Perfect Grape Testimonial

A long time friend called me today! He has had diabetes and high blood sugar. He started using the Perfect Grape product that is available to Whole Wellness Club members. John said he checked his blood sugar and it was down to 186. This is the lowest reading he has had in years.

Do you know anyone that is diabetic? Did you know there are alternatives to medications to bring blood sugar levels down? Find out more on my Whole Wellness Club pages on this site. There is a menu at the top. You can also listen to these powerful calls that Dr. Chappell recorded with the Club about Diabetes:

Dr. Chappell Talks About Diabetes

Blood Sugar

Contact Me If You Have Any Questions!

Beatles sing Happy Birthday to You!

Hope everyone celebrating birthdays enjoys many more healthy and prosperous years!

History is valuable for us today especially as we get closer to Jesus second coming. All signs are around us with tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, wars and rumors of wars.

When a fire storm swept Rome in 64 AD, Roman Emperor Nero wanted to find a scapegoat. He accused Christians with starting the fire. Jesus told his followers this would happen.

Matthew 24:4-9
And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.  9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.

Jesus is wanting and getting ready to come. Look around at the events that are happening right now.

Satan turned his furor on Christ’s followers. Keeping Sabbath was mocked. Christians were persecuted and viewed as enemies of humanity. Paganism saw that should Christianity succeed, paganism would cease. Matthew 24:9 tells us the time to stand for Jesus is now. Is it wonderful to be persecuted for Jesus?

What do we value in our life? Jesus says we will not be popular. Now is the time to stand for Jesus. Right now we live in a time of relative ease to live for Jesus. Jesus gives us the opportunity to shine the light of Jesus. Are we taking Jesus seriously? The door is closing quickly.

When Paul was killed in 63 AD, Christians were persecuted like the world had ever seen. Persecution that took place was the seed for the church. The seed grows. You put it in the ground and it germinates, pops up, produces more seed. In Paul’s time, Christians were persecuted and killed but Christianity grew rapidly.

Compromise crept into the church. The book Great Controversy says that compromise began between paganism and Christianity. The Bible Sabbath was compromised to Sunday worship by order of Constantine. We are living in Laodicea.

Revelation 3:14
And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.

Because you are lukewarm, Jesus is looking for something in His Church. Jesus has something for us. The church does not sense the need of Jesus. Jesus says He will spew out of His mouth. Compromise is on a personal level. Jesus is pleading with His Church. He is passionate about Laodicea.

As Seventh-day Adventist, we know the latter rain is coming. We know it will be seen. Do you know what will come? Persecution-a time of trouble will begin. Pastor Korter says this is a message of doom and gloom-a message of fear. Will we have the strength to stand firm? God will give us grace when we are in that moment of persecution.

How faithful are we today? It is preparation for the time that is coming. Jesus is looking for a people that are on fire for Him. Are you not on fire for Jesus now? Do you have much going on in your life?

We have to want the latter rain and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We under estimate the power of the Holy Spirit. We need power to withstand attacks from Satan. Jesus wants to refine us.

In the book of Daniel, Jesus didn’t rescue Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Jesus walked through the fire with them and protected them. You may be wrestling with compromise, you may be down or depressed.

Inside or outside of the church, the devil tries to cause problems. The devil tried to kill the church. Jesus says: ” I stand at the door and knock.” Jesus doesn’t force anyone to accept Him. Jesus says in heaven we are going to dine with Him.

Is there anything on earth worth compromising or giving up? When are you going to get ready? Jesus said today is the day of salvation. Jesus is saying come and sit with me on my Throne. To him that overcomes, I will grant that he will come and sit with me. Latter rain is going to fall on God’s people. We should repent and turn from our compromise and be right with God. I am thirsty Lord, bring on the Latter Rain in my life.

Top 10 Prescribed Drugs

There are tens of millions of people on prescription drugs in North America. Many of the drugs are for treating lifestyle diseases. The problem is that the medications only treat the symptoms of the illness or disease. People can empower themselves to get off medications by changing some habits. Lifestyle diseases include:

1. Arthritis

2. Cancer

3. Diabetes

4. Obesity

Here is the list of medications that people are using in 2011 and the lifestyle illness that the drugs are treating:

1. Vicodin ( pain )

2. Zocor  ( cholesterol )

3. Lisinopril  ( high blood pressure )

4. Synthroid  ( thyroid )

5. Norvasc ( high blood pressure )

6. Prilosec ( digestive tract problems )

7. Zithromax ( anti biotic )

8. Glucophage ( diabetes )

9. Hyrdrochlorothiazide ( high blood pressure )

The report ended after 9 medications. You can listen to Dr. James Chappell explain what these medications are used for and how to take action to change your lifestyle and get off medications. Dr. Chappell states that there are times when you should use pain medications. He clarifies how long you should use the medication and when to let go of the pain killers because people become addicted to pain killers. Click the link below to listen to the recorded call:

Tell Me More About the Whole Wellness Club

Drugs are highly acidic and poison the body. Side effects from drugs often causes people to have more health problems resulting in more medications. Changing lifestyle habits like eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of pure water avoiding sodas and coffee, getting daily exercise and getting plenty of rest will have a large impact on a person’s health.

