Muscadine Perfect Grape

muscadine-perfect-grapeWelcome to my Muscadine Perfect Grape post about a powerful whole food supplement, made from the Seed, Skin and Pulp of Muscadine Grapes.

With its high levels of Resveratrol and other antioxidants, The Perfect Grape has been shown to help promote superior health by fighting against the effects of Free Radicals.

The benefits of using the whole Muscadine Grape in relation to heart disease, cholesterol, pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, inflammation, arthritis, gastrointestinal health and longevity is amazing.

This grape has an extra pair of chromosomes compared to normal table grapes. Every person should use this whole food product to help reduce free radical damage inside the body.

The Muscadine Perfect Grape is Exclusive to the Whole Wellness Club and is the first product in our “Natures Force” Supplement line. The Perfect Grape is the highest quality Whole Muscadine Grape Supplement on the market.

Muscadine grapes are known as Vitis Rotundifolia grapes, which are native to the Southeastern United States. Unlike common grapes, which cannot survive the harsh climate of the southeastern US without the aid of chemical pesticide spray, Muscadine grapes naturally grow and thrive in the hot, humid and disease prone climate. Muscadine grapes differ from other varieties of grapes in a number of ways. The most noticeable difference is the skin of the muscadine grapes. The skin is much thicker which gives the muscadine grapes a natural resistance to diseases, fungi and insects.

Most of the antioxidant power of the muscadine grapes is also found in the skin and seeds. The skin of the grapes is so thick, that 40% of the weight of the grapes comes from the skin itself. Muscadine grapes also have an extra set of chromosomes; they contain 20, where common grapes have only 19. This unique structure is responsible for the abundant phytonutrients, especially Ellagic Acid, not found in other grapes and very high levels of Resveratrol. The phytonutrients in the Muscadine grape are well known for anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects.

For more information, please see my page below. You can also contact me on weekdays Pacific Time.

Muscadine Grape

Enzymes and Your Health

Welcome to my Enzymes and Your Health blog post that describes what enzymes do in your body. I recently listened to our fantastic call with Troy Aupperle a second time and learned how valuable enzymes are for your health. Troy is the CEO of Enzymology Research Labs located in Minnesota. Troy is an ultra endurance athlete that has climbed all 7 of the highest mountain peaks in the world.

Here is what Wikipedia says about Enzymes:

Peak Enzymes and your health“Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (i.e., increase the rates of) chemical reactions. In enzymatic reactions, the molecules at the beginning of the process are called substrates, and the enzyme converts them into different molecules, called the products. Almost all processes in a biological cell need enzymes to occur at significant rates. Since enzymes are selective for their substrates and speed up only a few reactions from among many possibilities, the set of enzymes made in a cell determines which metabolic pathways occur in that cell.”

peak-digestive-enzymes and your healthTroy stated that through all of his study in researching enzymes, he understands now that the quality and quantity of life is based on your enzyme level. Dr. Howell began emphasizing the importance of Enzymes back in the 1920’s. Enzymes also are an ultimate immune system booster which is critical in today’s toxic world.

Our body has the capacity to make the enzymes necessary for our lifetime. It is similar to a bank account having a certain amount of money to pay bills each and every month.

People begin to die once your pancreas can no longer produce enzymes that sustain your life and health. By supplementing with digestive and systemic enzymes, we free up our pancreas to make the proteins necessary to sustain our life.

Whole Wellness Club contacted Troy Aupperle in 2008 to create the best available enzymes. The company owners spared no expense in creating Peak Digestive and Systemic Enzymes. The Peak brand of enzymes are of the highest quality available. Many of the people that buy enzymes from me remark about the results they have achieved from using Peak Enzymes.


Chuck in Montana told me that his energy level has improved since he started using the Enzymes back in 2009.

John in Florida has a very healthy blood pressure and pulse.

Luz in Washington remarked that she did not get as tired later in the day since she started taking the enzymes.

If you are ready to order Peak Enzymes, go to my secure site below:

Peak Enzymes

Enzymes and your health is one of the posts on my website that describe how to help your body achieve optimum health and longevity.

Get Real Balance Alkaline Water

Welcome to my post about Get Real Balance Alkaline Water. You can make your own water have a negative ionic charged alkaline water by following a few simple steps.

