Welcome to the Divine Design Childbirth post. I found this fascinating and hope you do as well. The article is an adaptation of the Divine Design video series done by Patti Barnes and Hartland College.
Miracle of Childbirth by Patti Barnes
No candid person can study the amazing process of pro-creation without being overwhelmed by the divine design involved. From conception to delivery, the processes that take place defy the concept of evolution. Here is just one example of the handywork of God, without which there could be no viable birth.

Right at birth a miraculous change must take place in the baby’s circulatory system. Throughout the pregnancy, the placenta has been supplying the functions of the liver, the lungs, the kidneys and carrying away waste and carbon dioxide while supplying the oxygen and necessary nutrition. In other words, the placenta has been the life support system for the baby. Now that is about to come to an end, and because it will end, there must be a rearranging of the baby’s circulatory system.
Up until now the blood has been bypassing the liver and the lungs, detouring around these major organs, while the placenta was temporarily performing their functions. These detours are called shunts. Another way to look at this is to think of the path of least resistance. The resistance into the liver and lungs has been high, therefore restricting the flow through them. The blood was flowing freely through the shunts and to and from the placenta, because the resistance was quite low. At birth, the blood is able to continue straight through the liver and the lungs where the resistance has now fallen, due to the amniotic fluid being displaced and the blood vessels expanding.

Another marvel of creation is the restriction of blood flow in the umbilical cord. A strong muscle-like cord begins contracting, clamping down on it. There is an amazing substance known as Wharton’s Jelly that has been serving a very important role while the baby was in the womb. This jelly-like material has helped prevent the cord from kinking and pinching off the blood flow, so necessary for the baby’s survival. Now this jelly serves a different and opposite purpose. After being exposed to the cold air, it begins to condense and harden. The result is a restriction of the blood flow to and from the baby. This prevents excessive blood loss for both the baby and the mother.
When the cord gets clamped and severed, the blood flow is completely channeled back into the arteries. Gradually, the shunts or bypasses, begin to shrink or disappear. Now all the plumbing is reorganized so that the baby’s organs can do all that the placenta was doing. All this takes place in a matter of minutes.

As you can see, this is just not possible with evolution. Charles Darwin admitted in his book, On the Origin of Species, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not have possibly been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case.” Darwin, living in the middle of the 19th century ( 1800’s ), knew nothing of this miracle of childbirth. Here his theory does indeed “absolutely break down”, not just once or twice, but countless times. One little glitch in this process and there is no baby and no second chance to get it right.
Adapted from the Divine Design Video Series Available on You Tube
Patti Barnes and Hartland College
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Hello Brother Daniel, I’m writing to ask about the Divine Design DVD. I purchase it a few years ago, would you know if it’s also in Spanish? I sent email to Hartland and they have not responded. Trying to show this for 2 small Spanish speaking congregations here in Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Hello Zoila,
I went on the website for Divine Design and do not see a Spanish translation of the site or an offer of the DVD in Spanish. Wish I could be more helpful to you. My wife Patricia is a fluent Spanish language speaker.