Just finished listening to an excellent message from an Australian Pastor. He made a great point that most of the Christian world is following traditions of man and not what is written in the Holy Bible.

All during Jesus ministry on earth, Jesus read the scriptures in the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day that God made in Genesis 2. The seventh-day Sabbath was blessed and sanctified by God and is a weekly 24 hour holy time meant for us to be in close fellowship with our Creator. The Sabbath reminds us that God created us and also provided a path to Salvation for us as Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath day.

Whenever a person dies on this earth, a last will and testament is usually left with instructions for how the property will be divided. Once the person dies, there is NO way for that last will and testament to ever be changed.

The same principle applies to those of us who are saved Christians. Because the Sabbath was made for all man in Genesis before there ever was a nation of Israel, all man is called by God to honor the Holy Time He made for us. God doesn’t need the rest because He does not get tired. He knew then and knows now that man needs to break away from the demands of this world and have a day of rest.

When Jesus Christ instituted Holy Communion in the Last Supper meal on the night before He was killed on the Cross at Calvary, the institution of Holy Communion was established.

When Jesus gave up His spirit on the Cross, the new covenant was sealed. There is no way the new covenant can ever be changed.

Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath day and then rose on the first day of the week which is Sunday. Look in your dictionary and you will find that Saturday is the seventh-day of the week. It always has been as there has always been a seven day weekly cycle.

Over 200 languages of the world use the word ‘Sabbath’ for Saturday. In Spanish, the day is called Sabado.

So where does going to church on Sunday come from and who changed God’s Law which is unchangeable according to the word of God in the Bible?

In the first couple of centuries after Christ death at Calvary, Pagans were holding festive events on the day of the sun or Sunday. The Roman Empire was still ruling the world. Christians still met in churches on the Seventh-day Sabbath. Some believers wanted to distance themselves from the Jewish traditions and the Emperor Constantine approved Sunday as a day of rest during his years in power around 323 AD.

I have some overwhelming facts that EVERY Protestant needs to read. If the Protestant church of today knew what the Catholic church did in the past regarding the 7th Day Sabbath they would not be worshipping on Sundays today. I guarantee that if you are a TRUE child of God seeking to do exactly as the Creator would have you do, this information on this page will effect you in a major way! Prophecy states plainly that the beast will seek to change “times and laws” and on this page you will see ample evidence that the Roman Catholic church ADMITS to that very act!

The Word of God says:
Daniel 7:25, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

The word of Rome says:
“The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ.” “The Pope has the authority and often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ.” -Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop. Cap. (The Pope can modify divine law.) Ferraris’ Ecclesiastical Dictionary. 

Practice of the Original Apostles

Throughout the book of Acts, we find that the Apostles continued to observe the Sabbath regularly. They did this with Jews as well as with Gentiles, and-guided by the Holy Spirit-the entire early New Testament Church continued to meet on the seventh-day Sabbath for decades after Jesus’ death. Even mainline Protestant historians acknowledge this fact. In his book, The Story of the Christian Church, Jesse Lyman Hurlbut states, “As long as the church was mainly Jewish, the Hebrew Sabbath was kept; but as it became increasingly Gentile the first day gradually took the place of the seventh day” (1970, p. 36).

Notice that Hurlbut says the first day “gradually” replaced the seventh-day Sabbath. Did God gradually do away with His law? Ridiculous! As we shall see later, conniving me “gradually” DECEIVED millions of professing Christians into doing away with not only the Sabbath, but the entire concept of obedience to God’s law!

However, no such change took place during the lifetime of Christ’s original Apostles. Even the Apostle Paul-the Apostle to the Gentiles-kept the Sabbath regularly. And he wasn’t even converted to Christianity until well after Christ’s resurrection. Notice the account of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:14: “But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down.”

“But,” some might argue, “Paul was just meeting with the Jews on Saturday since that was their Sabbath!” However, the book of Acts tells us that “when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath” (13:42). Here was Paul’s grand opportunity to inform the Gentiles that they would now meet on Sunday! But did he? On the contrary! “The next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God” (v. 44).

The truth of the matter is that neither Paul nor ANY of the Apostles uttered one single word about changing God’s holy Sabbath or any part of the Ten Commandments. Rather, as they had been taught by Christ Himself, they kept, and always assembled on, the seventh day.

What about when Paul traveled through predominately Gentile areas? God’s Word tells us, “Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Then Paul, as his CUSTOM was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures” (17:1-2).