I keep showing up on our conference calls with Dr. Chappell and as a result I keep learning more about how to stay healthy. Much of the water we drink is not. The reason my well water is not bio-available is it travels through pipes into the kitchen and is stripped of electrons and thereby has a positive charge. The water clumps together like a bunch of grapes and is not easily absorbed by your cells via the aquaporins. How can you get bio-available water?

Real Water Concentrate makes your own water a negative charge. Just add an dropper full to an 8 ounce glass of well or city water and wait for a couple of minutes. Your water now has the negative charge and can easily penetrate the little holes in cell membranes called aquaporins. This process allows the cells to be hydrated and also removes toxins that are in the cells.

Get Real Balance Alkaline WaterOne of the benefits of having a more alkaline balanced body is candida and many other health problems do not like an alkaline state. Disease and illness including cancer thrive in an acidic environment.

Just learned some more health tips on our weekly Get Real Balance call. Real Water Concentrate creates negative ions in your own drinking water. When you add the product to your water, chlorine is removed. The reason it is so important for us to drink alkalized water is that positive charged water (way it comes from your tap or bottle) creates acid tissue and the result is Hypoxialiterally means “a deficiency in oxygen.” Real Water Concentrate creates alkaline water with a negative ionic charge which holds oxygen in your cells which is critical to health.

You can find more information on my website here: Real Water Concentrate

Pure water is merely two molecules of hydrogen gas and one molecule of oxygen gas in liquid form. The ratio of negative to positive ions will determine its acidity or alkalinity. The activity (formerly called concentration) of positive charged hydrogen to the negative charged hydroxide or oxygen bonded hydrogen will determine whether it has a positive or negative ionic charge. This is extremely important which I will discuss in a moment.

Get Real Balance Alkaline WaterWater is a universal solvent. This means it has the ability to detoxify the body at a cellular level. Depending on our activity and environmental temperature, the average adult in the United States loses one half (1/2) gallon of water/fluids per day through perspiration, respiration, urination and defecation. If we don’t replace this amount of water on a daily basis, we slowly dehydrate. The most obvious sign of dehydration is dry, flaky, wrinkled skin. However, a misinterpreted signal of thirst is hunger. Most of us eat when we should be replacing fluids with bio-available water.

Simply, water is so vital; we can only live a few days without it. Matter-of-fact, rapid dehydration causes heart and kidney failure and death. Gradual dehydration leads to a litany of signs, signals and symptoms often mistaken as disease. Proper hydration is so critical; it is the first common denominator in The HONSTEC Syndrome. As you may recall, The HONSTEC Syndrome is seven common denominators anyone of which cause illness. The ‘H’ stands for hydration or lack of it.

In solutions, including water, in which the activity of positive charged hydrogen (H+) equals that of negative charged hydroxide (OH-), the pH value will be 7.0 and are known as neutral. When the activity of hydrogen exceeds hydroxide, the pH value will be lower than 7.0 and is kno or alkalines. Therefore, pH is dependent on ionic activity or the ratio of positive charged hydrogen (+) to negative charged hydroxide (-)

The Real Water Concentrate product helped me feel better after drinking three 8 ounce glasses of my own pure water that I make with my distilled water machine. Hope you have found my Get Real Balance Alkaline Water post helpful to improve your health.

You Can Find Out More On My Get Real Balance Page:

Get Real Balance Alkaline Water

Welcome to my Detox Your Body with VelociTea post where the benefits of drinking the medicinal herbal detox tonic known as VelociTea are discussed. Click on the short video below for details:

Detox Your Body with VelociTeaWe had a great health hero call on Monday. Dr. Walter Crinnion, a Naturopathic Doctor, was the healer in the spotlight. According to the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Crinnion is concerned with how toxins affect the body. He has written many articles about how toxins create problems for the kidneys and liver. The bodies organs need to function to eliminate waste.

New carpet and household cleaners are toxic to the body. The chemicals in the new carpet and cleaners get into your blood stream. How can you make sure your body detoxes from those toxins? Hundreds of thousands of people have experienced the healing properties of detoxing the body with VelociTea.

