Body and Mind: The Holistic Approach to Wellness

We humans have powerful minds, and powerful bodies, and the relationship between the two is stronger than many people think. Having a healthy mind will help keep your body healthy, and vice-versa. Many of us lead stressful, busy lives, and find it difficult to keep our minds and bodies healthy. We often lead sedentary lives, going from desk, to car, to couch every day. Lack of time, cooking skills and knowledge can mean that we eat a damaging diet. Urban life exposes us to toxic chemicals everywhere we go. All these things can help contribute to both physical and mental health problems, and they in turn contribute to each other.

If you tend to find that you are tired, grumpy and lacking in energy, and prone to minor illnesses and aches and pains, then you probably already know that you need to change your lifestyle. How do you do this? You make body and mind wellness your goal.


Wellness is about more than just not being ill: it is about managing your body and mind so that they work for you, not against you. A key part of the wellness concept is recognition that the body and mind are not separate, and that healthiness in one can help promote healthiness in the other. This is partly a general connection: if you feel physically ill, your emotional health will be affected, and that in turn may make you feel more ill.

However, there are also some very specific connections between physical and mental functioning. For example, scientists know that half of the neurotransmitter function in the brain is actually made in the gut: so eating the right food has a direct link with cognitive function. Poor emotional health could even be a risk factor for developing cancer: a study carried out by Israeli researchers showed that women who had suffered two ‘severe life events’ were 62% more likely than other women to develop breast cancer.

It seems clear that if you do not keep your body and your mind healthy, you will not struggle to keep either of them healthy.

Taking Action

Often, it is difficult or impossible to do anything about some of the things in our lives that are causing us stress and damaging our health. Things like having to commute in busy traffic every day, working with difficult people, or having financial worries are hard to do anything about. While we cannot always change our lives easily, we can make sure that we have resilience, and resilience leads to wellness. Resilience is being physically and mentally strong and able to deal with everything life throws at us. If you are finding that even running simple errands (having to collect parcels or do some last-minute shopping) feels stressful, then you need more resilience.

Follow these practical tips to help you build your Resilience:

–          Keep active.

Our bodies are not designed to be inactive, and when we do not use our bodies enough, they begin to deteriorate. When we are sedentary, our minds are more prone to stress and depression, as we are not using our bodies as we should. Exercise sends an instant hit of glucose and oxygen into the brain, both of which it needs to function properly.

–          Understand nutrition.

Eating the right foods gives your body and brain the fuel they need to function. Having the right diet can sometimes mean being able to stop taking drugs for chronic illnesses and allergies. The best food to eat is the food that is closest to our ‘natural’ diet: plenty of fresh unprocessed whole foods, mainly fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you have particular allergies or concerns about your diet, see if you can find a good nutritionist who can advise you on natural supplements.

–          Focus your mind.

Have life-goals and a sense of purpose. What is it that you feel you were put on the planet to do? If you do not know, develop your interests and find out. Taking part in yoga, meditation or tai chi can help you focus both body and mind on your goals.

–          Make social connections.

We are designed to live with and among each other: the modern pattern of living alone or in small nuclear families is not our natural state. Make time for friends and family and for your community, and you will find you feel happier and more grounded.

–          Accept change.

Life is unpredictable, so stop fighting it. Build your inner core of strength so that you can deal with change, both good and bad. Do this by regularly re-evaluating your life and understanding your own emotional responses. Change always brings loss of some kind, even when it is positive (such as having a child leading to loss of independence). It often also brings opportunity, so learn to focus on that.

No-one can guarantee that they will always be happy and healthy, but you can give yourself the best possible chance.

Overcome Obstacles That Hinder Your Growth

Are you struggling with relationships?

Are you struggling to lose weight?

Are you struggling to earn a living?

Are you ready to make the changes necessary to help you in all these areas of your life? Watch the video as I share how I was able to make major advances in my life on all these issues. The links to the requested information people asked about during the presentation are below the video.

Several people wanted to know the names of the Success Books:

Success Reading List

Everyone can have one free week of the Detox Tea to remove toxins and waste build up that is stuck inside your body by requesting the tea on my secure site below:

Rush Me a Free Week of VelociTea

Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.

Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons

This dish is simple to make and quite
tasty as a side, appetizer, or main dish, if paired with whole grains.
Kale is a spectacular source of calcium as well as vitamins K and
A—important for maintaining healthy skin and strong bones, supporting
the immune system, and producing red blood cells.


Makes 4 servings

1 large onion, thinly sliced
3/4 cup vegetable broth, divided
2 bunches curly kale or dinosaur kale, chopped or torn into bite-size pieces
2 15-ounce cans cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
zest and juice from 1 lemon
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil (optional)
1 teaspoon Braggs Liquid Aminos (Bragg
Liquid Aminos is a gluten-free soy sauce substitute made with NON-GMO
soybeans and contains 16 Amino Acids. Find this product at your local
food store or online at


Preheat a large wok or skillet over medium heat. Add onion and 1/2
cup broth and sauté for 3 minutes. Add kale, the remaining 1/4 cup
broth, beans, and lemon zest and juice. Cook on low until tender.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds and if using, Bragg Liquid Aminos.

Per serving (1/4 recipe): calories: 295; fat: 4.1 g;
saturated fat: 0.7 g; calories from fat: 11.6%; cholesterol: 0 mg;
protein: 18.6 g; carbohydrate: 50.6 g; sugar: 4.6 g; fiber: 13.5 g;
sodium: 501 mg: calcium: 259 mg; iron: 7.2 mg; vitamin C: 71 mg;
beta-carotene: 13099 mcg; vitamin E: 2.8 mg

Recipe by Isis Israel, Food for Life Educational Alliance Partner

Eat Foods As Grown to Lose Weight

This morning I was motivated to write a sample menu of what I eat on a typical day. This diet consists of no animal products. Animal products are loaded with fat your body does not need. You can replace things like butter, eggs, and milk with healthier alternatives. Instead of margarine or other cooking oils, I use water. If you must use an oil for a recipe, use olive oil. It is your healthiest solution for baking and cooking. See below for a healthy butter alternative.

Did you know you can give your body more than enough protein every day without having to eat any animal products? I get my protein from seeds, soy, vegetables and beans. Beans are high in fiber and also are loaded with protein. Brown rice and beans is an excellent combination to give you a complete protein.

I promise if you follow this plan, you will gain energy and drop some weight provided you incorporate some exercise into your daily life. Drinking soft drinks is not conducive to good health. These beverages are loaded with sugar and are very acidic. Water is the best thing for your body especially when you want to improve your health.

Our body is in need of water first thing in the morning. Many nutritionists advise that you drink water 30 minutes or more before eating a meal and then do not drink during your meal so digestive juices can work more efficiently. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so DO NOT skip breakfast!

These meals are designed on the eat like a King at breakfast logic, eat like a Queen at lunch, and eat like a pauper at dinner. Your body needs the larger meals in the morning to have enough fuel for the day. By eating less at the evening meal, you will be able to rest on a stomach that has finished digesting all of your food. I eat my evening meal at 5:00 pm so as to be fully digested by bedtime at 9:00 pm. Your body can rest better by following this plan.

DO NOT EAT SNACKS IN BETWEEN MEALS. You will no longer be hungry in between meals because your body will be getting plenty of nutrition with the following recipes. You will start to feel better as hydration will remove toxins from your system. Animal products are high in fat and cause acid build up in your cells.

As you feel better, the weight will begin to come off and your motivation and self esteem will begin to improve and you are at that point headed for your own success story! Let me know if I can be of assistance as I have been very passionate about healthy living since I lost 70 pounds myself in 2000.


I start the morning with about 20 ounces of alkalized water right after prayer. I spend about 15 minutes in a meditation before eating breakfast. The meditation will nourish your soul.

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite.

One-half cup of oatmeal (quick, rolled, or steel-cut oats) and add some blueberries from freezer and stir. Do not add any sugar or butter. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber which helps reduce cholesterol and helps keep blood sugar levels balanced. Oatmeal is the best food for a diabetic to eat in the morning. Oatmeal will also fill you up and prevent the need for snacks in between meals. You may want to add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your oats and a dash of honey.