It was clearly Paul’s “custom” to meet on the Sabbath. Acts 18:4 tells us that “he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.” In example after example in the book of Acts, when Paul or the other Apostles met to worship, there is not a single, solitary hint that they ever regularly met on any other day of the week to worship except Saturday-the seventh-day Sabbath that they had always
observed and that the Jewish community was still observing.

In fact, if they had started teaching some other weekly day of worship, it would have caused a literal RIOT among the Jewish Christians! The only major ministerial conference mentioned in the New Testament is described in Acts 15. It was occasioned by a bitter controversy over whether Gentile Christians should be compelled to be circumcised. The book of Acts notes the incident that sparked this conference: “And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’ Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem, to the Apostles and elders, about this question” (vv. 1-2).

At the conference in Jerusalem, after there had been “much dispute,” Peter rose up and carefully explained how God had called the Gentile Christians through him apart from any command to be physically circumcised. Afterward, Paul and Barnabas described the fruits of their Work among the Gentiles, without circumcision being involved. Then James, the presiding Apostle at Jerusalem, summarized the matter and stated, “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood”(vv.19-20). Finally, a letter was drafted, outlining this landmark decision and the reasons for it (vv. 22-29). Paul took a copy of this letter with its decrees and read it to all of the Churches under his jurisdiction (16:1-5).

Some will argue that the four prohibitions mentioned here are the only laws from the Old Testament still binding on Christians. But notice that murder is not listed. Are we, then, free to commit murder? Obviously not! So why are these points specifically mentioned? Because the four things Christians are to abstain from here are practices that were common to pagan religion. In sacrificing to their idols, many pagans would strangle animals rather than slitting their throats and letting the blood drain from them. Then they would eat these offerings and commit gross sexual immorality as religious ritual. The prohibitions in Acts 15 were originally part of God’s statutory law. But they were also listed later with the ceremonies and rituals of the Levitical worship system to keep the Israelites from adopting these wrong practices (cf. Leviticus 17:7, 10; Numbers 25:1-3). The Apostles wanted it understood that, although the ceremonial and ritual parts of the Old Testament law-including physical circumcision-were no longer necessary, these four points that were given in the ceremonial section of the law were still binding. And why were they still binding? Because they were part of God’s original law-which was still in force!

Bear in mind that this great controversy and subsequent apostolic conference took place over the ordinance of physical circumcision. How much MORE of a debate would have raged if the Apostles had tried to change or do away with one of the Ten Commandments-especially the one about God’s weekly Sabbath, the very identifying “sign” of God’s people?! There would have been an absolute UPROAR. But do we find even the slightest hint of a dispute over any such change?

We do NOT!

As the expression goes,” the silence on the subject is DEAFENING.” There was no such change until scores or even hundreds of years after the death of the original Apostles! So neither Jesus nor the apostolic Church EVER attempted to change the Sabbath. They never attempted to do away with obedience to ANY of the Ten Commandments!

Most of the Protestant Christian churches have fallen to the deception that came through the Catholic church which is an apostate church. There are hundreds of millions of wonderful and devout Catholic believers. Most saved Christians will be with Jesus when he comes back. What the Bible is warning us of is that the Apostate church is the Beast Power of Revelation. God has a problem with the Papal system that deceives hundreds of millions of Christians.

Malachi 3:6 states: For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Matthew 5:17-18 states: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

You can also see some excellent videos about the faithful followers of Jesus keeping the Ten Commandments down through the centuries at the website below:

Seek out your local Seventh-day Adventist church and you will find a man or woman more than eager to share some excellent Bible study guides. The Seventh-day Adventist church began in the 1840’s when a group of young Seventh-day Baptist and Seventh-day Presbyterians studied scripture well into the night.

Ever since the Protestant reformation began on the day Martin Luther nailed his Thesis on the doors of the local Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany, God has guided His followers to continue to restore Biblical truth.

I will write a new article to document all of the different truths that came from these followers of Christ. The Seventh-day Adventist church is a melting pot of believers from many churches including the Baptist church, the Catholic church, the Methodist church and the Presbyterian church.

Give me the Bible, Holy Message Shining !
Stuffed peppers are a quick and easy way to provide a healthy meal with a flare.  There are hundreds of combinations to try and we are going to show you some of the simple concepts to make your stuffed peppers stand above the crowd.  