Detox Your Body with VelociTea

Constipation is a common problem. If we eat three meals per day, we should have three bowel movements. It is the special enzymes that allow the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products.

Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health! Detox Your Body with VelociTea and you will feel better.

Many people have experienced some incredible weight loss after using the VelociTea for a period of time. Some people have impacted waste inside their digestive system and once the colon is cleaned out, people notice that they have more energy and feel better. Many people notice a weight loss between 4 and 40 pounds or more depending on the person. Any weight loss diets or programs that people use will be more effective once the body is properly eliminating waste each day with the safe herbs in the VelociTea Ingredients product.

Dr. Chappell shares that many of the ingredients in VelociTea have been used for thousands of years in other parts of the world.

You can listen to Dr. Chappell by dialing 1-559-546-1051 anytime day or night 365 days per year.

Detox Your Body with VelociTea

VelociTea is safe to drink every day. It is a cathartic: An agent for purging the bowels. VelociTea is only $1.33 per day and cleans all of the soft tissues of the body. Find out more and get a sample on my website below:


Welcome to my Vegan Meatless Meatloaf post where you can enjoy a home style favorite meal that is loaded with fiber instead of the fat and cholesterol that comes with eating animal products.

Vegan Meatless MeatloafIt takes me about 30 to 40 minutes of prep time to prepare this meal. One tip is to mix your dry ingredients together and process those first in your food processor.

I have learned to replace some of the oil in recipes with just plain water. This helps reduce the amount of calories in the healthy meals that I make and share with other people.


1 medium onion, finely minced
1 cup celery, finely minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup mushrooms, finely chopped
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
2 cup shredded carrots
2 cup quick oats
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
1 cup whole wheat flour or 1 cup almond meal
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1 Tbsp. McKay’s chicken-style seasoning
1-2 cups seasoned bread crumbs
Hint: (put three slices of 100 % whole wheat bread in food processor to avoid additives in packaged bread crumbs)
1 cup cooked lentils
1 cup vanilla soy milk as needed
1 cup ketchup

vegan meatless meatloafIn a large nonstick skillet, combine olive oil, onion, carrots, celery, mushrooms, peppers, and garlic. Saute until onion is clear. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, nuts, seasonings and bread crumbs. Add the sauteed vegetables and lentils. Mix in soy milk as needed – until mixture holds together well. Spray a 5 x 9 inch baking pan (pyrex) and pat mixture down firmly. Spead ketchup on top. Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour.

My own personal choice is to only use 1/2 the recommended olive oil and replace with water when cooking the vegetables in the skillet. Vegan meatless meatloaf is loaded with fiber instead of fat and cholesterol.

Many recipes call for cooking with oil. Over the years I learned to use healthier oils when cooking. I do keep some Safflower Oil and Olive Oil in my cupboards to have in food preparation. Oils are high in calories and are a fat so using less than is called for in the recipes will help anyone that is counting calories.

Hope you enjoy the Vegan Meatless Meatloaf recipe. Please share with your friends and comment on how your recipe turned out.

Recipe Source is from Brenda Walsh and is shared on Three Angels Broadcasting Network.

Copyright 3ABN 2008. All rights reserved.

For more delicious and healthy meals, please visit my page below:

Healthy Living

Welcome to the VelociTea Detox post on my blog. We live in a toxic world. Keeping our body clean on the inside is critical to our health. You can give your insides a bath with a safe gentle detox tea that is called  VelociTea. The ingredients are:

VelociTea Detox Tea1) Blessed Thistle
2) Malva Leaves
3) Marshmallow Leaves
4) Milk Thistle
5) Persimmon Leaves

VelociTea is a medicinal tonic that cleans the soft tissues of the body including the colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs. Everyone on the earth is bombarded with toxins in the air, food and water we take into our bodies on a daily basis.

Many people have reported losing from 5 to over 100 pounds by drinking our VelociTea. Rotten food can get impacted in the digestive system. The herbs in VelociTea have been known to help cleanse the colon for thousands of years.

Click on the short video below to hear what people are saying about VelociTea Detox:

Click on the short video below to hear what Dr. Chappell shares about why we need to detox the body.