Banana, 1/2 of a grapefruit and about a half cup of grapes
Two pieces of 100 percent Whole Wheat toast without butter or jam.


Once again, I make sure I have a large glass of water about 30 minutes before lunch. I have a nice variety of meals each day for my big main meal. Here are some ideas:

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite

Bowl of 13 bean soup
Whole Wheat pasta with homemade pasta sauce and add the saute vegetables below and mix together. Limit the pasta that you eat to once a week.
Saute or steam raw vegetables just long enough to soften them. Here are some favorites that I use: broccoli, green or red peppers, garlic cloves, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, celery and onions.
Fish cakes are made from a combination of nuts, oats, spices, and vegetables processed in a food processor. Add a little bit of kelp spice and this mixture tastes just like fish and you do not worry about fish that may have come from polluted waters.
Mama’s Meatloaf is a mixture of a different combination of nuts, oats, spices, and vegetables processed in a food processor. You create a meatloaf looking substance and bake for one hour in a pyrex dish. You can add a little ketchup across top of mixture to make it look exactly like meatloaf.
Tofu Walnut Patties is another meat like substitute that is made from oatmeal, nuts, and tofu. You can create a nice sweet and sour sauce to pour over by mixing a little honey, corn starch, water and Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.


It is recommended to drink your last glass of water for the day about 30 minutes before eating your evening meal. This will keep you from having to get up and go to the bathroom more than once in the night.

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite.

Eat a salad everyday. This will help your body get more fiber.
Salad with raw vegetables. Nature has provided some really nice colors in the produce section of the grocery store. Here are some favorites: green or red cabbage, bok choy, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, greens, onions and chard.
Saute a combination of the above vegetables and eat over a bed of wild or brown rice.
Fruit salad-use whatever is in season. This time of year is great for fresh grapes from Chile. Melons are great in summer.

I drink 12 ounces of VelociTea after eating every evening and it keeps me very regular as far as bowel movements the next day.

You can get a free week of VelociTea by going to my website below:

Rush Me a Week of VelociTea

Many of the recipes I mentioned in the above post can be found on my blog below:

Healthy Recipes

Butter alternative:
3/4 cup coconut milk *
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons yellow cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt
May use 1/4 cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut or raw cashew nuts instead of coconut milk, and increase water to 1 and 1/4 cups.

If you have only sweetened coconut, the sugar can be rinsed out with hot water, using a sieve.

1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes.
It should begin to thicken, about the consistency of thin porridge. I’ve learned that this can vary with the cornmeal used, so if it isn’t getting thick, add another teaspoon of cornmeal and cook a few more minutes until it is like thin pancake batter or porridge.

2. Place in blender, cover, can turn on low, then increase to high. Blend for about 1 minute until as smooth as possible. (If using shredded coconut or cashews nuts, blend for 2 minutes.)

3. Pour into a container; cover and chill. It will be runny, but sets up when cold.
This will keep for about 10 days in the refrigerator, but after a few days it gets stiffer. If this happens, just add a bit of water and stir briskly until soft. I like to make a new batch every week. If there is any of the old still remaining, I stir it into a frozen vegetable dish, such as frozen corn.
Makes One Cup

Eat Foods As Grown to Lose Weight

This morning I was motivated to write a sample menu of what I eat on a typical day. This diet consists of no animal products. Animal products are loaded with fat your body does not need. You can replace things like butter, eggs, and milk with healthier alternatives. Instead of margarine or other cooking oils, I use water. If you must use an oil for a recipe, use olive oil. It is your healthiest solution for baking and cooking. See below for a healthy butter alternative.

Did you know you can give your body more than enough protein every day without having to eat any animal products? I get my protein from seeds, soy, vegetables and beans. Beans are high in fiber and also are loaded with protein. Brown rice and beans is an excellent combination to give you a complete protein.

I promise if you follow this plan, you will gain energy and drop some weight provided you incorporate some exercise into your daily life. Drinking soft drinks is not conducive to good health. These beverages are loaded with sugar and are very acidic. Water is the best thing for your body especially when you want to improve your health.

