Using Social Media to Get Healthy

Wibiya Toolbar

Have you noticed people's blogs and domains now have social media features installed? If you have not been on Digg, Facebook, Google +, Stumble Upon, Twitter or You Tube you should get engaged. Social media is a powerful way to interact with people from all over the world. Here are just a few ideas that come to mind on how to use social media on a daily basis.

1. Create a focus group that you can engage in a discussion at a set time.

2. Create a support group for exercise, healthy living, losing weight, stopping smoking or any other focused group.

3. Create a poll or survey to measure interest about your product or service.

4. Have customer support for your clients or people browsing for a product or service.

5. Increase sales with the viral nature of social media.

6. Support a cause or charity.

As you can see, there are many uses of social media. Wibiya Toolbar is a plugin that you can add to your domain or blog. To install on WordPress, you just go to Plugins and select Add New. Type in Wibiya Toolbar. Install and Activate. Then go to the Appearance link on the left side of your Dashboard. Then click enable and register on site. Add your profiles in the pop up menu and then copy the url and paste in the Wibiya Toolbar Path box. Click on Save and your toolbar will show on the bottom of your sites.

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