Cooking the rice:

Generally the ratio will be one part rice and two parts water.  I like to add all the ingredients to the pot in order to make it a one step process.  There is really no reason to take extra steps and dirty up a bunch of other pots.
You can first sauté some onions, to a dark brown flavor, which is really great for stuffed peppers. Then add any flavors or seasonings like beef-less base, salt, seasonings, or herbs.  Add all kinds of items like, chopped celery, or shredded carrots.  Try some tofu, or beans, and for a really great texture. Add some pecans or walnuts.

Place all the ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to a low simmer for 40 minutes.  Rice cookers work well for this too.  Add more time for harder varieties of rice, like brown rice, lower cooking time for soft or short varieties like jasmine.  
Mixing in Sauces:  
When the rice is done, now you can add whatever sauce flavors you like. Teriyaki, or tomato sauce, even Italian are a couple of my favorites.  
Stuffing the Peppers:
Try not to over stuff the peppers, you want them full but not packed; the rice will expand a little. One of my favorite tricks is to add little shots of the sauce when stuffing the peppers, or have a center with an apricot surprise in the middle.  This helps to keep moisture in and gives the final product an original twist.  
Baking the Peppers:  
The best way to bake the peppers is for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees.  I start with them covered, but don’t cook the tops with them.  When the steam has softened the body of the peppers, then it is time to remove the foil, add the pepper lids, and cook uncovered for an additional 10 minutes.  This will give it a consistently cooked, slightly browned appeal.  You can also top the peppers with some seasoned bread crumbs before browning.  
Serving the Peppers:
Adding some vegan parmesan cheese, fresh diced herbs, or slivered almonds will compliment any peppers right into that higher delicacy.  
The bottom line is have fun stuffing peppers, you really can’t mess this up.  Next time try stuffing the peppers with bread stuffing, pastas, or beans.  It’s a great way to make a fast, easy, and very affordable meal.

Recipe is courtesy of Mark Anthony who has a Ministry of Healing through healthy food presentations at churches throughout North America.

Activated Charcoal Poultice

Activated Charcoal has been around for centuries as a remedy for many common health issues; from insect and snake bites to stomach poisoning and cancer. Activated charcoal is adsorbent as it adsorbs just about anything into itself.

Poultice ingredients:

For any injury or trauma to the skin. Be careful not to get the charcoal into an open wound as it will leave you with a black tattoo!

Activated Charcoal

Flaxseed meal/Psyllium Powder

Warm Water

Paper Towel – no colored designs

Take warm water and begin to add the charcoal to water. Grind flaxseeds to a meal and add until it becomes a paste. Place charcoal paste onto white paper towel or gauze. Apply to affected area and secure with a plastic wrap or gauze. Wrap with an Ace bandage, being careful not to wrap too tightly. Use overnight and remove in the morning. Depending on the type of injury, this may take several applications.

Slurry Water

Use for an upset stomach.

Add 1 Tablespoon of Activated Charcoal to one 8 ounce glass of water. Stir well and then allow to settle for several hours. Pour off the clear water on the top then drink freely. Since Activated Charcoal is an adsorbent, do not take this with any medication as it will affect the efficacy of the medication.

This an excerpt from an article written by Micaela Karlsen, M.S.P.H, shared from a “Forks Over Knives Newsletter”.

They’re all around us – goji berries, chia seeds, maca, pomegranates, and the list goes on. Certain individual foods are labeled “superfoods” by the food industry and so concentrated powders, extracts, oils, and juices of these foods are then marketed as beneficial because of their supposed special effects. The claims around these concentrated forms of certain foods include “improves vitality,” “wards off disease,” or even “boosts libido.” The modern shopper is hopelessly confused as he or she tries to match a host of products with a wide array of specific desired benefits. Even the person on a whole-food, plant-based diet may wonder, “Should I be taking something to make sure I’m getting enough antioxidants?”

In spite of the fact that the word “superfood” is neither a technical nor scientific term, some of these claims about specific nutrients do have research supporting them. However, focusing on any single nutrient or class of nutrients outside the context of the whole, natural foods that contain them is a misplaced emphasis; the total dietary pattern is what most influences health outcomes, even if experimental evidence exists that a particular nutrient may have a given effect on the body.

Popular media defines a “superfood” as a food that contains unusually high amounts of specific nutrients, often antioxidants-substances that combat cell damage due to aging and other factors. It’s easy to fall into thinking that if some is good, more must be better.

What we are forgetting here is that eating more of a nutrient doesn’t necessarily mean that our bodies will use it; absorption and utilization are largely determined by the body’s need at the time of consumption along with many other variables. Drinking pomegranate juice or blueberry extract may do no more than put a hole in our pockets, along with encouraging overconsumption of simple sugars without the fiber those sugars are naturally paired with in the fruit. And in some cases an excess can be every bit as problematic for health as a deficiency.