Our body is in need of water first thing in the morning. Many nutritionists advise that you drink water 30 minutes or more before eating a meal and then do not drink during your meal so digestive juices can work more efficiently. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so DO NOT skip breakfast!

These meals are designed on the eat like a King at breakfast logic, eat like a Queen at lunch, and eat like a pauper at dinner. Your body needs the larger meals in the morning to have enough fuel for the day. By eating less at the evening meal, you will be able to rest on a stomach that has finished digesting all of your food. I eat my evening meal at 5:00 pm so as to be fully digested by bedtime at 9:00 pm. Your body can rest better by following this plan.

DO NOT EAT SNACKS IN BETWEEN MEALS. You will no longer be hungry in between meals because your body will be getting plenty of nutrition with the following recipes. You will start to feel better as hydration will remove toxins from your system. Animal products are high in fat and cause acid build up in your cells.

As you feel better, the weight will begin to come off and your motivation and self esteem will begin to improve and you are at that point headed for your own success story! Let me know if I can be of assistance as I have been very passionate about healthy living since I lost 70 pounds myself in 2000.


I start the morning with about 20 ounces of alkalized water right after prayer. I spend about 15 minutes in a meditation before eating breakfast. The meditation will nourish your soul.

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite.
One-half cup of oatmeal (quick, rolled, or steel-cut oats) and add some blueberries from freezer and stir. Do not add any sugar or butter. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber which helps reduce cholesterol and helps keep blood sugar levels balanced. Oatmeal is the best food for a diabetic to eat in the morning. Oatmeal will also fill you up and prevent the need for snacks in between meals. You may want to add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your oats and a dash of honey.
Banana, 1/2 of a grapefruit and about a half cup of grapes
Two pieces of 100 percent Whole Wheat toast without butter or jam.


Once again, I make sure I have a large glass of water about 30 minutes before lunch. I have a nice variety of meals each day for my big main meal. Here are some ideas:

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite
Bowl of 13 bean soup
Whole Wheat pasta with homemade pasta sauce and add the saute vegetables below and mix together. Limit the pasta that you eat to once a week.
Saute or steam raw vegetables just long enough to soften them. Here are some favorites that  I use: broccoli, green or red peppers, garlic cloves, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, celery and onions.
Fish cakes are made from a combination of nuts, oats, spices, and vegetables processed in a food processor. Add a little bit of kelp spice and this mixture tastes just like fish and you do not worry about fish that may have come from polluted waters.
Mama’s Meatloaf is a mixture of a different combination of nuts, oats, spices, and vegetables processed in a food processor. You create a meatloaf looking substance and bake for one hour in a pyrex dish. You can add a little ketchup across top of mixture to make it look exactly like meatloaf.
Tofu Walnut Patties is another meat like substitute that is made from oatmeal, nuts, and tofu. You can create a nice sweet and sour sauce to pour over by mixing a little honey, corn starch, water and Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.


It is recommended to drink your last glass of water for the day about 30 minutes before eating your evening meal. This will keep you from having to get up and go to the bathroom more than once in the night.

Two ounces of VelociTea about 15 minutes before eating to curb appetite.
Eat a salad everyday. This will help your body get more fiber.

Salad with raw vegetables. Nature has provided some really nice colors in the produce section of the grocery store. Here are some favorites: green or red cabbage, bok choy, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, greens, onions and chard.
Saute a combination of the above vegetables and eat over a bed of wild or brown rice.
Fruit salad-use whatever is in season. This time of year is great for fresh grapes from Chile. Melons are great in summer.
I drink 12 ounces of VelociTea after eating every evening and it keeps me very regular as far as bowel movements the next day.

You can get a free week of VelociTea by going to my website below:

Rush Me a Week of VelociTea

Many of the recipes I mentioned in the above post can be found on my blog below:

Healthy Recipes

Butter alternative:

3/4 cup coconut milk *
1/2 cup water
2 Tablespoons yellow cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt

* May use 1/4 cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut or raw cashew nuts instead of coconut milk, and increase water to 1 and 1/4 cups. If you have only sweetened coconut, the sugar can be rinsed out with hot water, using a sieve.

