Socialized Medicine

Here is a short video from 1961 explaining why socialized medicine is dangerous for a free society.

Here is a recording from the 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign that against the subject of socialized medicine.


1. Learn a Success System

2. Keep it Simple – pick a goal

3. Reduce the Goal to 30 days

4. Rule of 20 – write goal down and 20 actions you can take to achieve your goal

5. Post It – have your goal in action in writing in a visual place

6. Visualize Achievement of the Goal

7. Act As If – act like you have achieved the goal already

8. Law of Effort ( pick one of 20 actions from step 4 )

9. Law of Consistency – do it now

10. Repeat All Steps Every 30 Days

Joe Sebille of Mount Vernon took this photo of a grizzly bear on his iPhone in October 2010 while hiking in the Upper Cascade River watershed in the North Cascades, near Marblemount.

Federal biologists say it’s the first grizzly bear photographed in the North Cascades in about half a century. Photo distributed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Enzymes Sample Package

Whole Wellness Club had another great conference call with Peak Enzymes formulator Troy Aupperle. You can listen to that call by clicking here:

Impact of Peak Enzymes

Some new information I have learned from these calls is that Serrapeptase is the most powerful enzyme in the body. Serrapeptase cleans arteries allowing more blood flow which gets more oxygen into your cells. The Peak ‘Without’ Systemic Enzymes have 80,000 U per serving.

One Peak Enzymes ‘With’ Digestive Enzymes will breakdown a Big Mac or a large slice of cheese cake. If you cook your food over 118 degrees, the enzymes are destroyed. If the enzymes are deficient, your nutrients cannot be properly used in the body. Enzymes are life. All Chronic disease is a result of enzyme deficiency. You can improve your health with

Peak Enzymes

Contact Me if you have any questions!

Free Copy of 1937 Original Book

For a limited time, you can grab a copy of the book that has inspired millions of people to create the life of their dreams. Napoleon Hill’s book will give you step by step instructions to motivate you to achieve your dreams. Just listen to what others share about Think and Grow Rich:

“I’ve been studying Think and Grow Rich for more than 40 years. I take it with me everywhere I go. It took me from being a $6,000 a year fireman to more than a million dollars a few years later.” Bob Proctor, star of the hit movie The Secret

“Think and Grow Rich was one of the first motivational books I ever read.” — Patricia Fripp, National Speakers Association Hall of Fame

“It’s the classic of all classics.” — Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 bestseller Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

“As relevant and pertinent today as the day it was written.” — Donald R. Keough, former President and CEO of Coca-Cola

“It gave me a new lease on life when I realized I could do anything if I had the desire and believed I could achieve my goals.” — S. Truett Cathy, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Chick-fil-A, Inc.

“Whatever success I may have attained I owe, entirely, to the application of your 17 fundamental principles of the Law of Success. I believe I have the honor of being your first student.” — William Wrigley Jr., Founder, Wrigley’s Chewing Gum

Free Think and Grow Rich 1937 Book

Russian Penicillin

HEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK: You can make a powerful natural antibiotic called Russian Penicillin using the following recipe. Put a 1/2 gallon of water in pot, add 1 grapefruit, peeled (use a potato peeler) exposing white skin that is high in bioflavonoids. Slice the grapefruit like you would a pie. Add 1 full bulb of garlic. Smash the cloves with the side of lg. knife. You don't have to peel the garlic, just smash each clove. Add garlic to pot & bring to boil, cover, & simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and drink 6 oz. 3 X day. A strong natural antibiotic that can kill about anything but the good bacteria.

This recipe is from Modern Manna in Lodi, California

Make Pure Water

Video shares how to make pure water that will hydrate your cells. Distill one gallon of water, refrigerate about 8 hours, add 1/2 teaspoon sea salt and then stir. Pour into an egg shaped glass pitcher and put your great tasting water in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

Health Care or Disease Care?

Health Care-Eating Right-Exercising-Drinking Water-Using Nutritional Products as Needed.

Disease Care-Going to the Doctor and Taking Prescription Medications for Conditions Caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, drinking beverages loaded with acid.

Which system of care do you believe in? If you would like to learn more about REAL Health Care, subscribe to my series below!