The example of antioxidants illustrates the misconception around “getting enough” of this class of nutrients. When we’re eating a colorful whole-food, plant-based diet, we don’t need to concern ourselves with antioxidant deficiency. It is when we eat a diet poor in fruits and vegetables (and therefore antioxidants) that we need to worry about getting enough of them. Processed foods contain few antioxidants, because they are stripped during processing. And the antioxidants present in animal foods reside in the animal’s tissues only because it consumed plants during its lifetime. Why not eliminate the middleman and get the antioxidants directly?

When are plant-based “superfoods” good for us? When they are whole and part of a low-fat diet comprised of foods eaten fresh, as grown, then yes – absolutely! Eating colorful foods is beneficial, as long as they are whole foods and not extracts, powders, or concentrated individual nutrients.

Eating for variety and color is a strategy that will deliver all the nutrients we need (with the possible exception of vitamin B12), as long as we are consuming adequate calories. We need not worry about whether or how we are getting enough of certain single nutrients or classes of nutrients. It might be easier to just call a whole-food, plant-based diet a “superdiet” and leave it at that.

Real quick article about the 7 aspects of God’s Love for Mankind as spoken by Ty Gibson on the Three Angels Broadcasting Network recently.

God’s Love Is:

1. Universal
2. Personal
3. Pursuing
4. Change Less – Unalterable
5. Non Condemning
6. Self Less
7. Empowering

Healthy Breakfast

This delicious granola is made without any added oil, which keeps it truly healthful and just as delicious.

Makes about 6 cups (12 1/2-cup servings)


3 cups rolled oats 
1 cup wheat germ 
1/2 cup chopped walnuts 
1/2 cup raisins 
1/2 cup dried cranberries (optional) 
1/4 cup sesame seeds 
1/4 cup maple syrup 
2 tablespoons molasses 
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 300 F.

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.

Transfer to a 9″×13″ baking dish. Bake, turning often with a spatula, until mixture is golden brown, about 25 minutes.  Store in an airtight container.

Per serving: 210 calories; 7.4 g fat; 1 g saturated fat; 31.5% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 7 g protein; 31.6 g carbohydrates; 10.7 g sugar; 4.3 g fiber; 6 mg sodium; 38 mg calcium; 2.2 mg iron; 0.3 mg vitamin C; 8 mcg Beta Carotene; 1.6 mg vitamin E

Source: Healthy Eating for Life for Children by Amy Lanou, Ph.D.; recipe by Jennifer Raymond, M.S., R.D.
This soup is packed full of green vegetables, meaning you’re sure to get an ample amount of vitamins in every bowl!

Makes 8 1 1/2-cup servings


1 onion, chopped 
2 celery stalks, sliced 
2 potatoes, scrubbed and chopped 
3/4 cup dry split peas, rinsed 
2 bay leaves 
6 cups water or vegetable stock 
2 medium zucchini, chopped 
1 medium broccoli stalk, chopped 
1 bunch fresh spinach, washed and chopped 
1/2 teaspoon dried basil 
1/4 teaspoon black pepper 
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 
1 1/2 teaspoons salt, or to taste


Place onion, celery, potatoes, split peas, and bay leaves in a large pot with water or stock and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover, and simmer 1 hour. Remove the bay leaves.

Add zucchini, broccoli, spinach, basil, black pepper, and cayenne and simmer 20 minutes. Transfer to a blender in several small batches and blend until completely smooth, holding the lid on tightly. Return to the pot and heat until steamy. Add salt to taste.

Per serving: 122 calories; 0.5 g fat; 0.1 g saturated fat; 3.5% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 6.7 g protein; 24.8 g carbohydrates; 2.9 g sugar; 8.6 g fiber; 494 mg sodium; 91 mg calcium; 3.1 mg iron; 27.4 mg vitamin C; 2,699 mcg Beta Carotene; 1.3 mg vitamin E
Source: Eat Right, Live Longer by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.; recipe by Jennifer Raymond M.S., R.D.

What Is In Your Food?

Did you know that only 10 percent of the dollar you spend on processed foods actually goes towards real food? Most of the money people spend on packaged foods ( commonly found in the frozen foods section of the market ) goes into processing, adding chemicals ( do you know what some of those ingredients are ) and marketing the food.

