Food We Eat and Disease
Welcome to my post titled the Food We Eat and Disease. I share my experience about how I was able to move from a very poor diet to a very healthy diet.
My family of origin has for most of their lives resided in the Southeastern part of the United States. Many people including myself believed that you have to eat meat at every meal. Our mother would fix fried chicken one night, pot roast the next night, fish the next night and meatloaf or liver the next night. We had bacon and sausage with eggs for breakfast on many mornings. Our lunch box had ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, tuna fish sandwiches and sometimes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
We did eat vegetables with our supper. The amount of vegetables we ate with our supper was much less than I personally eat now. I became a vegetarian in 2001 when I decided that living with an extra 70 pounds was not conducive to my long term health. Just by cutting out red meat, white sugar and white flour, I was able to shed the extra weight in just a few months.
I have not struggled with weight since I made that decision in 2001. I have since learned that animal products have absolutely NO fiber. Our body needs fiber everyday to clean the digestive tract which is a very large organ winding through your body. Animal products have cholesterol and fat.
Myths About Meat
I grew up thinking and believing that I had to eat meat in order to get protein and be strong. Did you know that there is more than enough protein for our daily needs in a handful of pumpkin, sesame or sunflower seeds? Many vegetables also have protein. Carl Lewis who won several gold medals in the Olympic Games is a vegetarian. He knew that building lean muscle mass through a vegetarian diet would help him reach his peak physical ability.
Meat and Disease
There is an epidemic of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity in North America today. Did you know that eating animal products drastically raises the likelihood that you will be impacted by those three conditions?
Many people are not worried about the Food We Eat and Disease because they would rather take a prescription drug that will deal with the symptoms associated with the lifestyle diseases that result from a poor diet that lacks nutrition.
As I wrote earlier, meat has NO fiber but it adds fat and cholesterol into your body. I have seen the results of people reversing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity by eliminating meat from their diet. By eating a plant based diet of beans, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains, people can lower their risk of dying from a lifestyle disease.
Everyone that has lived since 1985 has read about E-Coli and Mad Cow Disease. If you watch a video of the way chickens are contained in cages and injected with growth hormones, you may decide for yourself there is a better way. I have never desired a piece of chicken since seeing a video that showed the animal not being able to move around in a cage. The bird was caged up with feces and the odor of the chicken house was noxious. Chicken houses only desire the birds to get as big as possible in a short amount of time so they end up in your local Kentucky Fried Chicken store.
Toxins in the Ocean
The worst oil spill in North America occurred in 2010. An explosion on April 20, 2010, aboard the Deepwater Horizon, a drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico connected to a well owned by the oil company BP, led to the largest accidental oil spill in history. Hundreds of miles of beaches were coated with a thick oil residue. Wildlife was impacted. Marine animals were impacted.
According to British Petroleum, it is now safe to eat the seafood from the Gulf of Mexico. I enjoyed eating seafood before I learned some health principles. Our oceans are growing more and more acidic everyday. The oxygen level in the ocean is diminished now. There are toxins in the ocean. Many species of seafood are scavengers and bottom feeders.
Lobsters, crabs, sharks and other seafood prowl saltwater and eat dead seafood. These same creatures can be found near human sewage pipes that drain into the ocean. I guess there was a reason that these types of seafood were labeled as unclean in the Bible. I know the last thing I want to put in my mouth is a lobster or crab that just finished eating human sewage. Glad I didn’t just eat supper or I might have gotten sick writing this blog post.
To be fair, the Bible states in Leviticus 11:8-9:
These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you.
Watch this video to learn more about who controls our food supply and how you and your family can eat a safer and healthier diet:
Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.
Hope you learned something on my Food We Eat and Disease post.
Your Partner in Success!
Daniel Parsons