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Best Email:

Video shares importance of reading food labels and how to permanently change dietary habits and lose weight for good. When your body has all the nutrients it is seeking, you will be satisfied and will not need to snack on unhealthy foods. Eat foods as grown that do not have a nutrition label and you will feel more energy and slowly find the ideal weight for your body. This method is a permanent behavior change that will allow you to stop the diet merry go round. Watch the video to learn more.

Here is the recorded conference with Dr. James Chappell explaining how your body functions when it gets the desired nutrients. Click the link below and share with your friends and family that need this valuable health information.

Whole Wellness Club has products that will faciliate weight loss. You can find out more on my site below:

Tell Me More About the Whole Wellness Club

Call me if you need any help!


Caldera Greens Smoothie

This video shows how to make a Caldera Greens weight loss smoothie from scratch. You can make this in the morning and there is plenty for your breakfast and lunch and you do what is called a Juice fast. Then eat a sensible supper and watch the weight come off.

Caldera Greens are available exclusively from the Whole Wellness Club. You can join the club for free and there are a few options to order the Organic Caldera Greens. The best price is to order the 6 pack. The 3 pack gives you a reduced shipping price over just ordering one canister. Let me know if you want to find out how to get these top quality products for free.

Join the Whole Wellness Club Today and Order Caldera Greens. Call me if you have any questions! Just Click Below!

Create My Own Health Food Store for Free

Caldera Greens
Product Code

Developing a Spending Plan

Psalms 1:1-3
The Way of the Righteous and the End of the Ungodly
 1 Blessed is the man
         Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
         Nor stands in the path of sinners,
         Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
         And in His law he meditates day and night.
 3 He shall be like a tree
         Planted by the rivers of water,
         That brings forth its fruit in its season,
         Whose leaf also shall not wither;
         And whatever he does shall prosper.
God’s prosperity is having what you need when you need it. God’s prosperity does not mean you will be wealthy. Some Christians are wealthy and some are not.

Today’s youth have ipods, iphones and xboxes. Debt caused by credit cards, student loans, wage stagnation, rising cost of health care and housing is causing many young people to struggle. Suzie Orman is a well known author that states people need to live below your means. We should save for our future as Social Security is not expected to be solvent. Few people today have discipline. People are spending more than they earn.

How can we plan for the future? Start with a Budget Process and stick with your budget and you will be ahead of most people.

Matthew 6:31-33
Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

God has some responsibility for us. We need to also be responsible. Don’t be lazy. The main purposes of a budget are the following principles:

1. Live within your income
2. Spend your money wisely
3. Reach your financial goals ( make sure you have goals on paper or in a digital file )
4. Have a budget to prepare for financial emergencies
5. Develop wise financial management habits

How to Create a Budget:

A. Figure Your Income – Whenever you have extra income, set that money aside and put it in a savings account.
B. Expenses – Tithe should be listed first as it is a deduction from your income. Tithe is Holy and belongs to God. This demonstrates that we trust God and He will take care of us. If for some reason we give too much, He will return it back to us in some way. God doesn’t need our money. Tithe and offerings are an expression of our gratitude to God.
C. Monthly Expenses – Mortgage, rent, utilities, insurance, food, medical. Clothes are not included in this category. If you are in financial trouble and need clothes, go to a thrift store.
D. Income and Social Security Taxes – Pay all taxes that are due. Don’t get drawn into the falsehood that you should not pay taxes to the government.

Romans 13:7
Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

The government has the right to tax people. Al Capone served many years in Alcatraz prison for tax evasion. Take advantage of all the legal tax deductions you are allowed and contribute to 401K plans but never avoid paying taxes.

Matthew 22:21
They said to Him, “Caesar’s.”
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Enter the amount of taxes that are withheld and put that amount into your budget.

E. Savings – Lack of savings is causing financial ruin for many people. Budget for savings as an expense item. Put $20 into a savings account to get into the habit of saving. How much should a family have in family savings? It is best to keep 3 months of living expenses in a savings account.

Many people get on unemployment and then do not find work. To not go and look for work is being dishonest. During the depression of 1929-1933, unemployment affected 27 % of the workforce. There was no unemployment insurance or social security from 1776 until 1934. President Roosevelt signed into law the federal programs in 1934 that provided social security for the elderly and disabled. In 1935, unemployment insurance began to assist workers that lost their jobs.

