What Happened to America?

How can I best share a healthy diet with people that need to eat healthy? Over 60 percent of our nation is now overweight. Our nation has a serious problem with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Yesterday I was shopping and noticed many people that were overweight were buying frozen pizzas, tv dinners, and processed foods. People had many packages of unhealthy soda drinks loaded with harmful phosphoric acid in their shopping carts.

I buy fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes and have learned much about eating a nutritious diet to stay healthy. Each morning I turn on a distilled water machine and make a gallon of water to use during my day. I drink one half my ideal body weight in ounces each day and also give my cat distilled water.

When you want to help people, how do you approach people? Do you have a blog? Do you share knowledge? Should I just accept that is the way most of America wants to be and not say anything?

Thanks for your input!

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