1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes.

It should begin to thicken, about the consistency of thin porridge. I’ve learned that this can vary with the cornmeal used, so if it isn’t getting thick, add another teaspoon of cornmeal and cook a few more minutes until it is like thin pancake batter or porridge.

2. Place in blender, cover, can turn on low, then increase to high. Blend for about 1 minute until as smooth as possible. (If using shredded coconut or cashews nuts, blend for 2 minutes.)

3. Pour into a container; cover and chill. It will be runny, but sets up when cold.

This will keep for about 10 days in the refrigerator, but after a few days it gets stiffer. If this happens, just add a bit of water and stir briskly until soft. I like to make a new batch every week. If there is any of the old still remaining, I stir it into a frozen vegetable dish, such as frozen corn.

Makes One Cup

New Pastor Begins Serving

Today was a special day at the Santa Barbara Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Robert Taylor and his wife began serving as the pastoral team.

They are returning to Santa Barbara after recently serving the Tillamook, Oregon church. The Taylors have served the Santa Barbara church in the past.

Every time I visit the Santa Barbara church I receive a blessing from God. The orchestra plays beautiful music. The praise song service led by Michelle touched my soul today. Here are a few of the hymns we sang:

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

How Great Thou Art

Holy Holy Holy

The sermon given by Pastor Taylor was centered around Ecclesiastes 3:1-8:

Everything Has Its Time

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

A time to be born,
    And a time to die;
A time to plant,

    And a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill,

    And a time to heal;
A time to break down,

    And a time to build up;
A time to weep,

    And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,

    And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,

    And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,

    And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain,

    And a time to lose;
A time to keep,

    And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,

    And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,

    And a time to speak;
A time to love,

    And a time to hate;
A time of war,

    And a time of peace.

Pastor Taylor sang the Lord’s Prayer after finishing his sermon. The church then closed with the hymn about Standing on the Solid Rock of Jesus. We shared a fellowship meal and many people then attended a Memorial service for First Elder Vance Johnson. Thank you for a blessed Sabbath day Jesus!

You can listen to the recorded sermon from 21 April 2012 on Santa Barbara’s website here:


Beets are easy to grow, making them a very economical choice, even if you buy them from someone else’s garden.


Makes 3 servings

2 cups shredded fresh beets
1 cup unsweetened soymilk or rice milk
2 tablespoons apple juice concentrate
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh dill, or 1/2 dried dill weed, plus more for garnish
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar


Put all the ingredients in a blender and process on high speed for 2 to 3 minutes, until completely smooth. Transfer to a medium saucepan and cook over medium heat until the soup is hot and steaming, about 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Choose beets that have healthy looking greens attached, and you’ll get two vegetables for the price of one. The nutritious beet greens can be steamed and served as a side dish.

Per serving (1/3 recipe): calories: 108; fat: 1g; calories from fat: 10%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 5 g; carbohydrates: 21 g; sugar: 16 g; fiber: 3 g; sodium: 164 mg

Recipe from Eat Vegan on $4 a Day by Ellen Jaffe Jones

Never Give Up

This is a fascinating video about how a Chinese farmer spent 5 years watering bamboo shoots. He did not see any reward for his efforts until one day the growth started. People thought he was crazy for spending time tending to an empty field that never showed any signs of growth. He could have used the land to grow some more food for his family. There is quite a message of resilience in this video. Enjoy!

This dish is filled with colorful, health promoting vegetables with crunch! Load up on cruciferous vegetables like cabbage for their cancer-fighting properties.


Makes 6 servings

1 pound whole-wheat or soy vermicelli pasta
2 teaspoons cornstarch
3/4 tablespoon dark molasses
3/4 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/2 cup low-sodium vegetable broth
6 ounces low-fat vegetarian beef substitute strips, such as Lightlife Smart Menu Steak-Style Strips, Yves Veggie Beef Tenders, or Morningstar Farms Meal Starters Steak Strips
2 celery stalks, sliced thinly on the diagonal
2 cups shredded napa or savoy cabbage
1/2 – 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
4 green onions, sliced thinly on the diagonal


Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and set aside.