F. Vacations – There is no virtue to brag that you have not had a vacation. Save all year long and pay off your vacation and enjoy the time and rest. People need vacations. Jesus took time away from His Healing Ministry and went up to be in prayer to God many times in the New Testament.

G. Clear Your Debts – Invest any income that you can to get free money by using retirement accounts. Some employers offer matches on money that the employee sets aside for retirement. Best retirement account available today is the Roth IRA.

H. Fixed Housing Expenses – Property taxes are a big expense. Spread the expense over an entire year and set aside 1/12 of your total tax bill in a savings account.

I. Auto Loans – Try to pay cash for vehicles. If you are making payments now, keep paying and once your car is paid off, keep making payments into a savings account so you can pay cash for the next vehicle you buy. Maintain your vehicles and drive them as long as possible.

J. Insurance – Carry insurance to prevent getting wiped out financially. Use money wisely. God does not honor presumption. Risk management covers your loss or accident. Cost to settle a lawsuit can wipe you out if you don’t have insurance. Auto liability is required in all states.

If a natural disaster strikes your property and you don’t have home owners insurance, you lose your life savings. Carry medical insurance and life insurance to protect your family should there be a death. You can also carry catastrophe insurance for just a few dollars a month and set a $5,000 deductible. This will protect you from ruin and paying off $5,000 is easier than losing your life savings.

K. Set Up a Will – The Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has a Will and Trust Service. The conference will set up a will for all members for free. Include God’s work in your will. You can chose a percentage to tithe in your will.

Caldera Greens Value Package

Received my qualifying purchase to earn commissions in the Whole Wellness Club today. I ordered a six pack of Caldera Greens. This is a powerful mineral rich whole food that also is an excellent source of fulvic acid which is nature’s best electrolyte.

These delicious home-fried potatoes are great for breakfast or any time of day. For a potato with a lower glycemic index, opt for a red skinned or sweet potato – these types have a similar texture and quality, but without the spiked insulin response. Serve this dish with applesauce or try them with black bean chili and salsa!


Makes 4 servings

3 russet potatoes, scrubbed
1 onion, thinly sliced
4 teaspoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon paprika or chili powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup water
5 – 6 cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters (optional)
2 green onions, thinly sliced (optional)


Cut potatoes into 1/2″ cubes and steam until just tender, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Heat 1/4 cup water in a large non-stick skillet and add onion. Cook, stirring frequently, until the water has evaporated and onion begins to stick to the pan. Scrape the pan as you add another 1/4 cup water, then cook until onion once again begins to stick. Repeat this process until onion is very brown and sweet. This will take about 15 minutes.

Add potatoes to onion and sprinkle with soy sauce, paprika or chili powder, and black pepper. Cook, turning gently with a spatula, until potatoes are golden brown. Garnish with tomatoes and green onions, if using.

Nutrition Information | Per serving (1/4 recipe)

calories: 128; fat: 0.2 g; saturated fat: 0.1 g; calories from fat: 1.7%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 3.1 g; carbohydrates: 29.9 g; sugar: 2.7 g; fiber: 4.1 g; sodium: 309 mg; calcium: 39 mg; iron: 2.7 mg; vitamin C: 19.5 mg; beta-carotene: 89 mcg; vitamin E: 0.2 mg

Recipe from New Century Nutrition. For more information, visit the Cancer Project website.

Debt Free Living

Proverbs 22:7
The rich rules over the poor,
And the borrower is servant to the lender.

This Bible Verse is Reality! You can accept it or reject it.

The Chicago Flood occurred on April 13, 1992, when the damaged wall of a utility tunnel beneath the Chicago River opened into a breach which flooded basements and underground facilities throughout the Chicago Loop with an estimated 250 million gallons of water.

Chicago city engineers learned a hard lesson as the small leak turned into hundreds of millions of dollars of flood damage.

In 1837 the national debt of the United States of America was $38,000. In 2011, the federal government has a debt burden of over $14 trillion.

Many Americans have large credit card balances. Our society lives on an I want what I want now mentality. Just a couple of decades ago, many people operated on the principle of saving up for items that you want and paying cash for the purchase. People also used lay away plans.