Our best value and best option for leading a healthy lifestyle is to buy foods in their natural state. Walk in your produce section and select apples, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, kale, melons, peaches, pineapple, spinach, strawberries, and other seasonal produce items.

The best option we all have is to grow our own organic gardens where we live. If you cannot work the garden or have a garden due to your circumstances, check your local area for an organic farmers market. There are farmers markets here where I live in California two times each week. You can taste how good the fresh fruits and vegetables are as they have just been picked recently.

By eating foods as grown, you will detox all of those chemicals out of your body and add in all the phytonutrients from the above real foods and feel great!

Most disease begins as a result of the body not having the right nutrition for keeping the immune system strong. Think of your immune system as the protective shield around your body. When you provide the right nutrients, the shield remains strong. Eat junk foods with chemicals and the shield breaks down and your immunity gets weak and the next thing you know you are sick. The time to seek wellness is NOW, not when you get sick. You are your own best Doctor. Doctor means ‘teacher’.

I can offer you a couple of excellent wellness resources. Get our free book that lists how to seek Optimum Health & Longevity. There is a short form to fill out in the upper right of my website.

You can also come on our weekly Ask Dr. James Chappell conference call and ask the doctor directly your health concern. The calls are held every Wednesday evening at 10 pm Eastern time.

Phone # to Dial: 206-402-0100 Use Conf ID: 530312#
Backup #: (615) 209-7999

Contact me if I can help you in any way! My details are on the Contact page!

Get Your Protein from Plant Based Foods

Did you know that Olympic track and field super star Carl Lewis quit eating animal products when he was training for the Olympics? He says that he is still a vegetarian to this day. Watch Carl in this short interview video:

If you like to eat animal products, you are not alone. I grew up in a Southern home in the United States and it was part of our culture to eat animal products at just about every meal. My family was just going along with the mainstream concept that you needed to eat meat to be strong. Fortunately, there is plenty of protein available in plant based foods and vegetarians have known this fact for years.

The way I moved away from eating animal products was a gradual process. I cut out red meat first. I had read too many articles on the internet about mad cow disease and dead animals being ground up and given as feed to other animals.

The next thing I did was cut out eating dark chicken and turkey meat. I ate white chicken breast or turkey breast only for about 3 months. In the meantime, I began learning how to eat vegetarian and vegan foods that looked similar to what the animal dishes looked like. I have an extensive blog with a Healthy Living section that is full of such recipes. Please share these recipes with people you know.

Great Tasting Meals without the Animal Fat

By 2006, I decided to no longer put any animal products in my mouth. I have not had to worry about or deal with excess weight since then. My weight has been steady for many years now even though I am almost 10 years older when I started gradually eliminating animal products from my diet.

A couple of other motivations for me included watching some videos of how animals are slaughtered and learning that pigs have such thick skin that there is only one gland that excretes waste. Scientifically speaking, pigs can carry many harmful organisms on them which can transmit to humans, diseases like trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pigs are found to be having many parasitic worms in their digestive tract which can be transferred to the humans either by air or by pork. Hence, pigs are said to be unclean. Here is a video that should make you leave pork alone for the rest of your life.

Did you know that Dr. Colin Campbell did an exhaustive study that followed the rapid increase in the diseases of cancer, diabetes, and obesity in China when the people began eating more animal products? You can access much information from this website and there is a book available.

China Study

With the growth of the world’s population exceeding 7 billion people recently, the ability for the world to feed and sustain all of the people is becoming a large issue. It takes much more land to ranch cattle than it takes to grow vegetables. When we eat vegetables and plant based foods, we get the protein directly and not through the animal. I know I would rather have the nutrients straight from the source.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine published an article recently about how the huge surge in demand for animal products cannot be sustained.

Western Diet Unsustainable for Planet”

“The more animal products people consume, the less likely we are to feed future generations, according to a new study from the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Globally, meat and dairy consumption is expected to increase by 68 and 57 percent, respectively, by 2030. Increased demand for animal products stems not only from population growth, but from increasing affluence among the world’s population, which has shifted from grain-based diets to animal-based diets (meat, dairy products, and eggs).

Production of animal products requires more land and resources than plant-based foods, and now 75 percent of all agricultural land is used for animal production. The negative consequences of consuming more animal products affect the environment and future food availability, as well as world health. Greater animal product consumption is associated with increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.”

Cassidy ES, West PC, Gerber JS, Foley JA. Redefining agricultural yields: from tonnes to people nourished per hectare.Environ Res Lett. 2013;8:1-8.

