Peak Enzymes Products
Welcome to my post about Peak Enzymes Products. Whole Wellness Club recently hosted Troy Aupperle who is the CEO of Enzymology Research located in Minnesota on a conference call. Troy’s facility meets all of the strict FDA guidelines for whole food health supplement manufacturers.
Troy is an endurance athlete and produces enzymes for nutritional health companies like the Whole Wellness Club.
The Japanese have been culturing enzymes for over 1000 years and are the most reliable source for the most active and highest quality enzymes in the world. Troy is excited about helping us bring enzymes to the world.
Our Peak Enzymes are manufactured by Troy in his FDA approved facility. Here are a few of the highlights of the conference call and you can listen to the recording by clicking the mp3 link below:
Troy Aupperle Shares Peak Enzymes
Having a strong belief in living a balanced lifestyle and as a personal testimony to his own products, Troy has become an accomplished world class ultra-endurance athlete.
He bicycled solo across America and won the 50 mile “Death March” foot race across the Grand Canyon and back.
On May 22, 2009 Troy summited Mt. Everest and finished his quest for the 7 Summits (the highest PEAK on each of the seven continents). He completed them in 3 years and 312 days; an accomplishment shared by only two other Americans.
Troy’s mission and ultimate goal in life is to bring enzymes to the world.
This will be done through the only enzyme products in the world that have been rigorously field-tested with “real world” experience and proven to produce extraordinary results: PEAK Enzymes.
Peak Enzymes are cultured in pharmaceutical facilities in the Southern part of Japan.
All the facilities are more than 300 miles south of the nuclear disaster area.
There has been no increase in radiation in the southern part of Japan.
The weather currents moved most of the radiation out into the Pacific Ocean.
The facilities monitor radiation levels on a regular basis.
The United States FDA is notified ahead of time of incoming shipments of cultured enzymes to Troy’s Enzymology Research Company in Minnesota.
Peak Enzymes are safe to consume for your health.
You can find out more about our high quality enzymes on my website below:
Plant Based Enzymes
Contact me about special package deal prices or if you have any other questions about the Peak Enzymes Products.
Daniel Parsons