Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010

Do you want the right to supplement with effective natural healing products that help you stay healthy and avoid disease? Your rights are in jeopardy. The big pharmaceutical industry is trying to control what you can take. The FDA and big pharma are in the disease care business and do not want people using dietary supplements that promote wellness. Here is a paragraph that shows protections are already in place to keep unsafe products off the market.

“The FDA already has broad powers to
remove dangerous products. This legislation would enable the FDA to ban
anything if they have only “reasonable probability” that
there is a serious problem with a product. This kind of discretionary
authority gives the FDA tyrannical power to ban supplements, a power
they have not hesitated to use when they’ve had it.

Recall that in the early 1990s, the FDA declared that many of the
supplements used today, including CoQ10, selenium, and chromium, were
inherently dangerous. The public’s revolt against the FDA’s absurd
proclamation led to passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and
Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. This is the law that protects consumers’
rights to access low-cost dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA) would largely eviscerate the protections afforded by DSHEA.”

One other important issue is the millions of people that make a living in the naturopathic health industry. Unemployment is still very high and regulating supplements now would cause further burdens on millions of people that make an honest living sharing health with people. I will fight for my rights to promote wellness and not be caught up in disease care.

Read the full article on the website below and then take action on that site by writing your Congressmen and Say NO to the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010.

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