Is Wine Safe to Drink

Is Wine Safe to Drink

Welcome to my Post: Is Wine Safe to Drink? Have you seen the press releases from time to time that say drinking wine is good for your health?

Did you just accept the statement as fact or did you do some research?

When I hear such information on the radio or reading an online journal, I ask myself this question.

Who released the report?

Do they have a vested interest in promoting wine sales? Is there a financial gain involved with someone who was creating the report?

Here are some facts that I have researched via Wikipedia and other medical journals. I also consult a Naturopathic Doctor that has practiced Natural Healing ( founded by Hippocrates in 464-370 BC ) for over 40 years.

Alcohol is a toxin to the body.

Alcohol dehydrates the body. Many people are dehydrated already from not drinking enough pure water each day.

Wine is made from crushing grapes and capturing the juice in a container so the juice will ferment over time.

Our body was not designed to take in alcohol. One out of ten people that start drinking end up having a problem with alcohol as the pharmacological effect impacts people differently. Is it worth seriously damaging your health? Is Wine Safe to Drink?

Alcohol causes many horrible accidents every day. Automobile accidents, on the job injuries, liver disease, homeless people and many other societal problems result from the fact that one day someone decided they would start drinking alcohol. Is Wine Safe to Drink? I do not drink wine.

Healthy Sources of Resveratrol and Antioxidants

Watch this short video to see about a healthier and safer way to get the health benefits people are seeking from drinking a little bit of wine.

Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes and in other fruits. Red wine contains very little of it. Our Perfect Grape product also has Ellagic acid, Quercitin, and so much more in one fruit. A synergistic miracle!

Is Wine Safe to Drink?Muscadine grapes are known as Vitis Rotundifolia grapes, which are native to the Southeastern United States. Unlike common grapes, which cannot survive the harsh climate of the southeastern US without the aid of chemical pesticide spray, Muscadine grapes naturally grow and thrive in the hot, humid and disease-prone climate.

Muscadine grapes differ from other varieties of grapes in a number of ways.

The most noticeable difference is the skin of the muscadine grapes. The skin is much thicker which gives the muscadine grapes a natural resistance to diseases, fungi and insects. Most of the antioxidant power of the muscadine grapes is also found in the skin and seeds. The skin of the grapes is so thick, that 40% of the weight of the grapes comes from the skin itself.

Muscadine grapes also have an extra set of chromosomes; they contain 20, where common grapes have only 19. This unique structure is responsible for the abundant phytonutrients, especially Ellagic Acid, not found in other grapes and very high levels of Resveratrol. The phytonutrients in the Muscadine grape are well known for anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects.

Is Wine Safe to Drink?

Perfect Grape

The muscadine grape has significantly more antioxidant power than other grapes. Research shows that muscadines have been measured as high as 6,800 per 100 grams, compared to 739 per 100 grams for any other grape. The muscadine grapes have over twice the antioxidant power as blueberries, based on the USDA and Tuffs University’s Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) standard measurement.

Here is a 2 minute video with an up close display of the Muscadine Grape.

The benefits of using the whole Muscadine Grape in relation to heart disease, cholesterol, pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, inflammation, arthritis, gastrointestinal health and longevity is amazing.

There is a recorded call that has Dr. Chappell covering the health benefits of the Perfect Grape below:

Perfect Grape Health Benefits

You can read more about Resveratrol and the powerful antioxidants found in the Perfect Grape on my page below.

Healthy Source of Resveratrol

Be aware that I am not a licensed medical provider and my FDA disclaimer is found on the bottom right of all my websites pages. I have had excellent results with fitness & wellness and promote products & services that I believe in. By taking effective action and using common sense, I am prescription free and living an abundant life of wellness.

Your Partner in Success!

Daniel Parsons

14 comments… add one
  • Chetan Vengurlekar

    Great post, Daniel. I never thought so much before consuming any kind of alcohol. You’ve done a flawless research on everything. It’d have been great if you could have also mentioned the alcohol percentage level in some spirits as compared to wine.

    • Hello Chetan,
      I found the following information on Wikipedia in regard to alcohol content of alcoholic drinks:
      Beer normally is 4-6 % but can be 2 % or as high as 20 %.
      Wine normally is 9-16 %.
      Distilled spirits have over 20 %. The two most popular distilled beverages are vodka and whiskey and the content is around 40 % alcohol for those beverages.

      • Chetan Vengurlekar

        Now that just made you up to the mark in the complete research. The percentage explains a lot why beer has a slower effect than wine and wine has a slower effect as compared to whiskey and vodka. I will consider light beer and wine now on as they will have a very slow effect on my health, if any. Thanks again for all your research and information.

  • Richa

    Loved this post, Daniel. I must confess, I never do research when I come across such a sentence. The research you did is commendable. None of us give so much of a thought to this while drinking. Loved the video. Thanks for such useful info.

  • Cathy Taughinbaugh

    Great post on the benefits of Resveratrol. I’ve been taking it for several years now.

    There is a difference on standard drinks and the alcohol level in each. I do advocate for labeling alcohol containers so the consumer knows how much alcohol is in each container. Take a margarita, for example. It may contain two to three “standard drinks.” A 24-ounce can of regular beer contains two, and a bottle of table wine contains five. Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

    • Hello Cathy,
      I learned quite a few facts when researching this blog topic. I know some people justify in their minds that drinking wine is good because of the resveratrol. Studies show that there is very little resveratrol in wine. I know I don’t want to add a few hundred calories into my body everyday without getting any health benefits. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with calories. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Neil Butterfield

    Strange how good marketing will make people believe anything. I have always believed that a glass of red wine is healthy. Thanks so much for putting perspective on this for me Daniel.

    • Hello Neil,
      I also did not know that there is very little resveratrol in wine. Now I know how to respond to anyone’s questions about wine and health. We are all much better off eating Muscadine grapes and drinking pure distilled water. If you are in an area that you cannot easily get fresh Muscadine grapes, you can always get .4 pounds of them from one veggie capsule of our Perfect Grape product.

  • firdosh joy

    Hello Daniel , this is a great article for those people who think that its okey to take wine but they dont know how wine is affecting their bodies . They even dont know that our body is not made for taking wine. Anyways I want to thank you Daniel for such a great article

  • Joy

    Hi Daniel, it really pays to do research instead of just relying on statements from others who clearly have an underlying motive. I’ve heard about Resveratrol and its numerous benefits and I’ve been scouting for vitamin supplements that contain it. Thanks for the share!

    • Hello Joy,
      Resveratrol is abundant in the Muscadine grapes. There is just a trace amount in the wine so the best option for health is to drink pure water and use our Perfect Grape product.

  • I drink occasionally but I prefer red or white wine over beer and hard liquor. It’s true when you mentioned that alcohol is not beneficial to our general well-being, each and every kind is toxic and can severely alter our perception. I think that individuals who drink must consider doing it in moderation like I do 🙂 Thanks!

    • Hello Kristine,

      There was just a story online about a young student at University of California at Fresno dying from drinking alcohol recently. I know that most people don’t have a problem with drinking alcohol, however one out of ten people do.

  • Erwin

    I think drinking wine in small amounts still provide health benefits for the body, but it will give a negative impact if you are over drinking. Sorry it’s just my opinion, I used to drink red wine, but only about 1 tablespoon to warm my body from the cold weather.

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