How to Offer Hope to an Atheist is a message that was given on Sabbath, 24 October 2015 at Whipple Creek Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church by Gerry Wagoner. He and his wife have a Christian Relationship Counseling Ministry.
How to Offer Hope to an Atheist
![How to Offer Hope to an Atheist](
Joel 2:12
A Call to Repentance
“Now, therefore,” says the Lord,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
A Call to Repentance
“Now, therefore,” says the Lord,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
Relationships are extremely important in life. In the Old Testament, people tore their garments when they were in repentance for their sins. Today we need to rend our hearts, not our garments.
In John 18 Peter denies that he knows Jesus three times. Here was one of Jesus’ closest disciples denying his relationship with Jesus.
In the Bible there is Wisdom that solves every single problem human beings can have:
1. Addictions
2. Financial
3. Grief
4. Illness
5. Marriage
6. Relationships in General
2. Financial
3. Grief
4. Illness
5. Marriage
6. Relationships in General
Finding ways to communicate the Gospel in this secular world to reach the person’s heart. Ask a non believer this question: Has your life turned out the way you thought it should?
Offer the person the Hope available in the Bible. Divorce is much harder than a couple rending their heart & turning to God for healing. Saving a marriage requires change. Our hearts are what needs to be fixed.
There is a place to speak, a place to listen, and a place to be quiet.
1. Seek God in His Word ( Bible ) Daily.
2 Talk to God ( Prayer ) Daily.
3. Second Coming of Jesus Christ is upon us now. Be prepared to run toward Jesus, not away from Him. He has a special place for you.
Hope you have enjoyed reading How to Offer Hope to an Atheist post. Many people have been damaged by religion. If we focus on what the Bible says, we can offer hope to anyone, including atheists as Gerry showed us in his sermon.
Daniel Parsons Comment:
What if you met me today and I told you that you could earn a million dollars? Would you be interested in listening to me or would you close your mind?
![How to Offer Hope to an Atheist](
If there is a slight chance that there is a Supreme Infinite Creator God, what would you lose by investigating for yourself? You would be gaining eternity for your soul if Jesus Christ is who HE says HE is.
Consider and ponder on this thought. The ultimate display of Love is that God gives you free will and choice. HE could have made robots to run around on the earth. The Bible tells us that you and I are created in HIS Image.
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