The Whole Wellness Club started in September of 2007 with VelociTea, a very impressive formulation containing persimmon leaves, malva leaves, milk thistle, marshmallow leaves and blessed thistle. VelociTea is an excellent infusion of specialized detoxifying herbs. These botanicals are a needed pre-requisite to any health protocol.

VelociTea Detox TeaThe world is a toxic place.

Every week news reports tell us of how 7 billion people are impacting the environment here on earth. The air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink are full of toxins. Cleansing the inside of the body is of critical importance to good health.

Detoxification is paramount to good health. Simply fill out the forms to get your week of VelociTea shipped anywhere in the world on the website below:

Get a Week of VelociTea

Click on the short video below to hear instructions on How to Steep Your VelociTea Detox.

For more articles on my website about Health, please click the link below:


How to Have a Great Day

Welcome to my How to Have a Great Day post. I watched an informative program this morning on Three Angels Broadcasting ( 3ABN ) while exercising.

3ABN is a spiritual ministry that started in 1984. The channel is dedicated to helping people live a life of abundance spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Pastor John Lomacang interviewed Dr. Yvonne Lewis, ND.

Dr. Lewis presented a way to have a great day. She is a Naturopathic Doctor and is also a gifted singer. I have heard her sing on camp meeting programs. Here is her formula for having a great day.

How to Have a Great DayNorth America has the best doctors and medical treatment but we are facing disease epidemics never before seen. Death by fork is a serious problem today. Did you know that over 25 million people have heart disease? People diagnosed with diabetes has risen 400%. Cancer is killing millions every year.

What can be done to change this tragedy?

The Solution is 9 Principles Our Creator Gave Us for Health: GREAT DAYS

G    Good Nutritious Food
R    Rest, Relaxation and Stress Reduction
E    Exercise
A    Adequate Hydration
T    Thoughts That Are Positive

D    Detoxification
A    Acid/Alkaline Balance
Y    Yielding to God and His Plan For Your Life
S    Supplementation

How to Have a Great DayThe food we eat is medicine to our cells. Phytochemicals are the key to wellness. Did you know that tomatoes have 10,000 phytochemicals?

Ever since I started on my healthy eating lifestyle back in 2000, I have continued learning about how nutrition impacts our health. I am amazed at how I have much more energy now than I did when I was younger.

Plants have energy. You will notice the difference when you move from eating mostly animal foods to a plant based diet.

Sulphorophane boost the synthesis of anti cancer enzymes and is found in:

Brussel Sprouts

How to Have a Great DayIf you eat donuts for breakfast, have some potato chips for snacks, then eat a couple of cheeseburgers with french fries for lunch and then go home and eat some fried chicken for supper, your body is not getting any nutrition. Without nutrition, you will end up sick and one of the lifestyle diseases will be the end result.

You would never put diesel in a gasoline engine and should treat your body better than you treat your automobile. Your body needs nutrients to peform well. The original diet in Genesis 1:29 of fruit and herbs was what God intended for us. We are wonderfully made. Self Care is very important when we learn about How to Have a Great Day.

Dr. Colin Campbell’s book “The China Study” shows an extensive study where meat turns on the P53 cancer gene. Limit or remove meat from your diet for better health. You can get more than enough protein from fruits, legumes, nuts,  vegetables, and whole grains. Fruit and vegetables help maintain your acid/alkaline balance. Steam your vegetables at a low temperature so the enzymes and vitamins are retained.

Nuts are one of the best sources of protein and a good source of fiber. Nuts are high in antioxidants and reduce the incidence of cardiac deaths. Seeds carry life force and seeds are gland foods.

How to Have a Great DayThe Healthy Living category of this blog has many healthy and great tasting dishes that I have learned to make since I went vegan. You will never miss meat and dairy with these great tasting meals. Lose Weight Guaranteed

Whole Wellness Club offers supplements at a similar price you would find in your local health food store. Buying from your own store has tax savings benefits.

Contact Me to discuss supplementation with the highest quality health products that will provide your body with all the minerals and enzymes you need. I hope my How to Have a Great Day post has helped you.

Daniel Parsons


Welcome to my Toxic World and Chemtrails post. Our world is getting dirtier each day. The air we breathe and the water we drink are toxic.