Whole Wellness Club helps people with lifestyle diseases naturally. The products have NO side effects. The use of herbs and botanicals has a history of over 5,000 years and people used natural healing thousands of years before there was a pharmaceutical drug industry or an FDA. You have a choice. Take medications with side effects or improve your lifestyle and use natural solutions for your health challenges. Find out more by going to my Whole Wellness Club site below. You can join the Club for free.

Here is a great introduction to Qi Gong and the video shows you how to practice some moves.

Got Paid

Do you wait for your commissions until the last week of the month with your business opportunity? Does your company tell you how much your earnings were on the first day of the month? Companies have the ability to use sophisticated software to process the sales volume a distributor creates in a given month and alert the rep how much they earned for the previous month.

There is a company that not only tells you how much you made but pays you quicker than any other company in the marketing industry. Whole Wellness Club is the place to establish a long term income stream that is secure and will last with quality products and great service to customers and the distributors. Check out this 2 minute video to learn a little more. I made a reference to September 2013. Ever since 2007, our company owner alerts us of how much we made during the previous calendar month by the second day of the month!

Fastest Paying Company

It is Sunday afternoon, 1. May 2011. Whole Wellness Club has placed the commission earnings in members back offices. That means you can request a commission pay out to a debit card known as Global Cash Card. The Whole Wellness Club is the best place for distributors to make a living because the company treats the people in the field very well. You will never want to work anywhere else once you see the way you are treated here at the Club.

The products are high quality and give people noticeable results right away. This means you can build a customer base and over time you can develop some of your customers into distributors. By finding 500 customers that order $50 worth of products each month, you would produce $25,000 in revenues to the company. The payout of 20 percent of that $25,000 would be $5,000. You would also earn matrix income and other income that is geared towards the network marketer. Look at my Compensation Plan page to learn more:

Show Me the Money

Started reading The Enzyme Factor by Dr. Hiromi Shinya this morning. Dr. Shinya is a well respected doctor that first performed a colonoscopy that also allowed the removal of polyps without having to cut open a patient. Dr. Shinya states that the best way to avoid cancer and live a long healthy life is to change dietary habits. Eating a diet that consists of fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains is the way to stay healthy. The main reason the above diet is better for us is that your body will get enzymes from the fruits and vegetables. Enzymes are the source of energy in your body. When a living organism no longer has enzymes, life ceases.

The reason there is an epidemic of disease in western society today is the standard American diet is loaded with fat and cholesterol from animal products. Most people have been led to believe that they need to eat meat to get protein. There are abundant sources of protein from plant sources. An illustration is that the herbivores that the carnivores hunt down for prey are able to outrun them in a distance chase. The muscles of the herbivores provide the stamina to outrun the carnivores. Carnivores chase down easy to kill prey like disabled or elderly herbivores.

When the carnivores capture an animal, they immediately go and eat the internal organs that contain enzymes. So even nature knows that enzymes are the spark of life.

Drugs never cure illness or disease. Some drugs are absolutely necessary in certain situations. For long term health, drugs are not the answer though. Changing dietary habits is necessary to overcome health problems long term.

Dr. Shinya believes in enzyme therapy to help your body stay healthy. For more information about enzymes, please visit my Enzymes category on this blog. Scroll down the right hand side to the Categories section and click on Enzymes and there are many articles and recorded calls from experts in the Enzymes field.

