Weight Loss Smoothie

Many people have resolutions to lose weight during a new year. Here is an excellent recipe that will help you with your nutritional needs and give you abundant energy. Starting an exercise program along with this recipe can bring you permanent weight loss. I made this smoothie about an hour ago and notice my energy level is thriving. I am headed out for a brisk hike on this cold and wet winter morning after writing this post.
You can do what is known as a juice fast with this recipe. Just divide the finished smoothie into 3 glasses and do not eat any solid food on the day you juice fast. This recipe has enough nutrition to help you make it through the day without eating solid food. I would strongly suggest you take the last glass at 17:00 hours ( 5:00 pm ) so you don’t have trouble falling asleep.
I have this smoothie for breakfast and lunch. I recommend you only drink this at breakfast and lunch because the Caldera Greens gives you natural energy without caffeine. If you drank this at supper, you may have a hard time falling asleep.
In a six cup blender add:
1 Cup No Sugar Added Juice (apple, cranberry, orange or pineapple)
1 Cup Pure Water
10 Almonds
1 Teaspoon Pumpkin Seeds
1 Teaspoon Sunflower Seeds
1 Heaping Tablespoon Caldera Greens Vegetable Juice Powders
1-2 Tablespoon(s) Organic Flaxseed Oil
1 Apple
1 Banana ( peel and freeze in chunks over night )
1 Piece of a Mango or Papaya
1 Orange
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries, Raspberries, or Strawberries
Divide a Whole Pineapple into six sections and add one section
Optional: one half of a lemon and include the pulp. Add a handful of organic baby spinach leaves if you have them. Baby spinach leaves just increases the amount of green vegetable in smoothie.
Blend this mixture for about 30 seconds and enjoy. By adding the frozen berries, your juice will be chilled slightly. You can also use other tropical fruits like acai berries, kiwis, mangos and pineapples. My blender was full with the above ingredients so depending on your blender size, don’t overload your blender.
I had enough smoothie for breakfast and lunch as I poured a 2 cup glass and set it in the fridge for lunch time. There was another 6 ounces extra so I had that with breakfast to get the immediate energy boost. There is plenty of protein in the sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
The seeds also have amino acids and you can replace your breakfast and lunch with this smoothie and be confident your body is getting a balance of enzymes, minerals and vitamins with the Caldera Greens. I eat some raw vegetables for dinner with some 100 % Whole Wheat bread. I also have a pear for desert and the natural sugar satisfies my appetite. A pear is much healthier than cake, cookies, ice cream or pie. Pears have pectin in them.
You can also use the Weight Loss Smoothie as a Juice Fast. Here is an informative call with Dr. James Chappell sharing how important detoxing the body is and how he fasts on a regular basis.
Fasting Call with Dr. Chappell
Caldera Greens is exclusive to the Whole Wellness Club. The greens are organic and grown on a ‘caldera’ in Utah. The supplier has been in business for 30 years.
The soil is rich in fulvic acid and minerals. Many people are sharing how much more energy and stamina they have from using the greens.
You can purchase a month supply canister by visiting my website here or calling me.

Buy Caldera Greens

Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.
Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons

1 comment… add one
  • Have been using Cranberry Juice this week and the smoothie is really tasty! By freezing the banana and blueberries, the smoothie is nice and chilled which is nice as we enter warmer weather!

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