Toxic World and ChemtrailsBrowse over this website and look at the pictures taken from all over the world to see just how bad the environment has gotten in the past 10 years.


Toxic World and Chemtrails can be seen on clear days. I live in Vancouver, Washington and see chemtrails every clear day we have here.

Toxic World and ChemtrailsWhat can we do to help keep ourselves and our families from suffering from all this toxic air, water, and food? Whole Wellness Club has a detox tea that cleans the soft tissues of the body. By drinking 8 ounces of the VelociTea twice a day, your colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs will be gently cleansed by five safe herbs.

The ingredients are:

1. Blessed Thistle
2. Malva Leaves
3. Marshmallow Leaves
4. Milk Thistle
5. Persimmon Leaves

VelociTeaThese herbs have been used for thousands of years and our VelociTea formulation is helping thousands of people stay regular with their digestion. Try a week of VelociTea and experience the cleanse for yourself. You can order one week by going to my secure site here:

Get a VelociTea Sample Now

If you can afford to live in a secluded forest or on a remote island that is close to the sea, you are blessed. You will not be exposed to the toxic air that most people are.

One other suggestion I have is to keep your home exposed to as much fresh air as possible. I crack my windows in the winter so I can get some fresh air inside. We all need oxygen so allowing fresh air inside is important for our health.

In the summer, I keep my windows open most of the time. If you live in the city like I do, sometimes someone will drive by that has an old vehicle. The exhaust from old vehicles is very unhealthy so I will close my windows if I realize I am breathing in polluted air.

Hope you have learned something from reading my Toxic World and Chemtrails post.

Contact Me if I can be of service to you!

Daniel Parsons

Get Paid Fast

Welcome to my Get Paid Fast post. Today is the first day of February 2017. The Whole Wellness Club owner Chuck Dhuey has just paid the January commission earnings to all of us that have our Global Cash Cards.

Get Paid FastGetting Paid so fast in the Affiliate and Network Marketing Industry is unheard of in the business. I have been in companies that don’t tell you how much you earned until about the third week of the month and then you would have to wait until the fourth week of the month to get a check. Some companies hold your check back for longer time frames.

Whole Wellness Club

Get Paid FastWhole Wellness Club is the best opportunity for someone that wants to create an income earning asset that will develop into a very nice residual income. The products are the best and give people significant results within one day. You notice that your health is improving and this makes it easy to share with a friend.

All of us have referred people to a restaurant, a good movie, or a business that gives good service. So you can naturally share a great company that is going places with others and also create an income for you and your family.

Just listen to this short recording to learn how you can get started and within a few short weeks have a powerful economic opportunity that will just keep growing over time.

Fastest Way to $5,000 per Month Income

You can even listen to this recording any time you want 24 hours a day at your convenience: Dial 518-777-4082.

Get Paid FastIf you are ready to create your own income stream, just click my WWC link in the above paragraph. You can come to our company opportunity calls on the following schedule:

Tuesdays 2 pm and 10 pm Eastern
Thursdays 2 pm and 10 pm Eastern
Friday 2 pm Eastern

Dial 775-335-3180 enter 530312# when prompted. A back up phone line is 206-402-0100.

I hope you benefit from reading my Get Paid Fast post.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Daniel Parsons

Make a Weight Loss Smoothie

Welcome to my make a weight loss smoothie post. This video shows how to make a Caldera Greens weight loss smoothie from scratch. You can make this in the morning and there is plenty for your breakfast and lunch and you do what is called a Juice fast. Then eat a sensible supper and watch the weight come off.

Our Caldera Greens provide the body a full spectrum of minerals.

Make a Weight Loss SmoothieHere is a list of the main ingredients of Caldera Greens Plain Powders:
25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder
25 percent Barley grass juice powder
25 percent Wheat grass juice powder
10 percent Oat grass juice powder
15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation
Our blue green algae ( Spirulina ) and Sea Vegetation increases the amount of nutrients in the product.

Our greens are grown in the United States on volcanic soil that is loaded with fulvic acid and minerals. People experience the power of using these greens and share that they have more energy all through the day.

