Whole Wellness Club is implementing some pay plan enhancements. The company is bringing a bio feedback electric stimulator durable good into the business. Company owner Chuck Dhuey said this new machine is “Chinese energy medicine acupuncture on steroids”.
Members can buy the unit for $550 and refer others to the machine and earn referral income. The pay plan enhancements will include a perpetual leverage pay out of $50 on five levels for all active matrix members and the total commission paid will be $250.
All new members that join Whole Wellness Club will be assigned to the sponsor and coded in the new perpetual leverage infinity bonus system. More details about percentages will be released by company owners on upcoming conference calls.
The Club also will have three different levels in the pay plan.
1) Supervisor is any member that has 3 active personally sponsored members and has a 2 x 4 matrix filled out.
2) Manager is a member that is in a 3 x 8 matrix and has 3 Supervisors active. The manager will lead and train people to duplicate.
3) President is a member that is in a 4 x 8 matrix and has 3 Managers active.