Swine Flu

We had another great conference tonight with Dr. Chappell. He covered an interesting topic with all of the headlines geared towards the Swine Flu outbreak. Sick people get Sick. So how can you keep from getting sick?

  1. It is imperative to get proper hydration every day with water. Recommended consumption is one half your ideal body weight in ounces. You can also monitor the color of your urine. If your urine is dark, you are dehydrated. If your urine is almost clear, you are hydrated.
  2. Detox the colon and digestive system on a regular basis. Whole Wellness Club has a gentle cleansing herbal tea that is safe to drink on a daily basis. The tea cleans your colon and all soft tissues in your body including liver, lungs, and kidneys. When your colon is clean, your blood is healthier.
  3. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D3 to prevent Virus Replication. Our Coral Complex 3 is a complete whole food mineral supplement that will provide your body all of the essential minerals your body needs including 1,200 IU of organic Vitamin D3.


4. Watch the foods you eat that lead to glucose. Cut down on starchy foods like pasta, corn, potatoes, and bread. These foods are quickly converted to glucose and causes your body to work overtime to break down all of the sugar. Whole Wellness Club has an  excellent way to regulate your glucose – Cinnamon Six.

1 comment… add one
  • That was an excellent call. Dr. Chappel’s knowledge & information is so valuable. Healthy Blessings, Barbara Arbster

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