Make a Weight Loss SmoothieBecause your body is getting the nutrients straight from the young alfalfa, barley, oat and wheat grass greens, your body is being nourished straight from the earth. Many people eat red meat and that is getting nutrients from an animal that has eaten greens. Skip the animal foods and you will be healthier, never worry about weight, and have more energy and lower your risk of disease.

Caldera Greens are available exclusively from the Whole Wellness Club. You can join the club for free and there are a few options to order the Organic Caldera Greens. The best price is to order the 6 pack. The 3 pack gives you a reduced shipping price over just ordering one canister. Let me know if you want to find out how to get these top quality products for free.

Caldera Greens
Product Code





Hope you have enjoyed reading my Make a Weight Loss Smoothie post. Join the Whole Wellness Club Today and Order Caldera Greens.

Contact Me if you have any questions! Just Click Below!

Create My Own Health Food Store for Free

Welcome to my Whole Wellness Club Call post. Here is the latest recorded conference call held by Whole Wellness Club owner Chuck Dhuey.

Whole Wellness Club CallTake a few minutes and find out why having your own high quality health food store at your fingertips is a very smart financial decision.

Tell Me More

It is smart to have your own small business from home. The US Tax Code encourages people to become entrepreneurs. By operating a small business with the intent to make a profit, you are legally allowed to take advantage of over 200 tax deductions that the average tax payer does not get.

Whole Wellness Club Call shows people how to have a global health food store. Everyone needs the products that the company offers. Each of the products target common health concerns that people face today.


Whole Wellness Club CallThe club started in September of 2007 with VelociTea, a very impressive formulation containing persimmon leaves, malva leaves, milk thistle, marshmallow leaves and blessed thistle. VelociTea is an excellent infusion of specialized detoxifying herbs. These botanicals are a needed pre-requisite to any health protocol.

The world is a toxic place. Every week news reports tell us of how 7 billion people are impacting the environment here on earth.

The air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink are full of toxins. Cleansing the inside of the body is of critical importance to good health.

Whole Wellness Club has many whole food supplement products that help strengthen and nourish the body. There are powerful Organic Caldera Greens, Peak Digestive and Systemic Enzymes, Muscadine Grape, Camucin and other high quality supplements to promote optimum health and longevity.

You can register for free as a Preferred Customer to get the wholesale price on products by going to my site below:

Whole Wellness Club

Contact Me if you have any questions.

Daniel Parsons

Weight Loss Tips

Welcome to my Weight Loss Tips post. Read on to learn how I used simple activities and ideas to lose over 70 pounds in 2000. I have not struggled with my weight since I began putting these activities into my life.

1. Weight Loss is easy when you make behavior changes. Wake up 45 minutes earlier than you normally do. You can always cut out a television program at night or tape it for the next day if you are addicted. You can get to bed 45 minutes to an hour earlier the same day with this simple adjustment.

Weight Loss Tips2. Pour two 16-20 ounce glasses of water. Drink the water first thing in the morning.

3. If you pray, spend 15 minutes with prayer & positive messages to get your day off to a great start.

4. Put on your hiking boots or athletic shoes and head out the door for a brisk walk.

If you live where there is inclement weather, you can adjust your schedule to be at the local mall when it opens and walk there.

We were designed by God to be active. Weight gain happened as people began working sedentary jobs that required little physical activity.

Start moving more by parking far away from the entrance of stores.

Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. This is one of many simple weight loss tips.

Find a pedometer that measures how many steps you take in a day and set goals to get to 10,000 or more steps.

Weight Loss Tips5. Engage in at least a 30 minute brisk walk on a daily basis. Try to get your heart rate up so you are getting some cardiovascular benefits. A little sweat is good for you.

6. If you can afford an inversion table, hang upside down for 10 minutes and read some positive motivational material while inverted. Inversion helps line up your spine. Your spine has all of the nerve endings & having full nerve conductivity is important for your health.

7. Do sit-ups, push-ups, and an exercise ball routine for another 30 minutes. Finish with some great pilates stretches for your hamstrings. I enjoy doing pilates scissors, pilates overhead, the pretzel, child’s pose, cat’s stretch, and down dog as my yoga exercises.

8. Eat a healthy breakfast. I like a warm bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a half of a grapefruit along with a banana for breakfast on weekdays. On weekends, I make the healthy waffles (recipe under my healthy living section on my blog).

