How I Earn a Living from my Home Office

Did you know there are over 30 million people in North America making a living from their home offices? Technology and communications have improved to allow people to manage many different kinds of businesses from a home office. I use about a third of my home for an office and have a large closet full of shipping supplies and publications.

I remember my grandfather had a nice office in one of the bedrooms of his home back between 1950-1980. He was a manufacturer’s rep for several hosiery mills located in the Southeastern part of the USA. I used to think that being able to work from a home office would be really neat.

When my airline career was cut short due to outsourcing, I found myself investigating businesses. I naturally gravitated to the naturopathic health industry. I have been affiliated with two health companies since 2006. It took some steady effort and one step forward and two backwards to reach where I am now. My phone is constantly ringing now helping others and sharing about the opportunities.

I am going to keep adding to this post about the type of things a home business requires in order for someone to be successful. You have to be disciplined and make sure you devote the proper amount of effort because your ultimate success or failure rests entirely on your own shoulders.

Today was a typical day. I had a good balance of database management along with phone calls and follow up emails. Having a good software program to manage my lists is extremely important. Other leaders in this industry taught me to write down everything I can about a new prospect or team member. Knowing their domestic situation such as their spouse’s name and their interests helps develop a relationship.

Communication is another critical aspect of a successful business. I use the phone, emails, and instant messaging programs to make myself available to team members.

Our team uses cd’s with recorded conferences to share our health imparting products with others. The interviews with Dr. Josling and Dr. Chappell are very compelling presentations. Order rates are well over 50 percent as our Naturopathic health products are affordable. We show people how to stay healthy with these products and do not treat, diagnose, or cure any diseases.

How does this create a stay at home income? Consumable products is the key. When you have in demand products that people do not want to be without, you get recurring monthly orders. I am paid for sales that were generated several years ago. The cable, insurance, telephone, and satellite companies also generate repeat incomes from their customers.

1 comment… add one
  • Enjoyed your home biz article! Great tips and information. Congratulations on your home based business success, Daniel!

    Brian Rooney LLC

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