Daniel Parsons

Weight Loss Smoothie

Many people have resolutions to lose weight during a new year. Here is an excellent recipe that will help you with your nutritional needs and give you abundant energy. Starting an exercise program along with this recipe can bring you permanent weight loss. I made this smoothie about an hour ago and notice my energy level is thriving. I am headed out for a brisk hike on this cold and wet winter morning after writing this post.
You can do what is known as a juice fast with this recipe. Just divide the finished smoothie into 3 glasses and do not eat any solid food on the day you juice fast. This recipe has enough nutrition to help you make it through the day without eating solid food. I would strongly suggest you take the last glass at 17:00 hours ( 5:00 pm ) so you don’t have trouble falling asleep.
I have this smoothie for breakfast and lunch. I recommend you only drink this at breakfast and lunch because the Caldera Greens gives you natural energy without caffeine. If you drank this at supper, you may have a hard time falling asleep.
In a six cup blender add:
1 Cup No Sugar Added Juice (apple, cranberry, orange or pineapple)
1 Cup Pure Water
10 Almonds
1 Teaspoon Pumpkin Seeds
1 Teaspoon Sunflower Seeds
1 Heaping Tablespoon Caldera Greens Vegetable Juice Powders
1-2 Tablespoon(s) Organic Flaxseed Oil
1 Apple
1 Banana ( peel and freeze in chunks over night )
1 Piece of a Mango or Papaya
1 Orange
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries, Raspberries, or Strawberries
Divide a Whole Pineapple into six sections and add one section
Optional: one half of a lemon and include the pulp. Add a handful of organic baby spinach leaves if you have them. Baby spinach leaves just increases the amount of green vegetable in smoothie.
Blend this mixture for about 30 seconds and enjoy. By adding the frozen berries, your juice will be chilled slightly. You can also use other tropical fruits like acai berries, kiwis, mangos and pineapples. My blender was full with the above ingredients so depending on your blender size, don’t overload your blender.
I had enough smoothie for breakfast and lunch as I poured a 2 cup glass and set it in the fridge for lunch time. There was another 6 ounces extra so I had that with breakfast to get the immediate energy boost. There is plenty of protein in the sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
The seeds also have amino acids and you can replace your breakfast and lunch with this smoothie and be confident your body is getting a balance of enzymes, minerals and vitamins with the Caldera Greens. I eat some raw vegetables for dinner with some 100 % Whole Wheat bread. I also have a pear for desert and the natural sugar satisfies my appetite. A pear is much healthier than cake, cookies, ice cream or pie. Pears have pectin in them.
You can also use the Weight Loss Smoothie as a Juice Fast. Here is an informative call with Dr. James Chappell sharing how important detoxing the body is and how he fasts on a regular basis.
Fasting Call with Dr. Chappell
Caldera Greens is exclusive to the Whole Wellness Club. The greens are organic and grown on a ‘caldera’ in Utah. The supplier has been in business for 30 years.
The soil is rich in fulvic acid and minerals. Many people are sharing how much more energy and stamina they have from using the greens.
You can purchase a month supply canister by visiting my website here or calling me.
Buy Caldera Greens
Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.
Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons

Energy Medicine

Found an interesting article today about treating cancer. It is great to see the FDA researching energy medicine. The company I represent, the Whole Wellness Club, is the world's leader in natural health products. We carry Avazzia Bio Feedback Electric Stimulation Devices. Two of our devices are FDA approved to relieve pain. The other Avazzia products we carry help manage pain. Energy medicine began thousands of years ago in India, China, and Egypt. Here is the link to that article about treating cancer patients:

Tell Me More About the Whole Wellness Club

You can find out more about the Whole Wellness Club and how we improve the health and well being of people by visiting my page below:

Tell Me More About the Whole Wellness Club

Income Taxes

April 15 has come and gone again. Did you know there are over 35 million people that lower their income tax bill legally each year? What do all those people know that you don't know? They have an established home based business. The US Congress has passed laws that create incentives for people to create small businesses. You can learn more about the 200 plus ways the tax code allows small business owners to legally save money on their income taxes by going to the IRS Website below:

Show Me the Money

A couple of examples of just how much you can save on your taxes is detailed below:

Income Taxes
Filing Status Single, no children Married, 2 Children
Income 32,000 75,000
Taxes without Home Business 4,808 9,545
Taxes with Home Business 1,608 2,009











The single person saves over $3,200 per year and the Married person with 2 children saves over $7,500 per year. You can clearly see that there is quite an incentive to have a home based business. Some of the large deductions are business use of home, business use of a vehicle for marketing, office supplies, cost of internet, etc.

The best home based business is the Whole Wellness Club. The Club is a global business that helps people improve their health and create additional income from home. The company started in 2007 and is debt free. Come to one of our live opportunity calls on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday at 1pm Central Time or at 9pm on Thursday evening.

Dial 775-335-3180 enter 530312 # when prompted.

Will you still be paying higher income taxes than you should on 15. April 2012?

You can learn more about the Company, the products that people don't want to be without, and the income plan at my website by registering for free below:

Join Whole Wellness Club Now!

Take Action

Are you interested in creating your own destiny? All of us have the same opportunity for success. There are three types of people. Which group do you fall into?

1. People that make things happen.

2. People that watch things happen.

3. People that wonder what happened.

You can be in the group that make things happen. Find out more about opportunity and changing our mindset on my site below:

Abundance Available to All

Looking for the Wrong King

Imagine you are on your way to work. You go to work and have a good day and then return home in the evening. When you get home, your family does not recognize you.

John 1:10-12

He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

How many of you want to have power in your life today? The way to have power is to accept God and be baptized just like the Jones family today. Many people reject church because they don’t want to be with perfect people. If the church was filled with perfect people, you and I would not need to be baptized.

