Prayer Sermon By Pastor Roger
Welcome to my Prayer Sermon By Pastor Roger post. Roger Walter is the Lead Pastor at Adventist Community Church of Vancouver, Washington. He gave this message on Sabbath, 9 February 2019.

Pastor Roger and his family moved to Colorado and bought a house. The neighbors moved in from Alaska to the property next to them the following year. The neighbors had a horse and one day the horse got loose from the fenced area on the property. Roger knew that animals have a nature that will take advantage of your fear and Roger knew he would have to approach the horse without fear. He was able to do that and guide the horse back into the fenced in area on the neighbors’ property.
Horses are smart animals and can communicate with people. A horse will follow a human around. Roger shared that he feels when he is praying to God, it is like communication between a horse and a human being.
Scripture Verses
Philippians 4:4-6
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
The Church Is About Connecting with Jesus.

Church is NOT About:
- Building
- The Clothes You Wear
- Music
- Programs
- Religion
Growth of the Church
A key point of Prayer Sermon By Pastor Roger is how the early church grew when the Disciples and Apostles went out spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands were added to the church in one day through the power of the Holy Spirit.
ACTS is a Book In the Bible. It Stands for the Acts of the Apostles. Here is a useful Acronym for ACTS.
Supplication ( Requests )

Every week, our worship includes a corporate prayer time where we come together. Each week, someone is struggling with family problems, money problems, family members problems, or health problems.
It takes 80 to 100 hours of spending time with someone to become a friend. It takes 120 to 200 hours to become best friends. Roger admits he has struggled spending time with God in prayer. Roger became best friends with God right away through prayer. He asked God to help him spend more time in prayer and in Bible Study.

Roger shared that the Bible came alive to him by spending time in prayer and Bible Study. Are you hurting now? Are there problems in your life?
Cry out to God and just say: “Help Me”. Roger shared about how grateful he is that Jesus holds us during our struggles.
Roger asked the Pastors and Elders to come forward for an Anointing Service and Prayer. He called for anyone that needed an Anointing and Prayer to come forward. I went down myself as I have a chronic health challenge in addition to some other issues. I was anointed and prayed over by Pastor John Bryson.
Many other people came forward and received anointing and prayer also.
Casting Out Demons
Mark 9:28-29
When He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?”
So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”
Why could the Disciples not cast out the demons? It is all about the connection with the Father. Roger has pleaded with God about some requests or supplications and Roger heard God answer NO. Roger did not like that answer. One specific prayer Roger has asked for over 7 years and so far Roger has not received an answer.
You can be a Christian all by yourself but being isolated is not the way God designed worship.
Closing Prayer in the Prayer Sermon By Pastor Roger is:
Father God, We pray that you will Baptize us in the Holy Spirit. We pray that we will walk in that spirit, In Jesus Name Amen.
For more sermons, please visit my Spiritual Category link below.
I am glad that you got an Anointing Service. It helps a lot. You can have a successful treatment with your medical doctors. My loved one had life threatening sickness, 11 years ago. I asked our pastor for an Anointing Service over my loved one. So, a pastor and elders did an Anointing Service for him. As a result, my loved one is alive, today. Beside that we did many therapies to help with condition. But I believe that an Anointing Service helped to get a guidance for treatments and supported my loved one who did not look like will survive at that time.
Some people can be cured instantly by receiving an Anointing Service.
I had a client who told me that about 50 years ago when she was young, the youth team from her church in the Ukraine prayed over the lady who had terminal stage cancer and was sent home to die. They all were on their knees and prayed for the sick woman. While that sick woman was in the centre of their team. She was in agony from a pain that terminal cancer causes and could not stay in one position. She literally crowed on the floor.
So, they prayed over her and did not see results, first. Then they put an oil on her. The sick woman asked them to give her that oil to her mouth and she swallowed oil. After that, she was instantly cured. Then she stood up from the floor, took a bus and went home where she had her 7 years old son. She lived many years after that. Until she started to drink an alcohol. Then she got cancer again and died.
It looks like we must follow God’s word with prayers and the Anointing Service over sick people. Like it is written in Jacob 5:14,15.
Moreover, after healing we should not sin more. Jesus told to the paralysed man who was cured by Him, “Go and sin no more. So, you will not have a bigger problem”