the importance of the frontal lobe of the brain at this website: Frontal Lobe.

Did you know that sitting in front of a television or movie screen damages the frontal lobe of your brain? The creative part of your brain is located in the frontal lobe. The ability to decide between right and wrong effects many decisions we make each day. The frontal lobe decides whether to eat a healthy or unhealthy food and on when you are full. Appetite is controlled by the frontal lobe. The spiritual part of our brain is also located in the frontal lobe of your brain. How can you protect your frontal lob so as to remain creative and have the ability to make right decisions?

1. Protect from injury
2. Supply good oxygen to your body
3. Give good nutrition to your body
4. Get as much sunlight as possible
5. Exercise your mind by reading, crossword puzzles, games like Scrabble

Two examples from the Bible of engaging the frontal lobe of the brain in spiritual matters are evident in Acts 17 and Daniel 1:8.

In Acts 17, Paul reasoned with Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue for three Sabbaths, explaining why Christ died and rose again for our sins.

In Daniel 1:8, Daniel avoided wine and meats from Nebuchadnezzar as he did not want to defile himself.

Do you want to be open to spiritual promptings from God?

I can notice a big difference in my creativity in the past few months. I gave up network television a couple of years ago. I am thinking better and am creating projects that will help my network of people involved in our health business.

Was really good to spend some time with my oldest sister Susan today. She lives in Eugene, Oregon. She has home schooled both of her boys and the youngest one Andy is now attending the local high school in Eugene. Family is so important and Susan and I have encouraged each other through the years.

Everyday I hear that someone else either has a friend or relative that has been diagnosed with cancer. I was on the phone with a good friend and he told me he has non hodgkins lymphoma. Allopathic medicine often treats cancer with radiation and chemotherapy. There are alternatives and steps you can take to help your body fight cancer. Listen to Dr. James Chappell as he explains some important information about the number 2 killer disease in our world today: Cancer

Here are some tips that I myself have adopted since I have a serious illness myself. I have no trouble staying on course and completing each of these healthy habits as I know that my life depends on following these principles.

1. Use Dr. Chappell’s HONSTEC approach.
2. Eliminate alcohol, tobacco, soda and caffeine from your diet.
3. Walk at least 30 minutes per day everyday to help your body stay healthy.
4. Drink one half your ideal body weight in ounces of pure distilled water everyday.
5. Detox your body daily with VelociTea which is an herbal cleansing tea.
6. Avoid processed foods and snacks.
7. Eliminate as much sugar as possible from your diet.
8. Eat foods as grown that do not have a nutrition label.
9. Eat fruit in the morning and at lunch time for your dessert.
10. Eat a mixture of raw, juiced, or steamed organic vegetables each day.
11. Supplement with Coral Minerals, pH Control Spray and Peak Enzymes.

Rotate the following foods to achieve the best results:

1. Broccoli
2. Carrots
3. Cauliflower
4. Eggplant
5. Kale
6. Red and Green Cabbage
7. Spinach
8. Sweet Potatoes

I eat the following fruits everyday:

1. Blueberries
2. Pineapple
3. Bananas
4. Apples
5. Grapes

Blueberries are loaded with anti oxidants. The following information is from the US Dept of Agriculture Research Service:
Blueberries, strawberries, and spinach test high in their ability to subdue oxygen free radicals. These oxygen radicals, which can damage cell membranes, DNA and other delicate internal machinery, are blamed for many of the dysfunctions and diseases associated with aging.

Blueberries protect the body against damage from oxidative stress, relieve tired eyes, and contain ellagic acid, which helps prevent urinary tract infections. In general, blueberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidant phytonutrients of all fresh fruits and vegetables and the polyphenolic components in them have many health benefits.

I eat these fruits in season:

1. Grapefruit
2. Kiwis
3. Mangos
4. Melons
5. Oranges
6. Peaches
7. Pears

You can join the Whole Wellness Club and purchase our thoroughly researched products at wholesale prices by being a Preferred Customer. Just go to my secure site here and register today: Whole Wellness Club