Welcome to the Walter Veith Messages at Stone Tower Church In Portland 2019 post. There are four audio files from the Meetings held on 20 and 21 September 2019.

Leadership and End Time Prophecy
Here is the audio file. I will write some highlights after reviewing the message myself.
Walter Veith Leadership and End Time Prophecy
This is the message Walter preached on Sabbath morning. Torah was the father of Abraham. I will update the notes here after listening to the message again.
Torah Died In Haran
Adding Walter’s message content as soon as possible
Babylon Is Fallen Part 1
Adding Walter’s message content as soon as possible
Babylon Is Fallen Part 2
Adding Walter’s message content as soon as possible
Hope you have enjoyed reading and listening to Walter Veith In Portland messages. You can visit the Amazing Discoveries website for more messages.
Amazing Discoveries
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