Breast Reduction

Patients who suffer from physical symptoms due to their breast size can undergo breast reduction surgery to relieve their symptoms. Doctors believe that breast reduction surgery is an effective method for most patients; according to Dr. Ajaka, a breast reduction can ease pain and improve the shape and size of a woman’s bust.

Exceptionally large breasts cause a myriad of unwanted symptoms: back pain, mobility problems, sleep position problems, shoulder pain and self-esteem problems all stem from a bust that is too large. In recent years, the methods for breast reduction have improved greatly; women no longer need to worry about the scars and pain that were attributed to traditional breast reduction procedures.

A liposuction breast reduction procedure offers women an alternative; the procedure reduces breast size without scars and pain. Liposuction is a quick procedure that doesn’t take long to recover from.

According to Dr. Ajaka, liposuction breast reduction procedures have a low complication rate. The procedure is fairly easy to perform; it has predictable results. Women can undergo this procedure to reduce breast size without having to worry about complications.

The Procedure

The liposuction procedure is fairly simple when compared to other options. After visiting and consulting with a doctor, the patient is given antibiotics and anesthetized. During this time, the patient’s breasts are injected with a solution that decreases bleeding and offers pain relief.

Once the solution settles, small incisions are made on each breast; liposuction is performed through these small incisions. The doctor will remove a predetermined amount of fatty tissue. When the fat is removed, the incisions are closed and the patient is woken up.

Benefits Of Liposuction Breast Reduction

Women choose this procedure because it is not very invasive; the surgery is quick and relatively pain-free. Older methods use large incisions around the areola; this leaves an ugly scar. The large incision tends to be much more painful. Small incisions heal quickly and are less painful.

Traditional breast reduction surgery can take anywhere from two to four hours. A major procedure like this is very tough on the body. In general, it is wise to avoid going to the hospital for a major surgery unless it is important. With liposuction, the procedure takes no longer than an hour; generally, patients are done in half an hour.

According to Dr. Ajaka, recover times with liposuction are fast. The nature of liposuction is much less invasive than traditional breast reduction procedures. A patient can expect to be fully recovered within a couple of days.

When a woman gets liposuction, her breasts maintain their symmetry; doctors can easily extract fat with this procedure. The ease of this procedure allows your doctor to sculpt your breasts so they both look perfect; they can do this without damaging nerves and blood vessels.

As the weather starts to cool down, turn to this comforting drink to help warm you up! A deliciously different twist on the classic hot chocolate.

A cup of Hot Carob “Cocoa” is a nice treat or simple dessert. It is surprisingly thick and creamy tasting, even when made with water, and its flavor is reminiscent of bittersweet chocolate. Because carob is somewhat sweeter than cocoa powder, you may not need to add much, if any, sweetener.

Makes 1 serving


2 tablespoons unsweetened carob powder 
1/4 teaspoon cornstarch or arrowroot 
6-8 ounces water or fortified vanilla, soy, or rice milk 
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (omit if using vanilla, soy, or rice milk)
sweetener of your choice (optional)


In a small saucepan whisk together carob powder and cornstarch or arrowroot. Gradually whisk in water or nondairy milk, keeping the mixture as smooth as possible. Heat, stirring often, until steaming hot. Stir in vanilla, if using, and sweetener to taste.

Tip: If you prefer, you can substitute unsweetened cocoa powder for the carob powder, or try a combination of the two as you wean yourself off chocolate.

This recipe is easily doubled, tripled, or quadrupled

Per serving (made with water): 37 calories; 0.1 g fat; 0 g saturated fat; 2.3% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 0.7 g protein; 13.2 g carbohydrates; 4.9 g sugar; 5.6 g fiber; 9 mg sodium; 52 mg calcium; 0.4 mg iron; 0 mg vitamin C; 1 mcg Beta Carotene; 0.1 mg vitamin E
Source: Breaking the Food Seduction by Neal Barnard, M.D.; recipe by Jo Stepaniak; © Jo Stepaniak 2005, published by permission.
Here are some excellent scripture readings about preparing our heart and mind for the cleansing that is offered to all Christians in the Holy Communion Service.
The Seventh-day Adventist Christian church makes this service open to all believing Christians. The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Savior. In this experience of communion, Christ is present to meet and strengthen His people.
As we partake, we joyfully proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again. Preparation for the Supper includes self-examination, repentance, and confession. The Master ordained the service of foot washing to signify renewed cleansing, to express a willingness to serve one another in Christlike humility, and to unite our hearts in love.
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
I assume I’m addressing believers now who are mature. Draw your own conclusions: When we drink the cup of blessing, aren’t we taking into ourselves the blood, the very life, of Christ? And isn’t it the same with the loaf of bread we break and eat? Don’t we take into ourselves the body, the very life, of Christ? Because there is one loaf, our many-ness becomes one-ness—Christ doesn’t become fragmented in us. Rather, we become unified in him. We don’t reduce Christ to what we are; he raises us to what he is.
1 Corinthians 11:23-29
Let me go over with you again exactly what goes on in the Lord’s Supper and why it is so centrally important. I received my instructions from the Master himself and passed them on to you. The Master, Jesus, on the night of his betrayal, took bread. Having given thanks, he broke it and said,
 This is my body, broken for you.
 Do this to remember me.
 After supper, he did the same thing with the cup:
 This cup is my blood, my new covenant with you.
 Each time you drink this cup, remember me.

