How to Live Without Fear, Guilt and Shame
Welcome to my How to Live Without Fear, Guilt and Shame post. Our emotions are a core part of our humanity. Learning emotional intelligence is paramount for our happiness in this world. We are created to be happy, joyous and free.

The negative emotions of Fear, Guilt and Shame can weight a person down. I have experienced them myself in my life journey. Here is a short introduction to what these emotions are and how to not be dominated by them.
Fear is part of our human condition as we are given a fight or flight awareness in the event we feel unsafe in a situation. If you were walking on the river bank in Alaska and came across some bears that were catching salmon to eat, you would naturally keep yourself a distance away from the bears if you do not want to be hurt.
Here are some common Fears:
Public Speaking
Snakes or Spiders
Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated a universal moral standard and bear significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is closely related to the concept of remorse.
I suffered from guilt for many years because my behavior was less than stellar. When I hit my emotional bottom, I had to work through my feeling of guilt. Sometimes today I can come home and feel the guilt emotion if I was overly concerned with myself instead of being interested in how I can help other people. I keep bible tracts and other positive messages handy to hopefully be a blessing to someone that I meet each day. I don’t always remember to have these tracts handy if I need them.
Shame is an unpleasant self-conscious emotion typically associated with a negative evaluation of the self, withdrawal motivations, and feelings of distress, exposure, mistrust, powerlessness, and worthlessness.
As a child, many of us probably heard out parents say: “Shame on you”. I seemed to get more than my share of that statement from my mother when I was young. I have had to work on healing the shame from my past.
One of the best resources that I can share is John Bradshaw’s Book: Healing the Shame That Binds You. You can check your local library or find an electronic copy on the internet.
The fastest way to healing Fear, Guilt and Shame that I have found is giving my heart to Jesus Christ. Here are the seven simple steps to freedom.
1. Repent and Confess Our Sins
2. Allow His Blood to Cleanse You
3. Allow Him to Justify You
4. Allow Him to Wash You
5. Allow His Word to Cleanse You
6. Allow His Word to Be Written In Your Heart and Mind
7. Chose to Make Choices for HIM
Every day Jesus heals broken hearts and hurting people just like HE did when he was walking on this earth. I recommend reading the following books to learn about Jesus and His Life:
Desire of Ages
Great Controversy
Steps to Christ
You can access some digital copies here: Sharing Hope
I do hope this How to Live Without Fear, Guilt and Shame post has helped you. I have over 900 articles on my blog to help you live a Healthy Life and be assured of abundant life now and in the future. Contact me if I can help you.