Best Pay Plan in Network Marketing

Just finished a great weekend with Leo Schreven and his All Power Seminars. Met many great people and learned much about Mastering your life in 60 days. All Power shares how to:

1) Control your emotions
2) Eliminate any negative references in your life including television, magazines, and movies
3) Learn all about changing your sub conscious mind and you will change your behavior as a result
4) Set Goals
5) Start living the life God meant for us all to live by reading positive messages
6) Quit trading time for money and establish a home based business that pays residual income

There were several network marketing representatives sponsoring booths at the seminars. Reps from Mannatech, Melaluca, Mona Vie, ReLiv, and Whole Wellness Club all contributed to the seminar. Being a student of Network Marketing and pay plans, I did some research on which company has the best pay plan for someone that is new and searching for an opportunity.

All of the networking companies listed above are good companies. I am sure there are many people satisfied with their products. The issue with the above companies is it costs money to establish your business. It takes many more people to earn a stay at home income with the above companies. Whole Wellness Club has addressed many of the real world challenges that happen to average people in the network marketing industry and has created a simple path to a $5,000 per month income.

You can join Whole Wellness Club for free. You can earn the $40 in qualifying volume to earn on four levels of a 2 x 4 matrix that you start out with by simply sharing the products and having a person purchase at least 40 in commissionable volume (CV). New club members earn Rapid Rewards on all new people you sponsor into the Club. There are several examples of how to create the path to $5,000  per month and you can learn more on my website here on the Opportunity page: Whole Wellness Club

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