In a large, heavy non-stick wok or a skillet lightly coated with oil or vegetable oil spray, steam-fry onion, garlic, and crushed red pepper for 1 minute, adding very small amounts of water as needed to prevent sticking and burning.

Add cabbage, celery, and 1/4 cup water. Cover and cook over high heat for about 3 minutes. Add beef substitute strips and stir-fry for about 1 minute.

Combine broth, soy sauce, maple syrup, molasses, cornstarch, and 1 tablespoon cold water in a small bowl. Stir into the pan and cook, stirring, over high heat until it thickens and boils.

Add drained pasta and toss well with the sauce. Top with green onions and serve.

Per serving (1/6 recipe): calories: 344; fat: 1.4 g; saturated fat: 0.3 g; calories from fat: 3.7%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 18.2 g; carbohydrate: 71 g; sugar: 7.1 g; fiber: 8 g; sodium: 524 mg: calcium: 84 mg; iron: 3.7 mg; vitamin C: 8.4 mg; beta-carotene: 307 mcg; vitamin E: 0.9 mg

Recipe from Bryanna Clark Grogan found in Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes by Neal Barnard, M.D.

Toxins In the Air, Food and Water

Did you breathe today?

Did you drink some unfiltered water or bathe in unfiltered water?

Did you eat some food that was grown on farms using chemicals, pesticides and sprays?

If you live in a pristine forest far away from civilization, you are blessed. If you are living in a city like most people do, your body has been under attack by toxins for years. It is hard to walk down the street where I live and not get someone’s second hand smoke in the air I am breathing. The autos and trucks are pumping out cadmium and other harmful pollutants.

Nature has provided a solution. There are herbs on the earth that gently cleanse the soft tissues of the body. By drinking a gentle detox tea on a daily basis, you can rid your colon, kidneys, liver, lungs and soft tissues of toxins that have accumulated in your body. The tea is a tonic that impacts the soft tissues and organs and cleans and removes anything that is foreign to your body.

The tea was formulated in 1980 and has been used successfully by millions of people. The colon, kidneys, liver and lungs are cleaned and you will notice a difference right away the very next day. Nine out of 10 people get a significant result.

Constipation is a common problem. If we eat three meals per day, we should have three bowel movements. Many people struggle to have one bowel movement a day. Disease begins in a dirty colon. Toxins can be circulating through your blood because of constipation.

It is the special enzymes that allow the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products. Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health!


People have used herbs for health problems for thousands of years. VelociTea is a blend of herbs. The results people get from this tea are phenomenal. Nine out of ten people notice a significant result the very next day after drinking the tea. It is safe to use the tea on a daily basis. Suggested daily usage is 20 ounces of diluted tea. I have been using 8 ounces of undiluted tea since 2007.
The Whole Wellness Club researched cleansing herbs and formulated VelociTea. The Club has a medical researcher that works with people who have serious health challenges. Dr. James Chappell began his practice in 1971. He worked at movie studios in Hollywood, California and has over 40 years of experience. He has a PhD in clinical nutrition, is a doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy, and a certified medical herbalist. Watch this 2 minute video from Dr. Chappell:


Listen to this 29 minute interview about VelociTea with Dr. Chappell and Whole Wellness Club owner Chuck Dhuey:

How VelociTea Can Help Your Health

On the recorded call above, Dr. Chappell shares that many of the ingredients in VelociTea have been used for thousands of years in other parts of the world.

The VelociTea ingredients are a special blend of safe, natural, edible herbs grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides (even the tea bags are unbleached):

The company has teamed up with me for a limited time period to offer a free sample to help people remove toxins from their body. The tea is available worldwide. If you want to just try one week for free on me, go to my website below and request your free sample. The company will ship it anywhere in the world. This is a limited time offer so fill out the form with a valid name and address so we can ship you the tea!

Rush Me a Week of VelociTea

Chuck in Montana shared that he feels much better each day and has used the tea since 2007. He is very regular now and will never be without VelociTea.

Barbara in Pennsylvania shares: ” I have used the tea since 2007. I also have no more problems with my stomach bloating. I used to have problems with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) but after I started the tea I don’t suffer with those symptoms anymore. My complexion is much improved and I notice that my energy level is improved. VelociTEA is a safe, gentle detox tea that all ages can benefit from.