What you must solemnly realize is that every time you eat this bread and every time you drink this cup, you reenact in your words and actions the death of the Master. You will be drawn back to this meal again and again until the Master returns. You must never let familiarity breed contempt.

Anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Master irreverently is like part of the crowd that jeered and spit on him at his death. Is that the kind of “remembrance” you want to be part of? Examine your motives, test your heart, come to this meal in holy awe.  If you give no thought (or worse, don’t care) about the broken body of the Master when you eat and drink, you’re running the risk of serious consequences.
Matthew 26:17-30
On the first of the Days of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Where do you want us to prepare your Passover meal?”
He said, “Enter the city. Go up to a certain man and say, ‘The Teacher says, My time is near. I and my disciples plan to celebrate the Passover meal at your house.’” The disciples followed Jesus’ instructions to the letter, and prepared the Passover meal.
After sunset, he and the Twelve were sitting around the table. During the meal, he said, “I have something hard but important to say to you: One of you is going to hand me over to the conspirators.”
They were stunned, and then began to ask, one after another, “It isn’t me, is it, Master?”
Jesus answered, “The one who hands me over is someone I eat with daily, one who passes me food at the table. In one sense the Son of Man is entering into a way of treachery well-marked by the Scriptures—no surprises here. In another sense that man who turns him in, turns traitor to the Son of Man—better never to have been born than do this!”
Then Judas, already turned traitor, said, “It isn’t me, is it, Rabbi?”
Jesus said, “Don’t play games with me, Judas.”
The Bread and the Cup
During the meal, Jesus took and blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to his disciples:
 Take, eat.
 This is my body.
 Taking the cup and thanking God, he gave it to them:
 Drink this, all of you.
 This is my blood,
 God’s new covenant poured out for many people for the forgiveness of sins.
 “I’ll not be drinking wine from this cup again until that new day when I’ll drink with you in the kingdom of my Father.”
They sang a hymn and went directly to Mount Olives.

Revelation 3:20

Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father.

John 6:48-63

Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life. I am the Bread of Life. Your ancestors ate the manna bread in the desert and died. But now here is Bread that truly comes down out of heaven. Anyone eating this Bread will not die, ever. I am the Bread—living Bread!—who came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this Bread will live—and forever! The Bread that I present to the world so that it can eat and live is myself, this flesh-and-blood self.”

At this, the Jews started fighting among themselves: “How can this man serve up his flesh for a meal?”

But Jesus didn’t give an inch. “Only insofar as you eat and drink flesh and blood, the flesh and blood of the Son of Man, do you have life within you. The one who brings a hearty appetite to this eating and drinking has eternal life and will be fit and ready for the Final Day. My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. By ea
ting my flesh and drinking my blood you enter into me and I into you. In the same way that the fully alive Father sent me here and I live because of him, so the one who makes a meal of me lives because of me. This is the Bread from heaven. Your ancestors ate bread and later died. Whoever eats this Bread will live always.”

He said these things while teaching in the meeting place in Capernaum.

Too Tough to Swallow

Many among his disciples heard this and said, “This is tough teaching, too tough to swallow.”

Jesus sensed that his disciples were having a hard time with this and said, “Does this throw you completely? What would happen if you saw the Son of Man ascending to where he came from? The Spirit can make life. Sheer muscle and willpower don’t make anything happen. Every word I’ve spoken to you is a Spirit-word, and so it is life-making. But some of you are resisting, refusing to have any part in this.”

John 13:1-7

Just before the Passover Feast, Jesus knew that the time had come to leave this world to go to the Father. Having loved his dear companions, he continued to love them right to the end. It was suppertime. The Devil by now had Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, firmly in his grip, all set for the betrayal.

