Welcome to my Green Smoothies Are Better Than Starbucks post.  When it comes to buying groceries, people evaluate cost. You can easily afford nutrient dense food that your body needs for good health. Just click on my You Tube video below to learn how.

Benefits of Buying Starbucks

Because I am not a licensed medical professional, I will leave it up to you to do the research about potential health benefits of buying Starbucks coffee. There are so many variables to consider in the research that I did on the popular website Web MD when I searched for health benefits of drinking coffee.

There are documented studies that caffeine will raise your blood pressure as well as blood levels of the fight-or-flight chemical epinephrine, also called adrenaline. Caffeine is a mild diuretic. Decaffeinated coffee has about the same effect on urine production as water.

Both regular and decaffeinated coffee contain acids that can make heartburn worse. Avoiding acidic foods and beverages leads to better health.

Benefits of Buying Caldera Greens

Green Smoothies Are Better Than StarbucksCaldera Greens provides pure juice and whole powder concentrate from fresh young, certified organic, alfalfa, barley, oat, and wheat grass greens grown on volcanic soil rich in minerals and fulvic acid. This fresh juiced grass formulation provides one of the most balanced nutrient profiles of all greens products available on the market. It is naturally rich in active food enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, glycosylisovitexin, minerals, phytonutrients, plant proteins and vitamins.

Our organic ingredients are abundant in chlorophyll, naturally alkaline, juiced and dried within five hours of harvest at an average temperature of 88 degrees farenheit. Our amazing proprietary drying process concentrates live whole foods and fresh, raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting juice powders for the ultimate in all natural convenient nutrition.

Green Smoothies Are Better Than StarbucksThe biggest benefit of drinking Caldera Greens in a tropical frozen fruit smoothie or just a glass of water if you prefer is you will get natural energy that lasts all day. You will not be hyped up from the caffeine in coffee. Your body also will have all of the nutrients it needs to help you live a vibrant life.
I have a more detailed page about our product below:

Caldera Greens

Green Smoothies Are Better Than Starbucks

Comparing the Cost

Recently I bought a decaffeinated herbal tea at Starbucks. The cost was almost $2.50. If you bought this tea every morning at Starbucks, you would spend $77.50 in a 31 day month or $75 in a 30 day month.

You can purchase Caldera Greens at our retail price for $46 and have it shipped to your home for $5.77 if you order the greens each month for a total cost of under $52. You end up with $23 each month that you can use to take better care of yourself.

I hope you have enjoyed my article about Green Smoothies Are Better Than Starbucks. I have introduced a simple concept of transfer buying. You just take money you now spend on one item and shift your spending to a better for you product.

Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any questions.

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee

Are you Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee? Just heard that Starbucks is raising the price of coffee in many of its stores on a business program. Do you spend $2 or more on a coffee at a shop or espresso drive through? Did you know that caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in the world? Do you want a healthier alternative?

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks CoffeeCaldera Greens is a powerful organic greens product that gives your body dense nutrition with an abundance of enzymes, folic acid, minerals, and vitamins. There is a natural energy boost without the stimulants from the caffeine in coffee. You can have steady energy throughout the day with 2 teaspoons of Caldera Greens. The cost to get a canister shipping included is about $1.77 per day.

Caldera Greens provides pure juice and whole powder concentrate from fresh young, certified organic, alfalfa, barley, oat, and wheat grass greens grown on volcanic soil rich in minerals and fulvic acid. This fresh juiced grass formulation provides one of the most balanced nutrient profiles of all greens products available on the market. It is naturally rich in active food enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, glycosylisovitexin, minerals, phytonutrients, plant proteins and vitamins.

Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks CoffeeOur organic ingredients are abundant in chlorophyll, naturally alkaline, juiced and dried within five hours of harvest at an average temperature of 88 degrees farenheit. Our amazing proprietary drying process concentrates live whole foods and fresh, raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting juice powders for the ultimate in all natural convenient nutrition.

You can spend less money each day and get plenty of natural energy from nutrient dense whole food plants. Your body will notice the difference and you will also sleep better by getting off caffeine which is a drug.

Hope you have enjoyed reading my Tired of the Rising Cost of Starbucks Coffee post. Find out more about how these organic greens are harvested with all the enzymes and nutrients in tact from a farm in Utah on my website here:

Organic Greens

Romans 7 Study of the Law

Welcome to my post about Romans 7 Study of the Law. Most of Christianity has different ideas about the fourth commandment. That is the only one that says Remember and of course Jesus is the only human ever that has fulfilled God’s Eternal 10 Promises ( commandments ) without sin.
Romans 7 Study of the LawThis quarter, we have been studying the Gospel in Romans. I think what the author says on Sunday’s study is so true.
Dead to the Law
Read Romans 7:1–6. What illustration does Paul use here in order to show his readers their relationship to the law, and what point is he making with that illustration?
Paul’s illustration in Romans 7:1–6 is somewhat involved, but a careful analysis of the passage will help us to follow his reasoning.
In the overall context of the letter, Paul was dealing with the system of worship established at Sinai; that is often what he means by the word law.
The Jews had difficulty grasping the fact that this system, given to them of God, should end with the coming of the Messiah. This is what Paul was dealing with—Jewish believers still not ready to abandon what had been such an important part of their lives.
In essence, Paul’s illustration is as follows: a woman is married to a man. The law binds her to him as long as he lives. During his lifetime she cannot consort with other men. But when he dies, she is free from the law that bound her to him (Rom. 7:3).
How does Paul apply the illustration of the law of marriage to the system of Judaism? Rom. 7:4, 5.
Romans 7 Study of the LawAs the death of her husband delivers the woman from the law of her husband, so the death of the old life in the flesh, through Jesus Christ, delivers the Jews from the law they had been expected to keep until the Messiah fulfilled its types.
Now the Jews were free to “remarry.” They were invited to marry the risen Messiah and thus bring forth fruit to God. This illustration was one more device Paul used to convince the Jews that they were now free to abandon the ancient system. Research the history of the early Christian church and study the Book of Acts in your Bible to better understand the truth for yourself.
Romans 7 Study of the Law


Which day of the week is the biblical Sabbath? Many are confused over the issue, but such confusion is unnecessary. Not only is the answer plain from history and the Bible, it is also clear from the names for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, in many languages.

For example, the Spanish word for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is sabado— the same word for “Sabbath.” In fact, in more than 100 ancient and modern languages the seventh day of the week was named “Sabbath” or its equivalent.

Following is a list of names for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, in 24 languages in which the root word Sabbath is still easily recognizable.

Such widespread use of forms of the word Sabbath for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is clear evidence that speakers of these languages understood which day is the Sabbath.
Likewise, the fact that in no language do we see “Sabbath” similarly linked with Sunday, the first day of the week, is an obvious confirmation that this day never was considered the biblical Sabbath until later religious leaders tried to substitute Sunday for the true Sabbath day.

Arabic: Sabet
Armenian: Shabat
Bosnian: Subota
Bulgarian: Sabota
Corsican: Sàbatu
Croatian: Subota
Czech: Sobota
Georgian: Sabati
Greek: Savvato
Hebrew: Shabbat
Indonesian: Sabtu
Italian: Sabato
Latin: Sabbatum
Maltese: is-Sibt
Polish: Sobota
Portuguese: Sábado
Romanian: Sambata
Russian: Subbota
Serbian: Subota
Slovak: Sobota
Slovene: Sobota
Somali: Sabti
Spanish: Sabado
Sudanese: Saptu
Ukranian: Subota

Again, given all else that Paul and the Bible say about obedience to the Ten Commandments, it doesn’t make sense to assert here that Paul was telling these Jewish believers that the Ten Commandments were no longer binding. Those who use these texts to try to make that point—that the moral law was done away with—really don’t want to make that point anyway; what they really want to say is that only the seventh-day Sabbath is gone—not the rest of the law. To interpret Romans 7:4, 5 as teaching that the fourth commandment has been abolished or superseded or replaced with Sunday is to give them a meaning that the words were never intended to have.
Romans 7 Study of the LawDid you know that Denominationalism is how the Lutherans failed to adopt any new Bible truths that further reformers discovered ?
When Calvin, Wesley, and Smyth came along with new truths, the Lutherans did not join the new denominations because they said that Luther did not teach that.
I have a blog post detailing all of the new truths like Baptism by immersion, state of our souls at death, etc.

Bible Truth Restored

Sunday observance was foretold in Daniel 7:25
He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times and law.
Then the saints shall be given into his hand
For a time and times and half a time.
He in this text refers to the Papal System that teaches traditions of man instead of what is in God’s Holy Bible.
Jesus specifically warns against this:
Mark 7:9  He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.
Only 8 people got on Noah’s Ark.
Romans 7 Study of the LawSunday is a Catholic tradition that came into the early Christian church in the year 321. It was a pagan holiday of sun worship.
I let Jesus be my Guide. Because He said in scriptures:
 Matthew 12:8  I am the Lord of the Sabbath.
 John 14:15    If you love me, Keep my Commandments
I feel that you can never go wrong following Jesus Christ and model His Behavior. He kept His Father’s Sabbath Holy. He even rested in the tomb on Sabbath.
SabbathTruth is a whole history series presented by the actor Hal Holbrook of how God has always had a faithful people that followed the Bible and not the pagan celebrations that the Catholic church adopted. St. Patrick of Ireland and the people he evangelized were Sabbath keepers.
Now there are exceptions of course. Even the Seventh-day Adventist hospitals have to have medical staff on duty to care for people that are in dire medical issues. Those staff that have to work on Sabbaths usually are given other Sabbaths off each month.
Because I am able, I always shut down on Friday and it is so wonderful to light a Sabbath candle, leave my computers, business, and worries behind and REMEMBER the special Date that God has for me each week. HE Is my Creator and Redeemer. It is holy and sanctified time and I have been able to really grow in my walk with Jesus by keeping it Holy as best as my sinful human nature can. Hope you have enjoyed reading my Romans 7 Study of the Law post.

Caldera Greens from the Whole Wellness Club

Welcome to my Caldera Greens from the Whole Wellness Club post.  Whole Wellness Club ( WWC ) is the world’s leading provider of the highest quality whole food supplements. Our product known as Caldera Greens has been evaluated for a ORAC score.

Caldera Greens from the Whole Wellness ClubAccording to Wikipedia, ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. Nutritional research has proven that antioxidants provide an incredible health benefit to the human body.

The independent lab has reported to WWC that the ORAC score is 389 per gram. The suggested serving size will be 8 grams. People will notice the energy that they will have from using this organic whole food supplement.

Our Caldera Greens come from organically grown plants. The amount is outlined here:

25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder
25 percent Barley grass juice powder
25 percent Wheat grass juice powder
10 percent Oat grass juice powder
15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation

Caldera Greens from the Whole Wellness ClubThe crops are grown on a caldera which is a convex volcanic crater in Utah. The land is rich in fulvic acid. The crops are harvested within 5 hours and the fiber is removed and the juice is extracted. The juice is then dropped into 100 foot tall dryers that never exceed 88 degrees fahrenheit. Keeping the temperature under 88 degrees ensures that the live food enzymes present are in tact. Within 30 seconds, the water is removed and then powder is created.

Here are some of the benefits you will receive when you use Caldera Greens:

  • Acts as a Free Radical Scavenger Reducing Amount of Free Radicals In Blood
  • Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels
  • Helps In Cell DNA Repair
  • Helps to Alkalize the Body
  • Helps In Improving Skin Health
  • Helps to Stimulate Weight Loss

Hope you have enjoyed learning from my Caldera Greens from the Whole Wellness Club post. There are several options for people who want to experience this powerful nutrient dense food in their daily diet.

If you just want to order one Canister of the Caldera Greens, I have a secure merchant account using the Square Ecommerce Platform.

Order Caldera Greens

You can join the Whole Wellness Club for free as a customer and order the Greens at the Wholesale Price. Just go to my website here and call if you have any questions. My phone number is on the website below.

Whole Wellness Club

Daniel Parsons

Welcome to my Caldera Greens Testimonials post. Do you want more energy from a mineral rich whole food product? Caldera Greens can give you abundant energy while helping your body detox.

Wendy is a good friend of mine. We went to California recently so she could spend some time with her family. We were able to include a fun day at Knotts Berry Farm on a warm day.

We were in California for four days and Wendy was constantly on the go taking care of members of her family. I may have to start calling her the Energizer Bunny when we are out hiking in the Cascades of Oregon and Washington State.

Listen to the testimonials from this recent 20 minute recording done on the Whole Wellness Club conference line:


Hear are several short Caldera Greens Testimonials.

Caldera Greens Testimonials*Ann shared that she has had chronic fatigue and is feeling like the ‘energizer bunny’.
*George stated he has been in the nutritional product business for 30 years and has never had as powerful a result from a product as Caldera Greens.
*Byron shared that he is excited and has noticed a rapid result from using Caldera Greens.
*Shane has seen his energy level rise rapidly and he is doing twice as much exercise each day. He also noticed he is not eating as much on the greens.
*A friend of Shane’s has had some health difficulties recently and was able to work for 2 hours straight in the garden without getting tired.
*Daniel, that’s me, has noticed abundant energy throughout the day. I do not take any caffeine so I know the energy increase is a direct result of using Caldera Greens.

Caldera Greens TestimonialsWhat make the Caldera Greens so special ? The alfalfa, barley, oat, and wheat grass greens are grown in volcanic soil in Utah. The products also contains some sea vegetation so you notice a natural energy surge when you try our Organic Greens.

You can join the Whole Wellness Club for free and order Caldera Greens by going to my secure website here:

Caldera Greens

Testimony Maker Package

Welcome to my Testimony Maker Package blog post. Are you where you want to be financially right now? Are you as healthy as you want to be? If you answered no to either question, read this post and see how you can take action on improving your health and finances!

I am sure you have heard the statement made famous by Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor : “You can never be too rich or too thin!”

Testimony Maker PackageThe baby boom generation is retiring in record numbers each and every day. The most important issues with these retiring people is having their health and enough income.

Whole Wellness Club is a perfect solution for helping those people and anyone else that is looking for a solution to common problems in our society today.

The Club is a global business based in Wisconsin and has been debt free since the first day the company started shipping detox tea to customers in June 2007. The Better Business Bureau seal is on the corporate website. Thousands of people have improved their health and have earned anywhere from $100 extra each month up to thousands of dollars in monthly income.

In 2011, the company introduced the Testimony Maker package. The package is a loss leader and is offered by the company to help people introduce others to the company.

The package includes all of the Whole Wellness Club consumable whole food products. The package is only offered the very first time a person orders from the Club. It is known as a one time offer.

Here are the products offered in the package:

Testimony Maker PackageCaldera Greens Capsules

Cinnamon Six

Coral Complex 3

Peak Enzymes ( Digestive + Systemic )

Perfect Grape


The reason the company called this package the Testimony Maker is anyone that uses the products as directed will notice a large improvement in their health and energy level.

The detox tea will clean the digestive tract and all of the organs of the body. The Caldera Greens will also assist in cleansing and give people abundant energy (without caffeine ) from the nutrition. The Cinnamon Six will balance the blood sugar level in the body.

The minerals will make sure your body is getting the proper balance of minerals that our food no longer has. The enzymes will help your digestive system break down the nutrition in your food and the systemic enzymes will remove plaque from arteries and relieve inflammation as well as strengthen the immune system.

The Perfect Grape will help slow down the aging process with Resveratrol, Quercitin, and Ellagic Acid. Many studies have been done that show the Muscadine Grape has helped people with cancer, diabetes and other health challenges.

The package is available to new people registering in the Whole Wellness Club only. You save $77 off the wholesale price of $276 for the package and pay only $199. The one time offer will never appear again so don’t miss out on improving your health and experiencing a powerful testimony.

You now have something to talk about and can share with people that you know and meet everyday! This unlocks the powerful pay plan and the company will pay you for each person you refer to the Testimony Maker Package!

Did you know that over 35 million people have a home based business? We have found that the best business to have now is one that earns residual income.

When you have a product that gives people a significant result, the customer will want that product again the next month and your business earns residual income each and every month after that first sale has been made.

The pay plan with the Whole Wellness Club is based on 40 years of experience that the owners have as entrepreneurs in the home based business industry.

You only need to share the company with 2 people and encourage them to find 2 people that want to create a better life also.

The Club does not make earning money difficult. The company pays out over 58 percent of the revenue back to the field. The Simplicity Pay Plan is a unilevel that has 6 levels with dynamic compression.

Use the marketing calls that are held two times a week to invite your guests and let the company owner explain why the Club is the place to roll up your sleeves and create a powerful and secure future.

Testimony Maker PackageThere are members in the Club from many different nations of the world. People in Africa that have had to live off $300 of income per month are now earning $1,000 per month or more. This opportunity is making a large difference in these members lives.

There is a large group in Russia as well. Free enterprise has taken hold in Russia and the people are taking the opportunity and creating powerful businesses from home.

You also begin building your Simplicity Pay unilevel that unlocks residual income for you. This structure is incredible as you can earn large incomes that people dream about. You can find out all of the details about the income plan on the website provided below.

Get your package by going to my secure site below now:

Rush Me the Testimony Maker Package!

I appreciate your business and want you to know I am available anytime you have a question about our products or the opportunity to earn additional income.

Contact Me with any questions you may have.

Whole Wellness Club Blitz Calls

Welcome to our Whole Wellness Club Blitz Calls…We are a team of professionals joined together to build a network of successful home based entrepreneurs.

My name is Daniel, I am a Founding Member with The Whole Wellness Club.

The Whole Wellness Club is a company where members can purchase and receive their products wholesale, receive their products for free and they can earn commissions if they chose to……………..We are a Global company that started in 2007.

Whole Wellness Club Blitz CallsI have been with this company since 2007 and earning a significant monthly income and I’m very excited for you…because this is a very special company that truly cares about the distributors and adds value to lives.

Anyone with the desire for a successful business from home can do it with this company.

I commend you for taking a step and listening in for a few minutes for a brief overview about our company and what it can do for you, your health and your financial situation.

First of all…. I want to say we are a company formed by distributors and for the distributors. We are a down to earth and no hype company.

The owner is Chuck Dhuey, an experienced network marketer. Chuck took all the negative things he experienced over the years and created a positive, honest company with integrity……a pay plan that pays out a true 60% back to distributors…. and products that are of top quality and that really work….

Chuck Dhuey always states…”there are numerous companies out there that have products that are just an excuse for a pay plan.”…………………………………

Well…The Whole Wellness Club will not do that. We will only carry real products with value for the members…..we are on a mission to optimize your overall well being…to change lives with health and wealth.

We have a highly accredited team of experts that host our product calls including several Doctors.

Dr James Chappell as a company spokesperson and formulator of Coral Complex 3 and Cinnamon 6. Dr. Chappell is a modern day naturopath who brings us tons of expert knowledge of naturopathic remedies. He has a PhD in clinical nutrition, is a doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy, and a certified medical herbalist. He has been practicing since 1971.

Coral Complex 3 is a quality Bio-Available Coral Calcium with 72 Trace Minerals and Vitamin D3 which also assists the body into Alkaline Balance.

Cinnamon 6 is a special formulation that regulates blood sugar levels…a must for everyone especially Diabetics. It has helped many with low and high blood sugar.

In 2009, we were very excited to team up with Troy Aupperle……Troy Aupperle is the founder and CEO of Enzymology Research Center, Inc. and has established himself as one of the industry’s leading enzyme authorities. He has presented his enzyme seminars in six different countries and has been quoted in every major nutrition publication.

His digestive and systemic enzymes…Peak With and Peak Without are the best and highest quality available on the market. If you eat cooked food you need to supplement with these enzymes.

The Whole Wellness Club has a genuine desire to create more stay-at-home, self-employment income than any company in network marketing history.

We Have Real Products & Real Compensation

Whole Wellness Club Blitz CallsWe provide you with a compensation plan that is designed with the average network marketer in mind. Our system motivates and enables each one of our members to have a realistic potential to earn a stay-at-home monthly income of up to $5000 or more. This begins by accomplishing the small do-able task of sponsoring two or more people. The system encourages duplication of all our efforts. It creates the kind of group effort you’ve been looking for.

Our products and marketing system make sponsoring two or more people simple and easy. A minimum $40 CV purchase qualifies your position in the unilevel….….No sign up fee or expensive kit to buy….AND you never have to spend more on products unless it benefits you.

Each member gets several free self replicating web sites for wholesale and retail customers and you always have full control of your business in your back office.

You do not have to be on autoship but autoship orders receive discounted shipping.

Whole Wellness Club Blitz CallsThe compensation plan is phenomenal…no other like it out there… Simplicity Pay Plan is a Unilevel that pays out on 6 levels….and you are well on your way to several hundred dollars a month…then on to $1000 and then $5000 and more.

You earn 30% on Preferred Customer purchases.

It’s a fact that that most bankruptcies could be prevented with an extra $300 income per month.

Whole Wellness Club Blitz CallsYou came to this call for a reason…You want to make money and we have the solution………If you are serious about earning additional income or if you would like to create a full time income. I’m very confident that The Whole Wellness Club can help you achieve your dreams of financial security while improving your health…with their top quality products along with a powerful and amazing compensation plan.

By joining us you actually own your very own virtual online health food store without all the traditional expenses.

If what you just heard interests you….. or for more detailed information I encourage you to get back to the person who invited you right away.

Get back to the person who invited you here and let them help you get on one of the business opportunity calls…… answer your questions and assist you with your next step of joining us. You will have our team support.

Don’t Delay…..let us show you how to make $1000 a month. Come to our next Whole Wellness Club Blitz Calls to learn more. To support your efforts at building a business, there are two company calls each week. Come to the training on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn more.

11 pm Atlantic
10 pm Eastern
9 pm Central
8 pm Mountain
7 pm Pacific
6 pm Alaska
5 pm Hawaii

Here are some phone lines you can use to attend our Conference Calls.

Atlanta 404-439-0092
Boston 617-603-1070
Calgary 587-887-1680
Denver 303-222-9727
Edmonton 780-851-2680
Halifax 902-982-3301
Miami 305-507-0364
Montreal 438-238-1980
New York 929-223-3001
Houston 713-401-1502
Portland 503-205-8988
San Francisco 415-633-4267
Seattle 206-402-0100
Toronto 647-847-8380
Vancouver 360-952-3089

Enter 530312 # when prompted to access the call.

Thank you for your interest…..I look forward to working with you on our Whole Wellness Club Blitz Calls….. and have a wonderful day.

Daniel Parsons

Results from Using Negative Ion Water

Welcome to my post where I share Results from Using Negative Ion Water product and the business opportunity. The following extract is from two doctors that observed patients results from being treated by an alkaline negative ionic charged water.

Clinical Improvements Obtained from the Intake of Reduced Water

Extracts from “Presentation At the Eight Annual International Symposium On Man and His Environment in Health and Disease” on February 24th 1990, at the Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA  by Dr. H. Hayashi, M.D. and Dr. M. Kawamura, M.D.

Results from Using Negative Ion WaterThis study was published in the Book: “The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water” written by Bob McCauley. The book subtitle is: “The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance”. Here are the results of the study and words of Dr. Hayashi, M. D. and Dr. Kawamura, M. D.

Since the introduction of alkaline ionic water in our clinic in 1985, we have had the following interesting clinical experiences in the use of this type of water.

By the use of alkaline ionic water for drinking and the preparation of meals for our patients, we have noticed:

* Declines in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
* Improvements in peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.
* Declines in uric acid levels in patients with gout.
* Improvements in liver function exams in hepatic disorders.
* Improvements in gastroduodenal ulcer and prevention of their recurrences.
* Improvements in hypertension and hypotension.
* Improvements in persistent diarrhea which occurred after gastrectomy.
* Quicker improvements in post operative bower paralysis.
* Improvements in serum bilirubin levels in new born babies.
* Improvements in allergic disorders such as asthma, urticaria, thinites and atopic dermatitis.

Being confirming clinical improvements, we have always observed changes of stools of the patients, with the color of their feces changing from black-brown color to a brighter yellow-brown one, and the odor of their feces becoming almost negligible.

The number of patients complaining of constipation also decreased markedly. The change of stool findings strongly suggests that alkaline ionic water intake can decrease the production of putrefied or pathogenic metabolites.

Would you like to learn more about Negative Ion Charged Water ?

You can find out more on my Real Balance Web Site below:

Get Real Balance

I hope you enjoyed reading my Results from Using Negative Ion Water post.

Daniel Parsons

You can contact me directly if you have questions or comments on my

Contact Page

Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity

Welcome to my Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity post where I share a powerful home based business that has tangible whole food products that give people results in just 1 day. Are you looking for a way to earn income from home?

Are you under employed? Are you tired of not having job security?

Are you ready to fire your boss? Have you been outsourced?

Opportunity Knocks! Are you going to take action or just keep getting disappointed?

Whole Wellness Club Business OpportunityThere is a powerful opportunity right here in the United States of America with a business established in 2007. Whole Wellness Club has been endorsed by the Better Business Bureau as having met all the standards of that organization.

Make sure you investigate all opportunities that are presented to you. The act of due diligence will help you find the right opportunity and you will be able to share the business model with other people. Being able to go to sleep every night realizing I have shared a reputable and respected company is the only way to live.

Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity

The Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity is global and has seen incredible growth overseas in Africa, Europe, and Russia. People in Africa that have been living off of $400 a month have created another income stream that is changing their lives. Some of the largest distributors in the company live in Russia. North America is a huge market that allows for people from all different backgrounds to grow an income with the Club.

Here are some of the keys to finding a good business to work from a home office:

1) Does the company charge to join as a Member or have an annual fee for being a distributor? Is there a yearly website fee? Whole Wellness Club charges no hidden fees and you can join the company for free and begin earning commissions within 15 minutes of establishing your member account.

2) Does the company have products or services that are in demand? Will people order the products and services over and over again thereby setting up residual income similar to income earned by cable companies, insurance agents, and telephone companies? Yes, people in my organization have ordered products since joining my team in 2007. I still earn residual income from the very first sales I made back in 2007. Our products give people remarkable and noticeable results.

3) Is there a barrier to earning income with the opportunity? Whole Wellness Club has set up the narrowest matrix to allow average people to earn income in a simple 2 x 4 matrix. You only need to sponsor 2 active members to earn income in your matrix. The matrix keeps expanding as you fill it.

People that have never earned money in network marketing are earning anywhere from $100 to over $5,000 in the Club. Many people are just happy to earn enough to get their products for free. Many companies cannot make the claim that their distributors or affiliates are getting their products for free.

You can also build a large customer base of Preferred Customers and never work the Network Marketing side of the business in the Whole Wellness Club. Go out and over time establish 50 and then 100 customers and earn 20 percent of their monthly business volume. Once you have a customer base of 500 customers, you will have a large monthly commission payment coming into your account. You have a natural health foods product business and you have the advantage of not having to pay for warehousing products or leasing a storefront. The company will drop ship products for you.

4) Does the company ask for your Social Security number or federal EIN number before you have earned any income? NO. The owners of the Club are only required to submit W9 or 1099 Independent Contractor forms to the IRS if you have over $600 in earnings.

5) Is the opportunity a here today and gone tomorrow program? NO. We started in 2007 with a detox tea. The company added a complete minerals product in 2008 and then a product to bring down blood sugar levels came in 2009. In October 2009, the highest quality enzymes were introduced and the Peak Digestive and Systemic Enzymes are the best available enzymes on the market today.

Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity

At the company convention in Santa Barbara, California in October 2010, the company launched Caldera Greens. The organic greens are grown in Utah in soil that is rich in fulvic acid and minerals.

Dial 209-647-1636 to hear 5 testimonials about our Caldera Greens product and you will hear how effective the products are in improving people’s health and well being.

Avazzia bio feedback electric stimulation devices were introduced in 2010. Space age technology is now available to help people manage pain. Two of the Avazzia devices have been FDA approved for pain relief. The other devices are excellent tools to manage discomfort in our aging society.

6) Does the company pay commissions on time? Yes, members are given notice of their monthly earnings by the 3rd day of the month and members that have the Global Cash Card debit card are paid by the 10th day of the month. The company treats distributors in the field very well. The company owner answers questions on weekly conference calls. The sponsors in the company are actively working with their teams to help them as they are able.

Whole Wellness Club Business OpportunityAs with any opportunity, your success depends on your efforts. If you follow the simple process of inviting people to the 2 business calls held each week, you can build a solid business without marketing on the internet.

If you prefer internet marketing, there are sponsors like me that are more than happy to show you how I work the business online and offline. Come to our Tuesday and Thursday night business call at 22:00 ( 10:00 pm ) Eastern time.

Here are some phone lines you can use to attend our conference calls.

Atlanta 404-439-0092
Boston 617-603-1070
Miami 305-507-0364
Houston 713-401-1502
San Francisco 415-633-4267
Seattle 206-402-0100
Vancouver 360-952-3089
Enter 530312 # when prompted to access the call.

You can dial this number 24 hours a day to hear the 24 day challenge call: 760-569-6898 or listen online below:

24 Days to a Solid Business Income

After you have listened to the above recorded calls and decided that you want to build a profitable income earning asset in the Whole Wellness Club Business Opportunity, go to my website and research the opportunity page.

Tell Me More About the Club

Daniel Parsons

Founding Member

360-383-0265 Pacific Weekdays

Whole Wellness Club Calls

Join Whole Wellness Club Calls with owner Chuck Dhuey each week to learn why having a home based business is the key to unlocking a stay at home income for you. Chuck has raised 8 children while working in the network marketing industry. He is one of the moderators and explains all of the powerful features of the company.

Whole Wellness Club CallsChuck shares that all you need is to find two people that want to have better health and income. Become a professional inviter and let the owners help you sign up new people into the company and grow your business.

Did you know that an extra $300 a month added to a family’s budget would prevent most bankruptcies from happening?

Having your own home based business in the whole food products business is smart. You get over 200 tax benefits by having a home based business. Whole Wellness Club Calls will teach you skills that will help you in your professional life.

In 2005, my career job ended due to outsourcing. I turned to the direct sales industry and learned valuable skills that have helped me grow ever since. By taking action, you unlock an unlimited future. I teach my team all of the skills that I have learned.

When we invite people to a Whole Wellness Club conference call, we are allowing the company owner to explain the business. Chuck Dhuey is very knowledgeable about products and the income plan. He designed the Simplicity Pay Plan so anyone can understand the simple pay structure.

To support your efforts at building a business, there are two company calls each week. Come to the training on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn more.

11 pm Atlantic
10 pm Eastern
9 pm Central
8 pm Mountain
7 pm Pacific
6 pm Alaska
5 pm Hawaii

Here are some phone lines you can use to attend our conference calls.

Atlanta 404-439-0092
Boston 617-603-1070
Calgary 587-887-1680
Denver 303-222-9727
Edmonton 780-851-2680
Halifax 902-982-3301
Miami 305-507-0364
Montreal 438-238-1980
New York 929-223-3001
Houston 713-401-1502
Portland 503-205-8988
San Francisco 415-633-4267
Seattle 206-402-0100
Toronto 647-847-8380
Vancouver 360-952-3089

Enter 530312 # when prompted to access the call.

WWC Conference Calls All Times Are Eastern
Day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Time 10pm 10pm 10pm




Whole Wellness Club CallsThe Wednesday evening call is the weekly Know Your Options calls with Dr. James Chappell. Bring your health concerns to Dr. Jim. He has been practicing Natural Healing since 1971.

Invite people you know to the calls and watch your business grow. You can learn more about our products and the easy to understand pay plan by going to my Whole Wellness Club corporate website that is below.

Whole Wellness Club

Daniel Parsons


Solar Eclipse 2017

Welcome to my blog. Today’s post is about the recent Solar Eclipse 2017 that I was blessed to experience in Silverton, Oregon. As Eclipse Week Comes to a Close Today, I Am Reflecting Back About the Power of God. In an instant, my friend Wendy and I were in total darkness when the total eclipse happened.

Solar Eclipse 2017Then after 100 seconds, in an instant, there was light again. In Genesis 1:14:19, we find the power of God in the fourth day of Creation Week.

14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Solar Eclipse 2017God is so powerful that my finite human mind cannot begin to understand the Infinite Power of God.

God has revealed Himself to me in so many ways this week beyond just the lesson in Astronomy. Science is wonderful. Science changes everyday. God is eternal and in the Holy Bible in Malachi 3:6, scripture reveals: “For I am the Lord, I do not change”.

Do you have trouble with the God Concept? May I suggest you ask God to reveal Himself to you in the next 7 days?

Ask God to show Himself to you in:

1. Nature
2. Prayer
3. Bible Study

I do sincerely hope you have enjoyed my post about Solar Eclipse 2017. Send me a Private Message if I can help you on your spiritual walk.


How to Make $10,000 a Month

Welcome to my post where I show people How to Make $10,000 a Month. Smart people build networks. Network marketing is the best distribution model. Anyone with $200 can get their own business started and learn the secrets that will set you free for the rest of your life. It takes work.

How to Make $10,000 a monthNetwork marketing has been the best distribution model for companies to market their products for almost 100 years now. Network marketing is a legal business. It is not a pyramid scheme because you are sharing a tangible product.

Right now I recommend sharing the Real Water Concentrate as everyone on the planet needs to have healthy water for their health. You are marketing a product that people can actually go and buy a 1 liter bottle right now in many grocery stores.

I started working in the direct sales and network marketing industry in 2005. I have learned what works and what does not work. You get the benefit of my experience when you join my team.

Here are the steps to follow to be successful:

  1. Start Each Day With Positive Thoughts & Visualize a Productive Day
  2. Interact with 10 People Each Work Day to Start Your Network
  3. Be a Product of the Product
  4. Attend Weekly Training Webinars, Calls, and Seminars
  5. Follow Up

For me to be successful, I had to change the way I thought. If someone I contacted told me NO, I do not want to join the company you are sharing, I took it personally when I first started in the business. Over time, I learned that a NO means 3 things:

  1. Not right now
  2. No, I do not understand the business and need more information
  3. No, I am just not interested in that product or service

The things that I teach my team work well. All you need is $100 to get your business started by purchasing the Real Water Concentrate product and join as a Brand Partner. You can upgrade to be a Leader once you understand the business and the income plan.

Watch the Videos on my site and contact me with any questions you may have about How to Make $10,000 a Month.

Get Real Balance Business


Muscadine Grape Seed

Welcome to my Muscadine Grape Seed post where I share about a powerful whole food supplement. Nature has supplied man with powerful natural foods that have medicinal properties. Read on and watch the video below to learn how you can slow down the aging process and help your body fight common health challenges that people have today.

The Perfect Grape is a powerful whole food supplement, made from the Seed, Skin and Pulp of Muscadine Grapes. These grapes are grown in the humid conditions of the southeastern part of the United States of America.

muscadine grape seedWith its high levels of Resveratrol and other antioxidants, The Perfect Grape has been shown to help promote superior health by fighting against the effects of Free Radicals.

The benefits of using the whole Muscadine Grape Seed Skin and Pulp product in relation to heart disease, cholesterol, pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, inflammation, arthritis, gastrointestinal health and longevity is amazing.

The Perfect Grape is Exclusive to the Whole Wellness Club and is the first product in our “Natures Force” Supplement line. The Perfect Grape is the highest quality Whole Muscadine Grape Supplement on the market.

Many people drink wine so they can get the health benefits and antioxidants that some studies claim people get. I prefer not putting alcohol into my body. It is simple to just take a veggie capsule of the Muscadine Grape Seed Skin and Pulp product with my breakfast and supper meals.

There are several options to purchase the Perfect Grape product. I do have the Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Skin and Pulp product listed on Amazon but it is expensive on that platform due to the high seller fees incurred.

You can buy just one bottle from my Square Market Place store or you can contact me to get a wholesale price on 3 or 6 bottles.

Contact Daniel Parsons


What Day Is the Sabbath

Welcome to my Bible Study about What Day Is the Sabbath post. For over 4,300 years, man kept God’s Sabbath as it is described in the Holy Bible. Sabbath was established at the end of Creation Week and was the first thing Adam experienced. Read Genesis 1 and 2.

What Day Is the SabbathJesus kept the Sabbath. HE kept it even on the Cross when HE died for my sins. HE rested in the tomb on the Sabbath and was resurrected on the first day of the week. I have never found a single verse in the Bible that says we should keep Sunday holy because of HIS Resurrection.

When Jesus gave the New Covenant to His Disciples in the Upper Room on Thursday night, it was sealed when HE died on Good Friday.

If you have ever had party to a will, no one can change the will once the testator is deceased. So in order for Sunday to be the new Holy Day, Jesus would have said something to His Disciples.

Do a thorough study of the Book of Acts and you will come across many references to Paul being asked to return to the Synagogue on the Next Sabbath to preach to the Gentiles.

Andrews Study BibleThere has never been a problem with God’s Word the way it reads. Man has taken scriptures and formed tens of thousands of different faith organizations from one Bible. Several people over the years have made a comment to me about is it important What Day is the Sabbath. I chose to follow Jesus’s example myself.

If you come up with teachings that better reflect what the Bible says than the 28 fundamental Bible teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church, I am open to a conversation with you.

Mark 2:27-28
And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 28 Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”

Pagan sun worship crept into the church during the reign of Constantine from 306 to 337, Sunday worship began and Christianity was decriminalized. A decree in the Catechism of the Catholic church acknowledges that Saturday, the seventh-day is the Sabbath day. The Catholic church says it has the power to change God’s Holy Day from the seventh-day Sabbath of Creation to the first day of the week which is Sunday.

In the Bible, Isaiah 66:21-23 says:
I will also take some of them for priests and Levites,” says the Lord.
“For as the new heavens and the new earth
Which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the Lord,
“So shall your descendants and your name remain.
And it shall come to pass
That from one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,
All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the Lord.

What Day Is the SabbathFaithful people ( not just the Jews ) for the first 4,300 years of life on earth have kept the one commandment in the Bible that says: “Remember’. Exodus 20:8-11

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

When Jesus comes to take the Righteous Living & Righteous Dead to heaven with Him ( see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ) man will once again keep God’s Sabbath Day.

what day is the Sabbath dayJohn 14:15
If you love Me, keep My commandments.

I do not think following Jesus’s example in the Bible is Legalism. I think it is more about Loyalty.

There are eight first-day ( Sunday ) texts in the Bible but none of them say a word about worship on Sunday. Contact me via personal message for those scriptures.

Want to learn more ? Hal Holbrook has a wonderful series about what day the Sabbath is and does it really matter what day is Holy. Sabbath Truth

Hope you have enjoyed reading my What Day is the Sabbath Day post.

Welcome to my What Bible Says About Studying God’s Word post where a series of scriptures makes Bible study clearer. The Bible is the most published Book ever. People are searching the Bible now as the world is a very unstable place.

Here is an excellent presentation by Geoff Youlden about what the Bible says about studying God’s Word. I have included all of the scriptures in my blog post for easy reference for you.

1 Corinthians 2:13-14
These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

John 7:17
If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.

 What Bible Says About Studying BibleDaniel 8:16
And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.”

Luke 1:26
Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

John 5:28-29
Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29 and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

Isaiah 26:19
Your dead shall live;
Together with my dead body they shall arise.
Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust;
For your dew is like the dew of herbs,
And the earth shall cast out the dead.

Psalms 50:3
Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent;
A fire shall devour before Him,
And it shall be very tempestuous all around Him

 What Bible Says About Studying BibleIsaiah 66:15
For behold, the Lord will come with fire
And with His chariots, like a whirlwind,
To render His anger with fury,
And His rebuke with flames of fire.

Psalms 68:17
he chariots of God are twenty thousand,
Even thousands of thousands;
The Lord is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy Place.

Isaiah 28:9-10
“Whom will he teach knowledge?
And whom will he make to understand the message?
Those just weaned from milk?
Those just drawn from the breasts?
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept,
Line upon line, line upon line,
Here a little, there a little.”

Luke 24:27
And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

 What Bible Says About Studying Bible2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Peter 1:20-21
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Many people read this verse and make a doctrine out of half of what Paul is saying. Read the whole verse to understand the full meaning.

I do hope this Bible Study has helped you better understand God’s Word. When we stop and pray, we are having a conversation with and connecting to God. When we read the Bible, we are listening to His Word.

If you want an excellent online Bible study guide, let me know. You can send me an email on my Contact Page.