Peace & Good Health,

Several people have reported that they lost anywhere from 12 to over 100 pounds when impacted fecal matter came lose from their digestive system.

I have safely used VelociTea since 2007. My digestive system is working smoothly and I am very regular. I follow Dr. Chappell’s instructions of using the tea for 28 days on and then 2 days off.

Are you going to help your body eliminate toxins? The environment is only going to get more polluted and toxic. Take action now and get that free week I am offering for a short time!

Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Daniel Parsons




Quinoa is a highly nutritious grain-like food that was a staple in the diet of the ancient Incas. It has a delicious flavor and a light, fluffy texture.


Makes 6 servings

1/2 cup dry quinoa, well-rinsed
1 1/2 cups vanilla rice milk
2 tablespoons raisins
1 cup chopped fresh or canned apricots
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


Combine quinoa and rice milk in a medium saucepan. Bring to a slow simmer, then cover and cook for about 15 minutes until the quinoa is tender.

Stir in raisins, apricots, and vanilla, then transfer about 1 1/2 cups to a blender and purée.

Return puréed mixture to the pan and stir to mix. Serve warm or chilled.

Per serving (1/2 cup): calories: 106; fat: 1.4 g; calories from fat: 12.3%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 2.4 g; carbohydrates: 21.4 g; sugar: 8.3 g; fiber: 1.5 g; sodium: 26 mg; calcium: 90 mg; iron: 1.5 mg; vitamin C: 3.1 mg; beta-carotene: 302 mcg; vitamin E: 0.9 mg

Recipe from Jennifer Raymond M.S., R.D. found in Foods that Fight Pain by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.

These oatmeal cookies are a better alternative to the conventional kind since they’re not only lower in fat and sugar, but are cholesterol-free.


Makes a dozen 4-inch cookies

1/3 cup rice milk
1/3 cup maple syrup
4 teaspoons cider vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup barley flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup coarsely chopped raisins
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 vegetable oil spray


Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a small bowl or measuring cup, mix rice milk, syrup, vinegar, and vanilla.

In a large bowl, mix oats, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add rice milk mixture, along with raisins and walnuts. Mix completely.

Lightly coat a cookie sheet with vegetable oil spray. Drop tablespoons of dough onto the sheet and flatten dough slightly with the back of the spoon. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, or until the bottoms are lightly browned.

Per cookie: calories: 148; fat: 3.9 g; saturated fat: 0.4 g; calories from fat: 23.7%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 3.3 g; carbohydrate: 26.2 g; sugar: 9.7 g; fiber: 2.6 g; sodium: 121 mg: calcium: 55 mg; iron: 1.1 mg; vitamin C: 0.3 mg; beta-carotene: 1 mcg; vitamin E: 0.2 mg

Recipe from Jennifer Raymond M.S., R.D. found in Foods that Fight Pain by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.

Here is a good reflection from an elder’s message at church this past Sabbath. The message he gave comes from 2 Chronicles 7:14.

My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray
and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Gary gave four points to ponder:

1. Humble Ourselves
2. Prayer
3. Seek God & His Grace
4. Turn from Evil

We are either controlled by Satan or by God. My choice is to get on my knees, pray, seek God’s grace and watch what I allow into my mind each day. All humans know what is evil and not of God.

Sprouted Lentil Salad

Ever since the pink slime beef reports hit the media, I have been thinking about all the foods that have plenty of protein. Lentils are an excellent source of protein. It is a myth that you need to eat animal products to be strong and get protein. Contact me for video proof if you want to see muscles on a vegan. I have very well developed and tone muscles even though I am in my 50’s.

Sprouting lentils makes them more easily digestible for the body. The lentils in this salad are also a robust source of protein. If you have a difficult time locating sprouting lentils, I am sure regular lentils will be fine.


Makes 2 servings

2 cups lentil sprouts
1 pinch sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup very thinly sliced green onions
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/2 cup thinly sliced cucumber
black pepper, to taste


In a medium bowl, combine lentil sprouts, cucumber, tomato, green onions, cilantro, and radishes. Toss lightly.