9. Drink one half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day. Avoid soda and caffeine.

weight loss tips10. Eat a healthy lunch with a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes. Steam your vegetables to get as many of the nutrients as possible. Avoid animal products because they have fat in them. Avoid snacks and junk food. Eat a light supper as early as possible to help your digestive system process your dinner 3 hours before bed.

11. Weight loss happens as you give your body all the necessary nutrients it needs for good health. This will satisfy your body and you will never feel hungry. Gradual weight loss is the permanent solution. A plant based diet is lower in calories and fat. The exercise will help your body burn off the extra weight.

12. This is the end of my free suggestions for you. The above behavior changes worked for me to shed 70 pounds. I am always happy to help where I can as my passion is medical missionary work which includes introducing people to lifestyle changes that work. I hope you have enjoyed reading my Weight Loss Tips post.

Weight Loss TipsOptional Recommendation: Supplement with Caldera Greens which provides many nutrients and helps keep your appetite down. It is sometimes difficult to find good organic greens. I have been affiliated with a company since 2007 and we offer a powerful product that has many of the essential nutrients the body needs for good health. Find out more about the Greens at my site below:

Caldera Greens

Daniel Parsons

Improved Alli-C

Welcome to my Improved Alli-C post. Help your body’s immune system and fight off viruses and bugs as well as lowering your bad cholesterol with this powerful natural health product.

Improved Alli-CDr. Josling has added an additional 30 mg of Stabilized Allicin to the incredible Alli-C product. Each veggie capsule now has 300 mg of the allicin powder. Alli-C yields 100 percent allicin whereas the typical garlic product in a health food store only yields 4 percent allicin. You get much more value for your money with Alli-C and the testimonials are powerful.

I have used Alli-C since 2005 and I rarely get sick. There have only been 2 days that I can remember when I was not able to do my normal healthy lifestyle routine due to having a bad cold. When I did get sick, I took 3 or 4 of the capsules and felt better the very next day.

A Significant Advancement in the Use of Garlic for Health and Wellness

British Chemist Peter Josling developed a way to stabilize the Allicin molecule derived from Garlic, affecting a quantum leap in garlic’s ability to assist the body in maintaining wellness. Stabilized Allicin helps in the body’s efforts in supporting an abundance of friendly bacteria, and keeping the amount of bad bacteria in check.

Each batch of Alli-C is tested against the staph called MRSA which is so difficult for the medical world to eradicate or treat. If it does not kill the MRSA in the test tube, we don’t sell it.

Improved Alli-CStabilized Allicin also offers the many health benefits of eating fresh garlic multiplied many times over. Peter Josling’s #1 Stabilized Allicin formulation called Alli-C imparts the health benefits of eating 36 cloves of fresh Garlic in a single veggie capsule. It does it all safely without the side effects or odor.

Alli-C contains 300 mg of Stabilized Allicin in each capsule with the addition of 60 mg of food based Vitamin C and 40 mg Citrus Bioflavonoids to synergistically enhance the wellness enhancing power of the Allicin.

Alli-C may be taken for preventive maintenance or to aid the body in healing when out of balance. Among its many areas of healthful benefits are the balancing of blood pressure and cholesterol. It is especially valuable during cold and flu season and has proven in a double-blind study to significantly lessen the onset, intensity, and duration of common colds.

Alli-C is affordable for the masses, with a bottle of 30 capsules retailing for $40. The normal maintenance dosage is one capsule per day, and much higher doses can be administered for therapeutic purposes. It serves both humans and animals equally well.

Alli-C outperforms other Garlic supplements. The only persons who should not use it are children under 3 years of age and those allergic to Garlic. No chemicals are used in the growing of the Garlic or the extraction of the Allicin from fresh Garlic. Alli-C is made and packaged to GMP standards with pharmaceutical grade materials.

Find out more on my Alli-C page. Hope that my Improved Alli-C post has helped you.

Contact Me if you have any questions!


Save On Wellness Products

Welcome to my Save On Wellness Products post. I hope you had a great Christmas season filled with peace, joy, and happiness. The stories of people helping people moved me this year and I pray every day to be able to help someone whether it is through our wellness program or by encouraging someone I run into here where I live.

