The Best Network Marketing Company
Welcome to my The Best Network Marketing Company post. As a veteran of the direct sales and network marketing industry, I can share with you what to look for when searching for a way to produce residual income for you and your family for years.
Company In Business Since 2007
I am writing this post update on 15 February 2019. Our commissions for The Best Network Marketing Company for January 2019 were posted in my back office at 08:00 Pacific Time on 1 February 2019. For 12 years, we have been notified quickly what our commissions for the previous month are. Here is an article I wrote 9 years ago.
Today is the 4th day of November 2010. Do you know how much your network marketing company is going to pay you for your efforts in October 2010? Whole Wellness Club members knew the amount of their earned commissions on the 2nd day of November. Members that have a Global Cash Card were able to request a commission payout on the night of the 2nd of November.

In your Global Cash Card account, you can move funds to a bank electronically. I looked today and the earnings were showing in my checking account and now I can pay bills. This is the fastest I have ever seen a network marketing company pay its distributors. I have had the earnings in my account by the 5th of the month for the previous several months. Do you want to work with the best network marketing company? Join the Whole Wellness Club and you will be amazed at the high quality products that work to help keep people well. Wellness also includes financial well being. Click the link below and sign up today!
Join Whole Wellness Club
What to Look for In a Company
Having started in the direct sales industry in 2005, I have seen many pay plans and many business models. I strongly suggest you find a company that has these key principles.
- Business Is Distributor Friendly
- Customer Rewards Program Similar to Incentives Your Grocery Store Offers with Discounts & Coupons
- High Quality Products That People Will Buy Month After Month
- Simple Pay Plan That Can Be Explained In Less Than 5 Minutes
What to Avoid In a Company
- Complicated Pay Plans
- Compromised Products That Are No Longer Effective
- Expensive Corporate Office or Building
- No Contact with Company Owner

Check out the Whole Wellness Club yourself and you will see why we think it is The Best Network Marketing Company. There are many companies but few have all the ingredients for you to be successful.
Individual results will vary depending on your skills and your efforts. I am an affiliate of the Whole Wellness Club, not an employee.
It is our experience that if you spend time daily sharing how you are feeling better as the result of using the companies products with at least two people, you will sign up about one person a week.
Our customers earn referral cash into their accounts that they can use for the next month’s order. Customers earn 20 % commission for referrals that they make and Distributors earn 30 % commission on the referrals that they make.
A more detailed post with a video is available for you to check out on my page that has many details about the income plan below.
Whole Wellness Club Pay Plan
Looking forward to working with you. By joining our team, you tap into our experience that goes back to 2005 when I was a brand new business owner in a marketing company. I learned the difficult lessons that you can avoid!
Daniel Parsons