Jesus knew that the Father had put him in complete charge of everything, that he came from God and was on his way back to God. So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron. When he got to Simon Peter, Peter said, “Master, you wash my feet?”

Jesus answered, “You don’t understand now what I’m doing, but it will be clear enough to you later.”
Texturized vegetable protein (TVP) is made from soybeans and makes a quick, delicious, and protein-packed taco filling. This is a perfect recipe to use if you have not tried this product before! TVP is available at natural food stores and in some supermarkets.

Makes 12 tacos


1 1/2 cups water 
1 small onion, chopped 
2 garlic cloves, minced or pressed 
1/2 small bell pepper, finely diced 
3/4 cup dry texturized vegetable protein 
1 cup tomato sauce 
2 teaspoons chili powder 
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (optional) 
1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce 
12 corn tortillas 
1 cup shredded romaine lettuce 
4 green onions, sliced 
1 medium tomato, diced 
1 avocado, cut into strips (optional) 
1/2 cup salsa or taco sauce


Heat 1/2 cup water in a large pot or skillet. Cook onion, garlic, and bell pepper until soft, about 5 minutes.

Add textured vegetable protein, remaining 1 cup of water, tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, oregano, nutritional yeast (if using), and soy sauce. Cook over low heat until mixture is fairly dry, about 15 minutes.

Heat a tortilla in a dry skillet until soft and pliable. Top with about 1/4 cup of filling and fold in half. Cook 1 minute on each side. Garnish with lettuce, green onions, tomato, avocado (if using), and salsa or taco sauce. Repeat with remaining tortillas.

Per taco: 91 calories; 1 g fat; 0.2 g saturated fat; 9.5% calories from fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 5.2 g protein; 16.9 g carbohydrates; 2.9 g sugar; 3.3 g fiber; 235 mg sodium; 52 mg calcium; 1.5 mg iron; 7.7 mg vitamin C; 344 mcg Beta Carotene; 0.7 mg vitamin E

Source: Healthy Eating for Life for Children by Amy Lanou, Ph.D.; recipe by Jennifer Raymond, M.S., R.D.

Direct Sales Pay Plans

Are you tired of joining home business programs that promise the moon but never seem to deliver for the average person? Every day people are sending my the latest high yield investment programs, gifting programs, cyclers and other get rich quick deals that spring up almost over night on the internet. I admit that when I was desperate to make some money, I fell for some of those so called fast money cyclers. These types of programs prey on new people that think the internet is like a lottery ticket.

There are over 40 million people in North America that make a living online. This number will just continue to grow as the baby boom generation keeps retiring at over 10,000 people every single day!

Why do marketing program compensation plans put barriers to making an income in a home based business? Are the companies just interested in making profits instead of empowering the distributors in the field?

One of the most used statements is that only the people at the ‘top’ or ‘beginning’ ever make any money in a home based business.

Today I can say with certainty that the last statement is just not true. I have been with the same wellness company since 2007 and have downline members that earn more money each month than I do! That makes me feel good! I spend a few minutes each day in prayer asking God to bless the products that I market and sell. I also ask God that the people that are my customers will get measurable results and improved health and well-being.

I also pray for the success of my team members because when someone is making a nice monthly residual income  because they followed our system, we become more successful and the effort just keeps blessing more and more people!

I am in the same direct sales marketing company since 2007. We have a powerful feeder program that pays out 50 percent as wide and deep as you can go on a $40 a month product that gives 9 out of 10 people a significant result in one day.

So unlimited $20 bills is the beginning. Watch this video that is the webinar recorded on 16 September 2013 to learn more about how we use some simple easy to follow steps to home business success in the wellness industry!

The parent company pays out 60 percent on a unilevel that goes down 6 levels. You earn at least $10 on each member of your sales team and the best thing is the volume that people generate includes all of their customers volume. This means you have downline members with $300 to $500 and more of monthly volume and you earn 10 percent on each level of your organization. I have never seen a company pay out $30 to $50 per member.

Let me know if you would like to know more! We even have a free sample that goes out to people around world so it is totally free for people to get introduced to the most powerful system in the industry!

Grab a free sample of the product that cleans the inside of your body out as we are all taking in toxins every single day. Cleansing our system inside the body is just as important as cleaning the outside with a bath or shower!

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Daniel Parsons

Skype: missionarydanielparsons

360-383-0265 Pacific Weekdays