Welcome to the Heirloom Bean Salad With Smoky Dressing post. Bean Salads are healthy and delicious. You can modify the recipe according to your taste.

7 oz each Black Turtle beans, Hopi lima beans, French navy beans, small red beans, pinto beans, yellow peas, and green lentils (any combination of dried legumes will work)
2 cups grated Brussels sprouts
1 cup tri-color or red quinoa
5 whole bay leaves
3 tablespoons sea salt
2 tablespoons mushroom base
1 tablespoon thyme
Cilantro, parsley, or fresh scallion, to garnish

1. Soak legumes for 8 hours prior to cooking.
2. Cook quinoa by boiling in 1 quart of water with mushroom base until the quinoa sprouts. Strain excess liquid and spread onto a baking sheet to cool.
3. Cook legumes for 1½-2 hours in one gallon of rapidly boiling water with sea salt, thyme, and bay leaves, skimming foam occasionally. The largest legumes should be al dente. Strain excess liquid and spread onto a baking sheet to cool.
4. Layer ingredients in a large glass or bowl: quinoa, then grated brussels sprouts, then legumes.
Smoky Dressing Ingredients
1 cup grapeseed oil
½ cup sun-dried tomato
2 tablespoons smoked paprika
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon ground basil

Smoky Dressing Directions
1. In a food processor or heavy duty blender, process sun-dried tomato with grapeseed oil until smooth.
2. Add honey, sea salt, ground basil, and smoked paprika and process until evenly distributed.
3. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of the tomato and oil mixture onto the salads; preserve the rest for future use. Garnish with cilantro, parsley, or fresh scallion (optional).
Recipe by Michael Haack and featured on Blue Zones website. I removed the black pepper and vinegar from his recipe as some people cannot tolerate those ingredients in their digestive tract.
Hope you have enjoyed reading Heirloom Bean Salad With Smoky Dressing post and will share in comments below if you try this recipe.
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