Save On Wellness ProductsDo you have a resolution to live healthier in 2017? Many people start the year off determined to eat right, lose weight, and give up bad habits. Whole Wellness Club has products designed to help you achieve optimum health and longevity.

Get your wellness package and you can save up to $56 off our wholesale members prices. Read on for the details and the New Year is going to be exciting for sharing wellness with people all over the world.

Toxic World

Save On Wellness Products

Smokestack Spews Toxic Air

Everyday our bodies are exposed to dirty air and water. There are chemicals in the food we eat. Detoxing our body is paramount to long term health. VelociTea is a foundational detox tea that is safe to use daily and effective in cleansing the inside of your body.

The tea cleans the soft tissues of your body including the colon, kidneys, liver and lungs. Nine out of 10 people get a significant result within a couple of days of using the tea. The other products that are available to Whole Wellness club members are designed to help people with specific health concerns like:

  • Blood Sugar
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Lack of Minerals
  • Nutrition

Special Packages

Holiday Wellness Package

Save On Wellness ProductsThis package includes:

2 Packages of VelociTea Detox Tea
1 bottle of Caldera Greens Powders
1 bottle of Camucin
1 bottle of Perfect Grape

The normal wholesale members price on these four products is $155. Save $56 now and get all four high quality products for just $99.

To get the package deal, go to your Whole Wellness Club account. In your back office, click on View All Packages. Scroll down till you see Immune System Package 689. If you are not a member of the Club, you can join for free by clicking my website below:

Join the Whole Wellness Club

Whole Wellness Club is a global and debt free corporation that started helping people with wellness in 2007. The company has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

I appreciate your business. Sharing wellness with the world is exciting to me. Contact me if I can help you in any way! Hope you have enjoyed my Save On Wellness Products post.

Daniel Parsons

Welcome to my Detox Cash Cycler Opens post. The fast moving 2 x 2 cycler is exciting. For those of you that have activated in pre launch, you will be able to see your 2 x 2 cycler.

Come to any of our two weekly business calls and get any questions you may have answered. Here are some highlights:

  • Help people improve their health-many illnesses begin within the digestive system
  • Have an unlimited supply of VelociTea
  • Have a daily income stream between $80 and $140 depending on how many people join you
Detox Cash Cycler Opens

Calls are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 9 pm Central time.

You will always reach either the company owner or me as the Whole Wellness Club is my passion. The products have helped me improve my health.

On Wednesday evenings at 9 pm Central time, we have our weekly Ask Dr. Chappell call where people can get answers to health challenges.

Every Monday at 8 pm Central time, I host a weekly Training Webinar. You can access the training in my Facebook Group. Just ask to join us and I will add you.

Facebook Whole Wellness Club Group

Detox Cash Calls

Detox Cash Cycler OpensIf you want to dial in, here are the phone lines. The conference PIN number is at the bottom of this list of dial in numbers:

030-255-55 57 25 Berlin, Germany

01 70 06 01 38 Paris, France

020 3151 1990 London, United Kingdom

044 551 01 46 Zurich, Switzerland

02 8279 8670 Sydney, Australia

09 971-0619 Auckland, New Zealand

778-300-1942 Vancouver, British Columbia

647-847-8380 Toronto, Ontario

503-205-8988 Portland, Oregon

206-402-0100 Seattle, Washington

enter 530312 # when prompted

You can also join right now and be first in on the cycler:

Detox Cash

How to Duplicate and Cycle

Detox Cash Cycler Opens

The most effective way to build your team in a network is to invite guests to come to a live conference call or webinar. These calls and webinars are known as ‘third party’ events. The presenter is perceived as a knowledgeable person and helps you convert your leads to clients and team members.

It is so important to plug in to the calls because the people that join you will see that they can do the same thing. Everyone can invite people to a call or webinar. It is all about being able to duplicate your effort.

We have been in the home based business industry since 2005 so tap into our experience and begin working on your fortune today.

Join Detox Cash

Start building your solid global business today.

Don’t miss the excitement and the opportunity. Activate your Detox Cash system today. Hope you get as excited about Detox Cash Cycler Opens as I am.
Daniel Parsons