Suggested Solutions for getting out of credit card or other debt problems are looking at our consumptive lifestyle. We should compare how much we earn to how much we spend or consume. If we are spending more than we earn, we need to make changes.

Here are suggested principles:

1. Pay God First. Very few of purchases of a consumptive lifestyle are need based.
2. Ease of Credit – Live Debt Free. Our society values you by your ability to get credit. If credit cards are a downfall, pay them off and close all down. You can have a family ceremony to burn your credit cards.
3. Adult Toys like boats, RV’s, fancy cars. We should change vehicles for the right reasons like safety of your family and financial reasons like repairs and gas mileage.
4. Eating Out – overspending by eating out multiple times each week creates debt. You can save the treat of going out to eat for special occasions. We can simplify meals without losing nutritional needs.
5. Unexpected Bills – There are 3 areas of trouble:
Motor Vehicles
Medical Expenses
Household Maintenance, Insurance, and Taxes

Be prepared for unexpected debts with a savings account of $1,000. You can create a starting point by setting aside $20 a week. Jump start your account with any raise or income tax refunds you may receive.

6. Reduction in Income due to loss of employment, sickness, or divorce. Set aside 3 or more months of living expenses for problems like these. Save a set amount of money each week to build your account.
7. Lack of Household Budget or Spending Plan. Some people don’t have a plan and some people that do have a plan don’t follow their plan. Total all your expenses for 3 months and average your expenses. Compare to spendable income for the same time period.

Debt Problems

1. Debt is a form of bondage.
2. When in debt, you are in bondage. When in debt, you have lack of contentment.
3. Debt crushes out the future.
4. Avoid get rich quick schemes – If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
5. Refuse to be surety for someone else.

Only lend money to family members if you have the cash because if the family member defaults, you will not be in financial trouble. Never go into debt for someone else.

Proverbs 22:26
Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge,
One of those who is surety for debts.

If you have extra money – pay off your debts! Debt can erode our Christian witness.

Psalms 37:21
The wicked borrows and does not repay,
But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

6. Don’t tell someone Jesus loves you when you owe them money.
7. Debt imperils your giving.

Deuteronomy 16:17
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.

About 2.5 % of people give. Many have never learned the Biblical principles of tithe and are missing blessing from God.

Four Money Principles

1. Never pay bills late.
2. Do NO live on credit. If you are not able to pay cash for lunch or groceries, you are in trouble.
3. Do not be an inconsistent giver. When you only pay tithe when your bills are all paid, you miss blessing from God. Paying for children’s Christian education is not paying tithe. You argue that the time you give to the church is paying tithe. Trust God and He will provide.
4. When you worry about nothing but money, insomnia sets in. When the phone rings, you are scared to answer the phone. Do you hide purchases that your spouse would not approve of?

Steps to Getting Out of Debt

1. Make a Decision – Recognize and Admit the Problem – Decide to get out of debt.
2. Seek Divine Help – Make a spiritual commitment – Ask for God’s forgiveness, strength, and guidance.
3. Discontinue All Credit Purchases – Close all accounts after paying them off and cut the cards up.
4. Determine Overall Situation – Total up all debt – Be Honest.
5. Develop a Repayment Plan – Do not get debt consolidation loans – Causes more debt.
6. Be Faithful in Your Tithes and Offerings – God will do incredible things for you.
7. Snowball Your Debt – List all your debts with your largest at the top and smallest at the bottom. Pay off your smallest debt first. You will gain the victory by eliminating a debt. This accomplishment will help you continue on. Focus on your next debt and keep going.

Many are tempted to pay on their home mortgage first. Don’t do that because that interest is tax deductible. Credit card interest is not tax deductible.

8. Do not file for bankruptcy unless there is no other way out of your debt.

Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th President of the United States (1869 – 1877) as well as military commander during the Civil War and post-war Reconstruction periods. President Grant became an investor on Wall Street and lost $150,000 in the Wall Street Panic of 1873. He got throat cancer and was able to pay off all his debts by writing his memoirs of his life as a general, a president, and investor. He left his family $300,000 before dying of cancer.

This Bible Study is from Pastor Korter’s Wednesday night meeting on 1 June 2011.