If you come to Jesus and repent and be baptized and follow in the footsteps of Christ, you will be saved. We are to come together in unity and fellowship with other believers. In John 1:11, Jesus own people did not receive Him. Jesus came to give salvation to all. His own people rejected Him even though there are over 300 prophecies predicting that Jesus would come. Prophecy can be trusted.

Human nature is the same now in 2011 as it was during Jesus time. Jesus has a custom way to reach even you. Everyone is invited to accept the Cross. Some people reject Him the same way He was rejected before.

The Devil puts questioning and doubt in your life to keep you away from Jesus. Even though most rejected Jesus, there were a few that accepted Jesus. These believers were in the minority then and still are today.

Your life is not going to be a bed of roses when you come to Christ. Jesus does have a plan for your life and you can be victorious in Christ. It is a choice. The majority of people are looking for a King. Is it true that those saved are in the minority? Yes!

1) Saving Life of Jesus provides salvation for all. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Jesus lets us make free choice.
2) End of the Great Controversy is not yet over. Revelation 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands.
3) Isaiah 53:11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.  When the Great Controversy is over, Jesus will look and be satisfied.

Our culture today is totally against what is in the word of God. Jesus says there are two masters. You have to make a choice-Yes to Jesus or No to Jesus. If you chose not to follow or surrender to Jesus, you have chosen to say no to His Life transforming power. If you say Yes, God will change you and fill you with Joy, Peace and Love.

Sin’s purpose is to separate us from Jesus. Reflect back again on John 1:11. His own did not receive Him. The question is how could they not receive Him after all the prophecies? They had eyes to read but could not see. They had ears to hear prophets but could not hear.

Lucifer wanted to be King. We want to be the King of our own lives. We don’t want to let go of pride. The big ‘i’ is in the middle of the word pride. We don’t want Jesus to be the center of our lives.

The humble shepherds were waiting and went to see Jesus. A select few heard and saw Jesus and opened themselves to the Holy Spirit just like the faithful few did.

When you open your heart to Christ your life will be changed and your life will be different. If you are looking to be served and self-serving, you are looking for the wrong King. If you are looking to serve and share Christ, you are looking for the right King! Praise the Lord!

Pastor Korter is here to help us work for Jesus and to serve the church, not the other way around.

Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

We cannot serve two masters.

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

It’s not about us. It’s all about Jesus. Put His work first and the rest will take care of itself. You can have it all. You will have His Power in your life. To have the power of God in your life-nothing shall separate us from the Love of Christ Jesus.

Will you do that today like those that chose to receive Him? Which King are you looking for today? If you want Jesus to be your King, will you stand with me as we close. Jesus knows your struggles and unhappiness. When you don’t have Jesus, you don’t have real happiness in your life.

Salmon Dying in Fraser River

In Canada's Fraser River, a mysterious illness has killed millions of Pacific salmon.

Scientists have a new hypothesis about why: The wild salmon are suffering from a viral infection that could be linked to genes associated with leukemia and lymphoma.

For 60 years before the early 1990s, an average of nearly 8 million wild salmon returned from the Pacific Ocean to the Fraser River each year to spawn.

Now the salmon industry is in a state of collapse, with mortality rates ranging from 40 percent to 95 percent. The salmon run has been highly variable: The worst year came in 2009, with 1.5 million salmon, followed by the best year in 2010, with 30 million salmon. But the overall trend is downward.

Losses were particularly high in elevated river temperatures; warmer water makes it more difficult to deliver oxygen to the tissues of salmon.

Seven of the last 10 summers have been the hottest on record for the Fraser River. But experts say it's too soon to pin the blame on global warming.

"Clearly, a warming climate is going to produce some new stresses for Pacific salmon," said Daniel Schindler, a professor of aquatic and fishery sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. "Some of those stresses will certainly be expressed through increased susceptibility to disease, including something like this."

But he added: "The reality is we have very poor understanding of how climate and disease dynamics interact with each other in salmon. We know they're going to be important, but we can't say a lot in detail."

Two years ago, Canada's prime minister ordered a judicial inquiry – known as the Cohen Commission – to investigate the salmon deaths, with a final report due by June 2012.

Read more

Motivation to Succeed

Do You Want to Have a Secure Home Based Business? Are you willing to work with a disciplined team that has a system in place for success? We have what you need. Successful Businesses have in demand products or services. We found and have worked with stable companies that have been in business many years. Call me Today and Get Started ! NO HYPE OR FALSE PROMISES ! We are Global, Positive, Successful, and Grateful !

Do You Want to determine how much income you earn each month? People on our team earn anywhere from $100 a month to over $5,000 per month in residual income. The tax benefits alone are worth signing up today! Having a home based business can save you thousands in taxes! There are over 30 million people in North America that work from a home office! Call me to get started now!

Daniel Parsons