Why There Is Trouble In the World
Welcome to my Why There Is Trouble In the World post. Eve Strayed from God’s Word Just a Little & Believed the Serpent’s Lie That She Would Not Die If She Ate the Fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.
All Death, Evil, Pain, & Suffering We Humans Experience Is a Direct Result of That Poor Decision. God has given man free will. That is the ultimate display of love towards us. God is love. God wants us to freely love Him. We can each choose whether we want to learn about the God of Love or close our spiritual nature off from His Love.

Today I Will Do My Best to Let God Be God & Have Him Use Me to Do HIS Will and not mine. Give Me the Bible, the Holy Word of God. Help Me Follow What It Says & Do Not Let Me Be Deceived As the World Is Being Led Down a Deceptive Trail to the Judgment Day.
How Can I Avoid Deception
- Be a Student of God’s Word Which Is Found In the Bible
- Pray for God to Pour Out the Holy Spirit On You
- Be a Part of a Bible Based Church
- Serve Others Where You Can Use Your Spiritual Gifts
- Witness to People
Healed from Deception
Have you ever had someone ask Why There Is Trouble In the World? Because most of my friends know I am a Christian, I get asked this question from time to time. Why do little children get serious illnesses and die? Why do earthquakes, fires and floods devastate our world?
For the first 34 years of my life, I had no personal relationship with God. I had no need of religion and had enough of it in Christian boarding schools in Virginia. I was a prime target of Satan and fell into deception myself.

In 1994, God started calling me back to him. I was hospitalized for almost the whole year. God put the right people in my life to help me overcome some serious challenges. I praise God for every day that I wake up now.
To keep growing and avoid any further deception, I spend time growing my faith and serving God today. One of the best things a hurting person can do is find some way to serve others. It may be volunteering at your church, an assisted living facility, a homeless shelter or a food bank.
I hope my Why There Is Trouble In the World post has been helpful to you. I fully understand the Great Controversy that is still going on until Jesus Christ returns to the earth as Our Savior and King. This Post Is Approved By My Angel Patricia Gutierrez Who Serves God As a Bible Worker Here In Chile.
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