In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, garlic powder, curry powder, salt, and black pepper. Drizzle the dressing over the salad, and toss lightly to coat.

Per serving (1/2 recipe): calories: 116; fat: 0.9 g; calories from fat: 6.3%; cholesterol: 0 mg; protein: 8.4 g; carbohydrates: 24.5 g; sugar: 3.6 g; fiber: 4 g; sodium: 176 mg; calcium: 59 mg; iron: 3.6 mg; vitamin C: 31 mg; beta-carotene: 385 mcg; vitamin E: 0.8 mg

Recipe from Isis Israel, Food for Life Educational Alliance Partner

Oxygen’s Relationship to Wellness

“There are literally thousands of accounts of amazing health and healing benefits from increasing the oxygen levels in the body.”

If you have read the book Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease, you know that our bodies were designed by the Creator to function on nearly twice as much oxygen than is available in today’s everyday atmosphere. Deep core ice drillings reveal ancient atmosphere levels were up to 38 to 50 percent oxygen, yet today’s atmosphere is only 20.9 percent oxygen; and even less in the cities.

By breathing, eating, and living, we are constantly taking unnatural non-food substances into our bodies. Preservatives, colorings, flavorings, hydrogenated oils, artificial chemicals, smog, etc., day-in and day-out, over and over, are piling up inside our cells and body fluids. Because of this “piling up” of toxic waste within us, we prematurely age, and become fertile breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and every manner of disease-causing microorganism, which causes us to suffer and die too early.

Here’s the great secret of oxygen therapies: The only way the disease causing pollution and trash can ever leave our bodies is to first be combined with oxygen, in other words, oxidized! Without enough oxygen, the body simply can’t take out the inner garbage! It stays within us, causing organ and function breakdown, in the form of digestive disorders, arthritis, tiredness, depression, premature aging, and the pain and disfiguration of disease! Now remember, in today’s environment we only have half the oxygen that we are designed to run on in order to be in perfect health.

By living in an oxygen deficient environment and not feeding our cells the proper oxygen and nutrients needed for clearing out toxins and wastes, our body fluids and blood become dirty and toxic. And when you consider you are two-thirds (over 100 pounds) water . . . that the water is filthy . . . and every cell floats in it, you can see exactly why we get sick and tired, and sick and tired of being sick and tired. In today’s toxic world, everyone can benefit greatly from increased oxygenation at the cellular level. Cold germs and viruses draw extra power from any toxins or contaminants found in the blood stream, and feed old body injuries and system congestion.

Here’s the other great oxygen secret that befuddles the great expansive minds: Bacteria, viruses, funguses, parasites and other pathogens that contribute to diseases are anaerobic and cannot live in high levels of oxygen! So, if we flood our bodies with oxygen, what happens to the offending toxins and microbes, the two causes of all disease and aging? They are destroyed! Who first said so? Two Time Nobel Laureate, Otto Warburg. Enough said? The safest and most effective way to increase the oxygen levels in our bodies is the use of stabilized oxygen drops, a super-oxygenation technology that offers a promising solution to this universal problem of oxygen deprivation. Supplemental stabilized oxygen drops makes pure oxygen available to be absorbed into the bloodstream where it is carried directly to the body’s cells and tissues.

The newest generation of this super-oxygenation technology is Metab O2. This wonderful product is ideal for both dehydration and therapeutic application. It is very beneficial to friendly bacteria, but very antagonistic to harmful bacteria survival. Metab O2 was formulated to destroy any known (and unknown) microorganisms with minimum dose, yet maintain total safety to the user. It is “nascent” which means that it is time-released into the bloodstream to enhance the body’s cellular oxygenation over a four to six hour period. A few drops 3-4 times a day, in water, can boost energy levels, kill infectious microorganisms, oxidize and eliminate toxic buildup, promote faster recovery from illness or injury, greatly enhance the uptake of essential nutrients from food sources and dietary supplements, strengthen the immune system, purify foul water, and much more.

For a limited time, you can purchase the Metab O2 and receive a FREE pH testing kit.


Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.

Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons