Some Sabbath Facts ( Seventh-day or Saturday ) is a brief history of God’s Seventh-Day established in Genesis 2.

1. Established at the End of the Six Day Creation – Seal of God
2. Was the First Day for Adam after God Breathed the Breath of Life Into Adam’s Body
3. Sabbath Is Only Commandment of the Ten Commandments with the Word ‘Remember’
4. Sabbath Was Kept By Jesus When He Lived
5. Jesus Said In Luke 6:5 in the Bible That He Is Lord of the Sabbath
6. Jesus Even Rested In the Tomb After His Crucifixion ( Kept the Sabbath ) and Rose on the First Day ( Sunday ) of the Week
7. Jesus’s Disciples Kept the Sabbath – Read the Book of Acts
8. All Saved Christians That Will Be in the First Resurrection When Jesus Comes Again Will Keep the Sabbath – Isaiah 66:22-23
9. Sabbath Is God’s Holy Sanctified Time That He Wants to Spend with You !
10. Keeping Sabbath Is NOT Burdensome – It Is a Weekly Blessing
11. Keeping Sabbath Is NOT Being a Legalist – It Is Being Loyal to the Word of God in the Holy Bible
12. Sabbath Is Not Just for the Jewish People – Sabbath Established as the Seventh-day After the Six Days of Creation When God Rested From His Work. Abraham Did Not Establish the Jewish Nation Until Around 2,000 BC
Walter Veith has a Ph D in Zoology. He was an atheist that opened a Bible and began comparing what the Bible says against what his wife’s Catholic church taught. Dr. Veith has lectured about Jesus Christ since he accepted Jesus as his savior. You can click on his lecture about the Sabbath below and learn many details about the history of Sabbath keeping.
My own personal experience and walk with God has radically changed since I learned Some Sabbath Facts truth. I grew up believing that you went to church on Sunday morning. I also left the church around the age of 19 when I enlisted in the military.
A neighbor of mine in 2005 introduced me to Some Sabbath Facts. I am forever grateful to have learned how to study and apply what the Bible says in my life.
I now gladly give Bible studies to people that are searching for truth. I am not stating that you or your family members that are sleeping now are not going to heaven if you do not keep God’s fourth commandment. For me, I like to get back to basics and take God’s word as doctrine. There are tens of thousands of Protestant fellowships and I am a baptized member in good standing in the Seventh-day Adventist Christian church. I believe our church follows the Bible closer than any other fellowship that exists today.
You can learn more about the History of God’s Seventh Day of Creation by watching the free videos narrated by Hal Holbrook on the website below:
Sabbath Truth
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